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40] 04] a: e ALGORITHM a he fe a step bu glep representat ga Bowen} a gevey “Fpreeun. eet ve i a q > dn ether Leos Ww CAM “ay Hut atgoréttans & noting but a Sequence of Fustructéoue to* seve a panteetar provid. G4. wailte a4 atgordttiny aM of Anog. Ans. 4. Start { a af we 2. Read values of AsB B.CrAtTB Ae De c c. Sep! end. Flow Chaat dt % tte qroputeal fepresentattoy of an ager tan +o solve a problems . hare ane Rome symbole useet bi ftaw cheet Cy) > oval, used for Start & Stop Z_/> parauietogran used -for Exputr/ autput [J] > Reetangies weed for prcnstag | traf @) > tonnector > used to connect thre rest of the code ® — weed for checksfon mahi Ghatement duch tat auzwer ghoutd be T/F Vand Yes/No. N = - Flow Bue, used for Afrect of flew of thee Statements . 8 Draw a flee chant for adan of & nop - , 0 sms é Input value to Ay CrAtB top) & vonbte ay algorétlon and down a favo duaat -for # Dev af Q nop > ada? of 4 nos , > te perform att aoblimette. eperatbons Ane. § 4 Mart Giant) 2.Read value of Asb Sousa JET] Ye Désplay ¢ a cee #) J, Start ? 2. Read valint sf Ay BoloD C stop ) B. Sr At hte crDd 4. D&p $ S. ste nd ® wrbte ay algorétton and draw tow chast to check, Qreatert ie. 2, dees a 2 Read va, of Asp, o af A>w they Display A Se the no” Ee t ay Se "6 & te tangest no” 8 Wattle ay atgortiy and demo a -ftarw chant to check Smaller, ameng st . Ane de Start 2. dmpur value af Ay Boe Read \ 8. Sf AaB Ahoy check Ff Ae trey "A Pe, the Smatwel no? Ach hee Else “ef ate Smaiust mw”. AH Ace alee te heck Bf Bee Hey, & Lhe emaueet no” Flee “e fo Hu gmateect nm? .- Se Step. Pr&nt “b fe gest 0”, 8) Derennufite ioheier 'k student parsed the Xam ar nob Ang. 4, Start eg 4, 1 Anpub qraces of 4 Cowes Mao Ma» Mo anal Mq 3. Calowtate the aq qrade « Mict Met Mat My 4. 4, If ay qide < 60 then prot “PAIL” euse peel +e pags” Se ——————————— ee ee eee woakfe ay algorEm and Arc flaw chaat to Afiplay av * 5 ang « qf q Ang! 4. Start 3. Read vatur 1 ty boots Dok % Ge AtDte+D+e Se Des 4 +40 As Bola DoP be Stop thine | Geateterdr — ® Wate ay atsorSth, SAGA . among amg. ae tee Chant 40 dieptow Laagest Ane. 4. Stark te 2» Read value of Ay bye / 2 Ff Ave Hey chuck Bf Are by & ps Plse “ee te ae me A fe te ‘tangest no” a 108 fe aya 058 aay Elee %e a the Lnogest- mp” e 4, “tb & ‘the Largest 14) o04)4a > Commer & ay electrouke devce whit takes Enpur "& A aud gives tte destred autpur. Memo: ‘ ' Pafinar | May . Hop : 7 DB CStatfe) be. aes iia revi enalary a Di et vp Rom Coynamt) = Ds nat 4 i PRom CProgrammable Rom ‘ EPROM EEPROM TNTRopucTION Ty CO > 0 ha wade bevel poveedure orented structured Pregramm ong Lan. e. ~> H fousws “top darn Approach . 0, te ‘ iN > probing guage en % started Sy te year JAS wb’ tae Lol rag 4 FORTAN (Formula Traustatfon) 7 Kater BH tomes E, advance form Reon as ALG OL CAlgorétium€e danquage) % ; > WeaEnning of & started Oy He yenn 446g watt the language Cauda bepr (bast tombéned programing tanquage) - 4, Key woores GW Ao Varrtables Be Constan 4. ddenttfeerg &e Operatong 13] 04/14 4, Wass My aoe. +ye loashe buldtiy btoc! eroqrammeeng StaLemen ie tak tg Lone of progr, ten > Meo known as Reserwea vboads fe. 2ome Aureaaly atleted to tHese waade & tha mundi se Recoguboed ty € ConpSter > Shere ane 2a wande Enc tang le. NE ie adh Mould be orton Lower case and tide eel caurt be ted as vartable names 1, auto 4+ double te Sut 252 atruck Aebreak, 40. lee 4s Lou Bb» pwFbel pease ie enum sa regbeten 4» typedef Ao char 4H. exten Ro. rebum 28. unfoy 5. comsE 13. float 24 Shore 40 UnsSqned 6 beutSuue 14, for Rh Big ned 80. vela 4 clefault — 48. goto aa. bigcof 94, Volatile 8. do 16. & 24. Sadie 220 While WManiatte > These are the named memany tocatésy woliey can estore data. Dakabpe oe LA wnt Char he float eh f — > Jn te year AAtOg A language cated Maske 2 .¥ (loeghinerg. AL purpose Symbetie dnetruc" Code) vctroducod 4rom the Language bere > dm tee gear. sane “Denke ePretuve” desfyned Cpregranetng t UAge . — Kater fn the year 1age raming & ee & Standaadiced oy sane “4 ner! Can oan SP taomas Mandard net tute) —> That veashy & Rnown as ANSI ¢ dn tne year 2000 H & standandBed by 160 (Interna tonal Standard Ovganfeation) known as 644. FORTAN + ALQ0L v bePL vo. baste —p $ ¢ ANST @ d L cag Advantages ee 1. SEupiieti a. Readabéiety 3. Moduraatt 4. Matutalnabbet Appifeatfous ae 4. For des kann system toploance ke eompéte a design » os mL ( ‘ “4 a. For desfantng applfcatfay softwares ne oo gaming applizar 1 Scanned by CamScanner 4. For qraphfee related appeal fone » (c S To Cyatuate mathematfeal eg" & more. C Character Set > Character Set 7 Aser oP vaLed characterg Hab a lanquage CAN recognise oe . > A Cuaratter clenstes aw alpliabet » aigers or epectal Sy nbale used to represent Paforman . ; > € character Set f of Q types © Spurce Character “hose characterg, enterecl Nera eH Source ‘program. by *4pera oe from Reyboard . Be Executeon Characker ¢ Céscape Sequence) ° hese Chanarterg. whkey cannot be dleplayed in tee Rutpu sereey . Escape Sequence Purpose Xa New Line \b ‘ae Repace \t Tab 2p ibe, ‘ ¥ Veoufeal Tab \ ' Moeep Sound | Mert bet i form feex ie Combes return. \ 8 Sing. doa \ Deubte coat x \ Rack Slany To ene Maken p te EndbyPauad Wht Bae a 9 There ang Program ° “ype of ¢ tokens Are presens. > Before mb any vaokable by a program 4 must be declared férge. 7 Maaiable Holds te dats that can be modi? eed ausilng A. Pargrani eocecubfoy Suntan ata Vaartablenane + ig ee ntaw ty declare a vashable. qé chan as { ent bs PANE tall natfoy Ae Mandate mane» vane 5 beh ciel be 405 > Symtaot tp dectare and Euralixr a varbabe 8 gue Pye rT ale A One ene datatype variablename < value %: ent be 1s > Rules ton naming a vartarte 4s PErsk character £hould be. an alphabet outy - YOu Can use bottr Uppercase & lowercase alphabets « ae dn vaatabe Aeclararfay ex2ek2ne key words , eau beet Sperakam: > Separator, ANd Constant va are. not Allawed . B. Max ty & 83 chorackerg for wanPable name 4o Senge Space Shout be required bly Aabatype aud variable Name. S> No Space & attawed bly warbabe names 5 uty underscore & attowed. 3 Q 6. 4 Speck character underscore & Attewed AL he fergh of variable NAME. eqs 4, Enh $005 fy] ft Tt3 ae B. bub 405 x ‘10. Out —Asy 4, dint adds [X | [ly] Se float a bes [X] 44. Ent sum—2s[(7] be float enh, ks [Wp>cohok a 1a Floar erses [~~ ‘are float type varkabays cy oF ai iar 3X] as there pea pe oe sDe] Char &% Sames wee 4u6floak Na—mesz & 131)\ “Woréte teem wet! ca * 4. Pmt sas[X]\_ help of Separator) 18. floatd s xX P : 12] 04] 14 & oe a proqsan ty Aboptay the output qr petit! Done bald, 4 nave to qo”. ¥* /> singe tEne comment i oy ~> Double lene comment % Welcome ALL My name & Payal Note ¢ le} oats * Varfabe declared but not Sutvalfeed that varfare eon Value. * VanFable eaunot be of type veld. * Vaofabe dectared Ensbte the funcr Be Looat and ourséde he func® & Gtobab. De Constan ht the fexed named aségned to He data Elem that Pemaine Same out prograne execut fe MMe value re const - > Mo declare a constant vantable 5 preceed the normal Vasbable eteclarat€on wey © conse? keyword : 644 const Ent 4 $405 > Mere vaskable af tont & SP value & 40 and we an. Mody FI he oua pregvam execulcon fy PF Vaww thang haut q ? Constants ane & types oO. A Character Constant 2 4 eéngle alphabet datlgeror “ret ( Chetosed fy pale op singe coat & Known as charmeter Constant. eq: ‘42 bar, tae > max™ 4 tr shale oak ae Stréng ° Constant ¢ A Sequsnce oP -htphanuwerie Chan enclosed By double cont & Known as acting const. >A max m ot ace characters & attowed here & automys | cally a arity Character [No] ts added to the tack 8 Ate qtrey Stréng ‘En memory Syar . i 4 loca” Character % t Abe v Be Nunenife Couctank: 4b fs tre cont be posttQve may be meqareve . value Pn no Hat m4 | €q 8 dmteger constant 10 205.30, ‘Plesting poknt COnetant (44, 944...... 5 B 4. TenrSHe : ~? dt referg to name of variable , func” parva, btn ole unbawly Edens Hey & program - yt dn mat) > mabe & Pdenser. De Operaters, —> Operator &@ the 2ymbol tuat Operates on vankabws & rato : Coperanad PHocduces results P P varuble loperang > Operators awe ap O24 pee based upon no ap operands nsed | Je Vnasy Operstors Ho ae eeng operand - 4 tS sipped (+) | ata tt —> #ncrement ® 7 > decrement + eUnary plus A> address af > comptement Teed Symbol -3 unary menus +ta > Enerease value 4 4 Hey asign te value (Pre Encrement) : ree 7 Here aston the va 1 they Enereace by 4 (Post Grerement) “4 tpt ( Ii a DHere £9, CPre desterien) © fétgt decrease Hw value by: 1d avd they Asean. Ae value Ga Chost decrement) 3 7 > ‘Bisa Dperater Te Sheraton howe & operands are cated. MoEvany operators . de Attn met he Operators ¢ +o-3 Re) 5° he Ar RelatPonat operator, t pec, 7 fst then decrement by 4 Bell gis. yl= not equal ta) é Las Fo R's ys R=, A= Ae Logécal Operators ¢ ona? bh So WS whee Operatore ¢ Be Agsgnment Operatorg 6 +25 — sag & phi ziycieas -—2l—»A—» tae > he Chor) Feuep HEFL - AND OR onetushvets of. i $+ Tewnary Operator ( cond&tfonat operatn’’) >a ws 3 operands . Suntay “Y~~ valve = ex 1g EXPR§ exp 33 Lu > H requftes g arguements lefts MEddie & Regie > H exprecefon 4 & true Hey left Anquement & non xero then A retume MEddle Araucment - OTR cup a & fate ten D retumne rene Avquement S87 Y° aca, Ae S229 Ady BOs > Rus © Ae No & ane MAAR & CEton chould be equal a. every HON should matey wey fist before ane maak. + 96 "92 be-fottoweed ‘fl AME maak ong: Ax BO. 