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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

School of Petroleum Technology, Gandhinagar

Mid Semester examination, February-March 2011
B. Tech. Petroleum Engineering
Course (Code): PET103T
Date: 10/03/2011 Time: 2 Hrs
Max. Marks: 40
Instructions to students:
1. Do not write anything other than your roll number on question paper.
2. Assume suitable data wherever required and mention it clearly.
3. Writing appropriate units, nomenclature, and drawing neat sketches/schematics wherever required is an integral
part of the answer.

Q 1. (a) Describe the first law of thermodynamics, and prove the equation dWby = – dWon from (4)
the first law
(b) Show by P-V diagram that work is a path function (3)
(c) Write short notes on any 1 of the following: (3)
(i) Entropy (ii) Third law of thermodynamics

Q 2. (a) A Carnot engine working between 100˚C and 500˚C absorbs 1000 J heat from the (4)
high-temperature source. Calculate (i) the work done by the engine, (ii) heat rejected
and (iii) efficiency of the engine
(b) Derive the mathematical relation between specific heat capacities at constant (3)
pressure (Cp) and constant volume (Cv)
(c) Write short notes on any 1 of the following: (i) Octane number (ii) Heat Engine (3)

Q 3. (a) A monoatomic ideal gas is used as the working substance for the (4)
Carnot cycle shown in the figure. Processes A to B and C to D are
isothermal, while B to C and D to A are adiabatic. During process A
to B, 1200 J of work is done by the gas on the surroundings.
Calculate the heat expelled by the gas during process C to D?
(b) Write, in a tabular form, the differences between Otto Engine and Diesel Engine (3)
(c) Attempt any 1 of the following: (3)
(i) Describe, preferably with diagram, the strokes in a 4-storke petrol engine
(ii) Describe with diagram the dependence of thermal efficiency of a diesel engine
with compression ratio and cut-off ratio

Q 4. (a) Draw an ideal Brayton cycle in P-V or T-S mode, and summarize the steps involved (4)
(b) Describe the ways of improvement in Rankine cycle (3)
(c) Write short notes on any 1 of the following: (3)
(i) Coefficient of Performance (COP) (ii) Impossible heat pump


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