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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Region Xil DIVISION OF SULTAN KUDARGI.,,. Kenram isulan, Stan Kudarat #4 6 216 Telax No! 084471-1007 + emai NOV 25 : 3 at” 1 @ [November 23, 2020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM SGOD,SMIME Ng. = .(s. 2020 Gi Ng. 08 wr QUARTERLY MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF SCHOOLS TRANSPARENCY ‘AND ACOUNTABILITY : Chiefs, CID and SGOD Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors/Principals In-Charge Elementary, Integrated and Secondary School Heads Accounting Section Personnel and Bookkeepers Division Monitoring team This Division pe, innovate changes amidst COVID 19 pandemic in accordance with D.O, No. 13, s. Division Memoranda No. 113, s, 2016 and No.136, 5, 2018 ror Reinforcement’ of Transparency and Accountabily in Schools and RA 9485 (Anii-Rea Tape Act of 2007), schools Seperated by law to have Transparency Board on MOOE and other funds, Posting all schoo! expenditures using the allocated funds. 3. Schools must obtain a total score of thir item checklist refer to enclosure 1 ~ Checklist Transparency and Accountabilty in Schools) 4 In casels where the school head has not conformed with the above requirements, the following offense/s and SANCTIONS shall be fully enforced a. 1* Offense: “No signing of Certificate of Compliance unless letter of explanation be presented to the SGOD Chief with Promissory note, specifying dates to comply all required reports; ». 2" Offense: _-No Signing of Certificate of Compliance unless Letter of explanation be presented to the SDS with attachment of lacking documents and one (1) day Character Modification Session with the Finance Section. ©. 3° Offense: For Teacher-In Charge (TIC) ~ recommend to go back to classroom teaching, For HT/School Principal ~ ground for administrative charges and/or be relieved from position. © cine ior e Stcient flow of this directive, all schools, including Implementing Units (IUs), are enjoined to maintain and update regularly (quarterly) the said School ‘Transparency Board (STB). Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalida, Angat at Tepat ‘SDOSK-OSDS-DMv11009.27.19 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education . Region XII DIVISION OF SULTAN KUDARAT Kenram, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat TelFax No 064-471-1007 +» Emel: depsdsk i 2@dened covah Certificate of Compliance for IUs schools shall be one of the requirements for their budget and accounting transactions in the division office. 6, The 4 quarter/year-end monitoring and evaluation of the STB shall be scheduled starting 2% week of December 2020 to 2° week of January 2021 by the assigned SDO officials and personnel. y 1g this Memorandum is desired. 2 BALALA, CESE Superit 7. Immediate, widest dissemination, and Strict Compl LEONARDAN ‘Schools fvislo Incl: Checkist Transparency and Accountabity in Shoots FRaforence: B10. No. 13, 8.2016, Dv. Memos. No. 113, . 2016 and| To'be indicated in the Perptual index under be folowing subjects RCCOUNTABLITY ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS. TRANSPARENCY Serbisyong may Integridad, Kalidad, Angat at Tapat ‘SDOSK-OSDS-DMv11009.27.19 bb ya cee, © Republic ofthe Philippines [Department of Education Region xi DIVISION OF SULTAN KUDARAT Kenrar ON-SITE MONITORING AND EVALUATION TOOL FOR TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN SCHOOLS No. 13, 5.2016; Div Memo No, 123, 52036: Div. Memo No, 136,5.2038)__ Diae/caer School Schoo: School Aaaress ool Head a School Level: Type of Scoot ‘O elementary |O central Q Non-cenal O Primary O mutscnee Secondary _[ Municpa! wis gy. NHS nner ‘Conese Seno! Tease check (7 The corresponding rating af he school accorng tothe following criteria indicators [io CRITERIA/ INDICATORS ves No Remarks [a [Wransparency Board Tite Scots Transparency Sond (Tas aval 7 [iti enough to postal the needed information acoso about | 2 nemoot on ote ited eons The Tes placed na coneslevovs area acest Th pole [is loeatd far ro the School Head's Off. [te sTBitomaton and dcumers on be es TE ABE or examinaton/inspecion. Ei epuary opdated at east quae) 0- Not Observed - _(Indeator/dacuments Not found but Needed) 1 Less Observed (incicator/documentis found but wth several lacking information) 2. Observed. (inicator/documenttsfound with minimal lacking information) 3 Highly Observed -_(indicator/document is found with complete and clear information) Rating [f[Documents/information TTT zy s Remans ne scoot Transparency Board (ST) has the following information: T [a Shoot improvement Man 2]: Annval plementation Pan wi ats Repro income with iburement of the folowing: 2 TA 2. come Generating Proje 4 2. consen 5 © Sool ste fm ental anon otters pease spect z 2. Donations (Pease spect). 7 4 LGU Sopon: | &. M008 passooot phorocaey) 9 |e: Updateduiguidation Report 10 | tr Anproved Programs/ProjectsActites PPA) designed wih stats of mplementatin. a [a com Dabusement Rept 12 | h-lnventory Repo for the ast 2 vas Total ‘Average (Total score/No. of items) Findings/Comments/Suegestions Recommendations “Monitored and Evaluated by: Tacation Program Supervisor Senior Bookkeeper ‘Conformes by 'SGOD Representative ‘School ead Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region XII DIVISION OF SULTAN KUDARAT Kenram, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat Tel/Fax: 064-471-1007 Certificate of Compliance is issued to (Name of School Head/Principal) Of (School) For having complied with the DepED mandate to ensure the enforcement of TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN SCHOOLS by putting up Transparency Board, posting the data of all school expenditures using the allocated funds for the __ quarter of the Issued this day of » 202, at Sultan Kudarat. ~~ MOHALIDIN M. SUAEB, Ph. D. Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD

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