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Definition of Political Law be revoked or altered only by the authority that made it.
(Vanhornes's Lessee vs. Dorrance, 2 U. S. [2 Dall.] 304,
- People V Perfecto 43 Phil 887 308; 28 Fed. Cas., 1012;1 L. ed., 391.)

Political Law has been defined as that branch of public A constitution is an act of extraordinary legislation by
law which deals with the organization and operation of which the people establish the structure and mechanism
the governmental organs of the State and define the of their government, and in which they prescribe
relations of the state with the inhabitants of its territory fundamental rules to regulate the motions of the several
(People vs. Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887, 897 [1922]). parts. (Eakin vs. Raub [Pa.] 12 Serg. & R., 330, 347.)

It may be recalled that political law embraces Every state constitution is a compact made by and
constitutional law, law of public corporations, between the citizens of a state to govern themselves in a
administrative law including the law on public officers certain manner, and the Constitution of the United States
and elections. is likewise a compact made by the people of the United
States to govern themselves, as to general objects, in a
Definition of Constitution certain manner. (Per Jay, C.J., in Chisholm vs. Georgia
[Pa.], 2 Dall., 419, 471; 1 L. ed., 440.)
- Lopez v De los Santos (1930)
A constitution is the written charter enacted and adopted
In Words and Phrases, vol. 2, p. 1462, the word by the people of a state through a combination of
"Constitution" is thus defined: representatives, or in any way the people may choose to
act, by which a government for them is obtained and
A constitution is not the beginning of a country, nor the established, and by which the people give organic and
origin of appropriate rights. It is not the fountain of law, corporate form to that ideal thing, a state, for all time to
nor the incipient state of government. It grants no come, or during the life of the state. (Lynn vs. Polk, 76
rights to the people, but it is the creature of their Tenn. [8 Lea], 121, 165.)
power, the instrument of their convenience. Designed
for their protection in the enjoyment of the rights and The term "constitution" is used in several senses. In a
powers they possessed before the constitution was broad sense of the term, we may speak of a constitution
made, it is but the framework of political government, resting upon usage or acquiescence, as in England. But
and necessarily based on the preexisting rights, in this country, when we use the term, we refer
habits, and modes of thought. (State vs. County exclusively to the sovereign acts of the people, acting by
Treasurer, 4 S. C.[4 Rich.], 520,536.) conventions or in other constitutional modes. (Horsman
vs. Allen, 61 Pac., 796, 799; 129 Cal., 139 [citing
When the people associate, and enter into a compact, Cooley, Const. Lim., pp. 5, 6].)
for the purpose of establishing government, that
compact, whatever may be its provisions, or in In American constitutional law, the word "constitution" is
whatever language it may be written, is the constitution used in a restricted sense, as implying a written
of the state, revocable only by people, or in the instrument, agreed on by the people of the Union, or of
manner they prescribe. It is by this instrument that any one of the states, as the absolute rule of action and
government is instituted, its departments created, and decision for all departments and officers of the
the powers to be exercised by it conferred. (Bates vs. government in respect to all of the points covered by it,
Kimball [Vt.], 2 D. Chip., 77, 84.) which must control until it shall be changed by the
authority which established it, and in opposition to which
A constitution is defined by Judge Story to be a any act or regulation of any such department or officer,
fundamental law or basis of government. It is or even the people themselves, will be together void.
established by the people, in their original sovereign (Cline vs. State, 36 Tex. Cr. R., 320, 350,36 S. W. 1099,
capacity, to promote their own happiness, and 1107; 37 S. W. 722; 61 Am. St. Rep., 850 [citing Cooley,
permanently to secure their rights, property, Const. Lim. p. 5].)
independence, and common welfare.(McKoan vs.
Devries, 3 Barb., 196, 198 [quoting 1 Story, Const., The term "constitution" implies an instrument of a
secs. 338, 339];Church vs. Kelsey, 7 Sup. Ct., 897, permanent and abiding nature, and, while it contains
898; 121 U. S., 282; 30 L. ed., 960.) provision for revision, it indicates the will of the people
that the underlying principles upon which it rests, as well
A constitution is the form of government, delineated by as the substantial entirety of the instrument, shall be of a
the mighty hand of the people, in which certain first like permanent and abiding nature. (Livermore vs. Waite,
principles of fundamental laws are established. The 36 Pac., 424, 426; 102 Cal., 113; 25 L. R. A. 312.)
constitution is certain and fixed. It contains the
permanent will of the people, and is the supreme law A constitution "according to the common acceptation of
of the land. It is paramount to the legislature, and can the word in the United States, may be said to be an



agreement to the people in their individual capacities, rules, for exigencies which, if foreseen at all, must have
reduced to writing, establishing and fixing certain been seen dimly, and which can be best provided for as
principles for the government of themselves. Among they occur, and that it would have deprived the
these principles, one of the most important in all our legislature of the capacity to avail itself of experience, to
constitutions is to prescribe and limit the objects of exercise its reason and to accommodate its legislation to
legislative power. The people are sovereign, in power circumstances. Although the rigidity of a written
they are supreme, and the legislature acts by constitution may at times obstruct progress, its stability is
delegated and circumscribed authority; circumscribed intended to protect the people from frequent and violent
as to its objects, circumscribed as to its extent over fluctuations of public opinion.
these objects." (State vs. Parkhurst, 9 N. J. Law [4
Halst.], 427 443.) The same rule is also laid down in Corpus Juris.

Ruling Case Law, vol. 6 p. 16, says: The people of the Philippine Islands have never adopted
a constitution or held a constitutional convention, and it
2. Definitions and Purposes of Constitution. — A must be conceded that any powers or duties which the
constitution is a system of fundamental laws or Philippine Legislature may have were conferred upon it
principles for the government of a nation, society, by Acts of Congress of the United States, and that
corporation or other aggregation of individuals, and it Congress is powerless to adopt or even amend the
may be either written or unwritten. In the United Constitution of the United States or of any State of the
States, the word "constitution" as applied to the United States, much less to adopt a constitution for the
organization of the federal and state governments Philippine Islands in the final analysis, any power which
always implies a writing, and it is understood in the the Philippine Legislature may have is not derived form a
further restricted sense of an enactment by the direct constitution.
action of the people providing for the form of
government and defining the powers of the several From an examination of the United States authorities
departments, thus creating a fundamental law which is cited in Justice Malcolm's opinion, it will be found that all
absolute and unalterable except by the authority from of them are based upon the Constitution of the United
which it emanated. Its purpose is to prescribed the States or of a state constitution and that, for such
permanent framework of the system of government reasons in the cases cited, the court have held that the
and assign to the different departments their legislature, acting and sitting under a constitution, for its
respective powers and duties, and to establish certain own preservation, has limited, inherent power to punish
fixed first principles on which government is founded. for contempt.
A constitution differs from a statute in that a statute
must provide the details of the subject of which it As Ruling Case Law says:
treats, whereas a constitution usually states general
principles, and builds the substantial foundation and A constitution differs from a statute in that a statute must
general framework of the law and government. In provide the details of the subject of which it treats,
some respects a constitutional provision is a higher whereas a constitution usually states general principles,
form of statutory law, which the people may provide and builds the substantial foundation and general
shall be self-executing where the object is to put it framework of the law and government.
beyond the power of the legislature to render such
provision nugatory by refusing to pass laws to carry it As stated in Words and Phrases above quoted:
into effect.
The constitution is certain and fixed. It contains the
3. Permanency and Generality of Constitution. — A permanent will of the people, and is the supreme law of
constitution, unlike a statute, is intended not merely to the land. It is paramount to the legislature, and can be
meet existing conditions, but to govern the future. It revoked or altered only by the authority that made it.
has been said that the term "constitution" implies an
instrument of a permanent nature. Since it is While the courts have held that in certain class of cases,
recognized that its framers could not anticipate the Legislature, sitting and acting under a constitution,
conditions which might arise thereafter in the progress has the inherent power to punish for contempt, no court
of the nation, and could not establish all the law which has ever held that the Legislature can invest a legislative
from time to time might be necessary to conform to the act with that inherent power, and that would be
changing conditions of a community, as a rule a especially true of a criminal law or an act of a criminal
constitution does not deal in details, but enunciates the nature.
general principles and general directions which are
intended to apply to all new facts that may come into
being, and which may be brought within those general
principles or directions. It has been said that it would
have been an unwise attempt to provide, by immutable



