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Kinley Galloway

Mrs. Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 1010, Section 1

16 December 2020

How have Nurses and CNAs Impacted the Lives of Many?

Nurses in our healthcare system have helped residents and patients in more ways than

most people think they do. In healthcare nurses are helping in many different ways. They are

always in and out making sure that everyone is being helped in the most efficient and best way

possible. These nurses work long hours to make sure everyone in their care is getting the help

they need. Being in-and-out all the time is just a very small portion of what they do for us. No

matter the time or the demand nurses are here for everyone in any way that they are able to be.

“Nurses are taking on bigger roles”(Levine, Marek 1), states from the article “Nurses Step To

The Front”. Our nurses are working as hard as our doctors, even though it may not seem like it.

Even though there are so many different types of nurses, one of the most impactful nurses are

those who work in an Assisted Living home and or a Long-term Care Facility. These nurses and

or CNAs are on their residents' needs as quickly as a click of a button. Always in motion helping

one resident to another resident and always enjoying what they are doing. The nurses in this

healthcare setting are always on top of what they are doing, they know that their residents' needs

come before anything else. They are proactive and will make sure that their resident feels safe

and comfortable at all times. Our nurses in our assisted living/ long term care facilities impact

the lives of the family, and the resident in miraculous ways.

Reliability. The quality of being trustworthy and or of performing consistently well

(Oxford 1). Reliable Healthcare can come from many different positions in the healthcare field.
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The reliable part can come from physicians, doctors, pharmacists, nurses and so much more.

Care is not processed from only one person, it takes a team to make sure everything is done

correctly and efficiently. Doctors are thought to be the main focus in healthcare because they

usually are over everything, but on the contrary the nurses are the ones doing most of the work.

They are the ones helping the doctors complete everything. Many people do not realize that a

nurses job is also one of the most important jobs in the medical field. The nurses make it so that

everything is reliable and make sure everything goes smoother. Doctors and nurses are reliable in

several different ways and also in the same ways. Just like doctors, nurses no matter what type

they are are always there the moment you need them. Our nurses in the homes are reliable

everyday at every moment when that call light is hit. The CNAs and nurses are there to give

assistance whenever it is needed. This type of healthcare is made possible by all the nurses,

doctors, physicians, etc working together and as hard as they can everyday. No matter what type

of nurse is helping you they will always provide the best care.

Nurses are everywhere we go today. They are in hospitals, nursing homes, at our houses,

a family member, walking around the store, and so many areas. You may see most nurses in

either a hospital setting, nursing home/assisted living homes, home health and in doctors offices.

There are pros and cons to every facility rather it is a nursing home or doctors office. In nursing

homes, patients and or residents are sent to these homes in order to be helped. In these homes

CNAs and nurses are the main focus. They are the ones taking care of everything with the

patients and residents. CNAs are the main nurses that are providing care for the residents and

patients. If needed they contact the doctors, and that is rare. Nurses and CNAs are the most

beneficial healthcare workers in that specific setting. They will provide the care that is needed at

the moment it is needed as efficiently as possible.

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Nursing, such a big part of our everyday lives. Nurses are always here for you day in and

day out. In an article called “ Nurses Step To the Front” by Samantha Levine and Angie C.

Marek, it states “Nurses are taking on bigger roles.”(title) Nurses in the world today are not only

there to take care of the small things that doctors do not do. They are doing more and more each

and every day. A West Virginia native nurse states “ When I started out, nurses were not told we

could think for ourselves, we just did what a doctor planned out for us.” (paragraph 1) Nurses

used to be known as the assistant to the doctor. In the world right now they are helping more and

more with patients and still assisting the doctor. Nurses in the past decades have stepped up in so

many ways. They have helped more people than can be counted. They are being trained more

and more in order to meet the standards that they are given and to exceed past those limits. The

nurses in our healthcare system today are doing everything they can to make people’s lives better

and more efficient. Nurses are making a bigger difference than most might know and or think.

Nursing Home CNAs and Head Nurses are on the call every single time one of the residents hit

that call light button. At your door in less than five minutes to provide the care you deserve.

Rather it is to get a cup of water, change a brief, reposition, and even if they just need someone

to talk to. Our CNAs and Nurses are always here and will listen to what words are being spoken

and they will provide care. At the time we are right now, with this world wide pandemic going

on, CNAs are working endlessly to make sure that each and every one of their residents are being

well-cared for. In Utah we have one of the lowest scores of deaths because of the valuable care

we provide for each of the residents. In the graph located beside it shows that California has the

highest Deficiencies, and the lowest at least on this chart is Wyoming. This specific graph shows

that Utah has one of the lowest deficiencies. Utah is the third lowest death rate score in Long
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Term Facilities. In the graph to the left side, it shows that Utah is at 50% which makes this state

the third lowest score. It shows that no matter what, each state is trying their hardest to keep

their deaths rates down in nursing and or long term facilities. This graph shows that Utah is

doing a pretty good job at keeping them even. This pandemic has changed how many homes

have done things. Homes in Utah are going out of their way to make sure that their residents still

feel safe and comfortable by providing them with ways to continue ‘living’ like they were before

the pandemic.