'tloqlig OPERATOR. DESCRIPTION PRECEDENCE AgsocaTivity Evel o>) Funetfoy call Cj “Array subserspb 4 Nett & > Arrow operator Regut . Dot operator + Var - bnary menus He Anerement 7 Decrement | Logfcat not R RF t keft = One’s Comptement x Anafrectfon a Add reee, (datatype Type Cage Shee of Sigg Fe bys OPERATOR. * / te aps ce >> “hz DESCRIPTION PRECEDENCE LEVEL Meutteplfeatton D2veebow Z Modulus Add éton } 4 Substractfon left chee ! = Regd ehcp lese +han les than or equal Greater than 6 Gleater than or equals Equal to : Not Equal to I q DBéwuke AND 8 Cétufee XOR 4 Betuwbee OR 0 Logfoat AND 4y log beat oR 4Kn 13 ConA Ponal opera tor AcsEan ment 14 Opera torg Comma Operator ASSOCIATIVITY Left to Rague Left Peg ue Left t Req Left b Rane Lett to Ri kt Le¢t +o rahe lett t Right left to Pit left +o Right left REque REgut +o left Regu to Lefe Left to REAUE —> Every operator hag & Peeper ° mere CPrecedencé) Ao Acco evel > pakorby detetmEnes fy whbey order tre gives expressEoy WELL be ¥ eveluetted > ane define. tne akrecn by wonecy the operator en Same precedence can be evaluated x © ove ia level % 19514 hae assockasty Reghe to lef ARITHMETIC OPERATORS 1 Xe B44 ees a Xe o*4S)*C = Bat 26 e gtqts 2 Ag — = 162 8 2 3% 4 +h ( Se) nine 7) ase ea Ae pXr are ach = 4R fo & Dh Me ja = rx Fre Xz a-— Xe--a sy Cog 2 « ae-4 aey Paknef (tA, tea”, Cus Exh) A Beer — tte Cvauan Afree™ Reaute | —9 by S~ a | a Steps for Mulbeple Operatéon. 41, CAleutate All te pre operabzons ae Place te vals So CAleuate ate the poet express ey wp Aet Axe Att + +ta + att tta Now Arz aes Cateentaténg pest operad Qe &. & Ard Ae Arh BS te ae Ae A>~R — Arg Ae Qa. pest opera’ - Az4 By Ax att w tta tatt +targ . ara Ae 2 +4 e Utaes post opera?? ae 8 is [04114 ay Arcs be Att t+ +444 4-- | +446 Ah* 646466 a Aw xe 48 =b ; Fl) Poet pears be 18 Fs thermenk Azb / Decrement B= -fénal Aus . 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BEHOKE * Nawaher eouverslsy | Syste No Diglis aofoa | 14 f ® yas Oo 4 >) deciwal 0-4 ‘ (d) O¢kaL ony (ig) Hexadeckwal $ te &xs (0), = (2). a a Dechua @ bEvary couvers toy + 4 a * (0004048), faany tw _dedual 04010 SBA ° tt » (40), HEC)» = (29, “(om 40000, 000400 00 Ey o Gy &+ 1010 > 10 0001-5 Lorry 1010 « 40 DOlle g 1104 « 19 BRR ROR “25 hPtuekee operertorg at wank, not ly Evdeber Values. By Aro be ars be4 e 4 &beg a a Ly Al bap A © 0000 0404 il alee a aie bya tone ssn, . 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Prepareceseon oltrective Glebal. vasfable dectonabtoy atu 0) 1 jlovat varfabe declaration 3 Prvgoum bealy + Encwde Seon f (%%% 4, Sb) § Exclude ° fatres (SOEs 2", bd; Vall maty o> ' CHE Arlo, bs poe Pahle Cpe ha, 45 Patt (enter wae tor) ¢ budpud + Qe 4d enter vane for b ao bra 4F Eucute <étdfo.h> at Enctuole he ace a types of Fnpurtrg and upping fumeifoy.. 4+ Formatted, fp or ole Punehfoy pataegen — ofp Scanfl) — 1/p a+ Vatormatted Vp or olp tunerfon Puke) —> o]p qeelo 9 A). Formatted dmput -funekfoy bcant CM eontraLetréngn,, Avannama) 3 © Formatted dubpub sfunctay patute (“ text "3 paulintg (" coutnal stein”, vaniable) s Ta opal Aecfdes woliel kend of data a vastable ean. hotel. > Iba pes pee ane Wine ‘ veern lie datatypes Are aan. te work white baste ea (Ents chats ftoat) = — qied ‘te work usbisy poiubiéve aata ty Pe Qe 4 rrau 5 antl 9 patter eqs tong C Short futs waved thars ore Naas Beate) de ja eee Debelt hen PD and PD 7 Support user. reqvfrementg Whey pe qo for we aefened da es Structure, anton 5 > enw 2 tah 4 portiatttve datatypes ase. tere . Ti g, (3 be ape «bee Range REA Example Chas | 1 bite 128 4 12° 4 a? siq ned char ‘l tt ie Wseaned. byte: 0 +,.45c° he fd. char : Z Ent |sbaned & bite Saease a, sud bearer a ea 5-4 + 34369 wel ned. & bute i ei oO to a 4cu ny d 6589S few tong ent | y byle —atuauescae ld YER aL Signed tong ent & +2149U4g 96494 Vusfaned Loni 4 Byte. 0 4 4aq44ezaqds */olu (atu. tnt Sherk Be] @ byte — 82468 by *loha stqned short nt + 32964 Uneta ned short a oe Plow Db . 6se3S 1 Suk yee 0 be Ploat H tyre + Supe aud Hof Ana, 204 Deawote 6 tile eae SE sy tog gt 20K ‘oth 6a 18-4 +44 3 : $04 Aube 10 Mute oe ty wife? eet — Bea, “repaid ned op wnslaned known as ely auattfeens Wat Te sign oe tod. ov ] oe x shot, bong are known a8 eine quatffens tras a bige Eno Eon Tiypecasting EK Af you waut tr perpery arftunel® operartoue on Afferent arena they of boy te wnanente aoe of game. Ancatyype tho! retuay vyatue. whl be Aa pe Bit Eat —» Be fleaks Hoat —9 -ftoat hemen e te if see Beta a ate wlll ke hui ole anny ae Eto float —> float ‘1 24 pecasting B the porvcore of convening Burcelnents pe value fubo anda aetenre tt fe of & types 3 fochmplicet typecastings tf we are tovmenitng tower dasatipe fro Ufaher’ elect: pe % % known as IT. 34 & done by conptler. vafol may LD Bub feis ftoat fs fe fell t- GiB 2h? Sn conpéer Pritt (tod OE, 243 7 10 10.000000 } Ae Expliett = petanstng deme aoe tau cnig Z Aatoope yadue bo Lewen datatype tren f & Venue explicit recat: > Here datatess or trunkatfon me happen . Vofol maine) Ink z float f & loves [eet]x e(iu)ts pateae (Ht tod eR 2s $8 1D) tora, } — OTK of" 4 Joalia Sire oy & rater ga keyword that Con be usecl to fe CAleulate bie Bb a aatertypes v fable or constant me t 8 xeot ( vasa [eoustant/ pers dt Always rebum ‘sina cd Eateger. éx2 veld mafic et #3 4 prbrtt (od ee deze f Ent pe” éigeof Ceuv)s I a Prats (ole d 6 Fee of tomy chimtype?, efzeeh (float) 1 4 Print ("tod bs sPse of van, sbcoad (SD) 3 Ile, PAPE (tod Re soe conetant, sfze ee (us)$ IA, Lontney Structure | Statement ene ¢ >Sie execution of Pow af program & Under te COMETOL ‘of ‘con! flow statement. dt attows “ue to change ithe Gequence of Eustructfey far entecutény ) ° + 4 sie , } Selectfoy Statements | ¢onaf-fonal benching 2 Af -elee BH-eve- —> Heke taddep Nested fHelee Surbey %, doosybog | Tieantfoy Statements + eid fer . # ieee pag Statement ? courtnue qo —— = Fis aise Supe a Statements Helps te ump grows eu et a pao feel n bbe aapeuaing “capon wWhekur panueular ends gaaiedizad or par nok :, ‘i Sratement § Soak cee, > Bick Cex pressfon) * JS Sbabement ¢ sal te expressfey evaluated as true ee the, jouewotng bicek_ whit be executed >Hi tu expression & evaluated xe fate ten He txecubfoy H te block wsfu be Eqnered . Here no semfeeey after Hu test expression because he isunitfen amd Stakemeitt shout be. put yaee, aan Afugle statement. 4 > HE Hue Ltatement £2 4 statement EXt yey mail) epee] cent braces & $ Far te log > 42 more Hay 4 Statement < : APE present uePirfy statement 72 block, curly braces ase Brts ri i pompano sr SE 5 Sh Hu dhe statement vteck bed Aintonianioaty teumbrated whet A fe aot & peckfeed ney ext gant? Cate Vala maky ¢ 4 OlP pature (thette\n)s he pakut f (% niln 3 ye # (6) PrrutP (* wito>)s Prfutp (% bye »)5 Ro B-elee d > ele Be ake ‘aha ty nek ele park We Can create Alternate biock fon 2 seen 4b 4 the euty one block can be aeculed fe. Ef condtifay & fader ty Puly we ean go fer ele pant: EL (conan | expreseéon) ‘ . | z Statements : ee “Statement 45 Statement 23 aS Br walle a paegrane to deck a gbven no & ve or ve suhag Helse. Aus. # Puctude <6bdfo.y> # tretude d prtutt (Hod fe +ve no, 23 se in potest Clled & nor +ve nom, ot) 3 oom be Warfte a program check wher a a Ane. H# Pnctude' poutt (# evegfole ) 7 Peale Cee pouty (* mot ettydbu) me T2ruu 0g i fut 5 / potutf (# enter ase”) Beant (bod *, hage)s H (age > 18) %- Haeke-Sf | ffnelee adder Siucax ‘ et Cenpress oui) Statement 45 : tle # Cexpresedos) Statement as eee Statement 35 af the eXpreaston 4 evaluated ag true, Statement 4 WAL be executed : SH expaa ge evaluated ac fotze control uf move to clee paar. H We Want to execute anoter cond”, exp 4 uP be evaluated. tH et fe true statement 2 wil be executed tL St fe fake 4£ual elee block. weft be executed . & watte A. progran +o +ett whettun the entered moh Vl s —ve or equal to AIO. : fe ; Ans. tb Encude (ttdfo.hy # Enclude fue mafu ld ant US parkurg (burerca vawe?)$ Seanf (od, AW)S Cot == 0) te (40d fe rsro» oth) 5 partutt (% No fex0n0”) eee Bf (%>0) paturt (“to ob fe +ve np % 005 tise pots (Ted fewteve mo» *)$ 2 webine Fe f we ase sorbhing A-clve block, Hun tb fe known as ected EP-elee . 