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Solanki - Uppadhaya - Narang - Shivaram

The qualification process to check a person’s mindset, values and principles
for a solid partnership

Probing is a step in which we get to know more about a candidate like
what he/she is currently studying or doing, in which college, what he/ she
thought of pursuing in future etc. Remember that it should not look like an
interview. After getting to know about the candidate, you can now do the
next step called DROP THE MESSAGE. It’s basically building relationship
with the person. We can also transfer videos of Sleeping pattern,
meditation and relaxation videos etc.

1. DTM should start with your introduction in which you tell about your profession and
tell that you have a business in health, fitness and Information Technology in USA,
Canada, France, Australia and India (If you are a student skip telling about what you
are studying). Introduction should end here.
2. As per the candidate’s interest or the flow of the conversation do MSAWA(Make
Someone Aware Who is Available), in which you should have a refined and short story
about how you met your mentor and the leaders of BWW. Msawa should end here.

Meet And Greet 1
After Msawa ask the candidate where they are from, then tell them that you(IBO) will check with the team about vacancies for
that place and get back to them.
After at least 1 hour tell the candidate that vacancies are available and the team has asked you(IBO) to ask the candidate a few
Q1: On a scale of 1 to 10, if 10 is the ideal level of happiness, finance, time freedom etc for you, then what is your current level?
Q2: Ask if they have HASH qualities.
Q3: What are your dreams for yourself and your family?
Go with the flow of the conversation and keep bridging. Give brief idea about the business model and asset/system based
income. Also tell about the 4 quadrants.
Finally, transfer the audio file Trends/Key to financial freedom and ask them to prepare a summary on the audio file, that will be
reviewed by your board/team. Also transfer the book, ‘The Business of the 21st century’.
Note: MG1 is counted only when the candidate forwards his notes. Maximum time given should be 36 hours (Unless there is a
genuine reason).
After receiving the notes on the first audio, tell the candidate about their role in the business on call.

“ What is my role?“ - candidate
1. We are into healthcare, immunity building to fight viruses and bacterias and prevention of various diseases
like Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Thyroid etc. Hence you need to acquire basic knowledge about the
solutions and we have healthcare brands. Some are 86 years old and used by Olympic athletes, we are the
only one to do DNA fingerprinting in India, we are into Ayurveda because nutrients like Ashwagandha, Vasaka,
Vitamin C and Tulsi are also being recommended by the health ministry for increasing immunity.
2. Every business employees can be seen everywhere but Facebook’s, Instagram’s, Amazon’s etc office and
employees are not seen usually, because we use their apps and create their business.
Similarly you will help people to install your apps which we will provide access to and they will buy whatever
they need and the entire turnover will be yours and your income will be upto 50%.
3. The people you will work with are not just your partners or clients but also humans, hence it is important to
be able to interact with all kinds of people by learning people skills and developing our personalities which will
be taught by the mentorship program and evolved education system which teaches you through the
experience of highly successful individuals from USA, Japan, India, Canada, Germany etc.

Now give the book. During book reading send the candidate these audios.

Sequence of audios to be shared

While the candidate is reading the book

Key to financial freedom

Cycle of wealth creation - Anil Narang
Success is like a bank locker - Anil Narang
Business ownership ek Soch

Introduction to various brands
Sequence of audios to be shared

Adulteration videos
Deficiency of nutrients in fruits and vegetables
(news clip)
XS videos (only to be shared with youth or person from sports background)
Nutrilite traceability video step 1 to step 9
Farming videos
Immunity Session
Dr panel video
Women’s health (if it is being given to a woman)
Dr. Shergil (Why Nutrilite)

Meet And Greet 2
This process is also called Show the Plan (STP). If this is on phone, it is
Tell The Plan (Taking feedback of all the content above)
We will showcase our business plan in this process only after the
candidate’s notes have been approved.
After this we will transfer E meet Punjab video/plan by Dr. Shailendra/
plan by Dr. Maneesh telling the candidate how all the various brands +
a proven education system + mentorship program (team) will all go in
together helping the candidate to build his own business.

The final follow-up to be done in which the candidate has to be launched and
the order is placed within 48 hours after MG2

The following content to be given which helps the candidate to place the orders

Why not this business

Money from product bottles
Ab main Kiya Karu
Basics of building business

Edifying Ritwik sir (Note : Edifying your team and mentor
should be done in a subtle way, whenever there is an
opportunity, without breaking the flow of the
conversation. There is no fix time to edify your team and
mentor. It should happen naturally from the heart).

Lifestyle video of Ritwik sir to be given.

Honouring The Partnership
Tell the candidates what is expected from them
1. At least 1 audio/video per day
2. At least 20 min book reading per day
3. 100% product user (Send link from the app of products to be used to his WhatsApp while doing
need identification )
4. Attend sessions as guided
5. 100 PV before 7th of every month
6. At least 20 QI per month

Explain the predictability in result that comes because of doing the above mentioned 6 things

Then the Launch Offer will be given by Ritwik sir

Post Launch
Send the candidate the names list
(The BWW names list)

Follow up videos:
1. Follow up by Shivaram Kumar
2. FAQ by Shivaram Kumar
3. Attitude session by Sugeet Ajmani
4. FED videos
(send the video of the diamonds with whom the candidate will relate the most)

Process audios:
1. Shankar Devraj
2. Kiran Desai
3. Arun Pathak
4. Tirthankar Dutta
5. Shivaram Kumar
6. The process video by Kumar, Ankur Gupta, Priyamvad Singh, Arun Pathak


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