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The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration,

swelling, and transparency
Peter M. Pinsky, Xi Cheng

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

1. Abstract 2. Introduction

Fluid pressure, water content, and charge concentra- The fluid pressure within the corneal stroma is
tion are intimately coupled in the corneal stroma. The composed of hydrostatic and osmotic components.
fluid pressure is composed of a hydrostatic pressure The hydrostatic pressure results from the IOP of the
component associated with the intraocular pressure anterior chamber, whereas the osmotic pressure
(IOP) and an osmotic pressure component associated results from the interplay of fixed charges and mobile
with the excess concentration of ions in the stroma ions. In fact, from an electrochemical perspective, the
compared to the aqueous humor. While the value of corneal stroma is a highly-hydrated polyelectrolyte gel
the IOP is fixed, in the living cornea, ion pumps located consisting of an interacting mixture of fluid, solid, and
in the endothelium actively modulate the osmotic ionic phases. Stromal water saturates the collagen and
pressure. The osmotic pressure in turn causes water proteoglycan solid phase, solvates the ionic phase, and
exchange between the stroma and aqueous humor. accounts for about 78% of the cornea by weight.1 A small
The resulting hydration of the stroma will have a direct portion of the water is cellular or bound to the stromal
effect on the collagen fibril lattice, and therefore, on collagen,2,3 but most of the water is free to flow within
the transparency of the tissue. The entire system is the stroma in response to gradients in fluid pressure.
driven by the energy of various charges, as well as the The solid phase is comprised of a flexible collagen
metabolic energy used in ion transport. In this chapter, network, organized as fibrils within lamellae, and
we attempt to provide a comprehensive model for associated proteoglycans (PGs). Stromal PGs — which
corneal hydration, swelling and transparency. Many in adult stroma include decorin, lumican, keratocan,
parts of this system have been both experimentally and mimecan — have sulfated linear sidechains of
investigated and modeled in previous groundbreaking negatively charged disaccharide units called glycos-
studies. In this work, we describe a macroscopic model aminoglycans (GAGs) that are covalently bound at one
for in-vivo corneal hydration based on a novel energy end to the PG core protein.4,5 Common stromal GAGs
approach that can be used for predicting stromal include keratan sulfate (KS), dermatan sulfate (DS) and
hydration under various conditions, for example, under chondroitin sulfate (CS). At normal pH, the stromal
variations in metabolic state, and for improving the fixed charge is almost entirely due to GAG ionization.6
description of corneal biomechanics. The ionic phase includes dissolved salts, primarily Na+
and Cl−, and metabolites such as ​​C​ 3​​​H​ 5​​​O​ ‒3​   ​​ (lactate ion)
and HCO−3 (bicarbonate ion).
Stromal mobile ions interact electrostatically with
the GAG fixed charges and form cloudlike distributions,

Correspondence: Peter M. Pinsky, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305-4040, USA.

Biomechanics of the Eye, pp. 63-80

Edited by: C.J. Roberts, W.J. Dupps and J.C. Downs
© 2018 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
64 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

giving rise to osmotic pressure. The aqueous humor, random variations in GAG distributions are considered.
filling the anterior chamber, acts as an ionic bath for A number of models for corneal swelling have
the stroma and provides a reservoir of water that is previously been presented. Notable is the non-equi-
available for exchange with the stroma. The anterior librium model of Klyce and Russell,11 based on the
stroma is sealed by the tight boundaries of epithelial phenomenological membrane transport theory of
cellular layer, making it nearly impermeable to water Kedem-Katchalsky,12 and the steady-state model of
(although permeable to O2 and CO2).7 Water transport Bryant.13 based on the triphasic theory of Lai et al.14
across the permeable endothelial layer, which partitions These works and their extensions, for example, Ruberti
the stroma and aqueous humor, is driven by the et al., Liu et al., and Leung et al.,15,16,17 have modeled the
osmotic pressure difference between the two phases. stroma as one-dimensional coupled flow of solvent
When ionic concentration in the stroma exceeds that (water) and ionic solutes across the corneal thickness.
in the aqueous humor, a positive osmotic pressure In this chapter, a different modeling approach, based
difference is created and water will tend to flow from on characterizing the free energy of the stromal poly-
the aqueous chamber into the stroma, and vice-versa electrolyte gel, will be introduced. The approach is
when the osmotic pressure difference is negative. In the intrinsically three-dimensional, provides an explicit
metabolically functioning (in-vivo) cornea, ion pumps, expression for the stromal osmotic pressure, accounts
located in the endothelial layer, actively transport ions for the nanoscale spatial distribution of GAG-based
from the stroma into the aqueous humor. This lowers fixed charge, and is well-suited to implementation in
stromal osmotic pressure and modulates the exchange finite element codes. It is shown that steady state active
of water with the aqueous humor, and is referred to as endothelial ion transport reduces stromal ionic con-
the pump-leak mechanism of stromal hydration.8-10 centrations, which then occur in a modified Boltzmann
The regulatory system and details of the molecular distribution. This leads to a modification of the osmotic
mechanisms responsible for active ion transport, pressure and stromal hydration, manifesting the
which requires Na+, K+, ATPase, and carbonic anhydrase macroscopic effects of the pump-leak mechanism.
activity to transport ​​HCO​ ‒3​   ​​, Cl− and possibly Na+, are In Section 3, the stromal fixed charge distribution
not yet fully understood.10 It may be noted that the is modeled. In Section 3, the stromal free energies
pump-leak mechanism is not unique to the cornea. A are identified and characterized. In Section 4, the
number of tissues employ epithelial and/or endothelial ex-vivo cornea (no metabolic activity) is analyzed and
layers as barriers to separate phases, and to actively the model is applied to stromal swelling pressure
mediate the exchange of solutes and solvent between and an investigation of the stability of the collagen
those phases. Other examples include the lining of fibril lattice underlying transparency. In Section 5,
blood vessels, the kidney, organs of the gastrointestinal the theory is extended to the in-vivo cornea, including
tract, and the choroid plexus in the brain. active endothelial ion transport and the pump-leak
Charge can produce powerful forces, either directly mechanism of corneal hydration. In Section 6, the
by electrostatics or indirectly by osmotic effects, and the model is used to investigate the biomechanics of Fuch’s
cornea exploits charge in a variety of remarkable ways. dystrophy, in which endothelial cells have compromised
One of those, we believe, is the way in which charge is ion-pumping capacity, and to examine the effects of
used for transparency. The transparency of the cornea laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) on fluid
requires individual collagen fibrils to be maintained in a pressure in the stroma.
quasi-regular lattice with short-range order. The origin
and nature of forces that must necessarily act on fibrils
to maintain the stability of the lattice have long been 3. GAG-based charge in the stroma
the subject of speculation. In this chapter, we apply the
proposed thermodynamic theory of stromal osmotic 3.1. Corneal hydration measures
pressure to describe how restoring forces can arise from Before characterizing the nature of charge distribu-
GAG-based osmotic and electrostatic considerations in tions in the stroma, it is first necessary to establish a
a manner that maintains the lattice even when strong suitable definition for the level of tissue hydration. A
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 65