4 (tonabtLou] expresefon 2) 4 # (ConelPi Boy 2/ ex precafon 2) 1 ; Il stmt block § else 1 Istmet Locks eee Statement blocks Q- wre 4 peogram to ener, relat Eon bv) és 4 2 vankabus Wwe Tested arid concept . “¢ AMS. 4 Euctude VaPd mabaty i ent abs ise ("Buter two vanes NE ("hdd kay ks Ie 2 he 1 bar &e)$ I je 3p 4 (arb) POEM ("oad fe greater’, a)3 7 n poe nd 85 qteater", Ws Le Prete ("aod Bo equal to ea" ash) s 8: wrbte a Program +o enter make Of a Student gu ore then calcutte We totals aggregate and afertag He | of a ttudene vent f-eue~ Fp. 5. awe oe Sud keys rq we can create selectboy Ltatement Ely rmoubspie ‘adie. > Ht 2s 4 mune deciafon Statement £e. a Sémpiified version SE ff else Lanek, tal evaluerter ome varfable - PF mutteple chakee can be Created by uebuq case keyroord > SuPtY Charement requfrce a condilfy or isterement of expression ap Entegra type Cénteger | choracten) z > ee reayfrep constant value or éourtant er 2Xpreserous One» & transfers coutrol ty ctatemente usbtain ta bai Sunctaxs Bukicy Ctonstant | expresstn | yarabe) gz Case constant ts Il Statement block $ break $ Case London ds Il S-atcement block $ break 3 defaute % I Srarement block 5 ? FER Chararter= 0 —ase 4@© @ or 122) 4 Scanned by CamScanner vous Har w2 be mapped wR tase touslant value aH +8 of execurt torrespendéng block & avaflable troy comire) wot pase to drvaponadh cade. ot A we Bac of trecubfay mMatcling case Be mob Avatlable cpu wii pass to legate beck t RT rence multeple beocke wale shige condbifey . KEK 7d tase labels cant ave game value Te Euteqral exprese&oy ood Pu labele Must be a Constant Geir Presesey * > Default block can be planed. amyrohere wibtity te eubie Lod’. | WHOL a break statement 4 = Statement wrétten. above the care, ace never executed. because after coat | Hae sushicy body coucrok “rane feng +o ao masinling (age. # vofq mah o> Hl Hw statement fetteutfng az aa Sk cage execute a (teas Subten LE) case 4s prOuth (HEM) 3 breaks - ge 4% proce (heute) 5 al? - keus breaks case 8+ pobre (" byes breaks Avtautt £ pavense(" bye") f _ veka mah 0) lie Mar chs'v's Sueltch (en) Come A) + pone (MEN) 5 ol = BYe * tase'Bls préett ("hello") s Case “els preace (wy es defaute + pafnee (" Bye") 5 e | wrSte- a program to read week, aay mo and Afaptay the carrespauding “weet da ; Aut. tt Encude Vol mafic 1, 2ut Wdays Porbit & ("Enter value for u-y"s POMP Cogn, bioaay > pusften (eae) q ei pesuet ("Sunt s, NEAR 5 Cee at prénte CU Mont) s break ¢ wos aie prov ("eats break a + prbatp ("uber varld No") Rach Tey daatiinscchcne ceccm anos, |! nie g. wap to check, Heth ameng & nog nk 3e(oqlia ¢enotPtional altar. [ ‘ dis 4 Enctude ; #euctude vefd mathi> HL As v4 ie Prenet (Menten tio value") 5 “td hd”, £a. abs I 10 30 | a (a7)2atbs A>b)2 prweE (Ht & qreatena pains ( "ha & qreater, ays |*R( po (te ge ter’ b) t GIOAP 10 find Smatiest A qws usta tondPiionad speratoys §waP to tEnd Teatect amend cy meg " : 4s. + Puctucte Euctucre adpare): 0 2 bre)s prince Chea & qrenten”s qos 5 Be WAP to eDeck, $P tee qr Yor & deny Year OL mob. fas Baccus Ketch. n> # Bhetude Leoutos W> vad mafacy gat yrs aS Scanned by CamScanner 3 patinte ("enter wean!) Scant (**hd", &ycoa)s (Cy tu) mao 48 Cyear eos) -8) 2 prtaeg (Moxp yor ; [Year et 4%) ==0) > peewee (* Leap yeaa") + PrUte (oramey eon!) 5 Loopang (TreRsrve StATEMENTE. > Senet Eve Stademonts are used ty repeat the execuscoy 4 Atoremune ane upon Value oft exprese Boy asa “ B doopéng! ctatementy > Aawhfle oh for. 1a atonal provdde, a mecroulen to repeat one 6 mare While 8 pasctitutac cendtifon fe true. a 3 4 & aw pre—clw or top churkérg Lop Ee. befor execute of oan bio, da pao welt "be treed Syntax: lanfte (eoudSéon! expresefon) t Etakement bioek 5 del dees tl upaatzon [stent Gok FP opin) > dP tte tondblfon & tous 5 tavdnsl wu pase to Loop boat Atter executfoy Atatement block tantra will pase back to CoUdP Soy An wnrS), conden bos fatee Complete beock nell executed. Whenever tne ton” boms fatse Contrar tuft pase Oursfde 6b a FH He land" f sven updorted and He Conan MEA. ems ober troy tte result ull be SascuPte too With & Wl Afsorabye. batenecte ta9p g. YAP to prtut all Wahural mwrbew upto & usted wAile duop . 1 hy, + Enctude ar Buctude Lumbcolen must be wed ab the end Hdvohfle tw eundnate a. SDE ferenee tly vote and doswhie wp ~ €x: lor&e 4 ao white “Ht. Seclude XehaPo. # Phetude Vaid mahc @nk Peds ao patete ("204% 2) 5 othe Swutle (22-20), J 8. wake a pao : Paogran tb pate all natural eg upto 20 e O[Pe 1B... 22, am to prt alll even. awe Upto a0 Wale and ae obas a # ‘ P AMS. #Enctude Lctao.ny Ht Euctude SwStBalfoa! fe chane aly once After 9 contra wefit “move. to ConA pant » Sf cond & tue toda wei Move tp Loop bod . HOBSy best After exeeusirg ay cas comrrod wD retwoue hawk, 9 Seren pan - > ein wth gp fon coud" checking, $ cond’ f true Se well uber Buty Loop body ethiantoe wAL be out oP the boop body . —> Rep & dove & We manne, (oualtow chetkéha —> Statement block executfay —s Steratfay —> eond _, " t a Secratpon § Adwantage of for oop oven wo0tle and cto white . és loop . Gwar to pot all natural aes upto 10 wend or loop “Ane. tf Pactude ot Suctude 2th) / 4 tht ("%d" 25 t 8 WAP +40 check, Ba given. no & préme no or not |G WAP 9 $2ud coverse of 4 m0, gun aig ancl no agile. Cu ab m0 * ‘ i : 8, wap +0 check, & a abien. m0 & patinarome ‘m0 or MOE- 8 WAP to Check Bon nu nk Renita wow me Nested for Lop Syntax: 5 for ( entteartiartan, COnAétton » Heratfon) Hor | Entldatdenbtoy , coudition . Serer) Outer [Statement for op i Pune for toop | ottur tf in oe oop wEnE a for Loop & fe knousn as A 1 Be Prone the posters nsing susted Por Lop: 3 ty s+ Pep cee a8 pe r- ttt wg > & $ NS ee ee toe * +’ * 8 ad 4 Ings #2nclude <(Sedfoe hy # uetude LeonFoe vy veld matye) z= > tat & 5js for (2-45 Bees o+t) 3 \ forgets Jere 3 fat) ooh ER pees we ol 2 ‘tug (oa, 7) t pomeeg ('\n")5 t t ft} # Enclude # Eyduede vo%d matic) out Bh, qumbereds For(é£5 $224 5 244) ee assented sac 4 , ttt 3 ferésprt) prints ("%od ", nmnnbrer)s H+ nUrAber § paint cn) 7 t Fab Bf, for(845 Boal 32> for(je£s foods f-9 Prete aede 5 Ds pra ("\n 3 aiid ty # Encwucle X Stafoh * # Enoude acouiac vob makut> 83 for (F< 03 220d 5 Ed) * peel fe jets fr) t 2 he preg (mer fds ieee ti J & >see eee 4) |W A Euctade # Enctude =4) 7 0 é Pree ("ead vn", 2s 7 2) § & i 4 QA fd eam 8 4 of van om ae AMS Suctude ’ + Enctude eke ‘a $Brctade Cordes patutt ("wd Ge aot a Prine Bat malin Uber, oui) $ Fetwan 05 BAL Tuy Ey court =03 t pntnag. ("\ Cuter A umber\n") 5 Scag (."Hfod%s & a[LM)5 for (PRs Bee ume § e+) Olp. CMAEA AL Ube 2e=0 43 a Peo 13 & aw patie umber COunt++ breaks 4 3 4 (aunt =) patiat ("hd fe a pave vomeber" 5 nun) + 1 G4, Wattle a progam to find roveme Pm numbers Su of AGelg aud ‘mp of Atyély Bu ak Tuber MH Encude 4 Eyctude (cowtooh> Fuk mand 4 EAL NUM, 32o C0, temp $ prt ("Brteo x nuunloen\n"') s Jeng Eh ", &nwm) 5 ti 2 nums stele (rt eo) 2 Pe tempo405 oe Sev « rev¥ss +03 Euter a Number. temp « templ 105 ia i fad fea paitnara ose Oo pakaf ("Mod f mot a prtroromer, WM) $ qernOs } Reb. WAP to Check oP a mo €&% Asunebanng no 6% nob- qe #PicludedStdddoh> FEnctude 2, zukt 3 JOr( bets Fees EH 4 a (ie =8) Areas Pavink £ ("lod ", 25 Py volicy & axpeane. wee? 4 g le s BL2SV BeegV 4. ceubinwe % 2~H &a aad use to €kop alatemen prom te taop body Be. centro ulfit pase Gack, te te Ceondfitey Velo xecuttng feae of tte statements - > Srousl be placed wPierky hop body only > cau we rnin why sunbtey > V9 the tavupéler encounters couaiaut sakements wy he rest statement of He boop aoe. shéppea an. de comet fe wcll trausperred to the up eonarivon pores ” He weanest eu an teop ere syntax “4 vat wakiac> Courenues 5 ud £5 ole forlé4s €2-403 244) 4234648410 # (#--9) Contiunes prtutt ("led és B. >I & & Reywasd by wing which we con (outreL any oles. ow peop wy eat Scape: a : 4 LAbeEl > ae abionye roayhres am Pdourtha Called level (an Sleursticr fetlewed rh & kuovoy, ag fe . sage & ent fi Caned, unstructured statement, because. et neakg a ‘structured pricey? language. . uta s fh N Statement pee eons ot LABEL? WStweeg LABEL i WStmtg FORWARD STUMP W Statements | LABEL: foatiwoARD AvP W Stunts 7 UApecs I Stat fae vatd vaataey LEY 2X a a =f Ent Begs 2 £46810. EVEN: es Re ‘ A ho. petite Cech 8s b4-10V ge tia g2210Y & (#2249) pe = 40 ote evens 4a2-230X aa ; as [so] 14 oA Bw desived alot, Pe - PH Ra tantanfour mone Loca wh Sey can Natl lata wee all eluents Can le refered a as fee and Wigue Edenton ia Peepentfes ean oP an begin we > ana ene wsbiy (har — g xdnders dn array alt lumeutg WEL Pare waigue Ponder vate Value Fe. know rays we requtred, D Wre bee 9 eieeee TD) tut that requires ement oP pe ee enege toustant me that showta be arene tow 0 A & ws eet grate i Hy a- D Areal | BY SustEaiadelannd ray. o R re fren. ¥ 2 & ag 4-Afmenseonal aoa because AY one eubser pt operator Syntax 3 acta pe aren aie (s8ze] 5) => +0 dectare an , are éxt tit al]s eae cwrreng er type Hat bats, : a x10 Buregers. oak bLao]s_, b es nesta ae -Heat e “daat oes Ger ata); CoutePn max ap J Atoak type VA WL AR on array whe coun, (urate mixm 45 characterg geno of enbtes Eserg Pot ACI3X > tae a CF Sina} v- ffoat bl0]3 X 5 shu > Ly Fu flfatisors War a[2ys]sX But a[-a]s yy MManah terior asx chacal] feat a[3.5]; X Ls NOL awe fteger How +0 dutitaree an anes vfeid syntac: ‘ cla batype sonar name [6Ez¢] “4 Vaed svalueRy.