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Ministerul Educaţiei, Culturii și Cercetării

al Republicii Moldova

Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei

Tema: Operative memory

A efectuat: Onisim Ariadna

GR. TI-191 f/r

A verificat: Dutova Laurenția

Chişinău – 2021
Operative memory

Volume of accessible operative memory - one of the major parameters of any computer.
Operative memory or an operative memory (the RAM or RAM) represents set of microcircuits
on the system payment, capable to accumulate and temporarily to store(keep) programs and the
processable data. This information may is as required fast be read out from operative memory by
the processor and enter the name there again. At switching-off of a feed(meal) contents of
operative memory are completely erased and lost. Therefore after inclusion of the computer of
the program and every time anew is necessary for loading the data into operative memory from
sources of long-term storage of the information. Magnetic and optical disks or other stores of the
digital information more often are applied to long-term storage of the information.

In modern computers dynamic operative memory or DRAM (Dynamic Random Access

Memory) is applied mainly. She(it) is under construction on the microcircuits demanding in
order to prevent losses periodic updating of the information. This process has received the name
" regeneration of memory ". It(he) is realized by the special controller established on a parent
payment. Some time is spent for periodic regeneration of the data in microcircuits of dynamic
operative memory. Attempt to read from memory up to the moment of end of a cycle of
regeneration results the information in occurrence of mistakes. Therefore failures in memory
quite often appear one of the widespread problems in work of inexpensive personal computers of
"yellow" or "black" assembly even if in them completely serviceable microcircuits of dynamic
operative memory are used.

Volume of any computer memory including operative memory, it is measured in kilobytes and
mbytes. The least unit of measurements of information capacity and least unit of division of
memory of the computer is byte. Actually the byte is, in turn, set of eight smallest units of the
information which name bats. A difference between the elementary stationary binary conditions,
for example, "is included" / "is switched off" or between zero and one makes only one of bats.
Byte (or eight - bit) the structure of measurement is chosen from - for the binary organizations of
computer facilities. Transfer or preservation of one any symbol - letters, figures or a mark -
needs a minimum of one byte.

I. Questions :

1. What are the types of computer memory?

2. What are the two types of main memory?

3. What is the function of RAM and ROM?

4. Which memory is volatile?

II. The phrase

a) Volatile memory is computer storage that only maintains its data while the device is

b) The processor cache organization can be made more efficient now.

c) Memory is the most essential element of a computing system because without it computer
can’t perform simple tasks.

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