IOP = 15 mmHg


(b) (c)
Fig.1. (a) The cornea is a polyelectrolyte gel loaded by the IOP. Stromal lamellae follow the corneal curvature except in the anterior region,
where lamellae exhibit inclination and insert into Bowman’s layer under the epithelium. (b) An illustration of the organization of the
corneal stroma showing several lamellae and a keratocyte cell. Collagen fibrils within lamellae form a lattice with short range order. (c)
Cross-section of a unit cell representing the hexagonal collagen fibril lattice. The GAG-based coating region around fibrils and the inter-
stitial GAG chains are illustrated. (d) The unit cell is a triangular prism (shown in cross-section); the coating and interstitial regions are

common definition, denoted Hw, is water weight per normal hydration to be set at Hw = 3.26 and J = 1. Using
unit dry (collagen) weight. However, this definition is these conditions in Equation (1), we infer that φr = 0.75.
not convenient for our purpose since we will employ Therefore, Equation (1) may be simplified to:
notions from continuum mechanics. An alternative
measure is the tissue volume dilation, J, which is defined H W(J) = 3.94J ‒ 0.74 (2)
simply as the swollen volume of the tissue divided by
the normo-hydrated volume. Because we will employ The linearity is fully consistent with measurements.20,21
the dilation J throughout this work to signify hydration A validation of this relationship is provided by the fact
level, it useful to relate the two definitions. that the inferred value of φr is in close agreement with
By assuming that keratocytes have the mass density the value of 0.77 reported by Goodfellow.19
of water, the hydration Hw of a sample of stromal tissue In the following subsections, we aim to characterize
can be related to its volume dilation, J, by: the magnitude and nanoscale distribution of the GAG
(J ‒ ΦrΦcol)ρW ionization charge in human stroma. This is an essential
H W(J) =  __ ΦΦ ρ     (1) step in describing the stromal polyelectrolyte gel.
r col col

where ρw = 1 g/cm3 and ρcol = 1.36 g/cm3 are the mass 3.2. Evidence for a GAG-based fibril coating
density of the water and dry collagen fibrils,18 respec- X-ray scattering studies under varying tissue hydration2
tively, and φcol = 0.249 is the collagen fibril volume suggest that some portion of stromal PGs form a
fraction at normal hydration.3 The volume fraction of charge-rich and water-binding PG-coating surrounding
collagen molecules within the fibrils (which excludes each collagen fibril. The radius of the coating has
intrafibrillar bound water) is denoted φr.6,19 We take been measured2 to be rc = 18.25 nm, and this radius is
66 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

Fig. 2. Disaccharide repeat units of KS, DS, CS4, and CS6.

insensitive to hydration over a wide range. The existence 3.3. Model for GAG charge concentration
of such a surface ultrastructure on the collagen fibrils The molecular structure of GAG chains is shown in
is corroborated by image studies from Miyagawa et Figure 2. Each sulfate group carries one negative charge
al.22 and Muller et al.23 In addition, a theoretical study per group. The KS disaccharides are sulphated at the 6−
on transparency by Twersky24 proposed that collagen carbon position of both the Gal and GlcNAc residues.
fibrils must be centered in a transparent coating and The CS disaccharides are sulfated at either the 4− or
the coated fibrils occupy approximately 60% of the 6−carbon position of the GalNAc residue, and are
matrix volume, giving rc = 21.56 nm. Recent 3-D electron designated CS4 or CS6, respectively (Fig. 2). However,
microscopy reconstructions of corneal collagen and a detailed fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electro-
GAG chains4 also suggests that some GAG chains are in phoresis (FACE) analysis25,26 shows that, on average,
close association with the fibrils, while the remaining only 72.6% of all available GAG monosaccharides
GAG chains have a random orientation in the interfibril- are actually sulfated and contributing charge. If this
lar fluid. ionization fraction is denoted fion , the stromal average
A theoretical study by Cheng and Pinsky,25 based charge concentration in mM is given by:
on comparing predicted stromal swelling pressure  e​Ng​  ​​​L​ c​​​f​ ion​​
to measurements, indicated that approximately 35% ​​Cstroma
​  ​​ = _____
​  Fb ​​ (3)
of stromal fixed charge was in the non-swelling fibril
coating region, and that 65% occupied the interstitial where e is the unit (negative) charge, Ng is the average
region between coatings (Fig. 1). The study concluded number density (per unit volume) of GAG chains with
that this charge arrangement was capable of producing average contour length Lc, F is the Faraday constant,
osmotic restoring forces that maintain the stability of and b is the length of a monosaccharide unit. The value
the fibril lattice, and that the coating region provided an of Cstroma has been measured indirectly,6,27 and the value
effective interfibrillar electrostatic repulsion to prevent used in this study, Cstroma = 38.6 mM, has been taken
fibril clustering. from Cheng and Pinsky.25
The corneal stroma is composed of parallel arrays
of collagen fibrils aligned with the lamella direction
and arranged with pseudo-hexagonal packing.4 Based
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 67