-.-- Valuens $ fat al] -$ 10, 20, 30,40, q ae oe > aya eon of Gece we a>| 4 | 20 [> «fa opt pataty a0] aca) abe] aly 24] alo] -40 afa) +40 Als] = 20 alu] « sp afr] «Bo ex XK & + Fut alé] «$10, 205 8D » 402 5? wots ra a abe ste x tataltl -§ 10,20, 20} Lele] a * Bua] = § 10s a0, 0h :- Ts] Sigeof (2) © B¥2 *G- bie of Caray ) » Bye X datatype sie a-> éx &ut alo] + $04 i Big plo) © Dae Ao bytes “PEPE > oR Res "4 Paes ety a clomenip usfig for top oury Obits el hom Lemons, Anas vafd mokaicd fue 201,23 patra (renter 40 elements") s for (f-05 €2405 E44) . oad beng (eed", kalél)s | ire og peuint C* Disp au stssians ye gon Cohen eg et) fl Di&play ctemondg parutf ("eed aL] si) poet wet q «le bl lel lof pitas 46 6 F 8 4 ate) att] LSq ofp > 10 29 B0. G WAP 4p read § ements Fuev an > Afeptay A and fing sum and ang of is ating rime! “pad “Ang. WHEnelude # dofene SIZE lo Vo8d motnc) mek allo], & parluep (Neuter 40 etemente")5 Ocanf- 1 Ane. veEt matney fut a [etal] 8, C5 odd 05 Prbutp ("enter to etemente") 5 ter [2203 Peakae$ 244) a (*ea", RaCeT)3 St AP] pa--0 e+4y ele odd tty Pabah ("no ob even clementp = “od”, as Pent? ("No ob odd ements - Ind", odds §. WAP 40 fPnd max and ynfnm present an array 2 41> cement . ne. =f Enelude {stAfo-n> wens PeHWUL 0’ 4 Puctude Xcouto.y> 3 tut matic) Jat aD] omar snfacl tlt Zut aio] »maxomburés ip eersertys , ° an elements patrap Center Lo elmenty")s 4 for lé03 %e40 5 et) & Seant Cod", BEDS a Mar = AB] s ae min = alos 46 foalte1y fe103 244) i f (2 E > max) Mar elomentedse max « Ald] 5 wr elenwink 4 2 x wan) n- alels qt Poh ("max element ebdls mar)$ pars (hub eramenteted?s wit)s -D-Arra 48] 10] 44 | de B known as 2-Abmenntonal oven ‘ |~> te require a Sue sere Pperatong | xe datatype onrayvame [new s&e][cotumn £8] exe tut AR[Bl3 > a & an ustiir cam contaby marMm 6 2 4 of an Eutegen e | fur allel] 2 a fe an annoy whiter can | Cute max Lament s of | 6 Fateger type: Ruz (Prapert ea Ahawd start why 0 and ends wah, 2Eze -2) 2 ee { Subsers>y bpenatent arte ured > One Oe fan 9, now Sige & bur & for coum cise aud bolle fequeres | ° | Aaqiement Ci tare Mnnegen Bateger >O. 1D Row Lege and column shee must be ened Row she & aptfenal) $f qu Eultfalioe aaa buk column of fe swat exs eat a CICS] = 310,80, 36,40, SD e0h Anitzatezarfon of anny elements 2 Aatetipe anne Pow & Ee] leat sleal #4 valued, Valued ~ Vawwerh fy an array & noting but mater . put 4 [x] U2] ~ $1020, bbs WO, $0960 d 4 elemenig atoIto] 40 «(ele a 7: 40 a0 30 4 [olf] « 20 7 a [oJ[a] * 3° sv 60 [+] [0] = 40 a @Caitll 2 : Oks 4 .. au a [shes] [4&2] 3 x | €xs em abby X fr 4 OIL] « $10,20,08¢3 X fb aC iat + sianctsy> OS 7] ame a (-a]E9] 3X 2 AC IC] «2 045xX Fick 4CAI0] © 310% 205 30% 4d» $0» bOF 3 X fuk ACICI3 X | B- WAP to read and Aeptor elumente Hf as ey es max Clement Orn AD anray. as, HEuctude alley # Enetude {touoey sore sbxe YG) + Qae “th F 18. ge of re watt) alot Sh fuk aC21[01> €, f 5 ae partuep (Center 6 elements éubo s for (£265 224 3 tt) a 7 Hr) fm (Gros fo0s rd ‘ Z & Sang ("d", 2aCSIf)s 4 fa paves (" Décptay au. ements") s fon 0 tan #240 ‘Fax Cf-0 ‘ fé BS pe fot ("ted", are] cf )s barat Cn), Qe WAP ty 8nd sum ana a op alu elemonig enterec} fukp a SX watrex- Aus. vo mat.C) q But a [3] [915% f$ sum=o $ i Flogt avg 0's %: patnet Center 4 elements Crto array "5 tan (03 225 5 E+) * tan Cfees fe5s frp geang (toted", &aLell] 3 bum + Sunt t+ 4 CEICfI 3 Spout (1 Dfoptay ate elomentg "D5 for (f-03 Peay £4 "yan Geos fess TO patuay ("thas A rIly1) $ ‘ang + (float) sum] a 5 patnee ("eum « “od aa of 5 8. WAP to add a mratréeer op pader 2x2. Q. WAP to elumentg of UL ans coutabaing max™ 410 etemen Tuto another arraq eth «, sums avg ds Ane FBclide dstdo.y> \ —_-- —______ H#Euclude Fuk matt) et a (),b 08] > ut 25 (Meter 5 ELerents")s fbr (t05tees ert) Scant ("lea baTE])5 pata? (8 cLuuantg of genre novi 2s Faa(Peoy fee5 tot pratt (*hdte ale])3 me Pees t+#) bl2]- aes : prbiny Lew clang of coped arcey sds for l€e05 fee ft) foi ( A", BLED OP. “tod", bDS t Enter © elumente 5 Ss ec tau 4) Zoune an 112845 Cmany of copfed arraa tiene ASSIGNMENTS GldOntte te ABpperence bin Alganktiun. avd. ftawcant nulYA Cramp le, cna au xmMbee A BL flaw Haak» A Wable ave a And draw a flow Laat to Ukerk 4 reatest arson 3 nog Wwafte shgat notes on nen, wit block, Afearane 2'gky pe OF Bop Ewane 5 fy 4rautarpy, vd n m4 lagig eran VE togheal ernmr eode vo nen code “4 executable code 1 Bou. uoMar oo you Meany spomst iP asi Funeete tek a open syle Rt] 0] 44 Bs ouprfte a pregeans to find transpose e* qe eee G2 Weote a prisgravo ty mutteply 2 woot fees | G3 WAP 4 check! wien a giver. wakria. % Spance wmatrex or nd, @AwoAP to duck, a fier. woarda & iy RAE | BS VOAP +p erat AL He 4 du ascent | BrGoWOAP to Ensen a raw elouent Bute a Spechfeed pest. & your gore anna x fut] = $102); Array Surber teat and cecal éut ales + ‘hit be. Be one ae alc = $ toa 5 ie Scanned by CamScanner STRING > Character array TeunEuaring weet d’. th qneup of Maraters enrtosed Or double Lat & known ae Atréng eoustant wluneas a Sfrale Unorasrer trussed &e etna cbab known 22 Urmrartor constant - ¥ Secunfaty a Uaracer arn of sage Aimanefoy ctantg uh aie “ * every Stn Self terminated white a Speckat Maracten Cul me haractentfersiy (09). k Alone Sréng lonctaut Vetwuw base addros a auend. \ Syntax to declare sbréng char stfuaname (Px) s Eyauple? char ate]- “Ame” *%G t aE LY Str ® esa Gacex 28 sbowd be th Haan tre at coneRank Wager than atJo+ 0% ae , & 332 CT | don Let at & [aL ® A ways A of Puente a are pb saa! tomclonchar aC J * "all s 3 Curators const: Ex s Char a = 3H, tw, YN 4 v s p bye : Man aide 31H, ta, 2, Up, wis iT |) [i Ivo|v heh L beg lyf qo) 4 i Enel of aes han. aTio) « Ghats @ be te > Oust ob i hon a[t0] « "Anftes LAldals Tole vee le] Port fut qess | Wan alot = Awe s w ; oO | A sould be an ansdaraed Maegen Rubge Ander should stant wlth o and onde waht GEse -4) aie eidstatpt Oh ero B Wed watsEun takes tie “te wah buen 20 chan @[-C] = "Amet sy Chon. als ¥ Chan alo], X i Re aw i Gy war 4 fend trancpare af a qéven Winer eX « Ai a Suctude Asta #Fuomcle Ccowtohy Sud wacuc) t aw sri ls fut fs fo mons lias Lt Enter tae order Af the moar sn") 5 omuef ("teddy Atos Bw) pabnty ("eurer dhe élemueg pl the water i) 5 fan [feo 5 tom 524) t qe far Ue 05 fens (rd) beng ("lod¥, Aartay [E]CfI 3 24 CES : ature (8 Hue ever woaria. eg \n") Buber tae order of Hee. moar ke P forlfeoy Lem} fit) ‘ ; Yor (feos few 3 ftp Eleben the. elements pout (led » arco tal0p) s ee ‘ i | ba Cyt) 5 a A 3 o. % An $ Sho. Bi matter. fe patwip Cr ranspee Hf wee i ie 4 ee Yee: forlfeo5 fens ) . for (des fem 5 Ett) ie of wanes B sotit (oat hang DSS galt E bowls ot é 4 6 ’ ! | React and tortie ‘ fi 14 | Se Hedi Shckog. f-Seanti) 4. perfaager Re Geet) 2. pull > MS atréng name Scant ("formar specie vans 2 arguements qe (strfngname)s =e pure (trig name) PPA ( femur inte Van * chan $0] 2 Antta® s 1 Lee timid 6 Fahad ae eh Sfyeet Ce) 26 a © A symbol & not used Pa strBrq because A teoumdaat Pn chovutten. & prterent. 7 { euar SCJ. “kmttals purs(s) s tl Amtta Priaee ("*fo6", 3)5 Amita, } Example R C > yaa madaed Beant ay | 4 eH panicaa est Chon -¢ [ao] 5 th ohate os s ~prPues (Menten a- airérg")s feed (Plog! , 885 ole prtute (+209 » Sts Buber a Atréng. (6495 Amita Shoe ‘puss Loins Awa —> Seanf g aAwita Sahoo = acts 2 Seanf finer aumatialy tomtraler when A encoumbes Aunt] white apace AU Ab Wines a tab op a Space bulieoeas gets Punch Reade that pace 46 a characber be | ay 64 £4 wn o> [Alm] ele] batho [oho G-Watte 4 pas to Exput you name and Ady et Wms. yaPa wale) “ i my z chan name. [ao]; ane (1 Ensen your neve. ")s ofp Scand ("*h st, names Even. ne porte C"oet, Tame); Payal ul ing paral inact ¢ (name), oh Craw); GOH $ + veka mate o> 3 a, Char 6C J+ “HEU s tuk £5 for (2e05 sens B+ lee 5 ' otagas pevtuep (wehely C213 r i HELLO &. wate a pao ‘to Gut each & every character wht Fig t ondEng addresses for A en Stree. ‘Ane, val math 69 4 har S01 ~ "HELLO"S Ent 25 jor (fo srelic\s Et4) ofA E (Lana senal, S815 &8021)5 out (as he Address + oh uw", $0 op. Mare address eb6516 address » bgen9 hare addrese « bEt4g hareL address « 65614 Wer~ 0 adetrese« bSE2 8: Werkte 4 rewgnam to fad no of thanacters aurol no op | Wards vlna | oH 4 geven anti i gar | Ans. vata mafaey ay # j a ayy Carn SC] =" 5 ap not ke PPs"s ( ye ye Fuk 85 fit dts wo, i hig’ 4° Fer leeo, stripes, p44) ¥ vy? ra 4 boty 18 } het 5 2 w | #(erel==’’) wets | 5 z| [apo | Wtts bled (ee fTe] Trp fa Wome a rape to f&nq freauenc op a abven Maracten eH nstolg : ( Stréng Manfputartoy snd tenadng Funerbour % “dof fumc"Z awaiaote A hoacten_Yf sing oy 4, Strley Fle kMouan ae ° dt f& wea Ht requfres only one —— Be. pe nae. 3 fe wea unt rebueu. m0 of ‘pharatkot prusent Ew tae Sordid - Ale i. matnld Rete & & lenqtr of aenlag ban C1 “Hewes fue ts Le strien (993 “puss (5) > patatt ("na Ee wength of aeeéng"> os § Q-WOAP tw fEnd Comair. of ert