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Nama kelompok:
- Ade Juniar
- Agus Salim
- Kriyantoro kurniawan
- Sheffara Nan Ismana
Expression Of Congratulations

      Expression of Congratulations is an expression that we use give the congratulation utterance when
he or she be succeed in doing someone.

Here are some expressions of congratulations and their proper responses


I’d be the first to congratulate you on…. It’s very good of you to say so

I’d like to congratulate you on….. How nice of you to say so

Please accept my warmest congratulations. Thank you very much for saying so

May I congratulate you on… I’m glad you think so

I must congratulate you. Oh, it’s nothing special actually

It was great to hear about… Oh, I have a lot to learn yet

Congratulations! Oh, not really

Congratulations on….! Oh, nothing to it, actually

Well done! / Fantastic! Oh, thank’s

Ø   Expression Of Compliment

      Expression of Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express give praise.

3 thing that need to be noticed:

§      General appearance

§      When you visit someone house in first saw

§      When other people do their best 

Expression Of Complement:

· What a nice dress!

· You look great.

· You look very nice/beautiful/handsome.

· I really must express my admiration for your dance.

· Good grades!

· Excellent!

· Nice work!
· Good job! 

expression Of Gratitude

      Expression of Gratitude is an expression that we saw or say to express grateful feeling to other

Here are some expressions of gratitude and their proper responses

Expressing gratitude Responding

I’m so grateful for… Don’t mention it

Thank you very much for… It was my pleasure

Thank you for You’re welcome

That was nice of you. Thank you No big deal

Thanks a lot for… I’m glad that I can help you

I really appreciate…. My pleasure

Thanks. / Many thanks Forget it

Thanks a million. That’s what friends are

Thanks a lot It’s all right

Dialog about:
a. Congratulations, Compliment, and Gratitude
    Tina: "Hey you.."
    Rafael: "what?.."
    Tina: "Congratulations about you.."
    Rafael: "What do you say?"
    Tina: "You are the winner... Winner of an Olympic race science. You are good boy."
    Rafael: "Ah, thank you, Na.. You are the winner too.."
    Tina: Ok.. I go first...

Materi giving a compliment

Giving a compliment adalah suatu kalimat yang biasanya digunakan untuk memberikan apresiasi untuk
orang yang telah mencapai suatu tujuan atau karena kemampuanya dan atau karena kesuksesan yang
dimiliki. Dalam menggunakan kalimat ini kita bisa menggunakan contoh expresi di bawah ini :
·         You’re doing great/you did great..

·         What a (beautiful, lovely, etc)

·         It look good on you

·         I think you look good in….

·         I love…

·         It’s very/so

·         Good job/great

·         I (really) like your….

·         I think you are very great

·         That’s a (nice, lovely, good, etc.)…

·         You look (good, handsome, beautiful, wonderful, etc.)..

·         You are (really) good

·         You’re wonderful on

Ketika kita ingin merespon pujian yang diberikan kepada kita,lalu kita bisa menggunakan contoh
expresi :

·         Thank you                                                                   • Do you think so ?

·         Thanks                                                                        • Thanks a lot

·         It’s very kind of you say that                                     • it is nice/kind of you to say so/that

·         I’m glad you like it

Sesudah kiat memakai kalimat diatas, kita harus selalu menggunakan kata sifat, seperti :

·           Exelent

·           Fabulous                    

·           Wonderful
·           nice

·           Good

·           Kind

·           Terrific

·           Great

·           Magnificent

·           Beautiful

Dialogues- Compliments

Staff: What a beautiful dress, Ms. Elliot.

Guest: Thanks, I’m glad you like it.

Staff: Your new hair-do looks absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Simpson.

Guest: How kind of you to say so.

Guest: My compliments to the chef. This linguine is superb.

Staff: Thank you ma’am. I’ll be sure to let the chef know.

Guest: Your English is very good.

Staff: Thank you very much.

Staff: Excellent game Mr. Johnson. You really gave me a workout.

Guest: Thanks, I guess all those private lessons are finally paying off.

Guest: I really appreciate all the extra work you did on helping us solve that problem. It
         truly went above and beyond. My compliments to your work ethic.
Staff: Thank you sir, how kind of you to say so


Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he or she
succeeds in doing something.
Congratulating Responding

o   I’d be the first to congratulate you on... o    It’s very good of you to say so.

o   I’d like to congratulate you on … o    How nice of you to say so.

o   Please accept my warmest o    Thank you very much for saying so.
o    I’m glad you think so.
o   May I congratulate you on …
o    Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
o   I must congratulate you.
o    Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
o   It was great to hear about …
o    Thank you.
o   Congratulations.
o    Oh, not really.
o   Congratulations on …
o    Oh, nothing to it, actually.
o   Well done
o    Oh, thanks.
o   Nice done, congratulations!

o   Good.

o   Fantastic!