Nurses have big impacts on our society today. They have been able to help several people

in more ways than one and are always there for everyone no matter what. The buildings that the

nurses are in have a big impact on what the views for the patient and resident have. “Leaders

such as Florence Nightingale and Lilian Wald have recognized the role of nurses in protecting

health from environmental harms, such as unsanitary and unclean conditions, and poor quality

food, air, and water. Nurses know that a healthy environment impacts the health of people,

families, communities, and populations.” (Paragraph 2). This is an example of how patients and

residents do focus on the quality of what the nurses are in. Safe and sound buildings that are

clean make the patient or residents view on the nurse a lot better.

Caregivers are recognized for the work they do to better people in their lives. They make

sure that the person rather it is a child, adult or older person is well and is comfortable with the

care provided. Nurses make sure that their patients are

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good and they make sure that everything is going well with each new person they care for. They

are teaching many people how to become a good nurse and how to become a nurse that people

will like and trust. Nurses have a huge responsibility in the healthcare department. They are

recognized for the work they do rather than if it is good or bad. Most of the time they are good

responses because nurses care for the people they care for so they will try their hardest to make

the patient and or residents' time enjoyable.

Today nurses are helping in the treatment in order to cure pediatric cancer. They have

advanced their researching ways in order to try and find a cure to this horrible disease. Nurses,

scientists, doctors, all those smart people have been trying to come up with a cure for years and

are still working towards one. These people in these professions are working day in and day out

looking for a cure. They are working endlessly trying to help these families in the best ways that

they can. Finding a cure is not easy, but with the help of all the healthcare workers it has gotten

closer and closer. Nurses are a main part of this. Nurses are the ones that are the most familiar

with the patient because they are the ones working with them and checking up on them. Nurses

have a huge part with finding the cures to things and will always have that impact that they are

doing something that is better for the patient and or resident every single day.

Nurses are using their experiences to advocate the impact that they leave on people's

lives. The patients are left with a gratitude to have such a nice nurse working with them. When a

nurse is helping a patient the response is most of the time positive. Nurses make our world so

much better and they give a light like no other person does. Nurses give such a positive impact

that when people are around a nurse they can see the brightness radiating off of them. A quote

from an article called : “ The many ways Nurses Make an Impact in Health Care” written by

Advent Health, states “ Nurses come into work every day with the unique opportunity to make a
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difference in our lives. They’re deeply proud of that responsibility and are committed to find

ways- both big and small- that will help us feel better.” Nurses take time out of their work day to

make sure their patients are doing the best they can and that they are performing the work they

need to do, higher than expected.

Nurses are responsible, they are respectful, and they care about who they are helping.

They are respectful to every patient that they help rather than if that patient is sick, deathly ill,

just for a visit, or dying. They are always respectful and care for the person they are helping.

Their work is both professional and personal. They take the chance to get to know you on a

personal level so they can help you in the right appropriate ways. These nurses are taking time to

get to know everything about you so you feel comfortable around them instead of them not

caring to get to know you. They are always there for you in time of need, and for any other

reason. Great listeners who care about what you have to say to them. Nurses are here to make

you feel better, not to make you feel worse. They are there to help you in more ways than you

can help yourself and will listen with a pure intent. These nurses will make sure that you are

always comfortable and are at ease with what is going on. They will try their best to

communicate with you the things they are allowed to do and communicate with your family also.

They are here for you and will always be here no matter what happens.

Works Cited

Levine, Samantha, and Angie C. Marek. “Nurses Step to the Front.” U.S. News & World Report, vol. 138,

no. 4, Jan. 2005, p. 67. EBSCOhost,

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languages, oxford. “Reliability Definition.” Google Search, Google, 2020,


“For Nursing-Home Residents, Strict Diet Regimens Can Cause More Harm Than Good.” Tufts University

Health & Nutrition Letter, vol. 20, no. 9, Nov. 2002, p. 6. EBSCOhost,

Guenther, Robin, and Anna Gilmore Hall. “Healthy Buildings: Impact on Nurses and Nursing Practice.”

Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, vol. 12, no. 2, May 2007, p. 3. EBSCOhost,

FISCHER, DEBORAH. “Storytelling as a Nursing Pedagogy.” Midwest Quarterly, vol. 60, no. 3, Spring

2019, pp. 311–318. EBSCOhost,

Hooper, Liam. “Advances in Pediatric Cancer Research.” Advances in Pediatric Cancer Research, Mar. 2020, p. 1.


Health, Advent. The Many Ways Nurses Make a Positive Impact in Health Care. 26 Feb.


care. Accessed 23 November 2020

D'Antonio , Patricia. Nursing. 12 Nov. 2020,

Accessed 23 November 2020

Priya Chidambaram Published: Apr 23, 2. (2020, August 14). State Reporting of Cases and

Deaths Due to COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Facilities. Retrieved December 15, 2020,



Priya Chidambaram Published: Mar 13, 2020. “Data Note: How Might

Coronavirus Affect Residents in Nursing Facilities?” KFF, Kff, 13 Mar. 2020,

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