yee i ler Strten wtb name) careulote lenge pa given erbng: : a qe atréna wlo eee on et] = HELL'S HS Bit Wis yo ys wake (92) 1 \0) yy US é L P+ § LeZ5 I > abd asfioliq. o™ ne Wrz. Storey (8); "YS ° > Yh tinetPon & used to reverse. a ence > dt requtres oi one veld matt Od 4 coer 60] “Hers Alt Pure lO 5 Hello pate (let, strreviods olleH § Q Wotte a pegram. te peverwe given. minha wétout Strrey fuck oy - 8 Watte a by revere & gfven atrEng wePdouk weeny any ag fenetfon . Stewor ($$ > tye funcefoun fe ysed tamvert A serbia ° Bate lower Case. VORA maka ed : 5 ole : ASE ASCII than 61 “HELO *s HEUo © ¢ ts Pht tea) Purses Keil wlo us Stren (505, ay Etre Pube (s>5 @ Sng name scmibe —> Couwesug even. so to er CA, > feawtrer one Ihe a votol wath Bava 60] x" hero's Pury L$ _— berupe (S15 | pure (28 olP. | t wetlo HELLO i St (8) J sb alupltcare a geet rena . veka main 2 an SCI < “hello’s ole pues tor3 heud atrdepts)s Netto purses, patiet (oe", etradup (2) 4 sitepy ( AustEuatfou Ming 9 Z0uace atrong’) 3 | veka mafic) 1s >We tunct & weed than CC] © “Meno” i copy 4 nor ais hello world" s 2ubo we desttua™ Ma Strepy (¢, es) 3 prtate ("eloswlee', > as | 4 O[P 2 Welle world hoo wart ( Vatol mafrtd 4 > than eC] 2 Neuo"s olp ~ Hello hetto Chon Cy] = “Merto warla’s Srepy (ef, €) 5 pane (olot\n th SCs C4) 5 ta H jy postttou)s Strnepy (destfnatfon zerBng odaune strony GES ECMAres 4 saat F wanke same as actcopy Puneet oak toa b Aerinat fon etna upt! 4 epectffed , > db requires & + veld mano nements Mon Cl] =" tetbber" 5 olp Wer C409 «Seo wasld"§ pout emery (ec, as hei world pa€art (8 s\ntb e's Cy C$ } y Volt wakicr z Wor eC]: LeHober § or UC] > " rete waald's ae ole Strnipy Ces co 9)5 sebbbaee Cetbben Priore Cerlogrnelest, e5c4)3 xe Cette world a . 4 Veta wath thor tL]= “Cetbbsr’s olp 2 w le har CI hello world " gti oe Strnepy (Ootuoes hetto wand pabuty [ofp ¢ \n leg" > Ga)s 4 gincat CS1,$8) 5 > Usd w coneatenaen arrEnge vefa matic Won Cl] = cetbber"s ale. Letbbsr my Werld Mar GC) = waatd"'s q Streat (esas pute (05 4% vata mace g Vor CC] e"herto "5 nor of 1s "wartds Ole. Streat Cesta) 5 Netlowasla Puss [eds t Strwcat (64,402) 5 Works Same as Abreat funct€on_ but str&rg 2 waPlL be concatenate wel eae ane upto A apeche| pastifoy . vol wake) a Chose CU] = “hetlo"s olr or G01 = “usraoud"s hetowo. Strncak [to t4od)s, puts Leds 4 , Gree (619 S2)5 > Hike dunct & used to eampare a Strén > tH a etrEnge ase equal f web retuou 0. on ow te not equal ef wilt return tHe AscIT Van dbfP bln tie dst non mediating character of Strbag- Ved watned > Take Pune & case seustitve 4 Mar é6y = "hello" s Mor yoy "neto"s a stremp (cyede =) PAE "barn ane equaws the pedutt LY Not equar"); t Vet mati 4 char eC] « “Heuo"s : lp. Mar lle hero's auc MEE & # as ASCIL V. -B2 Ax Atremp (e.ti5 (le -td) prtuty (” acct vam Ae fe eled*sd) 4 Ae Beramp [ao ac) OlP © ASCIL vole ase fe 8a, Stomp ($15899) > wonky same at Stromp (5 -furnctlan , etrfomp { 64» $2) > rks fe aoe ab Arompl? 4unePon bub Ranondiy the. tase veid math Wor etl e“hato"s Chan tyC)< “HELLD"'s tl Sin Zemp Ce, Ca)e=0) Se parkrrf ("bol eauat")s olp both eqmyrot. poeurt Lt Not equat"ds $ 1, btrodue 0) u, Strnserl) % etrrchrO Be Strset h-WwAP- 8 eubstréhg trom a4 qbven atsing Ben 2tré&nq “welcome tv cet" fea out & sting a. on / 14/44 Puncttoy dep Puatéoy (symiaa’) Return type fumetton mane (anqurmenty + ) ‘ 4 Yao of Abatement Peto. Statement § ' 3 > pPuncifon fe deffred as Self contabned biock, Af Sut OL Mane Lea & tuoufee ky fe i ae RUDWK AL Sub- Wwe deatgved. | for asing a spectffe tsk, reg | 1. We can aesEgn applicat ane Ee modular fasunak 40 that | - to debua- . | 2, Punctfon aevo W tanger tack, be subdirtted Pto } several Smarr task, 3 loony functbey avefd re-wntitérg same code eae ana. agatn th. code rene & posstbe. 4 4, Whur we are cong a. futon wolode Bs Ap Biud lancnr for auefaing eompstaizey! eroer, we reawtred. to ¢ for yorwaed Aeranotion fe. pa 2 required . Se Decaaatfoy mutans need to ment Pon retusn type nee ob thee funda and parameter. e Entermation . 6. An fuactPoy Aepenodzoy tet B called funthion declarator or Meader. saboas functéey Acclantfoy chewAd mat with twntfoy drvarater ? Paopeadice. ; pp veg funciéoy Aboud be tdundéfed wily wrtque name fous? by af" ef panentusie wit pa witout arquinents « » Gury funetfoy 2hould Yowe declaradt Syabben aval fey veh. eae “ fay > dite “ 3, She difaute retuan value oY a fsutfoy f Futeger and a Aypoule parameter “4p &s void. As Rebvon tune » poneucter anol ret stakementg ar oplfoust Ha funettoy doesu'e retue value teow Hen epectiy Pemwu ‘ype as void (Retumst al wing) > toerfrony two type of functor ane trene 4 LEboeary bo pre = aepened Aa bufte- fy funcrfous > ok bet oh, prem Puuplemented Functfoue nenicr are awaittabte al wiht the eougSler are knewn a paardi foot funrbon, > dumplementation, part of these. funct fous, ‘ow avakiable @n Lb an vob fEles ai counts “pone compFled odes . 7 We ane “Beg feowand devaratfaus toy wee ueadea’ files 2 . files does’ eouratn Lmplnentaltten past Of -functton Tia forward Liunbieon my v 4. AW pre defend twarr ious, comatr. Emited, tasks LAG a ap wir uye count modify beravéer re Aap sured rere 1 pene %. “ pre Aafened fumctbens ane dt _faeperiengy ere wiser Abend tasks Wun ewe veer ~ a4 ened funeréous 4 ey wane >, pared patuaf 0) 9 SCoMg » que» Fé ane Veer dofened Harassing hte wet. requirement ee function ane & Lementedl by a pepe 5 Wun Hinse are Catledd user defEued funete y. > programma at fun ennired ven. Wier Abend funchfey because coding ant fo te WA neadabe fermak - —> we can Unange de beravfor of user ayened functEon. - PIPE veld wmaknld Heute Paya veld At (15 [I fervard dectanasian (boaat) ais OOF | Funelon cau mo coed tunetten eA Prctude KHdf-W q oH Euctude Tatkwand Arraratfou j voto 5 aaptagt eats oem function Avcrarratioy a es owallable betere pateag (tbeutol) 5 J le eabier mada) - mahal? “8 Li I functfow ca pated rat ee saguauent And ao_retneu. A44Pe- ay war to ada. nog. due. #Puctude + Fucude Xcouto.hy veld aad (ub » BH) ble 2 to 2d paiurt ("sume %d", Carp)s + 30) 20 output t 3 yald maine? 4 ada (bits He) tuk arbs C cy pafurp ("Buber 2 values") 5 Scant ("elod thd", kas Kb) I 10 20 matin add [ asb)} ie oo 3. Funttfow. wht 0 ang unentt and hawag rear ype Ant. ArEnclude 4uk addl) g euk ash + Pana (Neuter 9 no"; Scamp ( "eld ted", ha sbb)s Retuou (0+) 5 t Vafd wafne> s Sub Sum § Sum = added; PHEAE ("cunt « led, Suni) $ genes 4. Punerfon white bole aryunaei and Petuouclpe Recommend # Euclude Xt+elfo.yy H Euctucte dmplomentatioy wok of funcion & awvebiabe en funn doping Hot totais func decaratfey an Weaden whi yh S Whenwer we are ‘SuvecEng f eaulng a functfoy § fe known. aS tunctfen ceuttng Stateniens - > Funthion pootstype] dedaratian alesv%s Lomtate body pas. ~> dn orden ca a functton | tt & reqyubred opectfec mo oP parameters Hen we ‘cauntt eyyees He + crfeon uel Lee Tupi 0: Mae an, PeAubred aig: oP aoguinents - Ext wap +o calewlate the aren of AKT] # # Eucude Tetuan arcatt3 4 + I makaty : qin 4 eto 05 tut side 5 nner t Paint (exter 2fte for square) s Scant C84", nbd) aoa & (P40); area z arent (94,6) s print? [Area op tangle fe "lA", ar0a)s s[ufiq Pea ninsere Pasefing. ‘echstqgne (PT) Woiun a tunerfan! & eatied tte eautra functfan may have © pase zome value t ihe eatted fubetfon » tras! Hue ane & ways fe with Meni Bo paraiier can be passed 1 tre caued funcdioy. te Cau by Value Re ea 4 Reference . 4 Cal toy Value | oh ts a ‘teclufgne fe whieh values of te vaafablee Oe | "passed by the catufng fune™ to the Cawed tune”. >The programe Hat wwe lave uerbren £0 fan are weg od ee Meiod mew of parameter possing tech nad > tn eal by Value Method Ure aatted func" Creabeg New vorfable to Store vawe Of the aogumenty pase to FL dhererare tre carted func" see atopy Sh actual feguments to peataam fe futendat tack. > df the cated func fe Co to mod the value of the paramotens passed +o then the changer wef be Teftected ony en He codtecl -funen. dn we eaullng funcifon no cuange. wl be made 40 the vauae of He varfable because an tr wen. Made to the ob te voabable and vee eu fe Attuad varfabue. ¥b0 we Can lontlide Mat Pa the cal by value. PPT the anges performed. : Vv wodtiy 7 you Change Of, FOAL arguments race Cnanges wort Ceftet back, tp aehual sogumeniy 4 a tout A you wane these Manges reftected bork, Huey you hove io emplfebity use retuon Matement ty retuon. tee swabieea value | & te ng fune” exe HPuctade ' aH Suclude P gee owe Jisule of taued funetfon we hewe to Use — tu retuot, Eh Aled furietfon. £23 Pt odd (Ent) tur matic) om MUM #5 priate ("dn matin before fumetfon Cau value= od", nus fun « odd Cnuni)s pabnrt ('\n After tunctfo call Value © Yd, nun) 5 retwou 05 oe odd (fut Xt) Ne N+ 40 préure ("4a cated functor vale e%od', 0) re ns olp dn mafn before fuaction vant «4% dn cated funcefor vale -41% “After function cour var « 4& ~ Mie biggest advasiag of wsng Catt “4 rate Aecntay |. fs thar wnentg you are Pass VHerale ( by4y*) chery expresstin (att Atbo----D —> Te dfeadvantage & Hor copgéng He data Consumer Ada ttfsnal ¢ spate 7 Artal thy Reference 9d toh teeter address oP varfables ar passed by He © Calling func t He cad func. Hac He Perumal ae st patulen type Actua argument ane of addnwss Lupe. When Ex can bi value becludque bet fermale and a angen ane of we tape. —>dn can Veferenme meted a func necfovee a Bupiesh Peperence +o He enh MaAthen tan @ vabue.