on the above noted evidence, it is assumed that there 4. Basic polyelectrolyte theory for the
exists a GAG-dense coating around each collagen fibril stroma
surface. The simplest 3-D representative unit cell within
a stromal lamella is that of an equilateral triangular 4.1. Gibb’s free energy
prism with vertices at the center of three fibrils (Fig. 1c). From the point of view of electrochemistry, the stroma
The unit cell is divided into three regions: fibril, fibril is a polyelectrolyte (polymeric electrolyte) gel. It is
coating, and interstitial regions (Fig. 1d). Assuming that in contact, via the endothelium, with the aqueous
collagen fibrils are non-swelling and that keratocyte humor, that therefore acts as an ionic bath for the
cells, which reside between adjacent lamellae, dilate stromal electrolyte. In the living cornea, the pump-leak
with tissue dilation,3,25 the normalized fixed charge mechanism, alluded to in Section 2, has a strong
densities in the fibril coating and interstitial regions influence on the tissue osmotic pressure. In this section,
may be shown to be given by:25 however, we develop basic theory for isolated stroma
without metabolic activity, that is, for in-vitro tissue.
( k f c )
λ 1 ‒ λ ​C​ stroma​​
​​C​ coat(​​​ J)​= ​ __     ​ + ​_
​ J​Φ​ ' ​ ​ ‒ Φ   Φ    ​ ​​ _____
2​C​   ​​  ​​ (4) Extension to the in-vivo case is undertaken in Section 6.
The stroma consists of a mixture of solid, fluid, and
( J​Φ​ 'k ​ ​ ‒ Φf ) 2​C​ 0​​
λ ​C​ stroma​​
​​C​ inter(​​​ J)​= ​ __ ​      ​ ​ ​  _____    ​​ (5) ionic phases, immersed in an ionic bath (aqueous
humor) at constant electrostatic potential, φbath,
In these expressions, J is the tissue macroscopic dilation, hydrostatic pressure, Pbath , and ionic concentration, C0+
λ = 0.65 is the interstitial charge partition parameter, φk, = C0− = C0. Since no fixed charge exists in the bath, it is
φf, and φc denote the volume fractions for keratocytes, reasonable to take φbath = 0. We now wish to describe
collagen fibrils, and coatings, respectively, and­ the deformation of the unit cell, introduced in Section
​​Φ​ ‘k ​​  = 1 ‒ Φk ​. The normalization concentration is 2C0, 2, as the tissue undergoes a change in hydration. Let
where C0 is the ionic concentration of the aqueous the reference (normo-hydrated) and current (swollen)
humor. For convenience, we combine the above charge configurations of the unit cell be denoted Ω0 and Ω,
concentrations into a single expression as follows: respectively, with volumes v0 and v, respectively.
Using standard results from continuum mechanics,

​​C​ cell​​ = ​ ​  |
Ccoat in the coating region

 Cinter in the interstitial region
​  ​ ​​ (6) the motion is denoted ϕ(X): Ω0 → Ω, the deformation
gradient is F = ∂ϕ(X)/∂X, and the displacement field is
u(X) = ϕ(X) −√X. The Cauchy-Green deformation tensor
The expressions for coating and interstitial charge con- is defined by C = FT F and volume dilation J = detC (which
centrations take into account the fact that GAG fixed is related to stromal hydration through (Eq. 2)).
charge cannot occupy the fibril or keratocyte volumes. It is next assumed that the Gibbs free energy of the
Thus, when the unit cell volume decreases, it does so unit cell electrolyte can be additively decomposed28 as
only by reduction in interstitial fluid, which causes a follows:
rapid increase in the interstitial fixed charge concentra-
tion and osmotic pressure. This volume-exclusion effect ​W(​ Φ, C)​= Welectrolyte​(Φ, J)​+ Wbath(​ J)​+ Welastic(​ C)​​
built into the charge model in Equations (4) and (5) is ​​∫Ω   ​​​​  [Шelectrolyte​(Φ, J)​ + Шbath(​ J)​ + Шelastic(​ C)​]​dΩ​ (9)

crucial for explaining the strongly non-linear variation

of osmotic pressure with dilation in the cornea. where Шelectrolyte, Шbath , and Шelastic denote the free energy
For future reference, it is noted that the volumes of density (per unit reference volume) of the electrolyte,
the coating and interstitial regions of the unit cell are bath solution, and the elastic fibers of the gel, respec-
given by: tively, and φ is the electrostatic potential.
A suitable form for Шelectrolyte is given by the mean-field
​​v​ coat​​ = Φcv0,​ (7) approximation,29 and is expressed as:
​​v​ inter(​​​ J)​= (​ J​Φ​ k ​ ​ ‒ Φf ‒ Φc)​v0​ (8)

​Шelectrolyte​(Φ, J)​= J​[zcellFCcell(​ J)​Φ ‒ 2RTC0

where υ0 is the volume of the normo-hydrated unit cell.
68 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

​(cosh​(_ 2 ​​  ▽Φ ​]​​,

​ RT   ​ Φ)​‒ 1)​‒ ​ _
F εw
| |2 (10) liter), satisfy the Boltzmann distribution given by:

​​C​ i​​​(Φ)​ = C0exp​(‒zi_
​ RT   ​Φ)​, i = +,‒​
where zcell = −1 is the GAG-based fixed charge valence (16)
value, and R, T, F, and εw are the gas constant,
temperature, Faraday constant, and dielectric permit- and in which the binary ion valence numbers are z+ = 1
tivity of the electrolyte solvent, respectively. The first and z− = −1. Condition (Eq. (13)) implies31 that:
term on the right-hand side measures the free energy of
the fixed charge, the second term measures the excess ​div σelastic ‒ grad (​ Posmotic + Pbath)​ = 0​ (17)
mean concentration of the mobile ions at any point in
the electrolyte compared to the bath and, after multi- holds over Ω. In this expression, σelastic is the effective
plication by RT, may be interpreted as the osmotic work Cauchy stress, Posmotic is the osmotic pressure defined
of introducing excess ions into the neighborhood of by:
the fixed charges, Ccell, and the last term measures the ∂Шelectrolyte
dielectric free energy. ​​P​ osmotic​​ = ‒​  ___________
∂J     ​
,​ (18)
The bath free energy density, which measures the
potential of the bath hydrostatic pressure, Pbath, to do and Pbath is the bath (aqueous humor) hydrostatic
work associated with configuration volume change, by: pressure defined by:

​Шbath(​ J)​= ‒Pbath(​ J ‒ 1)​.​ (11) ​Pbath = ‒​ _
∂J   ​​
. (19)