Example of dialog congratulating :

Danu : Rizal, how is your library so far?

Rizal : It’s great! Many people come to my library.

Danu : congratulations! Your library is the  most popular   one now.

Rizal : Thank you, Danu.


Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express or give praise. Some people use
compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will, for example:

   Ø  on his/her general appearance.

   Ø  if you notice something new about the person’s appearance.

   Ø  when you visit someone’s house for the first time.

   Ø  when other people do their best.

Complimenting someone Responding

o   I would like compliment you on … o   Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so.

o   I think your ……. is very nice. o   Thank you but really isn’t anything
o   I just love your …...
o   Thank you. Yours is even nicer.
o   The …… is very delicious.
o   I’m glad you like it.
o   I really like your …….
o   Thank you.
o   You look fabulous!
o   Thank you so much.
o   Fantastic!/Marvelous! o   Yeah, thanks.

o   That’s nice.

o   That’s not bad.

o   Perfect!

o   Pretty good.

Example of dialog complimenting :

Sarah     : Jasmine, This is dress for you. I made it   by  myself .

Jasmine  : That’s a beautiful dress! You are really a talented tailor.

Sarah     : I’m glad you like it.


Gratitude is an expression that we show or say to express grateful feeling to other people. When
speaking English, you say “thanks” very often. Please say “thank you” when people give you something,
help you do something, wish you something and give you a compliment, etc.
Expressing gratitude Responding

o   I’m so grateful for …… o   You’re welcome

o   Thank you for …… o   Don’t mention it

o   Thanks a lot. o   My pleasure

o   Thanks a million. o   I’m glad that I can help you.

o   Thanks./Many thanks. o   It’s all right.

o   Thank you very much for ….. o   That’s what friends are.

o   Thank you for your help. o   It was my pleasure.

o   I’m really very grateful to you. o   Yaps, never mind.

o   Thank you so much.

Example of dialog expressing gratitude:

John           : Can you help me to take that book?

Michael       : Yes, of course. This is, John.

John           : Thank you so much for your helping.

Michael       : You’re welcome.



(Memberikan pujian)

Text 1

Nabila : Hi, Sari! How are things?

Sari : Fine, and you?

Nabila : I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend at the beach?
Sari : Terrific! We had a lovely time there. You should go there.

Nabila : Really? Hey, what a beautiful blouse you are wearing, it matches your skirt.

Sari : Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.

Nabila : Wow! That’s wonderful. Oh, Sari, I almost forget. Can I ask you something?

Sari : Oh, sure. What’s up?

Nabila : Have you finished typing the annual report we made last week?

Sari : Yes, mean this?

Nabila : Yeah, Hmmm, I think this report is excellent. Thanks a lot Sari. You did a great job.

              Now I have to give it to the director immediately.

Sari : OK. You’d better hurry. He may be waiting for it.

Nabila : Well, he probably is. Thanks again, Sari. Have a nice day!

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are involved in the dialogue above?

2. Where does the conversation take place?

3. What is the relationship of the two speakers?

4. Who went to the beach?

5. Did she enjoy it?

6. What is she wearing?

7. What does Nabila say to compliment Sari?

8. Who made the annual report?

9. Did Sari do it well?

10. What does Sari say to compliment Sari?

Text 1

Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.

Annisa : Wow! That’s a … dress, Dinahyu. Is it new?

Dinahyu : Yes, it is. …

Annisa : The colour and the model … on you.

Dinahyu : Oh, do you really think so? I am really fond of this dress.

Annisa : Did you make it yourself?

Dinahyu : Certainly no, Anis. My aunt gave it to me as a birthday gift.

Annisa : Did she? What a … you have!

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are having the dialogue?

2. Where are they having conversation?

3. Who is wearing a new dress?

4. Does she like the dress? Underline the words expressing her like!

5. Who made her dress?

6. Why did her aunt give the dress?

7. Underline the words expressing compliment!

Make short conversations based on these situations.

1. You want to tell your friend, Rini that you liked her chicken steak she cooked you yesterday.

2. You are a teacher and you want to compliment Iwan, one of your students, on his good composition.

3. You are a personal manager. Give a compliment to one of your staff on his work and that you want to
raise his salary.

4. You are a father and you are complimenting your son on his good semester report.

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