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Tryton : DB Creation, Module install.n, Company Config,

Google map!
 Installation (/serpentcs-category/installation-28)

Hello Everyone, Tryton ( as you might know already is an OpenSource ERP, a
form of OpenERP ( Tryton is a three-tiers
( high-level general purpose application platform
under the license GPL-3 ( written in Python
( and using PostgreSQL ( as database engine. It is the
core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security.

Tryton Core
The core of Tryton (also called Tryton kernel) provides all the necessary functionalities for a complete
application framework: data persistence, extensive modularity, users management (authentication, fine
grained control for data access, handling of concurrent access of resources), workflow and report engines,
web services and internationalisation. Thus constituting a complete application platform which can be
used for any relevant purpose.

Base Modules
Currently, the main modules available for Tryton cover the following fields of activity:


Sale Management

Purchase Management

Analytic Accounting

Inventory Management

They establish a sane base and an easy to use abstraction of some of the key concepts for every business
customization. Since a few months, I have been observing a good participation on Tryton google group,
which is a good sign for Tryton. Let us introduce a basics : Database Creation, Module Installation,
Company Configuration and Google maps! We will add the post for Tryton Installation very soon.
Create A New Database:-
1. To create new database you will go to File Menu at the top of the Tryton screen then go to
Database and Create New Database.

This will create new database in Tryton. Above screen describe that you will change Server Connection
which you want and enter Tryton server Password,Database Name,Default Language, Admin Password
and Confirm Admin Password and then click on Create button and new database is create.

2. When new database create it will display Module Configuration Wizard first which describe that you
configure installation depending on module.


When you click on OK button it will display second Add User screen which describe that you will add New
User in Tryton.


When you click on OK button it will display Configure User screen in which you will enter new User
Active which is describe that user is currently active or not.

Login which describe that enter login name.

Password is login password.

Email Id is user email id,Google Map button which show you address of user.

Actions that will be run at login.

You can also give Access right to new created user and Preferences in which you will selected
Language and Time Zone.

Click on Add button it will create or add new user.

(/web/image/1506) Configure Company Module In Tryton:-

1. After createnewdatabase below screen display to you in which first only one menu display that is

To configure Company Module you will go to Administration-->Modules-->Modules.


2. When you click on modules menu it will show you all module list in which you find company module
and click on that module.

When you configure company module you will click on the Mark for Installation button.

3. After you click on Mark for Installation button you will upgrade that company module from go to
Administration --> Modules --> Perform Pending Installation/Upgrade or click on Launch Action
button above the Filter Search Box .

4. When you click on the Perform Pending Installation/Upgrade it will show you below screen and
you click on Start Upgrade button to start upgrade the company module.


Above screen describe that there are four modules in modules to update means Party,Currency and
Country modules which depend on Company module so that modules install automatically when you
install company module.

5. After install module successfully you will create new company form Party --> Configuration -->
Companies --> companies and you can create new company.


Here google maps button available click on that button and it will show you address of the company.


So, we hope that this has helped you serving your aim.

Naitik Mehta,
Serpent Consulting Services (

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OpenERP Functional and Technical Training in India -

Aug 2012

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