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used with some verbs to indicate repeated or continued action It went off with a massive bang about half a mile that way? dead, extinct, nonextant,defunct, destroyed,
about, by, near, next to, nigh,alongside,
Bang About exterminated, kaput,active, busy, flourishing,
on all or various sides : in every or any direction Big Bang ABOUT THE DESIGNER beside,across, along, at,circa,toward
functioning, operating, working.
in a circle or in circumference We'll be waiting for the bang about dawn.
usually used with be and a following infinitive And boxers let them bang around.
directly, forthwith, headlong, immediately,
in many different directions : HERE AND THERE So, a few people heard a loud bang around midnight. unbar, unbolt, unfasten, unlatch, unlock, unseal,cane,
Bang Around incontinently, instantaneously, instanter,
club, cudgel, flail, flog, lash, sap, slash, sledge.
instantly, now.
in a circle around : on every side of : AROUND Where will they come from, if you bang around with guns?

chiefly British We can't bang on the door of honeymooners. accurate, correct, dead-on, exact, good, on-
false, improper, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, off,
Bang On You don't have to bang on the glass. target, precise, proper, right, so, spot-on, true,
to talk repeatedly or continuously about something —usually used with about untrue, wrong,defective, faulty, flawed, imperfect.
It could've been that bang on the head. veracious
going to different places It went off with a massive bang on about half a mile that way?
bare, disclose, discover, divulge, expose,
that expanding started from the Big Bang on about 15-20 billions becloud, bedim, befog, cloud, darken, eclipse, obscure,
Bang On About to place with care or deliberate purpose and with relative stability reveal, spill, tell, unbosom, uncloak, uncover,
years ago. overcast, overshadow, shade.
unmask, unveil.
to talk about (something) repeatedly or for a long time We'll be waiting for the bang on about dawn.
to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive noise or series of such
Give me today, I'll bang out a script.
noises camp, canteen, club, clubhouse, country club, key club,
haunt, purlieu, rendezvous, resort, stamping
Bang Out Listen, we can make you sympathetic, sit with a writer, bang out service club, union
to knock, hit, or thrust vigorously often with a sharp noise ground, stomping ground
a book. harbor, harborage, haven.
to strike sharply : BUMP We just have to bang out the dent.
very good or excellent Looks like you're doing a bang up job protecting him. awesome, banner, beautiful, blue-chip, blue- atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor,
Bang Up to damage or injure someone or something by hitting them You'd do well to bang up all them animals. ribbon, boffo, bonny,brag, brave, bully, rotten, terrible, vile, wretched,conserve, preserve,
is to lock up in his or her cell, esp for the night. You care when people bang up their knees. bumper, capital. protect, save,salvage.
to work with determined effort Everyone else here is free to just bang away.
beaver, dig, drudge, endeavor, fag, grub, dabble, doodle, fool around, fribble, goof, hang, hang
to attack persistently very heavy hitters, he'd let them bang away at him.
Bang Away hump, hustle, labor, moil, peg, plod, plow, about,around, monkey,bum, chill, dally, dillydally,
a sudden loud, explosive noise, as the firing of a gun When they bang away from the tape tomorrow at Pimlico. plug, slave, slog, strain, strive, travail. footle, goldbrick, goof.

having a sudden, forceful, or attention-grabbing effect : PUNCHY Some guys like Bang Bang chili all the time.
blood-and-guts, convulsive, cyclonic,
executed or happening so quickly as to make judgment Street names are Bang Bang and Cuca. nonviolent, peaceable, peaceful,calm, halcyon, pacific,
Bang Bang explosive, ferocious, fierce, furious, hammer-
serene, tranquil,nonbelligerent, unaggressive.
Found bang bang's car about a mile upriver from where the body and-tongs, hot.
characterized by violent or fast-paced action
was found.
to feel attraction toward or take pleasure in : ENJOY He wants you to bang like this.
the same or nearly the same A world where adults bang like flies on the glass. choose, cull, handpick, name, pick, select, abhor, abominate, detest, hate, loathe,decline, refuse,
Bang Like
single . reject, turn down.
one that is similar : COUNTERPART, EQUAL Makes the sheilas bang like bloody battleships.

to stop normal operation due to the failure of the shuttle to enter the box We go bang off the edge, we see the elephant bad, bastard, bush, bush-league,
capital, choice, crackerjack, dandy, divine, excellent,
crummy,deficient, dissatisfactory, ill, inferior,
Bang Off exceptional, fabulous, first-class, first-rate, grand, great,
from a place or position It's just sometimes I want to rip the bangs off his head. lame, lousy, paltry, poor, punk, sour,
to a state of discontinuance or suspension Helios is situated about 3.7 km off Bang Rong Pier.

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