(Preamble (extrinsic, introductions, guide) expressly granted in the body of the Constitution,
and such as may be implied from those so
-Basco v. Pagcor 197 scra 52 (1991) granted. Although, therefore, one of the declared
objects of the Constitution was to secure the
Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution, suffice it to state blessings of liberty to all under the sovereign
also that these are merely statements of principles jurisdiction and authority of the United States, no
and, policies. As such, they are basically not self- power can be exerted to that end by the United
executing, meaning a law should be passed by States, unless, apart from the preamble, it be
Congress to clearly define and effectuate such found in some express delegation of power, or in
principles. some power to be properly implied therefrom. 1
In general, therefore, the 1935 provisions were not Story, Const. § 462.
intended to be self-executing principles ready for
enforcement through the courts. They were rather
directives addressed to the executive and the Definition of State
legislature. If the executive and the legislature failed
to heed the directives of the articles the available A community of persons, more or less
remedy was not judicial or political. The electorate numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of
could express their displeasure with the failure of the territory, independent of external control, and possessing
executive and the legislature through the language of an organized government to which a great body of
the ballot. (Bernas, Vol. II, p. 2) inhabitants render habitual obedience. (Collector of
Internal Revenue V Campos Rueda)
- Kilos bayan Inc v. Morato 250 scra 130
State V Nation
As already stated, however, these provisions are not
self-executing. They do not confer rights which can be State- is a legal or juristic concept.
enforced in the courts but only provide guidelines for Nation- is an ethnic or racial concept.
legislative or executive action. By authorizing the
holding of lottery for charity, Congress has in effect State V Government
determined that consistently with these policies and
principles of the Constitution, the PCSO may be given Government is merely an instrumentality of the State
this authority. That is why we said with respect to the through which the will of the State is implemented and
opening by the PAGCOR of a casino in Cagayan de realized.
Oro, "the morality of gambling is not a justiciable
issue. Gambling is not illegalper se. . . . It is left to ELEMENTS OF A STATE
Congress to deal with the activity as it sees fit."
(Magtajas v. Pryce Properties Corp., Inc., 234 SCRA 1. People
255, 268 [1994]). 2. Territory
3. Government
Note: 4. Sovereignty
Art 2 of the constitution are not self-executing.
Art 3 of the constitution are self-executing. Definition of People

Inhabitants of the State.

Preamble (not the source of rights)
As requisite for Statehood: Adequate number for self-
- Jacobson v. Massachusetts 197 us 11 sufficiency and defense; of both sexes for perpetuity.
(1905) (state continuity)

We pass without extended discussion the Definition of Territory

suggestion that the particular section of the
statute of Massachusetts now in question (§ Fixed portion of the surface of the earth
137, chap. 75) is in derogation of rights secured inhabited by the people of the State.
by the preamble of the Constitution of the
United States. Although that preamble indicates Art I of the Constitution
the general purposes for which the people “ The national territory comprises the Philippine
ordained and established the Constitution, it archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced
has never been regarded as the source of any therein, and all other territories over which the
substantive power conferred on the government Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of
of the United States, or on any of its its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its
departments. Such powers embrace only those



territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular irresponsible monarchs to the great detriment of the
shelves, and other submarine areas.” people and the destruction of their liberties. On the
contrary, it is a most beneficent function, and often
Definition of Government necessary to be exercised in the interest of humanity,
and for the prevention of injury to those who cannot
- Sec 2 (1) Administrative Code of 1987 protect themselves."

(1) "Government of the Republic of the Philippines"

refers to the corporate governmental entity through Social Contract
which the functions of government are exercised
throughout the Philippines, including, save as the
contrary appears from the context, the various arms Sec. 1 art. 2 – state should be called as a
through which political authority is made effective in republican state – power from great body of
the Philippines, whether pertaining to the autonomous people.
regions, the provincial, city, municipal or barangay
subdivisions or other forms of local
- Marcos v Manglapus 177 scra 688
- US. v. Dorr 2 Phil 332
President has unstated residual powers implied from
The agency or instrumentality, through which the will grant of executive power. Enumerations are merely for
of the State is formulated, expressed and realized. specifying principal articles implied in the definition;
leaving the rest to flow from general grant that power,
- Macani v. National Coconut interpreted in conformity with other parts of the
Constitution (Hamilton). Executive unlike Congress can
Sovereignty exercise power from sources not enumerates so long as
not forbidden by constitutional text (Myers vs. US). This
The supreme and uncontrollable power does not amount to dictatorship. Amendment No. 6
inherent in a State by which that State is governed. expressly granted Marcos power of legislation whereas
1987 Constitution granted Aquino with implied powers.
- Laurel v. Misa 77 phil 856 (1947)

"Sovereignty resides in the people and all government SC upheld – Republican – government by the
authority emanates from them" people for the people

CHARACTERISTICS: - Metran v Paredes

1. Permanence
2. Exclusiveness In a republican state, like Philippines, government
3. Comprehensiveness immunity from suit without its consent is derived
4. Absoluteness from the will of the people themselves in freely
5. Indivisibility creating a government "of the people, and for the
6. Inalienability people"-a representative government through which
7. Imprescriptibility they have agreed to exercise the powers and
discharge the duties of their sovereignty for the
common good and general welfare. In so agreeing,
- Nery v. Lorenzo 44 scra 131 the citizens have solemnly undertaken to surrender
some of their private rights and interest which were
Where minors are involved, the State acts as parens calculated to conflict with the higher rights and
patriae. To it is cast the duty of protecting the rights of larger interests of the people as a whole,
persons or individual who because of age or represented by the government thus established by
incapacity are in an unfavorable position, vis-a-vis them all. One of those "higher rights," based upon
other parties. Unable as they are to take due care of those "larger interests" is that government immunity.
what concerns them, they have the political The members of the respondent Labor Union
community to look after their welfare. This obligation themselves are part of the people who have freely
the state must live up to. It cannot be recreant to such that government and participated in that solemn
a trust. As was set forth in an opinion of the United undertaking. In this sense-and a very real one it is-
States Supreme Court: "This prerogative of parens they are in effect attempting to use themselves
patriae is inherent in the supreme power of every along with the rest of the people represented by
State, whether that power is lodged in a royal person their common government-an anomalous and
or in the legislature, and has no affinity to those absurd situation indeed.
arbitrary powers which are sometimes exerted by