- aque “Py te 2 ae Can modtiy Hu vatue op tue vaakab te And Unonger wi be tutected 4, a tb tna -func! as, wall —> To thAfcate that an wen. . 4 ‘ que and an lal “S tes P netng Cbv? technt Be parouuter tee . “An fs Placed Oteer tw type &n He format ery cyanea +o i — $0 we can tonetde tung # we mo Aare modffica" vaue why be soquont oe wPeinten fo a varkable which Can hatd adders of Anotren, varbable ext ful *P 5 tut aclos , Pega lp ‘ pabuee (hd*, wP)3 I 1 ) parr (lod, aly ft | at Puclude + Puctude dike. a norma wasFable ve can pare A oe 4 cae CUAGre. and. address of ana alouets ee EXT WWAP te pase a shige array ewnart Fido seein fa Anes Bietude A vst dleptoy ata) a] g afi td pats. (8d & re coments") ¢ a [io [20] 30] ° 2 veld walht> QLaDy I] Zo: out ACI Zt0, av, 209 5 ar 4 @ war to pase adcrere o eae array element Pato a func”. Ans ¢ “4 ; ae Enetde XstAfo-w> EW MeL +h Puce # Enewde yor i a veka ateplay (over stl) I] G ; I puss ao prbut ("%s", 85 t f vebd mam) hyar 6C]+ “Audas yeep (D3 SWAP » % eoncantfuale & Beibnge wlng funcrioy | Recuasé . 2 functor. conf Stoel? Ge Known 6 Retusrasiion SH breaks 2 lion. ne ene on manne -svepropiom le ane SEvMar toe eub-probim 4. code ee pews & precte 5 Be etpayaanar Abate evatuarioy fs onsy - DEsadvawtage ¢ 7 1.42 ono proper. Fenindiating conde & \ spedfzed > PE leads tp eugene Cesurr 2. Sovastinas preg ra. & laoamed GhIAP bw fend -factorfar spa wo ‘using recusstoy . maka t) Avet #2nctude Letdbo.y> %# Enctude a F fe] ene fack (fut ni) fefact Cn)5 Ss #t (M-=0) etuwr 13 hee retuun (1¥ face (a-i))$ vakl marnl 3 Ak APs nes; fe pad (nd 5 PreneP ("led & fae, f) 3 13/14 STRveTURE 7A etructwe fe a Uotectfon of dé rupee Hf Aata CMCHiE De 4 Abngle entéty- SH & aw user defPued datatype DepPiing a. Structune Syrian Struck 3 “bagnamie latatype — meruberds : Clatatay pe Member25 55 by > etruck = Stuetent Hine Btustend fe 4 totw 2 coutafutng ASP Hyper of data fab fas member kur ag @d as Eur i than enane Eos tre and name 4S character i: wie > Hee seméicton B uscd to PudPeate tha an eure eAted. Detiaatng Atructune yaakable We tan" deciare struture walape & 2 ways 4. wh fug structure Auboufifoy 3 2. name ex Cert 4 darat memberds z clakatype member2s uk ds wn We os Chor name [50] — $15 Sg5 Tverd. WAH 2s Here $4 Se te vorBavle op struck Student type contabyen: 2 data weubeng Bd oud name, ( én fe A van ob etruck 2kudent +4pe ouraBaPng 24 & vane vawe. A Noy aig sleiae ae . Sint = atatype member 4 5 | ated Member2$ 3 ! Struct eeghane Vard, Wan2 - Ex Struct Student he is #[stee ap (es) » Bt90°33 biraen ena pletgect (struct student) * 22 | 4; 3 Struck Student 415623 Be Deffue 4 structure mS Damel enepley uP & datamenbers Buch as bd, Name aud salar. oft, Etrtctture Struck empleg 2 fut fds Ona name [20] 5 Shoat salary § ts fereser of structure fs ans of all Hig data wentloer elge . ‘sata dntfalfoatPoy of Structure yantable tout ave pro Struck Student +g 5 Soe brohlouats gut AS a pe sterner a5 out "anne [ees Gad, “Aadeta't 5 4 vane or Cones bs ae NOTE \__,- . Noqe: A tte 42s. 4 abructure- defenPifor ye can’t fubrtalPee tho fe atoeated. to data merboag | alata member yarkabte tx mefnory - Aecsartecy - oa After structure variable Struct Student 4 éur bdeds Char name [za] in des > df mo of Enftfaltee, Be ls than a0 Of datamensboers | A Bruel , te remabubag datamenbers Are audomattealt . Euftbavkeed why ded value " correrpancting Aatdtyre, weeesing Atructure Vanrlable Strutt name } 2 j aati 2 momberd s ' datas fpe menber 45 t Vard < § eantes, cant? -... h er— Struck student Z tub fds Chas name [oo] 3 Essedty “amicna" be Lie 6 > dere dot pperater fe knovwon az member sf,ffL operator or Structure +) member operator . 8. wart» Aleplay & Student detathe aust structure. The ober Aeta membergl are fa, aie, eovowel Ane: ae ebrueeure ut tas h chan name [0]; cho cave [RO]; Bsa = Gd, Aver, 'BIECHE , SarGa, Yxys', \wrEct"}s prhut (fede tied y mane S > EOUAGE® og #, RSuEd 2 Sarnaines) 6 S16 OUMKe 2 putt (dated o namec hs 5 couse = Hoe sa B4, Sarhemne, bg. LAUE) 4 Area f Structures A dike array of : > Hew we Can ute arr (oncept with Structure Fuscgers array oP float iy a characters it Comalto create anna 4 Ber to étere ay Atop agp sbuuture vartable tay detacl Q-wap to create a structure Student and Afeplay ap de Students . ahs. veld maine WP etudent 3 tut Pls ner name [e0]3 than course [20] 4 SCs Pr!ere (Menton detadle for 40 studenip’) + (f-03 St2los 244) "4 ("led ‘lee 'le 6" hAIEA » eRIname + spleaunse) s pang (Xerudent Atafle ares”) 5 for (2e05 Peis Bai) palutf ("rodtschs", Stil. fd > ale] name » s[tl- t cause) $ | Areay tobe Structure You tan depbue an array wba te structure deffuttfey | & WAP to Afplay &tudene dotaf. of 1 Atudenty and mnarvke fu 4 Abbefects 4aUL btudent» Aves yell make 0) a eur eo4s Struc student out bay Char. nay [B01 5 but maak Pt) s } Ss [ols prints ("enter oerafle for 1 etudenig "Ds fer feos 2245 e+) | Scomf (“red 'les"s ASCR. Ed » al] mama) fe (feoy fens fat) i| deaf (Ted", Sle] mark tfl) 5 allure ("4S buclonk dolls are 2”)3 for (fedy 2244 tat) peat (Welod ‘host, slo fd » Sel-namé) 5 for [feos fens fas) $ Gane prob (Meled*, fe]. maak} )5 ¢ I | QWAP to Ate 0 wet te08r al i ana enany Oh de daar. ha | ami Te it 1 eee eee # fudude » Sle] nants icin natfou, [2]. falas) § pobuty (1 ‘wm Engh Avast, oacs")$ for (Peo 3 fe4 5 244) 4 pasate (fed "hs oS A", SCE] Fd ,cle] naw, ' alfl. Auskynatéou gle]. selon) 3 poate C"\n"ds {rns t ae IFlialig Nested Grusture A ctructn tan be dfPned a6 an element af anptlur fAructue Ake Be tenown ac Nested structure . >We strueture tp be Encwided as part of anon Aithe CAM be Aopored Suehe tu sPructure aapentifon on Ousstde ag On EudfvEdual seruclure tyre Suinkaat t SHutk tagnames 4 4 at (re member 4 5, Attatype member? § Struct tagname 2 a datatype memberd 5 Aa Member2§ fs | 4 van as E53] $ vents Example : truck Student Z ine tds char name [ols strut dare | A én amy 5 J dobs dots How $4 % vartable of chucture Student And cob & vantable fer Atructure date. To aeceee £4 we can wréte S48 % nee Aone we hove by waste OL. Adbed 64. dobem. elaiey a Nester Grueture tones tan be def@red as an element ep austen fracture | tke & enown ac Tested structure . tn >The xerurture tp be Euctuded ab part of a CAN be AcfEued Ankle te eeructure defener On. BydbPdual atructvre. ype: Syntaw : ' Stu tagnamed 4 atatype member ts Aedatupe member2 $ Struct tagname 2 4 Aatatupe meuberl y datatype Member 2§ fs /% Var 2s bs /$ vats Example ¢ Struck Student Hou. 64 & vartable of Structure $ Studint And olob f. varfable for far tds Aructure date. name [26s To acctse fd we can wréte £4.04 Pid ate, To AccereAmyy we have to workte ane anmed "64. dobed E dobs 84. dobro ? b4e dobey fess grvoar fo erate 4 Structure nawicly ewapl ee howeng Aa eure > FAs name and date of oa eineph gafning ad | mecteol tis. HEnetude | vets malice + fuctude KOU) 3 veld waht) Gitte elate i $ brute employee éut ay mos 4 ts éut tds Struct emp ner name [oo]s z . date fut €45 “fut domsys Char name [ols t Adj slg Strut dare olof 5 5 Pers Sets pelurt (tonter detabe for employ ead!) stant (“fod os ha thd thd", deaf, et MAWe » Rey ADF As & Cte AO] ms Bess dof) 5 peduee (" Aeplay ALL valet 5 prturt ("led the ted “ed hd", &.t4+bds £40 NAW » e4 oAofed > €4 dof.m i eh Anfey)s q Notes > Merber of Structure ean be of an type Sucl AAT 1 type Le. we can Pncde 4 structure wPtifh a > We CAH asat, Atructure workable, to Aneto Structure war. r Of bome type eture , ee Vofd mafies z Struck emp Z Eur fay Chas. Name [sols g ELS iy tance t, eas Cn x e413 1) asskuSeg a > Nee? ng Of Gructure wePte te structure BHeeif & nop var. Struct s a én ta § Cher name [20]; Struck tip eas Y fas Structure And Functfong 7 Slrurtiaws tay be passed to func" th Alf tomye. 