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Page 8 :

Car : red , modern , expensive

I have an expensive ,modern ,red car .
If we have several adjectives we order them in this way
1- opinion
2 – size shape
3 – age
4 colour
5- nationality
6- material
Too and enough .

Too can be placed before adjectives and adverbs

This tea is too hot , I can’t drink it .

Enough can be placed after adjectives and adverbs .

This car is not big enough for a family .

Enough can be used before Nouns

I don’t have enough time .

infinitive. To + V
it is not too hot to drink .


Subject : he she it you we they I singular plural .

Page 17

Will \ can + S + V
Will you help me please .
Can you read with me please.
Can I go ?
Can I sleep ? will you find my phone please .

Spontaneous Decisions ‫القرارات العفوية السريعة‬

S + will + V

I will go ….

Oh ! I will stop .

Okey … I will help you .

Present simple : you we they I plural + V he she it singular + V(s)
Future : S + will + V

When, Before, After, While, Until

When + Present simple + future

When I read , you will listen .

I will finish before you do .

I will read this story after you leave .

I will not leave until you come with me .

While I read , he will write .

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