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Galloway 1

Kinley Galloway

Jackie Burr, Instructor

English 2010, Section 2

10 March 2020

Notebook #2

My topic is Adoption. For this notebook I asked some of my friends over messages their

views on adoption. My questions for them were: “ What are your views on adoption? Do you

lean more towards the pros or the cons of adoption? And please explain your answer that you

gave. I got many positive responses from the messages. Then I asked the same questions on my

story on instagram and got several responses. I made a poll and a question box for people to

explain their answer. Below I will attach the screenshots of all the answers that I was given. I am

going to cross out names for confidentiality.

Here is a list of responses that I received from my messages:

● “Umm thats a hard question. I’ve never thought about it too much. I feel like it’s a good

alternative if you can’t have kids or if you don’t want to go through childbirth. I think

that it’s a good thing. I feel like most people do think about the cons more when thinking

about it though.”

● “I definitely lean towards the pros because it gives people a chance to have kids if they

are having trouble making a family, it gives kids who don’t have families a home, and

there aren’t as many cons as there are pros!”

● “Adoption is helping many lives and helping children have a home and feel loved.”

● “It's a way that kids can get a better home and family than what they were born into

which can give them better opportunities in life.”

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● “I think there are more pros than cons because there’s people who are having trouble with

starting a family and so adoption gives them an opportunity to have a family and it gives

kids who don’t have a home a chance to have a family that would love them and do

anything for them.”

● “My opinion on adoption is actually very positive because I believe that you are helping a

child get out of foster care or just the whole system. I believe it also has more pros

because if a woman or a couple wants a child, but they can’t they can adopt.”

● “I love adoption and I plan to adopt at least half my kids when I am older and I definitely

think there are more pros to it.”

Below here is going to be the list of responses that I got from my instagram:

● “The foster care system is screwed, adoption is hard and should be more available.”

● “Adoption is so so so good!! It helps kids have good parents.”

● “When I think of adoption I think of good things about it.”

● “I think adoption is a wonderful thing and it gives families an opportunity to give

someone a better life!”

● “The foster care system is effed up and I think blood doesn’t make a family, love does”

● “I think any of the kids in the system deserve the chance to be adopted:)”

● “My parents adopted this dumb girl 8 years ago and now I’m stuck with her forever;)”

(this was my older sister joking around with me )

● “Adoption can be many things and coming from it, ot me I lean more towards the pros.”

● “I was adopted, I've seen nothing but love and extended family relationships as a result.”

● “I think it depends on the situation but i think it can give the adoptees a better life.”
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● “My cousins are adopted and my aunt was able to provide them with a better and

healthier life and her kids were able to provide her with someone to call a family even

though she couldn’t nurse them herself.”

Below are going to be the screenshots of everyone's answers:)

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Galloway 5
Galloway 6

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