CHARACTERISTICS OF REPUBLICAN STATE official that he observe the limitation which it imposes
upon the exercise of the authority which it gives. The
1. The Principles of Govt. of Laws and Not of military, no less than the civilian authorities, as a matter
Men of fact perhaps much more so because of the force of its
2. All the Officers of the Govt. from the highest to command, cannot be allowed to act beyond its pale. Any
the lowest, are creatures of the laws and are challenge hurled against any assumption of competence
bounded to obey it(Martin, 1960) on their part must be inquired into provided of course it
3. The Observance of Rule of Majority comes from a party qualified to do so. In order that he
4. The observance of the rule of the majority is may be heard, he must have standing.
an unwritten law of popular Govt.
5. Accountability of Public Officers
6. Under a republican system public officers are Conflict between treaty and municipal legislation
at all times accountable to the people.
7. Legislature Cannot Pass Irrepealable Laws - Ichong v. Hernandez (Municipal Legislation shall be
8. The Congress, as a rule cannot pass given primacy-police power)
irrepealable laws or those permanent in -
character. Resuming what we have set forth above we hold
9. Separation of Powers that the disputed law was enacted to remedy a real
10. The separation of powers is a fundamental actual threat and danger to national economy posed
principle in our system of govt. Under the by alien dominance and control of the retail
principle of separation of powers, the powers business and free citizens and country from
of Govt. are distributed among three dominance and control; that the enactment clearly
coordinate and substantially independent falls within the scope of the police power of the
organs: the legislative, the executive and the State, thru which and by which it protects its own
judicial. personality and insures its security and future; that
11. Principle of Checks and Balances the law does not violate the equal protection clause
12. By this principle is meant that the Constitution of the Constitution because sufficient grounds exist
grants powers to each of three branches of for the distinction between alien and citizen in the
Govt. legislative, executive and judicial- to exercise of the occupation regulated, nor the due
check the acts of the others branches. process of law clause, because the law is
13. Existence of Bill of Rights prospective in operation and recognizes the
14. The Constitution under Article III provides for a privilege of aliens already engaged in the
bill of Rights, which is a classified list of the occupation and reasonably protects their privilege;
rights and privileges of Individuals. that the wisdom and efficacy of the law to carry out
15. Presence of Election Through Popular will its objectives appear to us to be plainly evident —
16. The means by which the people choose their as a matter of fact it seems not only appropriate but
officials for. actually necessary — and that in any case such
matter falls within the prerogative of the Legislature,
“Government of Laws and not Men” with whose power and discretion the Judicial
- Villavencio v Lukban 39 phil 778 (1990) department of the Government may not interfere;
that the provisions of the law are clearly embraced
All persons, from officials to people must obey the in the title, and this suffers from no duplicity and has
laws and must always resort to the rule of law. not misled the legislators or the segment of the
That in the Philippine Islands there should exist a population affected; and that it cannot be said to be
government of laws and not a government of men and void for supposed conflict with treaty obligations
that this decision may serve to bulwark the because no treaty has actually been entered into on
fortifications of an orderly Government of laws and to the subject and the police power may not be
protect individual liberty from illegal encroachments. curtailed or surrendered by any treaty or any other
- Que v. IAC 169 scra 137 conventional agreement.

Article VIII sec 5(1)

- Arula v. Espino 28 scra 540 - Gonzales v. Hechanova 9 scra 230

Opinion of Justice Fernando As regards the question whether an international

agreement may be invalidated by our courts, suffice it to
The rule of law would be a meaningless term if say that the Constitution of the Philippines has clearly
governmental agencies are permitted to transcend the settled it in the affirmative, by providing, in Section 2 of
boundaries of the powers conferred on them. To Article VIII thereof, that the Supreme Court may not be
paraphrase Justice Miller, in United States v. Lee, 1 deprived "of its jurisdiction to review, revise, reverse,
the supremacy of the law requires of every public modify, or affirm on appeal, certiorari, or writ of error as



the law or the rules of court may provide, final through the adoption of measures legally justifiable, or
judgments and decrees of inferior courts in — (1) All extra-constitutionally, through the exercise of powers
cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any underlying the existence of all governments on the time-
treaty, law, ordinance, or executive order or regulation honored principle of salus populi est suprema lex. Social
is in question". In other words, our Constitution justice, therefore, must be founded on the recognition of
authorizes the nullification of a treaty, not only when it the necessity of interdependence among divers and
conflicts with the fundamental law, but, also, when it diverse units of a society and of the protection that
runs counter to an act of Congress. should be equally and evenly extended to all groups as a
combined force in our social and economic life,
Treaties consistent with the fundamental and paramount
Art. II sec 3 & 4 objective of the state of promoting the health, comfort,
- People v. Lagman 66 phil 13 (1938) and quiet of all persons, and of bringing about "the
- greatest good to the greatest number."
The National Defense Law, in so far as it establishes
compulsory military service, does not go against this
constitutional provision but is, on the contrary, in - Guido v. Rural progress administration 84 phil
faithful compliance therewith. The duty of the 847
Government to defend the State cannot be performed
except through an army. To leave the organization of Hand in hand with the announced principle,
an army to the will of the citizens would be to make herein invoked, that "the promotion of social
this duty of the Government excusable should there be justice to insure the well-being and economic
no sufficient men who volunteer to enlist therein. security of all the people should be the concern of
the state," is a declaration, with which the former
This is so because the right of the Government to should be reconciled, that "the Philippines is a
require compulsory military service is a consequence Republican state" created to secure to the Filipino
of its duty to defend the State and is reciprocal with its people "the blessings of independence under a
duty to defend the life, liberty, and property of the regime of justice, liberty and democracy."
citizen. In the case of Jacobson vs. Massachusetts Democracy, as a way of life enshrined in the
(197 U.S., 11; 25 Sup. Ct. Rep., 385), it was said that, Constitution, embraces as its necessary
without violating the Constitution, a person may be components freedom of conscience, freedom of
compelled by force, if need be, against his will, against expression, and freedom in the pursuit of
his pecuniary interests, and even against his religious happiness. Along with these freedoms are
or political convictions, to take his place in the ranks of included economic freedom and freedom of
the army of his country, and risk the chance of being enterprise within reasonable bounds and under
shot down in its defense. In the case of United States proper control. In paving the way for the breaking
vs. Olson (253 Fed., 233), it was also said that this is up of existing large estates, trust in perpetuity,
not deprivation of property without due process of law, feudalism, and their concomitant evils, the
because, in its just sense, there is no right of property Constitution did not propose to destroy or
to an office or employment. undermine the property right or to advocate equal
distribution of wealth or to authorize of what is in
excess of one's personal needs and the giving of
Sec. 10 – Social Justice is imperative of Ph it to another. Evincing much concern for the
society protection of property, the Constitution distinctly
recognize the preferred position which real estate
Social Justice has occupied in law for ages. Property is bound
up with every aspects of social life in a
- Calalam v. Williams democracy as democracy is conceived in the
Constitution. The Constitution owned in
Social justice is "neither communism, nor despotism, reasonable quantities and used legitimately, plays
nor atomism, nor anarchy," but the humanization of in the stimulation to economic effort and the
laws and the equalization of social and economic formation and growth of a social middle class that
forces by the State so that justice in its rational and is said to be the bulwark of democracy and the
objectively secular conception may at least be backbone of every progressive and happy
approximated. Social justice means the promotion of country.
the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the
Government of measures calculated to insure The promotion of social justice ordained by the
economic stability of all the competent elements of Constitution does not supply paramount basis for
society, through the maintenance of a proper untrammeled expropriation of private land by the
economic and social equilibrium in the interrelations of Rural Progress Administration or any other
the members of the community, constitutionally, government instrumentality. Social justice does



not champion division of property or equality of Court has inclined more often than not toward the
economic status; what it and the Constitution worker and upheld his cause in his conflicts with
do guaranty are equality of opportunity, equality the employer. Such favoritism, however, has not
of political rights, equality before the law, blinded us to the rule that justice is in every case
equality between values given and received on for the deserving, to be dispensed in the light of the
the basis of efforts exerted in their production. established facts and the applicable law and
As applied to metropolitan centers, especially doctrine.
Manila, in relation to housing problems, it is a
command to devise, among other social
measures, ways and means for the elimination
of slums, shambles, shacks, and house that are - Ondoy v. Ignacio 97 scra 611
dilapidated, overcrowded, without ventilation.
light and sanitation facilities, and for the "To be more specific, the principle of social justice is
construction in their place of decent dwellings in this sphere strengthened and vitalized. A realistic
for the poor and the destitute. As will presently view is that expressed in Agustin v. Workmen's
be shown, condemnation of blighted urban Compensation Commission: 'As between a laborer,
areas bears direct relation to public safety usually poor and unlettered, and the employer, who
health, and/or morals, and is legal. has resources to secure able legal advice, the law
has reason to demand from the latter stricter
compliance. Social justice in these cases is not
- Eastern Shipping v. POEA 166 scra 533 equality but protection.'
When the conflicting interests of labor and capital Social Order – art II sec. 9
are weighed on the scales of social justice, the
heavier influence of the latter must be counter- - Accfa v cugco 30 scra 649
balanced by the sympathy and compassion the
law must accord the underprivileged worker. This Protects the life of the unborn – Article XIII
is only fair if he is to be given the opportunity and
the right to assert and defend his cause not as a - ROE v Wade
subordinate but as a peer of management, with
which he can negotiate on even plane. Labor is The Court finds that an abortion statute that forbids
not a mere employee of capital but its active and all abortions except in the case of a life saving
equal partner. procedure on behalf of the mother is
unconstitutional based upon the right to privacy.
However, it does allow for regulation and
- Caleon v. Agus dev. Corp 207 scra 748 proscription of abortion when the statute is narrowly
tailored to uphold a compelling state interest, such
The social justice consecrated in our Constitution was as the health of the mother or the viable fetus. The
not intended to take away rights from a person and court declined to address the question of when life
give them to another who is not entitled thereto. begins.