27 We Can pase” EudfvEdual Structure memberg GA Whole struciue Varfabe as an Argument ts the funtfay . Hucuide KetAfoony # Encude 2 kr VORA Af) pay (Ent Tous char name [30]’) ? pabrrs (a50, td", vans WH [names Wet, name), $ veld motes Lewee studund z, fut Os Chas _n Cao] 5 D421, Ram} sos ohtre (So°m ," RPmaX)s CarPrRs Meplag (sser, stems U1, Raye Afsplay ( saev, Gan): flo, REma fi uutiy the who Structure vantaby a a ym anguari ext #Encude LStAfoe hy Struck Skuclent i EME FH 5 Char. a[30]3 $5 veka ater (Ctruck student str) patte ("Rou seled’, skurrnd)s Poare (* Names “hots 6tuem)s Vea wake) t Struct Skudent 64 2 94," Ram"ts Strut btudent 62+ 42, \RGWa"t. Afeplay (645 araptae L603 of pour £ Ram=nane woe & R2ma.Name | wha Hew we Car pee ae Usho struckute vasufable 5 AL AW meno b 4A Funet&oq ofp Rows + Names Ram Rous Newer Rema. — non at fea User. ened 2 thar & Wel (? AB Pere, ai eluents, (i a ey uke - bur Were dae ENG pace wet be Ahased by a the lata elnsents . tere unten Reyward f used to defend UNION Reyparao to ae UNION yastable : onto agnavae 4 sieved pes. membeat § bh Suman dettore 4 union Yankabe? unfow bagname Fvans, VORB ---- VAAN § Syntace to auesstg a wnlon parable 2 bunfon tag name z yard ag, antteattstn satan eS gn Nt v a rae ray, mm Varfable . J varte$ comet, conse - hs iad Vand member 4 vas eables ° VAPL2 » Member geWAPr to create a wifon students with Aata elonente ido Name, pemteniage duftealfse anal Aeaplay Magee elements. dues # Ereude Union Student 4 tnt Hg >a Woon bily —» a0 float Pers 54 5 vafa maluid % unfow Student 645 64+€d eds pete ("Bad eta", o4084)s Strepy (Siem , "Ram's paket ("names es", 61605 SL Pere 405 polntg Percentage (ile) + lof Vy St oper) 5 ¢ > Aloe of wfou fe Wu max Member Alize olepened ty the unfoy. ge @ Cecys |] 40. SM DAfertufase bln Structure & anfow welt Example Cmin"s 6) rgd “storia eff Pceent- memory Use Of UNO Enumeration on dt & a weer Attned dar es camumn Reywand & Wed wire “4 mr “t” ~ Toy web won we can Create Ws axtEned Andesite * > eum & wed i nasa 10 Open ad the nawes make 4 Proffene as th Ve and makniady, Note: SQ enum name can howe aame vale > AE we clows expifer asskqu pales $ enum names the CenepBter loy clefoureVasfyn wale araarbag frown xLA0 . > We Cae Sn varus b gZome Name aa any orden, an Wasste mar ae awe a value’ Of previous name +4 - > Value aatynea bb uum name, must be OWL Pvakeg rat. tennant £2. wange op mon Fubegen +e value bo max” Tnbegen AOU IML enw. Comedie MMM ve wntaue Br tuner Soper. Syutant + nun tagname From t+ valued, Const as vAleR ceils pt enum — COLBUM, Red, bypeen 5 baie » Pinks vafa moafuc’ Zum estou 6% Ce Rea +45 parbines (8 od DR Ce bua +45 0 4 go 4, ponte (teled ‘ed ‘led thd Tod", Red greeny Mine , Pétks¢) 3 a ed thd hj Aa’, Red arten bifie, Pek, a; x #Enclude wed for eestag wen defend mame fr exteting — olabatypes- typedef danatype Wondsfiued aaues # Enctude ft 4 want t Accse var outeite te funcifan then pakuttn & used ag a qr opie Vises _of_ Pokaten: ~> hecessEng Annoy elem, soretwuing Mare than one Valu. rol 4 Mousey? ad “d fi Accessfag aqme Allocated siaeaal Fe meng dora gkructure Uke , Uuk Let. bree. qeapha Bytan tb ereate a pofiver vanfable dedatupe ¥ pafurevarfabye name Gxs tub *ps Uke ofur vanfables pokiurer warfare Bautd aleo be Declared before befug used > Here b fe mame oP pofuer vartable whi veprécente Aeclargr Bp an Ent. pokater. t ? > tthe pobuter varfable hame shoud be a valfol EdeuttPeen. —? Heu dar pe & known ao te base, ooh a pobuter 7 "Se (®acteniok an 2s poturer varname Zafeums Lomptler Hat vas t. Aenaned 42 patitten EX? float *p, —> Fa shoud padut address ap am PPoat'van ut *P>ePea potter. hak ehourd poknt tw addron of aw buteger var F dar * Fa > ty f% 4 pabarea that qhautd pedir © address OF al harncter yar tor Hey and. wet aleo | have some aeldresc. ta nen | att pot: emg EreespertPve tet ase *yre mF decupy game space En mem luce all “op them Cnuidine Aaddrecees ouly- “Y AK by tee aré weed tb Store 4 Hu tompBter Allocate, 2 bytes fora pobiter ¥A%. sefaulng addressee ty Paftor Waafable = pmy we declare a paPuter yar, EF loubatns qarbnas, values may be. pokiaten ag ee fr He mem ¢ 7 8 you have to assfan an. address before. wating & eh Me page 9° | > Pobuter are Aleo van, go wmpfter wohl teserve Space | | | n address £0 y Cuh v Eptrs Pur bel03 Epit = ats I hestngnbag pobuter var > we tan. aeekgu loustant 6 to 4 enter ef am re: 1 - aumbolfe constant NLL be Aefeued Mm wwe denotes Hie value AAD. . > The asefgnment Of Nutr tb 4a pabuter anantees tat 2s dvewt pout to any val neninny Locar toy . exe ut *Bptns Phere NULLS > Opera borg used & Potter. ¥— Sndtoecton [vase at addrese operator. Rm address of operator ROH & wed vem value at address 4 paturer & ebuténa to bod rene” base addres / staating address of 4 van - -_— Q> WAP w create S paluter yan (fut >» Wars float), these var uf vat Bowe adaross and a the value ater” ge ‘poenter.. Avs .( vad maul) vald waka | 4 2 fut * Epir , fs fuk €= 405 * Eptrs float * tins te Ry ftoat teaoess * tptry Ue * cptr, chs char che}, * opts é- 4105 i Fe An otms Ch stats i mr oot $ one ow ne maen l) at eet" 2 2pm ' But €245,% Epir= aes | oe obese | float fe goes, | Mar cy n'y, * oper l $ fpte PAEREF (“lod *lod"y Bs sf [ass 10 10 1004 2002 abet [ofr fot, tie | paket led ME, $5 tpi) § Jie os ANS BO | Looe Butt ("lye tte’, chy *eptr)s|], loc a A A, | oy Ho, 4 o paiug ("hu on thn ', £8 5 Pptrs A Spr) s I 1000 1000 200 $ yok maf cr aa] ii ftq 4a Ast Co Yo4 fut * pers pire Bas tone 000 pen * Ars10> beRos ; pecintt [bd ody ack) /f 10 eo } # pire 303 Pér= &bs ‘bs 403 PAPE ("lod Hed od", 4sboxpirds ff 20 40 40 qerencrs t vail mafntd 4 Bn- Arboes Pur *pirs pire kag Ae 1D > beads = BOS Prete ("tad cod td hats Arbrty *pedsil o 26 30 B * Pere os Ptre kbs bz B0% Prbutt (led ed ted ed's Hebets Are keg é KPH e405 Ys J pedint} [bd ed tow ne, 49), Rptrs &pit mn 3 // Gunns % vw pedgy 40 80 2 80 qo 40 2000 100% eS *Pabiten varkabe Gullattecd wsflte nun fe known as Tut pot, i “actey ee We to clack, sheds op a pofinter. be to Bune, ; bo A politer pefiss manson Loatoy ar & & free. to boi dies *H damaet Mott ety adaace ak ta Hust couarioy - Lown pointer, tt a pabinten variable whi & nat Eufbeatfeod aah al) addase usin ae wStd pofuter . od & Pturutioe ee a. eFuter » because’ wSteut aad pelie ty some Sya- soy teat : Gyasale | safe PoButen ok MA potter whifey dan aLeose malta. ig herd of ie a a TORE es Ain| datotipe vaatable . veld ®P Da Potter. Sf a pobiter wanbatic & pafulfua ty Eraviove aa denst wai tasty oH % caued 2 ing P ten - PeSurer ‘do Pobuser a sie um sto addrue if pelator vari pynfable with Rn r varia B fome sewn oun as palin. te pobier yaodabe 7th te goa wed. lle pased Spot | P 4 te “paliten, waofabis ; Node + sup. pelt ¢ ** pabaomaue 5 Exe fut FE DS #ouwude xep) 5 If (tale oud. polincr val by wal, #eAp)s 0 | pany (nate fle = nd > baye f (ep) «thd sate 4 (tte) ed yenpee) » ote [RB)? alg (meq) 3 a & * Pole ApBametic rations on paliter itso polaten 7s f Sequenteal eae (te p-9) Gia") ~ Nett addrese = cusvwit i eae .) x ene ers NA = 4 +06) (alee 9 datas Nhe th -(D» Gege ‘veld vaakue> i fuk AL J+ $10, 20, 30, Uo, wots PE *D, ¥4, ts 1600 joe 004 qb \ 08 a ols [al 4] 3] 1* & alps “a cam [1006] 400% ante te address & thw "SPST be ee ees du ear (000 + Ax + 100% pet phon nent addiese fe b's 4) 3 [148 Nae 16 -AxL = 104 te pe ptas 4 44-45 plate ("0 hu, pod) s | bore loo = Pas PMMEL (Md fe no Af clomunte betwen', v)s ||. zl os GFae % Anbatypa - * Sut Azl05 fut *Ps Pe bas ebige of (2) 5 NF she f(tP) 5 N18 stgeef (a5 NA stgef 4 I Preecence of Aereferencing operator and Lucrenent | decre. “ment Aperakor ¢ | eine precedence: level of x (Fuelfreetfon_Laereperenctng operate!) and tnerement and decrement operator & Lame and | asgoriattvely & from. tk : We howe 4 Casee +» oleal web . | 4, ooo => *hltt) & Read data & move peuter to next toe. Ae fas aa ~? Move po€uter tp next loc. & tead dala a ere a +e (ptr) > Read data & Lncrement data 4o@pt) ++ 2 Pucrement data (value at pin HF OR as woo 1002 ()- ptr ty X= *4tptr X= t+ + ptr : 38 © Rb Xe 8 i X= &per) tr TA. Posuten Cormpasiie on >"dbe retasfuat operatong (>92o=525>=5 12) Can be Weed webin patter . too. ~The Operator (== Al) bs used +o lompane te potters tl for Fitcng wolwestrea wowrafa same adeirers OF nob. | al | 2 mt wile be equal eu Ade nuh ee contain Addteag of Came vasfabte « 7 he retatfoual Operaterg are valQl bln peutere of came type. ° neven > He aoutunetf, Opera" Hat com, be performed on Patiters are 4o AAddfoun Muleepleeg't 9 Aivbefoy_ ap 2 otirerg | Ao MuretriPean bla a pofnter and 4 Constant Se DEveehon ef pokurer by ano op douetant- 4+ AAA Eon “op foo | dle values ty 4 potter . Posusea duel Arca Notes ‘ Ys lo understand retatfaushsp oP paitors vsfitr vale eel RAL Some pofats ‘ na? ’ Ctemeneg of aM are Are stored 8 consecutive, bneriiae Socatfan . % the tame f an area &s pesueg t LF a elem! base address of array . > We cam, Suenerment Gy contkant pebreer. ay kee pobaten goBiametfe voken. 