For reasons of brevity, the elastic free energy, Шelastic, Finally, from Equation (17), we may identify the stromal
appearing in Equation (9), which corresponds to the fluid pressure Pfluid as:
elasticity of the collagen fibrils and their 3-D organiza-
tion, is not discussed in this chapter, but full details may ​Pfluid = Posmotic + Pbath​ (20)
be found elsewhere.30
This is a useful formulation because it provides an
4.2. Thermodynamic equilibrium explicit constitutive equation for the osmotic pressure
In thermodynamic equilibrium, electrostatic (Eq. 18). However, the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
equilibrium requires: (Eq. 15) must be solved over the unit cell for the elec-
trostatic potential φ that will be rapidly varying at the
∂W​(Φ, C)​
​​  ∂Φ   ​ ​​|​​​ C = constant​​ = 0​ (12) nanoscale. To address this challenge and arrive at a
tractable theory, we modify the above approach by
and mechanical equilibrium requires: employing the concept of energy-based homogeniza-
∂W​(Φ, C)​
​​  ∂C   ​​​| ​​​ Φ = constant​​ = 0​ (13)
4.3. Volume-averaged free energy
where the Gibb’s free energy, W, is given by Equation (9). The idea is to employ a homogenization of the
Condition (Eq. (12)) implies31 that: electrolyte free energy density based on its volume
average over the unit cell. This is given by:
 ​εw   ( ​ RT   ​ Φ)​)​​
​​ ‒Ccell(​ J)​ + 2C0sinh​(_
​▽2Φ = _ (14)
​​​ ¯ electrolyte​​​(Φ, J)​ = _
Ш ​​ ​ υ  ​​∫  Ω   ​​Ш
​  electrolyte​(Φ, J)​dΩ​ (21)
holds over Ω. This result can also be displayed in the
form of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation: where υ0 is the volume of the normo-hydrated
(reference) unit cell Ω0. Now, the homogenized osmotic
( )

​‒▽2Φ = _
 ​εw ​ ​  ‒Ccell​(J)​ + ​  ∑ 
 ​​z​  iCi​(Φ)​ ​,​ (15) pressure is defined by:
i = +,‒
Ш​​ ​​
​​​ ¯​​  osmotic​​ = ‒​ ______
wherein the mobile ion concentrations, Ci (moles per P  ∂J ​.​ (22)
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 69

As noted above, the electrostatic potential φ must be the GAGs in the coating region. It is important to note
solved from the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (15). that the model has no free parameters; the osmotic
However, a good approximation for φ is given by the pressure is expressed only in terms of experimental-
so-called Donnan potential, φe. The Donnan potential, ly determined quantities, such as collagen fibril and
φe, is defined to be that potential which satisfies the keratocyte volume fractions as well as stromal average
Poisson-Boltzmann Equation (15) when the fixed- charge concentration. In the next section, we explore
charge concentration is uniform (constant). Since Ccell is the application of the presented theory to in-vitro
piecewise constant over the coating region and inter- swelling and the self-organization of the fibril lattice.
stitial region, the Donnan potential will likewise be
piecewise constant over the unit cell and is given by:
5. The stroma in-vitro
˜ cell(​​​ J)​= ‒ ​ _
F   ​ ​sinh​​  ​Ccell​ (23)
5.1. Swelling behavior
To obtain a validation of the model, the above osmotic
with: theory was incorporated into a finite element model of
{Φ​​ |
the cornea, including collagen fibrils aligned according
​​  coat​​ in the coating region
​​​  cell​​ = ​ ​ 
Φ​​   ​ ​ ​​ (24) to X-ray scattering measurements.30 The model was
​​  inter​​ in the interstitial region used to compare predicted osmotic pressure (given by
(Eq. 27) with experimental measurements of swelling
The accuracy of this approximation has been confirmed pressure.20,32 Stromal samples, in the form of 7 mm
by comparing the Donnan and true electrostat- diameter disks, were immersed in an ionic bath of
ic potentials for the unit cell.30 The electrolyte free physiological concentration C0 = 150 mM, and loaded
energy density is now found by replacing φ with ˜Φ​​
​​​  cell​​​ in by a porous piston across their thickness (Fig. 3a).
Equation (10), resulting in: The piston load was systematically varied, and the
equilibrium sample thickness recorded against piston
​˜ cell‒2RTC0​(cosh​(_
​​ ​ electrolyte​​​(J)​=J​[‒FCcellΦ​ ˜
​​​  cell​​)​‒ 1)​]​​
Ш ​ RT   Φ​​ load. The experiments were performed in confined32
(25) and unconfined20 experimental conditions. A finite
element model was created to simulate the experi-
Notice that Шelectrolyte now depends only on J since Ccell mental setup; the model parameters are summarized
˜ cell​​​(J)​​. This result may be introduced into
(J) and ​​​Φ​​ in Table 1. The bath hydrostatic pressure Pbath is zero in
Equation (21) to arrive at the homogenized electrolyte
Table 1. Parameters of the electrolyte model
free energy density:
Parameter Value
​​​   electrolyte​​​(J)​ = _
Ш​​ ​ v0  [​​ Шcoatvcoat + Шinter vinter]​,​ (26) φf, volume fraction of the collagen fibrils (%) 24.9a
φk, volume fraction of the keratocytes (%) 11.2a
where vcoat and vinter are the reference volumes of the φc, volume fraction of the PG-dense coating (%) 13.3a
coating and interstitial regions and given by Equations Cstroma, average charge density of the corneal stroma 38.6b
(7) and (8), respectively. The homogenized osmotic (mM)
pressure may then be determined from Equation (22) λ, the charge partition parameter 0.65c
which yields: Q, dimensionless parameter by the ionic pumping 0.965d ,1.0e

_ Φ
​​​    osmotic ​  TC0​ ​(​√ ​Cinter
​ 2  ​ ​+ 1  ​ ‒ 1)​ + ​ ___
  ​​ = 2​Φ​ 'k  ​R      ​ Cinter
J​Φ​ 'k ​ ​ ‒ Φ
P0, the hydrostatic pressure in bath solution (mmHg) 15.0d, 0e
C0, bath concentration (mM) 150

 ​(sinh‒1Ccoat ‒ sinh‒1 Cinter)​ ​​ (27) T, temperature (K) 298
Values derived Calibrated value
3,25 b 25

The first term in this expression describes a Donnan-like c

Value estimated25
osmotic pressure from the GAGs in the interstitial region d
Values for the in-vivo corneas30
and the second term describes the contribution from
Values for in vitro corneas
70 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

Fig. 3. (a) Illustration of confined and unconfined swelling pressure experiments.20,32 In both experiments, a porous piston loads the
cornea in the transverse direction. (b) Comparison of predicted and experimentally measured20,32 values of swelling pressure Ps vs corneal
thickness t.