- PAL v. Santos Jr. 218 SCRA 415 (1993) Intergenerational interest

- Oposa v. Factoran
Under the policy of social justice, the law bends over
backward to accommodate the interests of the working Petitioner minors had legal standing to institute the suit
class on the humane justification that those with less and had a valid cause of actionin questioning the
privileges in life should have more privileges in law. continued grant of TLAs for commercial logging
purposes, because the cause focuses on a fundamental
legal right.
- Sosito v. Aguinaldo Development While the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is to
Corporation, 156 SCRA 392, 396 [1987] be found under the Declaration of Principles and State
Policies and not under the Bill of Rights, it does not
While the Constitution is committed to the policy follow that it is less important than any of the civil and
of social justice and the protection of the working political rights enumerated in the latter. Such a right
class, it should not be supposed that every labor belongs to a different category of rights altogether for it
dispute will be automatically decided in favor of concerns nothing less than self-preservation and self-
labor. Management also has its own rights which, perpetuation — aptly and fittingly stressed by the
as such, are entitled to respect and enforcement petitioners — the advancement of which may even be
in the interest of simple fair play. Out of its said to predate all governments and constitutions. As a
concern for those with less privileges in life, this matter of fact, these basic rights need not even be



written in the Constitution for they are assumed to the fact that the three powers are to be kept
exist from the inception of humankind. If they are now separate and distinct that the Constitution intended
explicitly mentioned in the fundamental charter, it is them to be absolutely unrestrained and independent
because of the well-founded fear of its framers that of each other. The Constitution has provided for an
unless the rights to a balanced and healthful ecology elaborate system of checks and balances to secure
and to health are mandated as state policies by the coordination in the workings of the various
Constitution itself, thereby highlighting their continuing departments of the government. For example, the
importance and imposing upon the state a solemn Chief Executive under our Constitution is so far
obligation to preserve the first and protect and made a check on the legislative power that this
advance the second, the day would not be too far assent is required in the enactment of laws. This,
when all else would be lost not only for the present however, is subject to the further check that a bill
generation, but also for those to come — generations may become a law notwithstanding the refusal of
which stand to inherit nothing but parched earth the President to approve it, by a vote of two-thirds or
incapable of sustaining life. three-fourths, as the case may be, of the National
Assembly. The President has also the right to
convene the Assembly in special session whenever
Autonomy of LGUs (decentralization of he chooses. On the other hand, the National
administration) (Sec 25, Art II) Assembly operates as a check on the Executive in
It does not make the local governments the sense that its consent through its Commission
sovereign within the State or an imperium in on Appointments is necessary in the appointments
imperio. of certain officers; and the concurrence of a majority
of all its members is essential to the conclusion of
treaties. Furthermore, in its power to determine what
- Limbonas v Mangelin 170 scra 786 courts other than the Supreme Court shall be
established, to define their jurisdiction and to
Autonomy is either decentralization of administration appropriate funds for their support, the National
or decentralization of power. There is decentralization Assembly controls the judicial department to a
of administration when the central government certain extent. The Assembly also exercises the
delegates administrative powers to political judicial power of trying impeachments. And the
subdivisions in order to broaden the base of judiciary in turn, with the Supreme Court as the final
government power and in the process to make local arbiter, effectively checks the other departments in
governments "more responsive and accountable". At the exercise of its power to determine the law, and
the same time, it relieves the central government of hence to declare executive and legislative acts void
the burden of managing local affairs and enables it to if violative of the Constitution.
concentrate on national concerns. The President
exercises "general supervision" over them, but only to
"ensure that local affairs are administered according to - Marcos v. Manglapus
law." He has no control over their acts in the sense
that he can substitute their judgments with his own. The 1987 Constitution explicitly provide the power of
Decentralization of power, on the other hand, involves legislative is vested in the congress.
an abdication of political power in the favor of local Executive-
governments units declared to be autonomous. In that Judicial-
case, the autonomous government is free to chart its
own destiny and shape its future with minimum - Abueva v. Wood 45 phil 612
intervention from central authorities.
The Government of the United States in the
Philippine Islands is one whose powers have been
carefully apportioned between the three distinct
departments which have their powers alike limited
and defined, and are of equal dignity and within their
Separation of Powers respective spheres of action equally independent. It
- Angara v. Electoral tribunal is a maxim, under the Government of the United
States, that the legislature cannot dictate to the
The separation of powers is a fundamental courts what their judgments shall be, or set aside or
principle in our system of government. It obtains alter such judgments after they had been duly
not through express provision but by actual considered and rendered. It could, says Mr. Justice
division in our Constitution. Each department of Cooley, constitutional liberty would cease to exist;
the government has exclusive cognizance of and if the legislature could in like manner override
matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme executive action also, the government would
within its own sphere. But it does not follow from become only a despotism under popular forms. On



the other hand, it would be readily conceded that tendency, this Court, since the decision in the case of
no court can compel the legislature to make or to Compañia General de Tabacos de Filipinas vs. Board
refrain from making laws, or to meet or adjourn at of Public Utility Commissioner (34 Phil., 136), relied
its command, or to take any action whatsoever, upon by the petitioner, has, in instances, extended its
though the duty to take it be made ever so clear seal of approval to the "delegation of greater powers by
by the constitution or the laws. If the courts could the legislature."
intervene in the administration of the other
independent departments of the government or - People v Rosenthal 68 PHIL 328
vice versa, they would break away from those
checks and balances of government which were The theory of the separation of powers is designed
meant, under our system of government, to be by its originators to secure action and at the same
checks of cooperation and not of antagonism or time to forestall over action which necessarily
mastery, and would concentrate in their own results from undue concentration of powers, and
hands something at least of the power which the thereby obtain efficiency and prevent despotism.
people, either directly or by the action of their Thereby, the "rule of law" was established which
representatives, decided to entrust to the other narrows the range of governmental action and
departments of the government. makes it subject to control by certain legal devices.
As a corollary, we find the rule prohibiting delegation
- Pantranco v public services commission 70 of legislative authority, and from the earliest time
phil221 American legal authorities have proceeded on the
theory that legislative power must be exercised by
The theory of the separation of powers is designed the legislative alone. It is frankness, however, to
by its originators to secure action and at the same confess that as one delves into the mass of judicial
time to forestall overaction which necessarily results pronouncements, he finds a great deal of confusion.
from undue concentration of powers, and thereby One thing, however, is apparent in the development
obtain efficiency and prevent deposition. Thereby, of the principle of separation of powers and that is
the "rule of law" was established which narrows the that the maximum of delegatus non potest delegare
range of governmental action and makes it subject to or delegata potestas non potest delegare, attributed
control by certain devices. As a corollary, we find the to Bracton (De Legibus et Consuetudinious Angliae,
rule prohibiting delegation of legislative authority, and edited by G.E. Woodbine, Yale University Press
from the earliest time American legal authorities have [1922], vol. 2, p.167) but which is also recognized in
proceeded on the theory that legislative power must principle in the Roman Law (D.17.18.3), has been
be exercised by the legislature alone. It is frankness, made to adapt itself to the complexities of modern
however, to confess that as one delves into the mass governments, giving rise to the adoption, within
of judicial pronouncement, he finds a great deal of certain limits, of the principle of "subordinate
confusion. One thing, however, is apparent in the legislation", not only in the United States and
development of the principle of separation of powers England but in practically all modern governments.
and that is that the maxim of delegatus non potest The difficulty lies in the fixing of the limit and extent
delegari or delegata potestas non potest delegari, of the authority. While courts have undertaken to lay
attributed to Bracton (De Legius et Consuetedinious down general principles, the safest is to decide each
Angliae, edited by G. E. Woodbine, Yale University case according to its peculiar environment, having
Press, 1922, vol. 2, p. 167) but which is also in mind the wholesome legislative purpose intended
recognized in principle in the Roman Law (D. to be achieved.
17.18.3), has been made to adapt itself to the
complexities of modern governments, giving rise to
the adoption, within certain limits, of the principle of
"subordinate legislation," not only in the United
States and England but in practically all modern
governments. (People vs. Rosenthal and Osmeña,
G. R. Nos. 46076 and 46077, promulgated June 12,
1939.) Accordingly, with the growing complexity of
modern life, the multiplication of the subjects of
governmental regulation, and the increased difficulty
of administering the laws, there is a constantly
growing tendency toward the delegation of greater
powers by the legislature, and toward the approval of
the practice by the court. (Dillon Catfish Drainage
Dist, v. Bank of Dillon, 141 S. E. 274, 275, 143 S. Ct.
178; State vs. Knox County, 54 S. W. 2d. 973, 976,
165 Tenn. 319.) In harmony with such growing



