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Galloway 1

Kinley Galloway

Mrs. Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 1010, Section 1

29 September 2020

Rhetorical Observation

As I neared my pantry, I reached my right hand into the pantry to grab a random item. I

reached my arm in and grasped the first thing that I could feel. As I pulled my arm and hand

back out, I held a Maruchan Cup O’ Noodles container, Chicken Flavored. The target audience is

usually college students. Why? Well these noodles are cheap and easy to make. The Maruchan

brand promotes their product by how cheap and on the go it is. As I look at the design inside the

cup I notice several colors. There are green peas, little sliced carrots, pieces of corn, and the long

noodles all stuck together until you add hot water and wait for 2 minutes. The texture at first is

hard and crunchy but as the noodles are cooked they are no longer hard, but are rather soft and

easy to bite/chew. The texture once cooked is very soft and easy to eat. The little vegetables

mixed into the noodles are also soft and easy to chew. Very yummy!! The packaging of these

noodles has two main colors. Yellow and orange, both bright and easy to see. The picture on the

front is a description of what the noodles look like once cooked. Brand Name is very largely

printed on the front panel while the ramen noodle soup label is smaller in red print. Two large

chicken legs are rested against the picture of noodles to indicate it is chicken flavor. Nice big

letters and spaced out to where it is easy to read. The Maruchan Cup O’ noodles is pleasing to

any eye to look at because of how they designed the label and added bonus, their noodles taste


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