this case (and the fluid pressure in the stromal sample
is purely osmotic pressure).
The stroma sample was meshed with 2,500, 27-node 4
hexahedral elements. In order to model confined and
unconfined experimental conditions, edge boundary 3
conditions were taken as zero radial displacement or
t m /t 0

free, respectively (Fig. 3a). Sample thickness vs osmotic

pressure is shown in Figure 3b. The predictions show
good agreement to measurements for the full range
of sample hydration (Hw = 0.05-5.2). At the lowest 1
hydration, the osmotic pressure exceeds 2,000 mmHg.
Swelling pressure predictions for the confined and 0
unconfined cases are nearly identical. This is expected 10

because lateral expansion of the sample is restricted by C0 (mM)

the collagen fibrils, and consequently, stromal volume Fig. 4. Predicted free swelling of stroma in an ionic bath ionic vs
change in these tests is due to changes in sample bath concentration C0; the swelling ratio is swollen thickness tm
thickness. 6 This study provides confirmation of the divided by original thickness t0.
proposed model for the in-vitro case.
The free swelling of the described cylindrical sample human corneas were observed to swell to approximate-
of in-vitro stroma is modeled to investigate the effect of ly three times their original thickness. For concentrated
the bath ionic concentration. Results for edge-confined bath solutions, the abundance of ions results in ionic
free swelling of the stroma sample are shown in Figure 4, shielding of the fixed charges, reduction in osmotic
which depicts the ratio of swollen thickness to original pressure ,and minimal swelling. Both limiting states are
thickness (swelling ratio) vs bath ionic concentration C0. captured by the swelling predictions.
For dilute bath solutions, the model predicts that the
stroma sample will swell to approximately four times its
original thickness, which may be compared to experi-
mental measurements in deionized water33,34 in which
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 71

5.2. Self-organization of the collagen lattice and

The stroma, which comprises about 90% of the corneal
thickness, is organized into lamellae (i.e., fibers) which
contain collagen types I and V in the form of 25-30 nm
diameter fibrils. The collagen fibrils within a lamella
appear in parallel arrays following the direction of the
lamella. In a lamella cross-section, the fibrils assume a
quasi-regular packing arrangement with center-to-cen-
ter interfibrillar distance of 40−60 nm; this arrangement
is referred to as the fibril lattice. The short-range order
of this lattice produces optical interference effects that
render the tissue transparent.35-38
GAGs have an important role in the maintenance
of the fibril lattice. Keratan sulfate, the predominant
Fig. 5. The GAG-based osmotic restoring force mechanism acts
stromal GAG component, has been shown to be on fibrils to stabilize the lattice. (a) Shows a set of fibrils in a
involved in modulating the fibril lattice by the knockout regular lattice arrangement with their associated GAG chains
of Chst5 in the mouse.39 Scott40 proposed that two or forming fibril coatings and interstitial projections. The distribu-
tion of mobile ions is also illustrated. (b) The osmotic pressure in
more GAG chains, originating at different core proteins each subcell around the undisturbed fibril. Because the osmotic
on neighboring fibrils, may form an antiparallel pressure is uniform, the net restoring force is zero (red dot). (c)
duplexed association which appears as a bridge-like Shows a single fibril perturbed from its lattice position. The GAG
chains attached to the fibril move with the fibril and the GAG fixed
structure spanning the interfibrillar distance in electron charge concentration increases in advance of the fibril motion and
microscopy after staining, and that such structures may reduces behind it. (d) The resulting osmotic pressure in each of the
be capable of controlling the interfibrillar spacing. The subcells, which is higher where GAG fixed charge concentration
open question of how negatively charged and mutually has increased and lower where it has reduced. The forces exerted
by each of the subcells on the fibril act to restore the fibril towards
repulsive GAG chains might form durable antiparallel its regular lattice position (red arrow). This mechanism operates
associations has been discussed by Knupp et al.41 The regardless of the direction of the perturbation.
idea of an entropic elastic interconnected fibril-GAG
network was employed in the theoretical study on swelling force within the extracellular matrix. Here
lattice forces and spatial order by Farrell and Hart,42 who we propose a mechanism for collagen fibril self-orga-
proposed a model based on a six-fold symmetric elastic nization based on osmotic pressure gradients that is
network. A six-fold symmetric structural model was robust with respect to the random organization of GAG
also proposed by Muller et al.,23 in which GAG bridges chains.25 Consider an individual fibril in the lattice that
were proposed to link next-nearest-neighboring fibrils. is perturbed into to a new position in the lattice while all
However, recent 3-D electron tomography imaging4,41 other fibrils maintain their positions. A restoring force
suggests that GAG chains do not appear to exhibit any must exist if the lattice is stable. The linear GAG chains
approximation to a regular six-fold symmetric bridge are associated with each fibril and attach to that fibril
network or any kind of regularity in spatial organi- at one end only via the PG core protein. It is reasonable
zation. Cheng and Pinsky25 modeled the GAGs as a that the attached GAG chains will displace with their
random network of worm-like chains, and concluded supporting fibril. Because the longer chains reach into
that the entropic elasticity of these polymers falls far the interfibrillar fluid, a local change in position of GAG
short of what is needed to maintain the lattice. All of charge concentration will be created, such that the con-
this suggests that fibrillar bridges cannot mediate the centration will increase in advance of the displacement
lattice through a mechanical mechanism.4 and reduce behind it (Fig. 5). The shorter fibril coating
Maurice1,38 speculated that repulsive forces must GAGs will not play any role in the restoring force until
exist between adjacent fibrils to keep them separated, the coatings become close, at which point electrostatic
and that the origin of these forces was related to the repulsion will add an additional component.
72 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

(a) (b)
-3 r = 18.25 nm -3 r c = 21.56 nm
×10 c ×10
6 2.5
λ = 0.3 λ = 0.3
λ = 0.65 λ = 0.65
5 λ = 1.0 λ = 1.0



f fibril (N/m)


1 0.5

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15
r (nm) r (nm)
Fig. 6. Electrostatic restoring force magnitude on a horizontally displaced fibril in the ideal hexagonal cell for two coating radius values:
(a) rc = 18.25 nm; (b) 21.56 nm.