Bengzon v Drilon 208 scra 133 (1992) 2. When the President vetoes it but the veto is
overridden by 2/3 vote of all the members of
FACTS: On 15 Jan 1992, some provisions of the each House; and
Special Provision for the Supreme Court and the 3. When the president does not act upon the
Lower Court’s General Appropriations were measure within 30 days after it shall have been
vetoed by the President because a resolution by presented to him.
the Court providing for appropriations for retired
justices has been enacted. The vetoed bill - Romulo v. Iňigez 141 scra 263
provided for the increase of the pensions of the
retired justices of the Supreme Court, and the ISSUE: Whether or not the court can interfere
Court of Appeals as well as members of the with the Batasan’s power of impeachment
Constitutional Commission.
ISSUE: Whether or not the veto of the President The dismissal by the majority of the members of
on that portion of the General Appropriations bill the Batasan of the impeachment proceedings is
is constitutional. an act of the Batasan as a body in the exercise
of powers that have been vested upon it by the
HELD: The Justices of the Court have vested Constitution beyond the power of this Court to
rights to the accrued pension that is due to them review. This Court cannot compel the Batasan
in accordance to Republic Act 1797. The to conduct the impeachment trial prayed for by
president has no power to set aside and override petitioners. A dismissal by the Batasan itself as
the decision of the Supreme Court neither does a body of the resolution and complaint for
the president have the power to enact or amend impeachment makes irrelevant under what
statutes promulgated by her predecessors much authority the Committee on Justice, Human
less to the repeal of existing laws. The veto is Rights and Good Government had acted.
unconstitutional since the power of the president
to disapprove any item or items in the
appropriations bill does not grant the authority to 1. In Re Wilfredo torres 257 scra 709
veto part of an item and to approve the 2. Torres v Gonzales 152 scra 272
remaining portion of said item. 3. Tesoro v director of prisons 68 phil 154
4. Sales v director of prisons 87 phil 492
NOTES: Pocket Veto Not Allowed 5. Esuarez v provincial warden of bohol
108 phil 353
Under the Constitution, the President does not
have the so-called pocket-veto power, i.e.,
disapproval of a bill by inaction on his part. The We ruled consistently, viz., in Tesoro v.
failure of the President to communicate his veto Director of Prisons,1 Sales v. Director of
of any bill represented to him within 30 days after Prisons 2 Espuelas v. Provincial Warden of
the receipt thereof automatically causes the bill Bohol3 and Torres v. Gonzales,4 that, where
to become a law. a conditional pardonee has allegedly
This rule corrects the Presidential practice under breached a condition of a pardon, the
the 1935 Constitution of releasing veto President who opts to proceed against him
messages long after he should have acted on under Section 64 (i) of the Revised
the bill. It also avoids uncertainty as to what new Administrative Code need not wait for a
laws are in force. judicial pronouncement of guilt of a
subsequent crime or for his conviction
When is it allowed? therefor by final judgment, in order to
effectuate the recommitment of the pardonee
The exception is provided in par (2),Sec 27 of Art to prison. The grant of pardon, the
6 of the Constitution which grants the President determination of the terms and conditions of
power to veto any particular item or items in an the pardon, the determination of the
appropriation, revenue or tariff bill. The veto in occurrence of the breach thereof, and the
such case shall not affect the item or items to proper sanctions for such breach, are purely
which he does not object. executive acts and, thus, are not subject to
judicial scrutiny. We have so ruled in the
3 ways how a bill becomes a law. past, and we so rule now.

1. When the President signs it



- People’s movement for freedom v. - People v. Vera 65 Phil 56

Under the constitutional system, the powers
Petitioners were seeking of government are distributed among three
information from the Presidents coordinate and substantially independent
representatives on the state of the organs: the legislative, the executive and
then on-going negotiations of the the judicial. Each of these departments of
RP-US Military Bases Agreement. the government derives its authority from
The Court denied the petition, the Constitution which, in turn, is the
stressing that secrecy of highest expression of popular will. Each
negotiations with foreign countries has exclusive cognizance of the matters
is not violative of the constitutional within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within
provisions of freedom of speech or its own sphere.
of the press nor of the freedom of
access to information. The The power to make laws — the legislative
Resolution went on to state, thus: power — is vested in a bicameral
Legislature by the Jones Law (sec. 12) and
The nature of diplomacy requires in a unicamiral National Assembly by the
centralization of authority and Constitution (Act. VI, sec. 1, Constitution of
expedition of decision which are the Philippines). The Philippine Legislature
inherent in executive action. or the National Assembly may not escape
Another essential characteristic of its duties and responsibilities by delegating
diplomacy is its confidential that power to any other body or authority.
nature. Although much has been Any attempt to abdicate the power is
said about open and secret unconstitutional and void, on the principle
diplomacy, with disparagement of that potestas delegata non delegare potest.
the latter, Secretaries of State This principle is said to have originated with
Hughes and Stimson have clearly the glossators, was introduced into English
analyzed and justified the practice. law through a misreading of Bracton, there
In the words of Mr. Stimson: developed as a principle of agency, was
established by Lord Coke in the English
A complicated negotiation cannot public law in decisions forbidding the
be carried through without many, delegation of judicial power, and found its
many private talks and discussion, way into America as an enlightened
man to man; many tentative principle of free government. It has since
suggestions and proposals. become an accepted corollary of the
Delegates from other countries principle of separation of powers. (5 Encyc.
come and tell you in confidence of of the Social Sciences, p. 66.) The classic
their troubles at home and of their statement of the rule is that of Locke,
differences with other countries namely: "The legislative neither must nor
and with other delegates; they tell can transfer the power of making laws to
you of what they would do under anybody else, or place it anywhere but
certain circumstances and would where the people have." (Locke on Civil
not do under other circumstances Government, sec. 142.) Judge Cooley
If these reports should become enunciates the doctrine in the following oft-
public who would ever trust quoted language: "One of the settled
American Delegations in another maxims in constitutional law is, that the
conference? (United States power conferred upon the legislature to
Department of State, Press make laws cannot be delegated by that
Releases, June 7, 1930, pp. 282- department to any other body or authority.
284) Where the sovereign power of the state has
located the authority, there it must remain;
and by the constitutional agency alone the
Delegation of Powers laws must be made until the Constitution
itself is charged. The power to whose
Delegata potestas non potest delegari or judgment, wisdom, and patriotism this high
delegatus non potest delegare ("one to whom prerogative has been intrusted cannot
power is delegated cannot himself further relieve itself of the responsibilities by
delegate that power") choosing other agencies upon which the
power shall be devolved, nor can it



