Chemistry Solar Energy - Lesson Plan Grade 8th

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Grade 8th

Main aim: to familiarize the students with the notion of solar energy



● understand the terms: renewable and non-renewable energy sources,

● can list renewable and non-renewable energy sources, explains the difference
between them,

● indicates the benefits of using renewable energy sources,

● knows what damage to the environment is caused by burning fossil fuels in

the process of obtaining energy,

● describes the need to search for and discover new environmentally friendly
energy sources,

● knows that solar energy is classified as a renewable energy source; the

student can describe it briefly,

● can list the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

● can give examples of the use of solar energy in Poland and in the world.

Duration of classes: 45 minutes

Teaching aids: blackboard, map of Poland, calculator for a solar battery and
other devices powered by solar batteries (if possible)

Methods: presentation, photos, discussion, independent work

Course of classes:
1. A teacher systematizes students' knowledge about energy by having a brief
discussion. He finds out what energy sources the students know.

2. The teacher tries to organize the students' information by writing down the
energy sources mentioned by the students on the blackboard. He divides them
into two groups: renewable and non-renewable group without naming them
immediately. The teacher asks the students to think about common features that
can be assigned to each group. Finally, after a short "brainstorm", teacher
summarizes all the information gathered so far and appropriately names the
energy sources grouped in two rows as renewable and non-renewable.

3. During the presentation on energy sources, the lecturer indicates the

dwindling resources of fossil fuels, and thus the need to look for new, more
ecological sources.

4. The teacher pays special attention to solar energy. It presents solar energy as
the primary source of energy for our planet. He shows students pictures of the
practical use of solar energy.

6. The teacher asks the students to think about what everyday objects can be
powered by solar energy. He asks students following questions: „Do the students
have such items at home?”, „Is it possible to find solar-powered devices in
housing estates, hotels, single-family houses, rural households, highways etc. ?”

7. The leader indicates on the map of Poland the areas with the most favorable
conditions for the use of solar energy. Students check on the map the names of
the largest Polish cities located in these areas.

The lecturer summarizes the classes, paying attention to the possibilities of using
the discussed energy sources in the energy management of Poland and the
world. He asks students to compose a crossword puzzle with the word
ENERGY, and then he evaluates it.

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