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Name: _______________________________________________ Class: ____ Number: ____

You are going to listen to three different texts. You will hear each text three times.
A. Listen to the dialogue and complete each gap with one word. (4 points)
1. The boy wants to buy a pair of _________________ jeans.
2. The size L doesn’t _________________ him.
3. He wears a _________________ size.
4. The jeans cost _________________ Euros.

B. Order the events (1-8) according to the previous dialogue. (4 points)

● gives the boy the right size ● decides to buy the jeans
● asks about size ● asks about the price
● asks for a smaller size ● offers assistance 11

● says what he wants ● tries the jeans on

II. You will hear five people talking about clothes. For each speaker choose in the box (a – f) what each
speaker is talking about. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need
to use. (5 points)
● Speaker 1 is talking about ... a. a bracelet
b. a jumper
● Speaker 2 is talking about ...
c. a scarf
● Speaker 3 is talking about ... d. a cap
● Speaker 4 is talking about ... e. sunglasses
● Speaker 5 is talking about ... f. boots

III. You will hear an art teacher talking to a class about a design competition run by an online
magazine. Fill in the missing information with one word in each space. (7 points)

Name of the magazine: (1) _________________________________ Minds

Design a (2) _____________________________ for the Internet magazine

The design must include a (3) ____________________________________

Entries can be sent up to the (4) ____________________________ of April

If possible, students should also send their (5) _____________________________ with the design

Winning students will get a (6) _________________________________________________________

The winning school will receive a (7) ____________________________________________________


1. black 2. fit 3. Medium 4. 30
66 88
● gives the boy the right size ● decides to buy the jeans
● asks about size 33 ● asks about the price
● asks for a smaller size 55 ● offers assistance
● says what he wants 22 ● tries the jeans on

Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you?

Male customer: Yes please. I would like a pair of jeans.
Shop assistant: What colour would you prefer?
Male customer: Black.
Shop assistant: What size are you?
Male customer: Large.
Shop assistant: Here you go.
Male customer: That’s fine. Where are the fitting rooms?
Shop assistant: Over there. Under the stairs.
Male customer: These jeans are nice but a bit big. Do they come in a smaller size, please?
Shop assistant: Yes, here you are. Medium... Does that fit you better?
Male customer: Yes, they fit just fine. How much do they cost?
Shop assistant: They’re 30 €.
Male customer: I would like to buy them.
Shop assistant: Good. That will be 30€ then.
Male customer: Here you are.
Shop assistant: Thank you for shopping with us. Have a nice day.
Male customer: Thank you, you too.


● Speaker 1 is talking about ... cc

● Speaker 2 is talking about ... ff
● Speaker 3 is talking about ... aa
● Speaker 4 is talking about ... dd
● Speaker 5 is talking about ... ee


1. Creative
2. T-shirt
3. picture
4. 2nd (second)
5. photo
6. hoody
7. computer

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