substitute the judgment, wisdom, and N. Y., 533; 101 N. E., 442; Ann. Cas.,
patriotism of any other body for those to 1914C, 616). However, the question of
which alone the people have seen fit to whether or not a state has ceased to be
confide this sovereign trust." (Cooley on republican in form because of its adoption
Constitutional Limitations, 8th ed., Vol. I, p. of the initiative and referendum has been
224. Quoted with approval in U. S. vs. held not to be a judicial but a political
Barrias [1908], 11 Phil., 327.) This court question (Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co. vs.
posits the doctrine "on the ethical principle Oregon [1912], 223 U. S., 118; 56 Law. ed.,
that such a delegated power constitutes not 377; 32 Sup. Cet. Rep., 224), and as the
only a right but a duty to be performed by constitutionality of such laws has been
the delegate by the instrumentality of his looked upon with favor by certain
own judgment acting immediately upon the progressive courts, the sting of the
matter of legislation and not through the decisions of the more conservative courts
intervening mind of another. (U. S. vs. has been pretty well drawn. (Opinions of
Barrias, supra, at p. 330.) the Justices [1894], 160 Mass., 586; 36 N.
E., 488; 23 L. R. A., 113; Kiernan vs.
The rule, however, which forbids the Portland [1910], 57 Ore., 454; 111 Pac.,
delegation of legislative power is not 379; 1132 Pac., 402; 37 L. R. A. [N. S.],
absolute and inflexible. It admits of 332; Pacific States Tel. & Tel. Co. vs.
exceptions. An exceptions sanctioned by Oregon, supra.) Doubtless, also, legislative
immemorial practice permits the central power may be delegated by the
legislative body to delegate legislative Constitution itself. Section 14, paragraph 2,
powers to local authorities. (Rubi vs. of article VI of the Constitution of the
Provincial Board of Mindoro [1919], 39 Phil., Philippines provides that "The National
660; U. S. vs. Salaveria [1918], 39 Phil., Assembly may by law authorize the
102; Stoutenburgh vs. Hennick [1889], 129 President, subject to such limitations and
U. S., 141; 32 Law. ed., 637; 9 Sup. Ct. restrictions as it may impose, to fix within
Rep., 256; State vs. Noyes [1855], 30 N. H., specified limits, tariff rates, import or export
279.) "It is a cardinal principle of our system quotas, and tonnage and wharfage dues."
of government, that local affairs shall be And section 16 of the same article of the
managed by local authorities, and general Constitution provides that "In times of war
affairs by the central authorities; and hence or other national emergency, the National
while the rule is also fundamental that the Assembly may by law authorize the
power to make laws cannot be delegated, President, for a limited period and subject
the creation of the municipalities exercising to such restrictions as it may prescribed, to
local self government has never been held promulgate rules and regulations to carry
to trench upon that rule. Such legislation is out a declared national policy." It is beyond
not regarded as a transfer of general the scope of this decision to determine
legislative power, but rather as the grant of whether or not, in the absence of the
the authority to prescribed local regulations, foregoing constitutional provisions, the
according to immemorial practice, subject of President could be authorized to exercise
course to the interposition of the superior in the powers thereby vested in him. Upon the
cases of necessity." (Stoutenburgh vs. other hand, whatever doubt may have
Hennick, supra.) On quite the same existed has been removed by the
principle, Congress is powered to delegate Constitution itself.
legislative power to such agencies in the
territories of the United States as it may - US V Barrias
select. A territory stands in the same relation
to Congress as a municipality or city to the One of the settled maxims in constitutional
state government. (United States vs. law is, that the power conferred upon the
Heinszen [1907], 206 U. S., 370; 27 Sup. Ct. legislature to make laws can not be
Rep., 742; 51 L. ed., 1098; 11 Ann. Cas., delegated by that department to any body
688; Dorr vs. United States [1904], 195 or authority. Where the sovereign power of
U.S., 138; 24 Sup. Ct. Rep., 808; 49 Law. the State has located the authority, there it
ed., 128; 1 Ann. Cas., 697.) Courts have must remain; only by the constitutional
also sustained the delegation of legislative agency alone the laws must be made until
power to the people at large. Some the constitution itself is changed. The
authorities maintain that this may not be power to whose judgment, wisdom, and
done (12 C. J., pp. 841, 842; 6 R. C. L., p. patriotism this high prerogative has been
164, citing People vs. Kennedy [1913], 207 intrusted can not relieve itself of the



responsibility by choosing other agencies the law must be complete in all its terms and
upon which the power shall be developed, conditions when it leaves the legislature such
nor can its substitutes the judgment, that when it reaches the delegate the only thing
wisdom, and patriotism and of any other he will have to do is enforce it. 13 Under the
body for those to which alone the people sufficient standard test, there must be adequate
have seen fit to confide this sovereign trust. guidelines or stations in the law to map out the
(Cooley's Constitutional limitations, 6th ed., boundaries of the delegate's authority and
p. 137.) prevent the delegation from running riot. 14

This doctrine is based on the ethical Both tests are intended to prevent a total
principle that such a delegated power transference of legislative authority to the
constitutes not only a right but a duty to be delegate, who is not allowed to step into the
performed by the delegate by the shoes of the legislature and exercise a
instrumentality of his own judgment acting power essentially legislative.
immediately upon the matter of legislation
and not through the intervening mind of The principle of non-delegation of powers is
another. In the case of the United States vs. applicable to all the three major powers of
Breen (40 Fed. Phil. Rep. 402), an Act of the Government but is especially important
Congress allowing the Secretary of War to in the case of the legislative power because
make such rules and regulations as might of the many instances when its delegation
be necessary to protect improvements of the is permitted. The occasions are rare when
Mississipi River, and providing that a executive or judicial powers have to be
violation thereof should constitute a delegated by the authorities to which they
misdemeanor, was sustained on the ground legally certain. In the case of the legislative
that the misdemeanor was declared not power, however, such occasions have
under the delegated power of the Secretary become more and more frequent, if not
of War, but in the Act of Congress, itself. So necessary. This had led to the observation
also was a grant to him of power to that the delegation of legislative power has
prescribe rules for the use of canals. (U.S. become the rule and its non-delegation the
vs. Ormsbee, 74 Fed. Rep. 207.) but a law exception.
authorizing him to require alteration of any
bridge and to impose penalties for violations EXEPTION TO DELEGATION OF
of his rules was held invalid, as vesting in LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
him upon a power exclusively lodged in
Congress (U.S. vs. Rider, 50 Fed. Rep., 1. Permissible by the Constitution itself.
406.) The subject is considered and some 2. Power is delegated to LGU (Rubi V.
cases reviewed by the Supreme Court of the Provincial Board of Mindoro)
United States, in re Kollock (165 U.S. 526), 3. Delegation to administrative bodies.
which upheld the law authorizing a (People V Vera)
commissioner of internal revenue to 4. Delegated to the people at-large.
designate and stamps on oleomargarine (Referendum)
packages, an improper use of which should
thereafter constitute a crime or
misdemeanor, the court saying (p. 533): - Cervantes v auditor general 91 phil 351
The criminal offense is fully and completely
defined by the Act and the designation by The rule is that so long as the Legislature
the Commissioner of the particular marks "lays down a policy and a standard is
and brands to be used was a mere matter of established by the statute" there is no
detail. The regulation was in execution of, or undue delegation. (11 Am. Jur. 957).
supplementary to, but not in conflict with the Republic Act No. 51 in authorizing the
law itself. . . . President of the Philippines, among others,
to make reforms and changes in
- Bataan shipping lines v POEA (US V ANG government-controlled corporations, lays
TAN HO) down a standard and policy that the
purpose shall be to meet the exigencies
There are two accepted tests to determine attendant upon the establishment of the
whether or not there is a valid delegation of free and independent government of the
legislative power, viz, the completeness test and Philippines and to promote simplicity,
the sufficient standard test. Under the first test, economy and efficiency in their operations.



