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1. Under the Nazi Rule, Germans faced a lot of changes.

They faced changes like Hitler

promising the people that he would improve the economy of Germany. This is by
Hitler wanting to make Germany Self-sufficient. He increased the employment by
Public works, this increases the employment as Hitler wanted to employ loads of
men to help build the buildings. It had changes in categories of people like the
young, Hitler changed the curriculum so that Children could understand about the
Nazi’s Ideology. Also, there were a lot of Nazi Propaganda stating their ideology
which made the public vote for the Nazis, so they gained the Majority.

2. The unemployment status decreased as Hitler made a promise to the public that the
unemployment figures decreases. Invisible employment is when certain categories
are not included in the statistic in the employment figure, like the Jews, Women
were forced to give up their jobs to men. Even though the employment figures were
high, working conditions were poor. This was because Germany were undergoing
depression and the First World War.

3. Women policies was to give birth to children and raise them. This is because there
could be higher number of populations who are the Aryan Race. Women were
meant follow the three Ks which were the Children, Kitchen and Church. The Nazis
introduced a Law which would give financial help for the women to stay at home.

4. The main terms of the Treaty of Versailles are that Germany’s armed forces were
100,000 men and they weren’t allowed to have armed vehicles also they could only
have 6 warships. Germany also had to pay reparations for the damage they caused
to certain counties like UK, France and America. The reparations they had to pay was
£6600 million. The Treaty of Versailles also stated of the ban of the Rhineland and
demilitarise it. BRAT

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