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Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation

of aqueous contaminants
Yue Li a, Fernando Hung b, Louisa J. Hope-Weeks b, Weile Yan a,⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas Tech University, TX 79409, United States
Deparment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, TX 79409, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Iron oxides and supported iron materials have been widely used as heterogeneous catalysts to oxidize
Received 16 April 2015 aqueous organic contaminants in the presence of H2O2. One approach to enhance the catalyst perfor-
Received in revised form 18 August 2015 mance is to synthesize micro- or meso-porous iron oxides with large surface areas and to control surface
Accepted 24 September 2015
composition and catalyst structure through the use of two metal constituents. In this study, xerogels and
Available online xxxx
aerogels of Fe/Al binary oxides were synthesized using a propylene oxide-driven sol–gel method. The
effect of synthesis parameters including the ratio of Fe to Al in the precursor solutions, annealing temper-
ature, and drying method were varied independently. The resultant solids were evaluated for their ability
to catalyze H2O2 activation and phenol oxidation. The ratio of Fe/Al was found to have a prominent effect
Iron oxide catalyst on the catalytic activity of the solids, with an optimal activity occurring at an intermediate Fe loading
Peroxide activation reflecting the important of Fe dispersion. Higher annealing temperature led to enlarged pore size that
Phenol oxidation facilitates access to the internal reactive surface. Xerogels, despite having moderately smaller surface
Catalytic oxidation areas than the aerogel counterparts, exhibited consistently higher oxidant generation efficiency and phe-
nol oxidation rates, indicating it is a more favorable method for making porous iron-containing materials
for catalytic wet oxidation applications.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction synthesis reactions (e.g., Fischer–Tropsch synthesis and selective

C–H bond oxidation) [7–9]. The use of iron in environmental
High surface-area ceramic or metal oxides materials have found decontamination is best known through the Fenton chemistry, in
important applications in gas storage, energy-harvesting, catalysis, which catalytic activation of hydrogen peroxide by Fe(II) or Fe
and chemical separation [1–5]. Among these materials are a class (III) species generates reactive oxygen species that are able to
of sol–gel derived materials known as aerogels which exhibit low degrade organic contaminants at high efficiencies [10,11]. Tradi-
densities and have exceptionally high surface areas and porosities. tional Fenton oxidation system using dissolved iron has limited
The analogous xerogel materials often exhibit slightly higher den- applications in large-scale environmental applications due to the
sities and lower surface areas. However, they possess greater requirement of acidic media and the challenges associated with
mechanical strengths and are easier to manufacture than their catalyst separation and regeneration [12–14]. Considerable efforts
aerogel counterparts. A variety of single or mixed metal oxide aero- have been focused on using solid-phase iron (mainly as Fe(III)) to
gels and xerogels find favorable uses in heterogeneous catalysis enable efficient activation of H2O2 to form reactive oxidants such
applications because of their exceptionally high surface-area-to- as hydroxyl radicals for the oxidation of aqueous contaminants
volume ratio, good thermal stability, and well-controlled pore [15,16]. Compared to the classical Fenton reaction, activation of
structure and pore size distributions [1,6]. H2O2 by heterogeneous catalysts does not require strict pH control,
In the past few decades, iron-based catalysts have received is more specific for the intended contaminants through appropri-
much attention owing to the natural abundance of the element ate design of the catalysts, and the process is amenable to reuse
iron, its benign environmental character, and labile redox activity. in continuous operation (e.g., in fluidized or fixed-bed reactors).
These qualities render iron a central catalyst in many biological However, bulk iron oxides (such as hematite and goethite) are
enzymes (e.g., the heme-containing cytochromes) and chemical known to be relatively inefficient in converting H2O2 to reactive
oxidants [20]. Ample studies have attempted to create more active
⇑ Corresponding author. iron catalysts by immobilizing Fe(III) on ion exchange membranes
E-mail address: (W. Yan). [12], or disperse it on inorganic solids such as silica, alumina, clay
1383-5866/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.
2 Y. Li et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