The standard was set and the policy fixed. First, the question of standard. A legislative
The President had to carry the mandate. standard need not be expressed. It may
This he did by promulgating the executive simply be gathered or implied. 10 Nor need
order in question which, tested by the rule it be found in the law challenged because it
above cited, does not constitute an undue may be embodied in other statutes on the
delegation of legislative power. same subject as that of the challenged
legislation. 11
- Pelaez v auditor general 15 scra 569
Although1a Congress may delegate to - People v Dacuycuy 173 scra 90
another branch of the Government the
power to fill in the details in the execution, In the case under consideration, the
enforcement or administration of a law, it is respondent judge erronneously assumed
essential, to forestall a violation of the that since the penalty of imprisonment has
principle of separation of powers, that said been provided for by the legislature, the
law: (a) be complete in itself — it must set court is endowed with the discretion to
forth therein the policy to be executed, ascertain the term or period of
carried out or implemented by the delegate2 imprisonment. We cannot agree with this
— and (b) fix a standard — the limits of postulate. It is not for the courts to fix the
which are sufficiently determinate or term of imprisonment where no points of
determinable — to which the delegate must reference have been provided by the
conform in the performance of his legislature. What valid delegation
functions.2a Indeed, without a statutory presupposes and sanctions is an exercise
declaration of policy, the delegate would in of discretion to fix the length of service of a
effect, make or formulate such policy, which term of imprisonment which must be
is the essence of every law; and, without the encompassed within specific or designated
aforementioned standard, there would be no limits provided by law, the absence of
means to determine, with reasonable which designated limits well constitute such
certainty, whether the delegate has acted exercise as an undue delegation, if not-an
within or beyond the scope of his outright intrusion into or assumption, of
authority.2b Hence, he could thereby legislative power.
arrogate upon himself the power, not only to
make the law, but, also — and this is worse - Ynot v IAC 148 scra 659
— to unmake it, by adopting measures
inconsistent with the end sought to be There had been an existing law which
attained by the Act of Congress, thus prohibited the slaughtering of carabaos (EO
nullifying the principle of separation of 626). To strengthen the law, Marcos issued
powers and the system of checks and EO 626-A which not only banned the
balances, and, consequently, undermining movement of carabaos from interprovinces
the very foundation of our Republican but as well as the movement of carabeef.
system. On 13 Jan 1984, Ynot was caught
transporting 6 carabaos from Masbate to
- Maceda v Macaraig 197 scra 771 Iloilo. He was then charged in violation of
EO 626-A. Ynot averred EO 626-A as
Delegation need not be expressed in the unconstitutional for it violated his right to be
law. heard or his right to due process. He said
that the authority provided by EO 626-A to
- Chiongbian v Orbos 245 scra 253 outrightly confiscate carabaos even without
being heard is unconstitutional. The lower
There is, therefore, no abdication by court ruled against Ynot ruling that the EO
Congress of its legislative power in is a valid exercise of police power in order
conferring on the President the power to to promote general welfare so as to curb
merge administrative regions. The question down the indiscriminate slaughter of
is whether Congress has provided a carabaos.
sufficient standard by which the President is
to be guided in the exercise of the power ISSUE: Whether or not the law is valid.
granted and whether in any event the grant
of power to him is included in the subject HELD: The SC ruled that the EO is not
expressed in the title of the law. valid as it indeed violates due process. EO
626-A ctreated a presumption based on the
judgment of the executive. The movement



of carabaos from one area to the other does

not mean a subsequent slaughter of the
same would ensue. Ynot should be given to
defend himself and explain why the
carabaos are being transferred before they
can be confiscated. The SC found that the
challenged measure is an invalid exercise of
the police power because the method
employed to conserve the carabaos is not
reasonably necessary to the purpose of the
law and, worse, is unduly oppressive. Due
process is violated because the owner of the
property confiscated is denied the right to be
heard in his defense and is immediately
condemned and punished. The conferment
on the administrative authorities of the
power to adjudge the guilt of the supposed
offender is a clear encroachment on judicial
functions and militates against the doctrine
of separation of powers. There is, finally,
also an invalid delegation of legislative
powers to the officers mentioned therein
who are granted unlimited discretion in the
distribution of the properties arbitrarily taken.

*the questionable manner of the disposition

of the confiscated property as prescribed in
the questioned executive order. It is there LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
authorized that the seized property shall be
distributed to charitable institutions and Legislative Power
other similar institutions as the Chairman of -The author or power under the
the National Meat Inspection Commission constitution to propose, enact, amend and
may see fit, in the case of carabaos.' (Italics repeal laws.
supplied.) The phrase "may see fit" is an
extremely generous and dangerous Where Vested
condition, if condition it is. It is laden with -In the congress, except to the extent
perilous opportunities for partiality and reserved to people by the provision on
abuse, and even corruption. One searches initiative and referendum.
in vain for the usual standard and the
reasonable guidelines, or better still, the - Gov. v. Spinger 50 phil 259
limitations that the officers must observe
when they make their distribution. There is Comprehensive, plenary, complete.
none. Their options are apparently Circumscribe only the constitutional
boundless. Who shall be the fortunate limitation.
beneficiaries of their generosity and by what
criteria shall they be chosen? Only the It is legislative power which has been
officers named can supply the answer, they vested in the Philippine Legislature. What is
and they alone may choose the grantee as legislative power? Judge Cooley says he
they see fit, and in their own exclusive understands it "to be the authority, under
discretion. Definitely, there is here a 'roving the constitution, to make laws, and to alter
commission a wide and sweeping authority and repeal them." Those matters which the
that is not canalized within banks that keep constitution specifically confides to the
it from overflowing,' in short a clearly executive "the legislature cannot directly or
profligate and therefore invalid delegation of indirectly take from his control." (Cooley's
legislative powers. Constitutional Limitations, 7th ed., pp. 126-
131, 157-162.) President Wilson in his
authoritative work, "The State", page 487,
emphasizes by italics that legislatures "are
law making bodies acting within the gifts of
charters, and are by these charters in most



cases very strictly circumscribed in their they should be recognized as a Third Chamber
action." If this is true, the converse that of Congress and with ex post veto power at that.
legislative power is not executive or judicial
or governmental power needs no - Eastern Shipping Lines v POEA
demonstration. The Legislature essentially
executive or judicial. The Legislature cannot Petitioner questions the validity of Memorandum
make a law and them take part in its Circular No. 2 itself as violative of the principle
execution or construction. So the Philippine of non-delegation of legislative power. It
Legislature is not a partaker in either contends that no authority had been given the
executive or judicial power, except as POEA to promulgate the said regulation; and
thePhilippine Senate participates in the even with such authorization, the regulation
executive power through the Governor- represents an exercise of legislative discretion
General, and except as the Philippine which, under the principle, is not subject to
Senate participates in the executive power delegation.
through having the right to confirm or reject
nominations made by the Governor- Held: MC 2 is valid.
General, and except as the Legislature There are two accepted tests to determine
participates in the judicial power through whether or not there is a valid delegation of
being made the sole judge of the elections, legislative power, viz, the completeness test and
returns, and qualifications of its elective the sufficient standard test. Under the first test,
members and through having the right to try the law must be complete in all its terms and
its own members for disorderly behavior. conditions when it leaves the legislature such
The Philippine, Legislature may that when it reaches the delegate the only thing
nevertheless exercise such auxiliary powers he will have to do is enforce it. 13 Under the
as are necessary and appropriate to its sufficient standard test, there must be adequate
indenpdence and to make its express guidelines or stations in the law to map out the
powers effective. (McGrain vs. Daugherty boundaries of the delegate's authority and
[1927], 273 U. S., 135; 71 Law. ed., 580.) prevent the delegation from running riot. 14

