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MCQ – Energy

Time: 25 minutes Total Marks: 30

1. When you turn on a radio, what type of energy transformation takes place?
a. Sound energy to Chemical energy
b. Chemical energy to Sound energy
c. Electrical energy to Sound energy
d. Sound energy to Electrical energy

2. A student rolls these four items on the same surface and at the same speed. Which item will
have the greatest kinetic energy?
a. Marble c. Basketball
b. Beach ball d. Table tennis ball

3. When a firecracker explodes, stored chemical energy turns into sound and light energy. What
other type of energy is also released during this transformation?
a. Thermal c. Nuclear
b. Electrical d. Mechanical

4. The energy of blowing wind can be harnessed to create electricity. Why is wind considered a
renewable energy source?
a. Wind does not cause destruction of the environment
b. Wind turns the blades of a windmill that creates electricity
c. Wind provides only a very small amount of electricity to the united states
d. Wind comes from atmospheric conditions that are available indefinitely

5. Which cannot travel through a vacuum?

a. Heat c. Water
b. Sound d. Light

6. A rolling ball eventually comes to a stop. Where did the energy in the ball go?
a. It was destroyed.
b. It was converted to thermal energy through friction.
c. It was transferred to the grass.
d. It disappeared like magic.

7. The following steps describe the process of generating electricity by burning coal in a power
• The coal fire converts liquid water to steam.
• The steam rotates fanlike blades of a mechanical turbine.
• The shaft of the turbine spins an electric generator.
• The electric power is delivered to the consumer over long-distance power lines.

Which energy transformation occurs during this process?

a. Nuclear energy of the steam is converted to thermal energy of the turbine in the
b. Mechanical energy from the turbine is converted to electric energy
c. Electric energy from the generator is converted to chemical energy in the power lines.
d. Chemical energy from the generator is converted to electric energy in the power lines.
8. At which point will the roller coaster have
The greatest amount of potential energy?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

9. The diagram below shows a pendulum in motion. Which describes the potential and kinetic
energy of the pendulum at position x?

a. Potential energy is at its lowest and kinetic energy is at its lowest

b. Potential energy is at its highest and kinetic energy is at its lowest
c. Kinetic energy is at its highest and potential energy is at its lowest
d. Kinetic energy is at its highest and potential energy is at its highest

10. A tightly sealed glass box has a mass of 20,000 grams and contains a 5-gram cube of ice,
making the total mass 20,005 grams. The box with the ice is placed in direct sunlight. After
three hours, the box appears to be empty, with just small droplets along the sides of the box.
Which statement describes the mass of the sealed box after sitting in the sun?
a. The mass decreases because the ice melted into a liquid
b. The mass remains the same as the ice melts and then evaporates
c. The mass increases as the gases inside the box absorb energy and expand
d. The mass increases as the water vapor condenses into small droplets on the glass

11. A class investigating the motion of a tire swing collected the data in the table below. The
students were able to draw conclusions about the factors that affect the motion of a swing.
Two students from the class decide to use the class data to build a different-size tire swing in
their backyard. They build the tire swing shown in the diagram.

After testing the swing, they decide that they want to make it swing faster.
Based on the data from the class investigation, what could the students do to make their tire
swing move back and forth faster?
a. Use a shorter rope
b. Use a longer rope
c. Use a less massive tire
d. Use a more massive tire
12. Tom was chasing jerry and ran off a cliff. Where does he have equal amounts of potential and
kinetic energy?
a. When he holds up the sign saying “yikes!” Before he falls.
b. Right after he starts to fall.
c. Halfway to the ground as he falls.
d. Just before he hits the ground at the bottom.

13. What type of energy conversion happens when you draw a picture on the floor?
a. Chemical to thermal to electrical.
b. Thermal to mechanical to chemical.
c. Mechanical to chemical to thermal.
d. Chemical to mechanical to thermal.

14. What energy transformation occurs in a burning match?

a. Chemical to thermal & electromagnetic.
b. Thermal to chemical & smell.
c. Electromagnetic to thermal & magnetic.
d. Chemical to electrical & nuclear

15. Which of the following is produced by a nuclear bomb?

a. Electromagnetic, thermal, nuclear.
b. Elastic, gravitational, sound.
c. Gravitational, mechanical, electrical.
d. Sound, electromagnetic, smell.

16. Energy in fossil fuels is stored as:

a. Nuclear energy c. Electrical energy
b. Chemical energy d. Thermal energy

17. Solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, and hydropower are considered renewable because they:
a. Convert directly into heat and electricity
b. Are replenished by nature within a relatively short span of time
c. Are free to use
d. Do not produce pollution

18. Electrical energy can be obtained from which of the following?

a. Mechanical energy c. Thermal energy
b. Chemical energy d. All of the above

19. Fossil fuels include:

a. Natural gas c. Coal
b. Petroleum d. All of the above

20. Which sector of society uses the most energy?

a. Residential c. Industry
b. Transport d. Commerce

21. Which of these methods of heat transfer does not involve particles?
a. Radiation c. Evaporation
b. Conduction d. Convection
22. What method of heat transfer occurs mainly in solids?
a. Radiation c. Evaporation
b. Conduction d. Convection

23. Which states of matter are fluids?

a. Solids, liquids and gases
b. Gases only
c. Gases and liquids

24. What method of heat transfer can occur in a vacuum?

a. Conduction c. Convection
b. Radiation d. Evaporation

25. What method of heat transfer occurs when particles with a lot of energy exchange the place
of those with less?
a. Radiation c. Conduction
b. Evaporation d. Convection

26. What method of heat transfer do we see in our weather patterns?

a. Radiation c. Evaporation
b. Conduction d. Convection

27. What surfaces best absorb infrared radiation?

a. Black
b. White
c. Red

28. A gardener carefully places her outdoor thermometer in a shady location out of direct
sunlight, so that it doesn't give incorrectly high readings. What method of heat transfer is she
trying to avoid?
a. Conduction c. Induction
b. Convection d. Radiation

29. What method of heat transfer explains why hot air balloons rise?
a. Conduction c. Convection
b. Radiation d. Evaporation

30. Which part of the human body loses the most heat?
a. Arms
b. Torso
c. Head
Short Questions – Energy
Time: 35 minutes Total Marks: 20

1. Name two different forms of potential energy. 2

2. Name three different forms of kinetic energy. 3

3. Give one example of geothermal energy on the surface of the earth. 2

4. A child at a playground slides down a slide on a windless day. Describe 5

the two forces that affect the motion of the child as she moves down the slide.

5. Describe, in terms of density changes, heat convection in fluids. 3

6. Why is metal a better conductor of heat than non-metals? 5

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