minerals, and synthetic zeolites [17–19,15,16]. In particular, a gels was exchanged with liquid CO2 over 3–4 days, and then the
strong synergy between Fe(III) and aluminum oxide supports has extractor was brought beyond the critical point (40 °C, 1200 psi)
been noted in several recent studies. The synergistic effect is attrib- and vented slowly to ambient pressure over 6–8 h. The as-
uted to improved iron catalyst dispersion on alumina surface and prepared aerogels were annealed in a muffle furnace under static
to the Lewis acidity of Al(III) that facilitates iron redox cycling air by ramping a specific temperature at a rate of 2 °C min–1. The
[19,21]. gels were held at the temperature for 6 h and then cooled to room
The most common approach to prepare supported Fe(III) cata- temperature at a rate of 2 °C min–1.
lysts is via wet impregnation of aqueous Fe(III) onto pre-formed
solid supports. Despite of its simple procedures, wet impregnation 2.3. Batch experiments
does not afford much control over the morphology of Fe(III) depos-
its and the catalyst-support interactions are limited to a finite Batch experiments were performed in 40-mL clear glass vials
amount of surface area, restricting further catalyst improvement. (Kimble Chase) at room temperature (22 ± 1 °C). Due to concern
Synthesizing highly porous Fe(III)/Al(III) mixed oxides via a one- over possible photo-activity of the Fe(III)-containing aerogel and
pot sol–gel method offers an attractive alternative. In this study, xerogel materials, all vials were wrapped with aluminum foil to
we employed a facile epoxide-driven sol–gel process to prepare a prevent light exposure. 100 mg of the aerogel or xerogel powder
series of high surface-area Fe(III)/Al(III) mixed oxide aerogels and was introduced into 25 mL of 0.17 mM phenol solutions. Each solu-
xerogels. In our method, epoxide was used as a proton- tion was amended with 0.1 mM sodium bicarbonate as a back-
scavenger, which can drive the olation and oxolation of Al(III) ground electrolyte. The use of bicarbonate stabilizes solution pH
and Fe(III) in a controlled manner to form very small colloidal par- and the concentration is typical of carbonate presence in surface
ticles of oxy-hydroxy Al/Fe polymers. The gels formed are dried freshwater at neutral pH. Higher concentration of bicarbonate is
under ambient atmosphere to form xerogels. Alternatively, sol- known to impose a strong radical scavenging effect and was not
vents are extracted by exchange with supercritical CO2 to create evaluated in this study [22,23]. At time zero, a small aliquot
highly porous particles known as aerogels. The activities of these (500 lL) of 3% H2O2 solution was injected to reach a concentration
xerogels and aerogels were evaluated in a wet oxidation system of 17.6 mM, and the reaction mixture was agitated on a mechanical
using H2O2 as a source of oxidant and phenol as a model aqueous shaker at 250 rpm. At predetermined time intervals, samples were
contaminant. Key synthesis parameters such as the ratio of Fe(III) withdrawn and filtered through 0.2 lm PTFE filters (MillexÒ-LG,
to Al(III) in the precursor mixture and annealing temperature were Millpore) into amber HPLC samples vials. The samples were then
varied and their effects on catalyst activity were investigated. spiked with 32 lL of methanol (99.9%, Fisher) to quench further
reactions in the mixture.