The external work required to move the fibril from its where the k−subcell osmotic pressure is given by:
lattice position r0 to perturbed position r1, while fixing ∂​Ш​ electrolyte
the position of other fibrils in the lattice, is given by: ​​P​ osmotic
  ​​ = ‒​  __
∂JK  ​​ (31)

​​W​ ext​​ = ​∫r  r​   ​​ffibril(​ r)​

· dr.​ (28) This result indicates that the local osmotic pressure
variation between the subcells serves as the source of
In thermodynamic equilibrium, the force ffibril is given an interfibrillar restoring force. It may be easily shown
by: that the vector ∂Jk/∂r is directed toward the center of
the lattice for all subcells.25 Therefore, Equation (30)
​​f​ fibril​​ = ‒​  ___________
∂r     ​​ (29) describes a set of centrally oriented restoring forces.
When a fibril is perturbed away from its natural lattice
which measures the energy cost of moving the fibril position, the osmotic pressure gradient that results
through the electrolyte. In order to estimate this force, always produces a restoring force oriented towards
the fibril lattice is assumed to be perfectly hexagonal. the natural lattice position. When the fibril occupies
The region between the central (perturbed) fibril and that natural lattice position, the osmotic pressure is
its six neighbors is divided into six subcells with initial uniform, and the restoring force vanishes. A graphical
volume Vk. The central fibril is then displaced from r0 interpretation of the origin of the lattice restoring force
to a new position r, causing a change ∆Vk in the volume is provided in Figure 5d.
of each subcell (Fig. 5). The GAG fixed charges within Since the stromal free energy Welectrolyte has been
subcells are assumed to be conserved during fibril modeled, it is possible to develop estimates for the
displacement, which is consistent with the GAG-fibril fibril restoring force ffibril . Consider an ideal hexagonal
attachment. As the fibril moves into its perturbed cell with fibrils at each vertex (Fig. 5a). The stroma
position, the charge concentration in each of the six is assumed to be normally hydrated and GAG fixed-
lattice subcells can be estimated as a function of r and charge concentrations are uniform and equal in each
the force acting on the fibril is then given by the chain subcell. In this case, the fibril restoring force magnitude
rule as: may be computed from Equation (30); the result is
6 ∂​Ш​ electrolyte
  ​​  6
depicted in Figure 6 for two assumed fibril coating
​​f​ fibril​​ = ‒​ ∑ ​​ ​ ​  __ k
​ ​ _
 ​ = ​ ∑   ​​​  ​P​ osmotic
∂r     ​ ∂r   ​​ (30) radius values of 18.25 nm and 21.56 nm. The force-fibril
k = 1 k = 1
perturbation relation exhibits two quasi-linear regimes
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 73

2.5 Prediction 6. The stroma in vivo

Freund et al (1995)

2 6.1. Active ion transport and hydration control

The corneal endothelium is a 4 µm thin cellular
1.5 monolayer with a very high density of mitochondria,
indicating high metabolic activity, and is located on

1 the posterior surface of the cornea. It is permeable to

water, metabolic species, including glucose and lactate
ion, and other salt ions. The corneal endothelium
is responsible for maintaining the hydration of the
cornea through a pump-leak mechanism.8 The pump
function is provided by active ion transport across
0 50 100 150 200
r (nm) the endothelium9 that regulates the osmotic pressure
of the stroma. The leak function refers to the passive
Fig. 7. Comparison of the predicted RDF, denoted g(r), from the
fibril dynamics model with the measured RDF from an electron exchange of water across the endothelium through
micrograph of human cornea.43 water channels in response to the stromal osmotic
with a transition where the coatings begin to interact. In this section, we introduce a macroscopic model
For small perturbations, the osmotic-based restoring for the pump-leak mechanism and use the model
force is dominant, but as the perturbation increases to quantitatively illustrate how stromal hydration is
to the point where the PG-coatings begin to overlap, modulated. The model is
there is a marked increase in repulsion force between formulated in three steps. First, steady-state (but
the fibrils. This provides a mechanism preventing fibril non-equilibrium) conditions are used to establish
aggregation. the jump in electrochemical potential across the
The lattice restoring force and its role in lattice endothelial layer as a function of the steady active ion
self-organization was further studied by using a fluxes. Then, thermodynamic equilibrium within the
transient dynamic model.25 The model included stroma is used to establish a modified Boltzmann dis-
randomness in the lattice so that the fibrils are never tribution that governs ionic concentrations throughout
arranged in perfect hexagonal symmetry. The goal the stroma. Finally, a modified free energy provides the
was to investigate whether the proposed osmotic stromal osmotic pressure, describing its dependence
restoring forces maintained the lattice in a dynamic on the endothelial active ion transport.
and random environment. The results were interpreted To assess the electrochemical potential jump across
by computing the predicted radial distribution function the endothelial layer, it is treated as an ideal membrane
(RDF) of the fibrils, which is a measure of the order of in which the action of the ion pumps is represented
a lattice.43 RDF results from the dynamic simulation by an independently specified active steady anion
were shown to closely match measurements based flux Ja− and cation flux Ja+, transporting ions out of
on electron micrographs,43 and indicated short-range the stroma and into the aqueous humor.13 Because
order in the lattice with correlations between any two the endothelium is thin compared to the stroma, it is
fibrils becoming nearly random after a distance of 200 assumed that transport across the endothelium is 1-D.
nm (Fig. 7). The average interfibrillar distance, which A coordinate z is introduced with z = z0 at the endotheli-
corresponds to the location of the first peak in the RDF, um-aqueous humor interface and z = z* at the endothe-
was maintained at 53 nm in all random cases studied. lium-stroma interface. At steady-state, net ionic fluxes
These results support the proposed osmotic theory for resulting from both active and passive transport will
lattice self-organization. vanish so that:

​​J​ i​​ = ‒L i_
​  dz i ​ ‒ jai = 0, i= +,‒​ (32)
74 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

must hold across the endothelial layer thickness z Є Qi = 1. Reduced stromal ionic concentrations produce
[z0 ,z*]. In Equation (32), Li is the membrane permeabili- reduced osmotic (swelling) pressure, and vice versa.
ty for ionic species i, µi is the electrochemical potential, Simply stated, active ionic pumping directly reduces the
and Jai > 0 is the steady active ionic flux across the swelling tendency of the stroma. In this macroscopic
endothelium. Integrating Equation (32) across the description, the pump effect is embedded in the
endothelium results in the jump condition for the elec- membrane active transport factor Qi.
trochemical potential: Based on Equation (38), a modified Poisson-Boltz-
mann equation (see Eq. 16) for the electrostatic
​​μ​ *i​ ​ ‒ μ0i = ‒h​_
 L  ​​ (33)
  potential in a stromal unit cell is introduced as:

(  ​​​z​  ​ i​​​Q​ i​​​C​ 0​​exp​(‒​z​ i_
​​​ RT  )
where h = z* − z0 is the thickness of the endothelial layer, ​‒▽2Φ = __
​ ​ε​ w   ​​ ​ ​ ‒​C​ cell​​ + ​  ∑  ​ ​ ​,​ (39)
i = +,‒
and ​​μ​ *i​ ​​ and µ0i are the ionic electrochemical potentials
at z = z* and z = z0 , respectively. Since no active transport The Donnan potential over the coating and interstitial
is taking place within the stroma, thermodynamic regions are solved from Equation (39) by setting the
equilibrium requires µi = ​​μ​ *i​ ​​ where µi is the electrochem- right-hand side to zero, and are given as:
ical potential at any point in the stroma. Noting that: _______
˜ cell​​​(J)​ = ​ _
F   ​ln​(‒​ Q‒   ​ + ​ √ ​Q​ 2​ ​ ​Q​  ​​ )
RT ​Ccell
_ ​  ​​ ​Ccell
​ 2  ​​  ​Q​  ​​
​​​Φ​​  ​ ___  ​ + ​__
  + ​  ​ ​ , ​ (40)
_RT _ FΦ ‒ ‒
​​ ​ i​​ = ​μ​ ref
i​  ​ + ​ M  ​  ln​C​ i​​ + ​z​ i​​​ M  ​,  i = +,‒​ (34)
i i
where the normalized fixed charge concentration Ccell
where M+ and M− are the atomic weights for anions and is given by Equations (4-6). The electrolyte free energy
cations, respectively, results in: density is then:

​˜,   J)​ = J​ ‒F​C​ cellΦ​​

​​​​˜ cell​​ ‒ RT​C​ 0​​​ ​  ∑ 
[ (j = +,‒
RT ​C​ i​​ FΦ  
​​μ​ i​​ ‒ ​μ​ 0i​​= ​ ___ __ ___
​M​   ​​​  ln​ ​ C​   ​​ ​  + ​z​ i​​​  ​M​   ​​​  . ​ (35) ​​Ш​ cell​​​(Φ​  ​​​​ Q​ j​​exp
i 0 i

Substituting Equation (35) in Equation (33), and (
​ ‒​z​ j_
​​​ RT   Φ​​
)].​ (41)
​​​  cell​​)​ ‒ 2 ​ ​
rearranging gives:
Introducing the Donnan potentials (Eq. 40) into
​​C​ i​​ = ​C​ 0​​exp​(‒​_ ​  ​L​   ​​ ​)
  ​ exp​(‒​z​ i​​​ _
RT )
h ​M​ i​​​J​ ai​​ FΦ
 RT   ​____ ​  ​​. (36) Equation (41), and the result into Equation (26) provides
the homogenized unit cell free energy ¯

 ​​Ш​​electrolyte . Now,
Observing that the first expression in parenthesis on employing Equation (22) yields the modified unit cell
the right-hand side of Equation (36) is dimensionless, osmotic pressure:
we define the membrane active transport factor Qi:
​  T​C​ 0​​​[​(​√ ​C​ inter
_ ​Φ​  ​​
​​​    osmotic​​ = 2​Φ​ 'k  ​R   ​ ​ + Q ​  ‒ 1)​ + ​_____
P​​ 2
 J​Φ​ ' ​ ​ ‒ ​ Φ​   ​​ ​ ​C​ f2​​
​​Q​ i​​ = exp ( ​L​  ​​ ​ )​ · i = +, ‒​
h ​Mi​ ​​​  J​ai  ​​

​​˜   ​​C​ coat​​ ‒ ​​sinh​​​
˜   ​ ​C​ inter​​)​ ​,​
 RT   ​​ ____
​ ‒​_
k f
(​ sinh​​​ ]
i ‒1 ‒1
Finally, stromal ionic concentration (Eq 36) may be
written as: in which a modified inverse hyperbolic sine function
was introduced:
​​C​ i​​ = ​Q​ i​​​C​ o​​exp ( RT ​ )​

​ ‒​z​ i​​​ _ ,​ (38) _
   ​​(x)​= ln​(x + ​√ ​x​​ 2​ + Q )​  ​,​
sinh​​​ (43)
which generalizes the Boltzmann distribution (Eq.
16). Observe that 0 ≤ Qi ≤ 1 and the value of Qi reduces and where Q = Q+Q− is the membrane active transport
with increasing active flux Jai. When no endothelial parameter that describes the combined effect of both
ionic pumping occurs, Jai = 0 and Qi = 1. Equation (38) the cation and anion active transport.
expresses the idea that when active ionic pumping Equation (42) shows that the osmotic pressure is
occurs, Qi < 1 and stromal ionic concentrations are dictated by the combined membrane active transport
reduced compared to when there is no pumping and parameter Q. Estimation of the combined membrane
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 75

700 700
680 680
660 660
640 640
CCT (µ m)

CCT (µ m)
620 620
600 600
580 580
560 560
540 540
520 520
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 8. The predicted swollen CCT in Fuch’s dystrophy when (a) the endothelial ionic permeability is increased, such that 1 ≤ RL ≤ 4.5 and
with normal active ionic flux RJ = 1, and (b) the active ionic flux rate is reduced, such that 0.2 ≤ RJ ≤ 1 and with normal anionic permeability
RL = 1.

active transport parameter Q is challenging. Based osmotic theory and realistic collagen organization was
on imbibition pressure measurements in the rabbit created,30 and used to analyze a cornea with central
cornea, a value of Qphysio = 0.965 has been established.30. corneal thickness (CCT) of 520 µm, and anterior and
Stroma in vitro has no active ionic transport and Q = posterior radii of 7.87 and 6.7 mm, respectively. Figure
1. In this case, the above model reduces to the in-vitro 8a shows the predicted swollen CCT for 1 ≤ RJ ≤ 4.5 and
model described in Section 4. RJ = 1, and Fig. 8b shows the predicted swollen CCT for
In the subsections below, we apply the in-vivo osmotic 0.2 ≤ RJ ≤ 1 and RL = 1. In both cases, the model predicts
theory to examine the effects of reduced endothelial corneal swelling, with predicted maximum swollen
ion pumping (Fuch’s dystrophy) and the fluid pressure CCT of approximately 690 µm. This lies in the range of
effects of LASIK. clinical observations for Fuch’s dystrophy.45
The model also predicts that swelling is concen-
6.2. Effects of reduced endothelial active ion trans- trated in the posterior region, a prediction that agrees
port with clinical observations45 that the anterior surface
Fuch’s dystrophy is usually characterized by morpho- of the cornea is nearly normal among patients with
logical changes in endothelial cells or by an accelerated Fuch’s dystrophy, whereas the posterior surface shows
loss of endothelial cells.10,44 In this situation, the cornea significant change. Figure 9 shows deformations due to
will swell due to increasing endothelial ionic permea- swelling when RJ = 0.22. The results suggest the stability
bility, decreasing active ion flux, or both mechanisms of the anterior surface with respect to swelling resulting
simultaneously. This situation can be modeled by from the presence of inclined lamellae.
modifying the membrane active transport parameter
using Equation (37), such that: 6.3. Osmotic effects in LASIK
Laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is commonly used
lnQ patho = (__
     )lnQ physio
R (44) to correct refractive errors, including myopia and
hyperopia. An anterior circular hinged flap of about
where Qpatho is the pathological transport parameter, 150 µm thickness is first created using a femtosecond
Qphysio = 0.965, RJ is the pathological/physiological laser. The flap is then folded back to expose the stromal
fraction of ionic flux, and RL is the pathological/physio- bed, which is reshaped by excimer laser ablation.
logical fraction of ionic permeability.31 The procedure is completed by returning the flap
A finite element model embedding the above in-vivo to conform with the ablated profile. Although laser
76 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