4 ester yarkrby & Meremented » PE pocnig Hh next locar op & constant paduter that a your array alao Rnousn ag As base type Qe WAP prot he abut. ah) addrese of element pp (Ss pane comraticding S euteg ef Ang: vatol malic) Bur ales £454, o> US$ s fue £3 for liz os £ee$ P44) 2 patinty t* vatur of ADthd]. edlt" > & Ale) 5 porns (" Aactrese of & [eld] «You lt "> fo aatel); g tooo 1002 Wm 106 18 ’ 4 ata “t : o i 2 (6 4 ole Vale of alo}=4 — -AdAress oP ad] = 1000 Vame of alt] -4 Address of alt] « 100% Vater of alk] 3 Addis of @2) = 1004 VOlue a alajey uw " ald] + toog yi ee Yk abi]. Looe > val mahi 7 tube als] = 44,4,5, 406% 5 Pub ey far (teo 4 fe $3 f+) z paket (" Vatue 4 alod|- Udlt"> 8 *a+O)$ pring (8 Address oP a Med] e Slou\e"s 21a +293 4 Be Kaltl« a+? ate] = *(a+#) > KevessEng Array Elemente vy palvrer netatfon Fo faster than atlasdi lan o F pt notalzey beritte Comptes Aubserfr nokafon. ty pormten Adcom athe, changes Notat eon, “Wa un acco, tre arag elements i tenn ee fe Lommutaltye Be. ale same ae ela] ~ We had seen eaatfer that alt] & caytvalent t * (at -atow we caw a that *(até) & equfvalent tk F440) al#] —» * (at —> #(f+a) + 2[a] 06 [12 ]14 Qe WorSe a Pepe to draverce ariay clsmcnty Eng poPuter axel ey sia \adaried ‘a vi at qt, cements . P fea] oz, a MES veld mofncy sat a] | a] Bs $ c fut ala] - 110540, 30,40) s a Bu fs Ralo] beag, Pte Peas Pe gapoy ete fo (Bo; Reuy ton = (0D + 4A = 1004 ant 4 4 PME ( “address of Ald] = SOU\t', 8, (re8y)s Pott C*Vawe of ald) MAVEN, 8% Cp439)) 5 Gubsepting pofiter, varbables mabat) Peasy itPe ha [0] far (2e04 bey 5 St) pakutt (*adcrere of AChd] «iu thu thu \t's ® gale], (ar®) » @+2)5 patnts (" Vawe fa Cbd] © thd tea od lt" & Al], *+!) "(pees lp. hadress of alll « 1900 1000 1900 Vawe ob able 0 lo Pobiter oo Are tn tao prevEous program. we had 4 peerter Writ potted reapte elements Of array: we Can Algo lectare a pall a that can polit to whole array Lustead of ie dement of 4rret Sate, podaeen. & vse for eae i are? . Symrars Grote (# poBareename) [skal] 5 eve ut (*P>[to] 5 Hene p be a pabter tat can poet wan array af to Cnteqerg - gt ey to cuctose your. pokuter vane webtePr & " Py2yten bo au Arras of 4D S we type of pofister P q ogee! ~ Vafd wahoo z Bak a [4] $105 20, 50, 104 § Cup es Pub ( pir) [4] 5 Ul Pouter tm aren f A futegone * Tue *Ps t Pobater ty Oe. a 1 Peasy Pe ale] Ja iae ewe rE 6 peu wee . Abnd [ Y ceae of CP) = of", be honda. s fel Fi exe of (RP) At, ae nts fey $244) Peta CVawe are ‘bed ", * ( 3 raze ay Address are “en, *(at?))3 oo Jesters oe | @ [» [e[ar] tooo ae +008 = 1008 1006 Ly Gare) L 7 * (2 at&) * low + 0x2) © €1000—=> 10 * (tan + 1x8) Pe \oo2 > #0 ee eet Peak peodas I Refercusbag array 4 Sutegerp Ka trtt $ ” aap (Melo! wy pets 1 100s % aventp ( '2hoe of (pHD= 4 ¥, eee of (PEt) i ("age aCe pe) teats HOE PHD? # i i ot [1814 td ae of charather a area a Eutegerg » rea ¢ fet 2 arta erate Atra posurer? St al iting but a of ee ond volt want) i Sub ala] « $10, 20,90> 4043 fut Bs fa *PLA]s I Array pefntem fer (2-03 £445 fF) Pre] « Kal? for (2-03 feu3 t+) pel fut (* food) e ou let, & PII) + ‘as PLobd] = fled \t "> 2» *CPDD)$ i UE a alg) 402 or a | zo | 4o toe ae 1006 An 2 1000 Z o} +10 0 pb] PC) Pld tla) : “ 1900 | 1002 floo4| 1006 a on 4) 2 & 2000 802 AMA Abve ee a S* Wake ASP bln patieter b aie and are of potnrear. deh “exemple . oe eo Aud Husetioy We oan wee pokieter concept uxfty funet fey Funct? otter | Pakirer to sear Ce known ae pothten 7H Reet to store addres of flan to 4 eefon. . ‘ ot abe b Abaodthg oP executable tote of a function Atte than olata. . Pu eeP on Tount tan. be used tp A ee uted, 2 con ato be pasecd at au. yp niene a be Fetuoued from 4 func - ote acluautage oF wetha tafe concept fe Eb can be used. site Sure of ee to wake te tole siuptfer ane MEuflee. he toae . datatype C* polntername /fdouttty) larg Leek) 3 4 & Sau 46 Punetion H Sheutd bo bame 5 “ag eiPon. Aeauennens. type Retvou. *YPe- Erowplos wap to Hpi qo name. wilng function pobuter HEUAUALL ALD, Ds vob Afeplag 3 iets Meise ; iat ae veFaA mahil) i z Voll @ptry ty 4 I FunetPow pobiter Aeutaratfou. Pitre Falters I ptre Heptay s . Bplayes s I Norman Fumactlon_ cay eres : atfele [Fe at]? ae ores & wap Hh fPad Bunt a “nad laments ee pobten s Foes Penang Peter A tune cou a on ARATE oe Tetuou A pernber y Count ret adcdrene oP a tocot yan bron uae & led tp [tocol to than Pane” bal + 8 WAP ty ehauh, greatert among & nog ust thee Lomeeph Fuacefon Petusuth Wher. . the ¢ Bishan ules Sut > Pud Man (B®, Eat) 4 void mata A b a oa Ent abs 100 tubteys prtntp (“ener a noe) § $end Max (*m,*m) Sauk ("nd bd, Lan keys We feud Mar (2a ab)5 hed ("od Fe lange to)s |] 20 fuk Ptutmar( tiny > at tag) (>80 xX of a ee ny) _blp stipe “A RO be lage: Peto Nag 4 04 [12 rer fh [14 a aut BaAk woe hae dau VEU nowo ind stale aay allocation Ge. tae mean stge tae we dan tb Verb fe of wu oais “{ ex ecuttoy . op page > dn many apptfeate A fe not poee Pole to prectice Mow wiley would be needed a wee progam Ab Pur time. 5 sae ex. los Tub A = 3 aa array fre Gbge Ba speclPed ab completion Heme. fe. ae thw tue op alectartng year arnag au. have tv spec aua Sige. A probleme can. occurs ® tue firgt case & Be wo oP values to be Stored dan be tse than tHe s8ye of the atraq- fence there wohl be wastage f wenden . ® ap we usout to Store ware value than We Abase of aay tere fe no enone memaay TO overcome. teese probleme we shoul> be ble to Allocate monary ae THM +ime —y The peroeess of allocating memery At oe Ene of execulfou Fe called. Anau ery Allocatfoy 7 We allocation and felease of the memor opaee can. be. clone uot eome precopEied functions oe Prorotype are found. fn stale — Muse functtoun take fre a aten area kien as heap aud r. Hike wen, weber Fequtred 60 that He Same MeMetYy can: bd Mzec) age for Gomme bbe purpose. (| Appitcoafon vaumery Kes matloe() > Wed wp Ueale Agranl mannory [er ¢? vlack CalLoel) —yused to create Agee mae oruy Comulteple lock] vealloet>ty vakge a, apace alt peaked mevnsr freed (Enurease clecr¥ace) { lL» dealtocate the | creakeal merely maloel) destanattor malteet) § ‘yak * wane (slob 2bxt)3 —> Aafe functfow f wseol to alweate Wem ay arene tke Abge- specbhees ap of bybee to be Allo > SPu-b veptesente wae & unaligned Puseger On euleess > mato 0) Ou fale > reqs NULL “LT macro conskant reo 4 pokiier. to Ack by of wai type > Ba renew? peluter ee , Sa Ou te typecast * appuprime We aT = > an gt we cau wekles pre (datatype *) mattec (sree ‘ ‘ ie Gone te Expr ant ae | eluments oly Apa Wamery succarioy - es veld malo i Cut #P > ons wae (Néntea no af we Ds Beang (Mod's 05 IS Pe (ue * ) mnauine( i * sfyea{ (B18) 5 m4 == sou) pobney ("Alt Suppfedenk memo 93 Tits t if for (2-05 fen $ £44) HN enber value ded "> Pr 4)$ Cee. pres ie (' elementg fr DMA are!) 5 for [eco 5 22n $ P4t) pater (MbA"s ¥ (pt) $ tree LF); I eae), euosodfons yal *tanroeteby=t—#ge) § veld * cauoe( Sige-b Ms alget sft) s wo ef blockg 9 sar block, BP5e > "hie -funcifen & used to allocate niustFple btoens of Men, r beoel ud “> The ‘tds ieee epectfes aot me ine . Seconal ? St fe comuonar £inilar to mae pune uefin 2 waty AFtpecences ¢ ma uec 0) calloct) . Sk ee > FH taker 2 anguuments 4h, fee fe. no of tor > slat of q Sh es broek, DH & wet bm auceric => fe fe yeed by Alloerte mutt Eple beoekg oP block_ oP nol ~> The mem Allocated. > Men Allo cabed caulocy| } mastoees op not fut af not MS faised eliurafier Alsed tourafus qt Aue 08 depaute value Vatue. 10[12|14 Be lOAt to fEnd eum of arn element hyn mento ailacontae haan, “f F q ayer t Ane. H Sretde ActAfo.ys 10 bytec ah ws - mafnc> Fir = (fnt*® Jmnatipe (n % eho 1) Mt rr Eas fate cog 5 /Pre teas) fAlloc( ny she ef ttn patnesll cuter no op elements!) ; v- Beant ("Md", Buds iis re Sealed Px(€ue#) entine (ns stge of fut I]-o bivekg byteeto £atk & byte fe Probate (Mensea wate") los Pe = ae Pr TOIL 000 Tere Teo Scauf (* iod* , (p+2))s Segget : + *(p+2) ; Aes arte, ised fe eum, 2)5 '000 Tear ops. ee 24 |L0¢ Derraraszen ¢ veld *yeatce (vabd “pir, Slge-L newebya) 5 " dn > pir = Gut #) matloc Ls ge) s | | | pire (Ena) ‘reettoe (pits new ste) $ | ——. | des fune® fs wsect to car or peekge seu q ote block, H astern the 48 of metry buck, who oe data. |> dts fo RnowN at peaUveasdn. ap mennasy o> dP the new sbae fe, Last agen ee etd capa Fe mot Roet )) aud the Newly auiocared® Lyree ane unbutifaled . > the aintlig a Aclrese contafn in -pabuter pir ma change BH ttrone Fe not enppPefent meme At the of adctrese tp étore att tre bytes consecrate block, bi the data ef etd Lioce Bs nob tock - > Mihfe fume wiover conden of btd block Ento te new | > bu faflure rearooe fane retuons NvLL. | Be WAP wo create a namk. memory 4o etere Enftéall Pubegor wabues tum Edeeat misttin Pucegens mea realtoe, funct and dfs abl He values. dues vod matey an XD > tong pant ("enter no oP etemenig "> ¢ Scout (Uo s Bud 3 Ines Pent ®) mate Cn * sBeob Gua) 5 Il 10 (Pee Nv) He [I Melnary not gubpfefent ") § bs (0) § paure (* enter 5 Sureger varutt 3 : 2 Cbet3 beg, Pb Seat Comey tp+8)) 5 | Pr (8b #) reac (pram leige aphid) § if es ae pf more 4 fa ] aE (pee avid | 2 Pertett (4m entorg nok euppeckentH) § | eacft (0) 3 f Poet 08 Siten 4 more braeger aeAmee ")§ igre €e4 » £44) Scant CH tol LA Cp+edds t Pefate (1m Aeptay. as elements “) % fer lbnos pea aos iil ("414 *p40)s freedp)s free) § Sybase § veka free (vad *P~s Cin qenesal we ean uw prdike funen G used 49 Tree (ptr) s cAoaltooate | Peleace tu memo Be. Sceupled by MALLE oP Latroe ie. > We whit not qt 4 error & We doy? wl AtLocated coal te 't Pree the Sunawiall be. memor el ay ee Hog lad ty A | saa | Ate the “ Man er 7” ae Peden Loud. be: eu

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