2. Materials and methods

2.4. Analytical methods

2.1. Chemicals
Aqueous phenol, intermediate products (e.g., p-benzoquinone
and hydroquinone) and H2O2 concentrations were analyzed with
Iron chloride hexahydrate, FeCl36H2O (Mallinckrodt) and alu-
a high-performance liquid chromatography system (Agilent HPLC
minum nitrate nonahydrate, Al(NO)39H2O (Spectrum) were used
1100 series) equipped with a C-18 column (Alltech 5 lm,
as precursors. Propylene oxide (ACROS Organics, 99.6%) and iso-
4.6  25 mm) and a diode array detector (DAD) containing a tung-
propanol were used as received without further purification. Dis-
sten and a deuterium lamp for visible and UV absorbance measure-
tilled deionized water (DDI) was used for the preparation of all
ments. Isocratic elution with 30% acetonitrile and 70% DDI acidified
solutions. Phenol and sodium bicarbonate were obtained from
with 10 mM of HCl was performed at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min.
Riedel-de Haën and Fisher, respectively. Hydrogen peroxide
Phenol, hydroquinone, and H2O2 concentrations were quantified
(H2O2) was from 3% w/w aqueous solution (Fisher).
with their UV absorbance at 220 nm based on 4-point calibration
curves. p-Benzoquinone was measured at 255 nm.
2.2. Preparation of iron oxide and aluminum oxide aerogels and
xerogels 2.5. Physical characterizations

In a typical experiment to prepare a 1:1 ratio Fe/Al xerogel, The powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples were
FeCl36H2O (0.2703 g, 1 mmol) and Al(NO)39H2O (0.3751 g, recorded with a Rigaku Ultima III diffractometer using Cu Ka radi-
1 mmol) were dissolved in isopropanol (4 mL), followed by addi- ation. To prepare the samples, they were first finely ground before
tion of 10 equivalents (i.e. 20 mmol) of propylene oxide (PO, being packed in a zero-background Pt sample holder. The collec-
1.39 mL). The composite was then vortexed for 10 s and then tion was taken at a 2h range of 20–80° at a step-width of
set aside to gel undisturbed for 24 h. Gels were obtained within 0.03° s1. The diffraction patterns were then identified by compar-
3–10 min. The red monolithic gels were then dried under the hood ison to the phases in the International Centre for Diffraction Data
for 24 h. A similar procedure was followed to prepare 1:4 and 4:1 (ICDD) powder diffraction file (PDF) database. The specific surface
ratios of Fe/Al xerogels. The as-prepared xerogels were annealed in area, pore volume and average pore sizes were all obtained from
a muffle furnace under static air by ramping a specific temperature the N2 adsorption/desorption analyses conducted at 77 K on a
at a rate of 2 °C min–1. The gels were held at the temperature (400, NOVA 4200e model surface area/pore size analyzer (Quan-
500, 600, 700, and 800 °C respectively) for 6 h and then cooled to tachrome Instrument Corp.). Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) speci-
room temperature at a rate of 2 °C min–1. fic surface areas were calculated from data points taken at relative
In a typical synthesis batch to prepare a 1:1 ratio Fe/Al aerogel, pressures between 0.05 and 0.30 of the adsorption branch of the
FeCl36H2O and Al(NO)39H2O were dissolved in isopropanol, fol- isotherm. The pore volume, pore sizes and average size distribution
lowed by addition of 10 equivalents of propylene oxide (PO). The was taken from the desorption branch of the isotherm. Prior to
composite was then vortexed for 10 s and then set aside to gel physisorption analysis, the samples were placed on degas for
undisturbed for 24 h. Thereafter, the gels were washed in acetone 24 h at 80 °C. Each set of measurements was taken with an equilib-
baths over a week and then transferred to SPI-DRYTM critical point rium time of 600 s, which resulted in a total experimentation time
driers. During the super critical drying process, the solvent in the of 9–18 h per sample. Dry and crushed samples were also

Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.
Y. Li et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

characterized for surface morphology with a field-emission scan- annealed at 800 °C for 6 h. Fig. 1 shows the PXRD pattern observed
ning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S-4700) at an accelerating for the different Al/Fe xerogels samples annealed at 800 °C. We
voltage of 2 kV. observed that the crystallinity of the material increases with a
decreasing amount of Al present in the sample due to the inherent
amorphous nature of aluminum oxide. The xerogel with the highest
3. Results and discussion
fraction of Al, corresponding to an Al/Fe ratio of 4:1, has no identifi-
able peaks above the background (spectrum not shown). Fe/Al sam-
3.1. Catalyst characterization
ple (1:1 ratio) shows to be the more crystalline with reflections
corresponding mainly to aluminum iron oxide (AlFeO3, PDF# 30–
Preparation of iron and aluminum oxide xerogels and aerogels
24). Further increasing the iron leads to well defined diffraction
was achieved using the epoxide-addition method. Here, by pre-
peaks that can be attributed to hematite (a-Fe2O3) and AlFeO3.
forming the nanostructured colloidal particles by sol–gel synthesis,
The absence of a pure iron oxide phase in Al/Fe 1:1 sample indicates
higher surface areas can be attained, even in the case of xerogels,
that the two metal ions form homogeneous mixed oxides and there
where collapse of the pore structure by rapid evaporation of the
is no phase segregation when the Al to Fe ratio is 1:1. This property
solvent tends to provide a rather non-porous material. The well-
may be attributable to similar hydrolysis and condensation rates of
established epoxide-driven polycondensation of metal salt precur-
Al and Fe ions in the synthesis mixture. As illustrated in Fig. 2, SEM
sors was chosen because of its proven efficacy in a wide variety of
characterization of the Al/Fe 1:1 xerogel reveals a clean, smooth-
transition metal systems, its simplicity, and its versatility for the
textured material with primary particles of approximately 60–
preparation of binary metal oxide systems. In this method, the
100 nm in diameter. In comparison, the solids prepared at a higher
epoxide is added to a solution of the metal salts (FeCl36H2O and
or lower Al/Fe ratio contains significant surface heterogeneity with
Al(NO)39H2O) to promote the steady formation of colloidal oxy-
a large quantity of small formations (less than 10 nm) littered on the
hydroxy metallate polymers. The mechanism has been previously
surface of the primary particles. The bimodal distribution of particle
described [3,24], and relies on the epoxide acting as a proton scav-
sizes may arise from the presence of multiple solid phases when Al
enger for the system, thereby irreversibly driving forward the ola-
or Fe is at a significant excess relative to the other.
tion and oxolation reactions that form the inorganic polymer.
The N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of the Fe/Al xerogel
Because the epoxide mediates the polymerization, very small col-
and aerogel samples exhibit type IV hysteresis typical for meso-
loidal particles are formed, which facilitate the formation of high
porous materials. The BET surface areas and pore radii of the xero-
surface area materials.
gels show a direct dependence on the annealing temperature used
To determine the ideal temperature at which the desired binary
during the synthesis (Table 1). Accordingly, the decrease in surface
metal oxide phase is observed, iron/aluminum xerogels in a 1:1
and porosity with increasing temperatures are due to grain growth
ratio were prepared and annealed at 400, 500, 600, 700, and
and densification effects as it has been previously reported else-
800 °C for 6 h, the crystallinity of the annealed samples was inves-
where. Aerogel is typically characterized by BET surface areas on
tigated using powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD). The samples showed
the order of 100 m2/g and are much higher than their xerogel
to be amorphous after annealing at different temperatures except at
counterparts [1]. In this study, the aerogel annealed at 800 °C has
the highest temperature (800 °C), at which point the particles exhi-
a moderate increase in surface area and pore size compared to
bit reflections corresponding to aluminum iron oxide. Aluminum/
the equivalent xerogel material. The relatively small surface area
iron xerogels in a 1:4 and 4:1 ratios were then prepared and
observed for the aerogel is believed to be caused by the high
80 annealing temperature used.
1:1 AlFeO3
1:4 HemaƟte 3.2. Effect of Fe(III)/Al(III) ratio on catalyst activity
Rela ve Intensity (a.u.)

