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The Company believes the policies, rules and regulations are necessary to providing quality
result, the Company’s ultimate goal. These serve as guiding principles for actions that are
expected from the all employees.

It lays down the Company’s Policy for punitive action, to be applied fairly and consistently
among all employees. Nevertheless, The Company will always respond to any defiance
appropriate depending on the degree of such action.

Every Employee has the responsibilities to observe all the policies, rules and regulations of the
Company as well as those later on stipulated by the management.

From time to time, the company shall append, alter, revise or amend its policies, rules and
regulations, consistently as needed by the management.

Each employee is accountable, for ones actions whether inside or outside the Company. The
Company premises. The Company policies, rules and regulations are pertinent whether the
violations are committed.

 Within the Company premises though the employee is on/off duty.

 Outside the Company premises while the employee is carrying out an official duty.
 Outside the Company premises even if the employee is off-duty, on the criterion that
the said incident is associated with the employee’s responsibility of the Company.

In cases where in an employee commits any offense which are not expressly classified in the
Company’s rule, break any regulation and no penalty has been indicated, or executed any act
contrary to the interest of the Company. The punishment to be enforced will be determined by
the management on a case to case basis, taking into consideration the gravity of the act or

The following are the categorization of violations for imposing of penalties:


1. Untidy and inelegant looking while on duty.

2. Not wearing the ID card within the Company premises.
3. Failure to inform the Management regarding loss of ID within 24 hours from such loss.
4. Inappropriate office etiquette, such as utterance of blasphemous or irrelevant language,
unruly behavior, loud voice, playing within the Company premises during office hours
without prior written permission.
5. Unreasonable and authorized absences and tardiness.
6. Unsound tardiness/ under time for 3 times or more.
7. Failure to notify the Management of reason of absences and tardiness.
8. Splitting or urinating outside the comfort rooms within Company Premises, other
unsanitary acts which contribute to poor hygiene.
9. Unseemliness such as leaving chaotic desks or office or littering that contributes to poor
10. Hanging around within Company premises during and after working hours.
11. Playing in any form, during office hour.
12. Failure to report within a reasonable time the occurrences of wastage of or damage of
materials, equipment, machinery, or other Company properties.
13. Smoking within the Company properties.
14. Indolent or strolling within the Company premises or leaving the workplace during office
hours without any valid reason.
15. Invading one’s personal belongings such as employee’s drawers and lockers without
16. Illicit use of ID card, letting another person use one’s ID or loss ID negligence.
17. Unauthorized overtime work.
18. Absent from work for two or three work days without prior written authorization.
19. Unauthorized forming of employee organization.
20. Absence albeit of a prior disapproval of permission to be absent or to be on leave.
21. Exposing of pornographic materials and opening of pornographic sites.
22. Vandalizing
23. Removing, changing, destroying or defacing of bulletin board notice of the Company, or
placing authorized posters, announcements or message.
24. Working while afflicted with infectious disease and failure to inform management
regarding the matter.
25. Pilfering, stealing, estafa, breach of trust and other mode of treacherous acts performed
against the Company, co-employees, guest and client.
26. Fabrication of Company records and the other papers which are significant to the
27. Providing untrue testimonies whether or not involve in an offensive act.
28. Deliberate mislay of Company records or gross negligence which results to loss of
important documents which are significant of the Company.
29. Spreading or disclosure of classified information regarding the Company to
unauthorized persons.
30. Receiving and tolerating bribe or any personal assistance which result to a biased
relationship with the Company suppliers, co-employees or other individuals with whom
the Company has official or business relations.
31. Illegal custody of master keys, false keys and other similar devise which can be used as
evidence of a crime or robbery.
32. Entering into restricted areas or letting unauthorized persons enters the Company
premises without prior permission from authorized personnel of the Company.
33. Making and presenting false alterations on Company reports and documents which can
harm the Company’s officers, guest, and most importantly its name.
34. Recoding false entries on an employee’s time sheet or letting somebody do one’s time
35. Intentional destruction of properties owned by the Company, its officers, co-employees
and/or Company visitors.
36. Damage, sabotage, industrial espionage or other similar acts, without any valid reason
imperiling the interest and security of the Company.
37. Using of the Company properties, facilities and equipment without proper
38. Selling and using of Company products without proper permission.
39. Causing injury to co-employees or other persons whether done intentionally or
40. Wrong accusation of any fault, offense or vice or anything which intend to humiliate the
Company, its officer or co-employees.
41. Originating a fight with co-employee.
42. Directly or indirectly threatening a person which causes physical and/or psychological
43. Reporting to duty under the influence of illegal drugs, liquor and the likes.
44. Illegal possession of firearms or any deadly weapon.
45. Using and drinking of prohibited drugs, liquor, and the like within the Company
premises whether or not it is office hours.
46. Sexually harassing or doing any similar act to co-employees.
47. Defiance, disobedience, or insubordination to superior.
48. Stealing of belongings owned whether by the Company or its co-employees.
49. Taking advantage of one’s position to have an access of highly confidential documents,
records or any papers of the Company.
50. Unexcused absences for more than three consecutive absences which can also be
considered as desertion of Job.
51. Gambling within Company premises during office hours.
52. Concurrently working another Company which has almost the same or similar business
as the Company.
53. Unauthorized collection, solicitation or accepting of any contribution in any amount
from co-employees, suppliers, customers or third parties for personal interest.
54. Failure to act in accordance with the Company’s policies, rules and regulations.

This Policy is owned by AAZ MARKETING INC.

Prepared by:

Glynn B. Alaba

Approved by:

Aloysuis Zhang Conforme: Glenn D. Gomez

General Manager

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