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Galloway 1

Kinley Galloway

English 1010


1 September 2020

History Of Reading

When I was a young girl around the age of 3-4, 5-6, I thought reading was one of the coolest

things ever! At a young age reading to me was a whole new world. Everything about reading

entertained me. As I grew older reading became a mix of something I enjoy and something I

dislike very much. In preschool through kindergarten, reading to me was fascinating. First grade

through around sixth grade reading was ok but it was not my favorite thing to do. When I hit

middle school reading to me was fine. At this time my feelings on reading were distinguished on

if it was a good book or not. If the book that I was reading kept my focus I considered it a good

book, when the book I read didn’t hold my attention at all I got very bored of it and wanted to

read something else. When I hit high school the books that we were assigned to read, got more

boring and didn’t hold my attention as much, opposed to reading the books I enjoy which hold

my attention perfectly. I have realized that I only like to read when it is a book that will hold my

attention the whole time. There is a question that has been asked a couple times while I have read

different things, and that is what is a good reader? To me a good reader is someone who focuses

on what they are reading, enjoys it, and analyzes the whole thing. Another thing that I have

realized is that my own personal reading habits change depending on what context the book is in.

Depending on the genre of book, my attention to that book changes. To conclude, as of right now

I still enjoy reading when the book interests me just as much as it did when I was little.

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