Phenol oxidation in the presence of different xerogel is shown
in Fig. 3. Control experiment reacting phenol and H2O2 (as Control
40 1 in Fig. 3a) shows there is no oxidation of phenol in the absence of

30 Table 1
Physical properties of the annealed xerogel and aerogel solids (Fe/Al = 1:1).
Sample/annealing Surface area Average pore Pore volume
10 temperature (m2/g) size (nm) (cm3/g)
Xerogel 400 °C 260 4.3 0.332
Xerogel 500 °C 238 4.7 0.403
20 30 40 50 60 70
Xerogel 600 °C 195 5.8 0.369
2Ɵ (degrees) Xerogel 700 °C 64 12.2 0.308
Xerogel 800 °C 40 12.0 –
Fig. 1. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns for the Al/Fe annealed samples at 800 °C Aerogel 800 °C 76 20.9 0.302
for 6 h.

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of (a) Al/Fe 1:4, (b) Al/Fe 1:1, and (c) Al/Fe 4:1. The solids were annealed at 700 °C for 6 h. Scale bars correspond to 500 nm.

Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.
4 Y. Li et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

conversion to reactive oxygen species (ROS) versus its unproduc-

tive decomposition to oxygen and water. The reactions of Fe(III)
with H2O2 can be described by Eq. (1), in which ‘‘” denotes
surface-residing species [15,13]. The Fe(II) formed reacts with
another molecule of H2O2 to produce hydroxyl radical (OH).

 FeIII þ H2 O2 ! FeII þ O2 þ Hþ ðpH > 5Þ ð1Þ

 FeII þ H2 O2 ! FeIII þ  OH þ OH ð2Þ

Free or surface-bound OH are thought to be the key ROS responsi-

ble for the degradation of organic compounds [26–28]. However,
competing reactions (Eqs. (3) and (4)) may consume ROS and result
in a net loss of H2O2 (Eq. (5)).

