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Kinley Galloway

Learning Log

Log #1: January 2, 2021- Whom vs Who

○ “Who vs. Whom” (Video & Quiz)
○ Article from SLCC Open Pressbook 2.2 - “Language Matters”

Log #2: Genre in the Wild--Understanding Genre Within Rhetorical (Eco)Systems” --Lisa
Bickmore (6.44)
1. If my cup won't hold but a pint, and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have
my little half measure full?
2. There ought to be equal rights now more than ever, since colored people have got their freedom.

Log #3: February 1, 2021- Writing for Community Change by Elisa Stone
1. Nearly all employers agree that regardless of their chosen field of study, all students
should have experiences in college that teach them how to solve problems with people
whose views are different from their own.
a. We all need to experience things we don't think we would in college. We need to
see others peoples perspectives.
2. College is about more than an education, more than just taking a class after a class,
semester after semester. College was designed to teach us to be whatever it is we want to
be when we grow up, but it is also intended for a larger purpose.
a. We need an education but it's not all we need.

Log #4: February 3, 2021- Elizabeth Smart Case.

1. On March 12, 2003, nine months after the abduction, an alert citizen in Sandy, Utah, who
learned about the kidnapping on television, spotted Mitchell traveling with two people
and contacted police. When officers approached the trio for questioning, they discovered
Mitchell, Barzee, and, disguised in a gray wig and veil, Elizabeth.
2. Stories with narrative structure, stories that feel like stories, get told and retold. Those
that do not, sometimes despite their importance, languish untold or are quickly forgotten.
3. All the news stations would keep everyone updated on her. They would televise that she
is still missing and would put the public's eye into trying to find her. Elizabeth Smart's
family was also very wealthy so they made sure that their daughter's kidnapping was well
known and did everything they could to find her no matter the cost. Other missing people
probably don't have that so people forget about them.

Log #5: February 8, 2021-Engagement

1. When we write, we are responding to the needs of a situation, a conversation already
taking place, an occasion that has prompted us to speak. We listen to the conversation for
a while, we do our research, and at some point we give voice to our message. If we want
to be heard, understood, and perhaps even agreed with, we must make choices, develop
strategies, and enact decisions that go beyond simply deciding what we want to say.
2. To increase the chances of our message being heard, we’ll need to consider our purpose,
our chosen audience, and our context as we write. And we’ll make many choices about
content, tone, length, format, genre, and mode of delivery based on our analysis of the
rhetorical situation in which we are writing.
3. Consider my audience, my text message, the author, the purpose and the context and
content of what I am writing.

Log #6: February 10, 2021- Writing is Recursive

1. “In modern English, recursion is used to describe a process that loops or “runs again”
until a task is complete. It’s a term often used in computer science to indicate a program
or piece of code that continues to run until certain conditions are met, such as a variable
determined by the user of the program.”
2. This process starts with thinking about the writing task and then moves through each part
in order until, after editing, you’re finished. Even if you don’t do this every time, I’m
betting that this linear process is probably familiar to you, especially if you just graduated
high school.
3. My weakness is the drafting part of the process. I can make this a strength by practicing
on it more and focusing on making it better.

Leaning Log #7: “Shut your Eyes and See”- Lisa Bickmore
1. 2 ah ha moments

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