Fig. 9. Fringe plot of vertical displacements of a cornea with simulated Fuch’s dystrophy. Ion pumping is reduced to 22% of normal (RJ =
0.22). Most swelling occurs in the posterior stroma.

ablation creates a new central corneal curvature with

the goal of achieving emmetropia, the biomechanical
response of the residual (significantly thinned) stromal
tissue is an important issue.46 In a study,31 normal active
endothelium ionic pumping was assumed (Q = Qphysio)
and the osmotic model employed to investigate the
stromal fluid pressure and swelling resulting from a
typical myopic correction.
The ablation depth profile was determined using
Munnerlyn’s theory47 for an intended correction of 5
diopters. The CCT was 520 µm, the flap thickness was
150 µm, and the maximum ablation depth was 87 µm,
resulting in a residual central stromal thickness of 283
µm. The flap is returned after ablation, but it is not
mechanically integrated with the stroma.46
The finite element model consisted of 7,008 27-node
hexahedral elements. The solution was obtained in two
1. a pre-surgical step in which the normal cornea
Fig. 10. Fringe plots of (a) the fluid pressure and (b) volume dilation
was loaded by an IOP of 15 mmHg and the J of a post-surgical cornea after LASIK designed for an intended
collagen prestress obtained; and correction of 5 diopters.
2. a post-surgical step in which the flap is separated
and ablated tissue removed. = 0.965.30 In this case, the normal pre-surgical fluid
Predicted curvature change, post-surgical corneal pressure is approximately Pfluid = IOP throughout the
radius, and spherical equivalent agreed well with stroma.
clinical measurements by Ortiz et al.48 on 85 eyes with Recalling that the stromal fluid pressure is given by
myopia or myopic astigmatism.30 Pfluid = Pbath +Posmotic (see Eq. 20), where Pbath = IOP, the
As noted in Section 6.1, the active transport post-surgical fluid pressure is determined from Pfluid = IOP
parameter Qphysio was calibrated based on direct exper- +Posmotic , and where Posmotic could be positive or negative.
imental measurement of imbibition pressure in in-vivo The predicted fluid pressure Pfluid for the LASIK model is
rabbit corneas.49 Those measurements imply that in the shown in Figure 10a. It was observed that the osmotic
normal in-vivo (rabbit) cornea, the osmotic pressure is pressure becomes negative and the stromal fluid
approximately zero and the fluid pressure is approx- pressure reduces to approximately half of its normal
imately IOP.30 This normal physiological condition is value in the ablation region. The change in stromal fluid
modeled with the active ion transport parameter Qphysio pressure resulting from the surgical procedure may be
The electrochemical basis of corneal hydration, swelling, and transparency 77

Fig. 11. At the anterior surface, inclined lamellae insert into Bowman’s layer and act as anchors, resisting the stromal fluid pressure. In
the posterior stroma, the stromal and anterior chamber fluid pressures are balanced, and the collagen does not need to be inclined. This
arrangement stabilizes the refractive surface.

inferred from Figure 10a. Since the pre-surgical stromal physical constants which do appear have been found
fluid pressure is Pfluid = IOP, the change in stromal fluid through independent measurements.
pressure can be observed by simply subtracting IOP The precise quantification of the fluid and osmotic
= 15 mmHg from the pressure scale in Figure 10a. For pressures for the in-vivo human cornea remains
example, at the center of the ablation zone, the pre-sur- an open question, as direct measurements are not
gical fluid pressure is 15 mmHg and the post-surgical currently feasible. Likewise, measurement of the active
fluid pressure is 4.1 mmHg, which represents a change transport parameter Qphysio, (see Eq. 37), which depends
of −10.9 mmHg. on the endothelial ionic permeability and active ionic
The predicted volume dilation J for the LASIK model flux, cannot be directly measured. We have employed
is shown in Figure 10b. Modest swelling is indicated in experimental measurements of imbibition pressure in
Figure 10b, and is concentrated in the anterior region of rabbit to assign a value to Qphysio,30 but this is not entirely
the residual stroma, particularly where the ablation is satisfactory. Our investigations suggest that stromal
deepest and lamella inclination is lost. However, if IOP fluid pressure is close to IOP and osmotic pressure is
increases, then the swelling increases significantly.30 maintained close to zero by the endothelial ion pumps.
But a final accounting requires more experimental data;
the general theory presented should, however, remain
7. Concluding remarks relevant.
This chapter has presented an energy-based theory for The role of stromal collagen in swelling must also be
stromal swelling and fluid pressure, and an application considered for a full understanding of how the cornea
of the theory to demonstrate that GAG-based osmotic responds to swelling forces. Although this important
forces are capable of stabilizing the collagen lattice, topic has not been included in the scope of this chapter,
which is necessary for the transparency of the cornea. we remark about one interesting aspect. The anterior
The model, which has been validated against stromal stroma terminates at Bowman’s layer, which supports
swelling experiments, has no ‘free parameters’, and the the epithelium. In and below Bowman’s, the stromal
78 P.M. Pinsky and X. Cheng

fluid is pressurized, whereas above Bowman’s the fluid Another aspect of the model not discussed is the
pressure is zero (atmospheric pressure can be cancelled convenience with which it may be implemented in finite
out). How is the pressure difference equilibrated? This element codes. The finite element method is an ‘energy’
must be through lamella inclination, as illustrated in method. The proposed model is also an energy method
Figure 11. In the posterior stroma, the anterior chamber and the electrolyte free energy can be readily exploited
IOP and stromal fluid pressure must balance, and in a finite element code. This is a significant advantage
no lamella inclination is needed (or exists). It may be compared to all previous models, which are based on
concluded that anterior lamella inclination stabilizes balance principles for fluxes of solvents and solutes. A
the refractive surface of the cornea. A detailed study of detailed discussion of the finite element implementa-
this problem has been conducted by Cheng et al.30 tion has been given by Pinsky and Cheng.31

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