 FeIII þ O2 ! FeII þ O2 ð3Þ

 FeII þ  OH þ Hþ ! FeIII þ H2 O ð4Þ

2H2 O2 ! O2 þ H2 Oðnet reaction by combining Reactions 1  4Þ


The efficiency of oxidant consumption, defined as the ratio of phe-

nol oxidized over the total loss of H2O2 in the solution, is a complex
function of the solution pH, Fe(III)/H2O2 ratio, as well as the nature
of the catalysts [26,11,29]. As all three solids were evaluated under
similar reaction conditions, the difference in H2O2 utilization effi-
ciency observed here can be attributed mainly to catalyst activity.
As indicated in Fig. 3c, xerogel with an Fe/Al ratio of 1:1 outper-
formed two other particles by attaining an ROS generation effi-
ciency of 0.94%. This value is close to the ROS yield of Fe(III)-
embedded synthetic aluminosilicates reported in a prior study
[15]. For the other two solids, xerogel with an Fe/Al ratio of 4:1
has significantly higher oxidant productivity than its Al-enriched
counterpart although the phenol degradation performance of the
two solids was similar. This shows that given the amount of H2O2
consumed, the former (Xerogel with Fe/Al at 4:1) is more efficient
Fig. 3. (a) Phenol oxidation catalyzed by Fe/Al xerogels of varying composition, (b)
at producing reactive oxidants versus unproductive decomposition
reaction intermediates of the xerogel having an Fe/Al ratio of 1:1, and(c) oxidant
consumption efficiency determined by the ratio of phenol oxidized over H2O2 of H2O2 to water and O2. The trend of phenol degradation with Fe
consumed (both in mM). Xerogel loading was 4 g/L. Initial concentrations of phenol (III) content observed here points to the existence of an optimal
and H2O2 were 0.17 mM and 17 mM, respectively. Solids were annealed at 800 °C. Fe/Al composition. The optimal ratio of Fe/Al in the binary structure
likely promotes the formation of more active Fe(III) species result-
ing in more rapid and efficient ROS generation. It has been reported
the catalysts. Mixing the catalysts with phenol solutions without that Reaction (1) is preceded by formation of an inner-sphere com-
adding H2O2 (as Control 2 in Fig. 3a) indicates negligible removal plex between Fe(III) and H2O2 [30,31]. For facile complexation to
of phenol due to background adsorption. As shown in Fig. 3a, the occur, Fe(III) has to possess vacant coordination position or bound
ratio of Al(III) and Fe(III) precursors used during xerogel synthesis with labile ligands (e.g., H2O) [13]. The active Fe structure should
has a marked effect on their catalytic activity. The most reactive also be able to minimize unproductive dissociation of H2O2 (Reac-
catalyst was made of equivalent molar concentration of Al(III) tion (3) and (4)). As such, the coordination environment and disper-
and Fe(III). This xerogel was able to oxidize over 62% of phenol sion state of surface Fe species are critical factors controlling the Fe
within 24 h. In comparison, solids with a Fe/Al ratio of 1:4 or 4:1 activity for H2O2 activation. In line with these considerations, Fe(III)
degraded 13% and 15% of the initial amount of phenol, respectively. chelated with suitable ligands (e.g., EDTA) or dispersed on solid sub-
p-benzoquinone and hydroquinone were the two major intermedi- strates (e.g., alumina or aluminosilicates) is known to possess sig-
ates detected by HPLC analysis. The same compounds were formed nificantly higher activity and selectivity for ROS generation over
during phenol oxidation in Fenton reaction systems [25]. The con- unproductive H2O2 decomposition than bulk Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides
centrations of the intermediates for the xerogel having a Fe/Al ratio [10,18,21,32]. In this study, we postulate that the ratio of Fe/Al may
of 1:1 were shown in Fig. 3b. Note that the total concentration of have a strong effect on Fe(III) hydrolysis and polymerization,
the two intermediates is substantially lower than the amount of thereby affecting the structural organization of Fe(III) species in
phenol initially present in the solution. This is due to that p- the solid phase. Increasing the Fe(III) loading may increase the
benzoquinone and hydroquinone were rapidly oxidized, giving rise number of reactive Fe(III) sites, yet at the same time, promote the
to small molecule organic acids that cannot be detected by HPLC, formation of large Fe(III) clusters that are catalytically unreactive.
before their mineralization to CO2. The two competing effects would suggest the existence of an opti-
With hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, an important indicator mal Fe(III) loading, which was observed to be around an Fe/Al ratio
of the catalyst performance is related to the efficiency of peroxide of 1:1 in this study.

Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.
Y. Li et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 4. Effect of annealing temperature of xerogel (Fe/Al = 1:1) on phenol degrada-

tion rates. Xerogel loading was 4 g/L. Initial concentrations of phenol and H2O2 were Fig. 5. Comparison between xerogel and aerogel (Fe/Al ratio is 1:1 for both) for
0.17 mM and 17 mM, respectively. phenol degradation at 24 h. The solid loading was 4 g/L. Initial concentrations of
phenol and H2O2 were 0.17 mM and 17 mM, respectively.

3.3. Effect of annealing temperature on catalyst activity amount of phenol degradation at 24 h by aerogel and xerogel pre-
pared under two annealing temperature (700 °C and 800 °C). Also
Fig. 4 shows phenol oxidation by xerogel that had undergone illustrated in this figure are H2O2 utilization efficiencies in various
annealing at different temperatures. No appreciable improvement experiments (scaled up by 100 times). At both temperatures, xero-
in catalyst activity can be discerned at an annealing temperature gel has delivered higher phenol oxidation rates and greater oxidant
between 400 and 600 °C. Annealing at 700 °C brought about a generation efficiency than its aerogel counterpart. This is some-
sharp increase in reactivity. Further increasing the annealing tem- what unexpected, as N2 adsorption data indicates that aerogel
perature to 800 °C results in a moderate increase in phenol oxida- offers a significantly higher surface area (76 vs. 40 m2/g), greater
tion rate. The trend suggests significant structural transformation average pore size (20 nm vs. 12 nm) and comparable pore volume
had occurred at approximately 700 °C. To understand this effect, than its xerogel counterpart (Table 1). While the cause for this
gas adsorption analysis was performed on these solids and the behavior is unclear and requires further investigations, aerogel
results are shown in Table 1. The surface area was found to producing consistently lower oxidant efficiency (i.e. higher H2O2
decrease progressively from 260 to 40 m2/g with an increasing decomposition) is perhaps attributable to significant aggregation
annealing temperature, indicative of material sintering. The aver- of Fe(III) at the surface due to the prolonged solvent exchange pro-
age pore size measured by N2 adsorption does not decrease as cess. From a practical point of view, the high surface area-
would be expected for high temperature annealing. Instead, we normalized reactivity of xerogel is desirable because of the mate-
saw a biphasic behavior that coincides with the trend of phenol rial’s simpler processing requirements and greater scalability.
oxidation rate. Specifically, the pore size was largely unaffected
between 400 and 600 °C. Annealing at 700 °C led to a significant 4. Conclusions
enlargement of the pore size from 5.8 nm to 12.2 nm, and pore size
was more or less constant going up to 800 °C. Within this temper- Fe/Al mixed metal oxide xerogels and aerogels were prepared
ature window, pore volume decreased moderately by approxi- by a facile propylene-oxide-enabled sol–gel process to generate a
mately 20%. Taking together the changes in surface area, pore series of high surface-area heterogeneous catalysts for water
size, and pore volume, the transition temperature of 700 °C seems decontamination applications. The molar ratio of Fe and Al and
to correspond to coalescence of micropores into meso- or macro- the annealing temperature were varied independently to assess
pores while the porous network structure of the xerogel material the effect of synthesis parameters on the crystallinity, surface area,
was largely intact (i.e. no significant loss of total pore space). This and pore structure of the resultant materials. The catalytic activity
expansion of pore diameter greatly enhances the diffusion of reac- of the xerogels and aerogels were assessed using phenol as a model
tants in the aqueous phase into the interior space of the xerogel, organic contaminant and H2O2 as a source of oxidants. The results
which more than compensates the loss in surface area. indicate that the activity and oxidant utilization efficiency of the
binary metal oxides are sensitive to Fe/Al ratio. Optimal catalyst
3.4. Performance of aerogels vs. xerogels performance was observed at an intermediate Fe/Al ratio, with
higher Fe loading contributing to the formation of discrete hema-
Aerogel and xerogel are broadly used synthesis routes for pro- tite crystallites that are less catalytically active. Increasing anneal-
ducing high surface-area metal oxides. The two methods adopt ing temperature of the xerogels led to more efficient phenol
similar gelling procedures but differ in the drying processes. Com- oxidation, which was attributed to enlarged average pore size that
pared to xerogels, the solvent of which is removed through room facilitates the access of aqueous reactants to the internal pore sur-
temperature evaporation, aerogel synthesis entails days of contact- face. Despite having moderately smaller surface areas, xerogels
ing the gels with liquid CO2. This critical point drying step offers possess higher catalytic activity for phenol oxidation than the aero-
the benefit of minimizing pore structure collapse due to solvent gel counterparts. Considering their simpler processing needs, xero-
excavation. However, it is a lengthy process incurring high costs, gels represent a more viable approach to preparing reactive and
and is therefore difficult to be applied at large scales [33,24]. Fol- environmentally benign catalysts for water treatment.
lowing our observation that aqueous phenol oxidation rates are
largely controlled by the mesopores (>10 nm in diameter) instead Acknowledgement
of relying on micropores as in typical gas phase reactions, it is of
interest to examine whether aerogel would be of advantage over The financial support by the U.S. National Science Foundation
xerogel in the aqueous system studied here. Fig. 5 compares the (CHE-1308726) is greatly appreciated by WLY.

Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.
6 Y. Li et al. / Separation and Purification Technology xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Y. Li et al., Fe/Al binary oxide aerogels and xerogels for catalytic oxidation of aqueous contaminants, Separ. Purif. Technol.

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