Both tests are intended to prevent a total

Co-equality of Senate and transference of legislative authority to the
House of Representatives delegate, who is not allowed to step into the
shoes of the legislature and exercise a power
- Tolentino v Secretary of Finance 235 essentially legislative.
scra 632
The principle of non-delegation of powers is
In vesting legislative power to the Senate, the applicable to all the three major powers of the
Constitution means the Senate "... composed of Government but is especially important in the
twenty-four Senators ... elected at large by the case of the legislative power because of the
qualified voters of the Philippines ... ." 7 many instances when its delegation is
Similarly, when the Constitution vested the permitted. The occasions are rare when
legislative power to the House, it means the executive or judicial powers have to be
House "... composed of not more than two delegated by the authorities to which they
hundred and fifty members ... who shall be legally certain. In the case of the legislative
elected from legislative districts ... and those who power, however, such occasions have become
... shall be elected through a party-list system of more and more frequent, if not necessary. This
registered national, regional, and sectoral parties had led to the observation that the delegation of
or organizations." 8 The Constitution thus, did legislative power has become the rule and its
not vest on a Bicameral Conference Committee non-delegation the exception.
with an ad hoc membership the power to
legislate for it exclusively vested legislative The reason is the increasing complexity of the
power to the Senate and the House as co-equal task of government and the growing inability of
bodies. To be sure, the Constitution does not the legislature to cope directly with the myriad
mention the Bicameral Conference Committees problems demanding its attention. The growth of
of Congress. No constitutional status is accorded society has ramified its activities and created
to them. They are not even statutory creations. peculiar and sophisticated problems that the
They owe their existence from the internal rules legislature cannot be expected reasonably to
of the two Houses of Congress. Yet, comprehend. Specialization even in legislation
respondents peddle the disconcerting idea that has become necessary. To many of the
problems attendant upon present-day



undertakings, the legislature may not have the

competence to provide the required direct and As to the contention that the assailed law
efficacious, not to say, specific solutions. These violates the present limit on the number of
solutions may, however, be expected from its representatives as set forth in the Constitution,
delegates, who are supposed to be experts in a reading of the applicable provision, Article VI,
the particular fields assigned to them. Section 5(1), as aforequoted, shows that the
present limit of 250 members is not absolute.
The reasons given above for the delegation of The Constitution clearly provides that the House
legislative powers in general are particularly of Representatives shall be composed of not
applicable to administrative bodies. With the more than 250 members, "unless otherwise
proliferation of specialized activities and their provided by law." The inescapable import of the
attendant peculiar problems, the national latter clause is that the present composition of
legislature has found it more and more Congress may be increased, if Congress itself
necessary to entrust to administrative agencies so mandates through a legislative enactment.
the authority to issue rules to carry out the Therefore, the increase in congressional
general provisions of the statute. This is called representation mandated by R.A. No. 7675 is
the "power of subordinate legislation." not unconstitutional.

With this power, administrative bodies may - Mariano v COMELEC 242 scra 211
implement the broad policies laid down in a
statute by "filling in' the details which the hese issues have been laid to rest in the recent
Congress may not have the opportunity or case of Tobias v. Abalos.8 In said case, we
competence to provide. This is effected by their ruled that reapportionment of legislative districts
promulgation of what are known as may be made through a special law, such as in
supplementary regulations, such as the the charter of a new city. The Constitution9
implementing rules issued by the Department of clearly provides that Congress shall be
Labor on the new Labor Code. These regulations composed of not more than two hundred fifty
have the force and effect of law. (250) members, unless otherwise fixed by law.
As thus worded, the Constitution did not
- Misolas v Panga 181 scra 648 preclude Congress from increasing its
membership by passing a law, other than a
ADVANTAGES OF BICAMERAL general reapportionment of the law. This is its
exactly what was done by Congress in enacting
1. Quality legislation R.A. No. 7854 and providing for an increase in
2. Seriously studying by collective effort of Makati's legislative district. Moreover, to hold
both houses. that reapportionment can only be made through
3. Hasty improvident legislation may be a general apportionment law, with a review of all
avoided. the legislative districts allotted to each local
4. More representative. government unit nationwide, would create an
inequitable situation where a new city or
DISADVANTAGES OF BICAMERAL province created by Congress will be denied
legislative representation for an indeterminate
1. Costly. period of time. 10 The intolerable situations will
2. Legislative process is longer and time deprive the people of a new city or province a
consuming. particle of their sovereignty. 11 Sovereignty
3. There can be an interchamber (impair cannot admit of any kind of subtraction. It is
legislative power) indivisible. It must be forever whole or it is not
- Nuval V Guray
2. 2. DERIVATIVE It is an established rule that "where a voter
abandons his residence in a state and
COMPOSITION acquires one in another state, he cannot
SENATE HOR again vote in the state of his former
24 Senators Not more than 250 residence until he has qualified by a new
members. period of residence" (20 Corpus Juris, p.
71, par. 28). "The term 'residence' as so
used is synonymous with 'domicile,' which
- Tobias v Abalos 236 scra 106 imports not only intention to reside in a



fixed place, but also personal presence in chose was not Tacloban but San Juan,
that place, coupled with conduct indicative Metro Manila. Thus, her animus
of such intention." (People vs. Bender, 144 revertendi is pointed to Metro Manila and
N. Y. S., 145.) not Tacloban.

- Coquilla V COMELEC
- Aquino v COMELEC 248 scra 400
The term residence is to be understood not in its
Clearly, the place "where a party actually or common acceptation as referring to dwelling or
constructively has his permanent home," 21 habitation,[21] but rather to domicile or legal
where he, no matter where he may be found at residence,[22] that is, the place where a party
any given time, eventually intends to return and actually or constructively has his permanent
remain, i.e., his domicile, is that to which the home, where he, no matter where he may be
Constitution refers when it speaks of residence found at any given time, eventually intends to
for the purposes of election law. The manifest return and remain (animus manendi).[23] A
purpose of this deviation from the usual domicile of origin is acquired by every person at
conceptions of residency in law as explained in birth. It is usually the place where the childs
Gallego vs. Vera at 22 is "to exclude strangers or parents reside and continues until the same is
newcomers unfamiliar with the conditions and abandoned by acquisition of new domicile
needs of the community" from taking advantage (domicile of choice).
of favorable circumstances existing in that
community for electoral gain. While there is Congress cannot expand, alter or
nothing wrong with the practice of establishing diminish the qualifications of the
residence in a given area for meeting election members of the congress because it
law requirements, this nonetheless defeats the defeats the supremacy of the
essence of representation, which is to place constitution (w/c provided the
through the assent of voters those most qualifications)
cognizant and sensitive to the needs of a
particular district, if a candidate falls short of the - Maquera v. Borra 15 scra 7
period of residency mandated by law for him to
qualify. That purpose could be obviously best To require the private respondent to own
met by individuals who have either had actual property in order to be eligible to run for
residence in the area for a given period or who Congress would be tantamount to a
have been domiciled in the same area either by property qualification. The Constitution only
origin or by choice. It would, therefore, be requires that the candidate meet the age,
imperative for this Court to inquire into the citizenship, voting and residence
threshold question as to whether or not petitioner requirements. Nowhere is it required by the
actually was a resident for a period of one year Constitution that the candidate should also
in the area now encompassed by the Second own property in order to be qualified to run.
Legislative District of Makati at the time of his
election or whether or not he was domiciled in - Caasi v ca 191 scra 229 (1990)
the same. It was held that immigration to the US by virtue
of the acquisition of “green card” constitutes
- Romualdez marcos v comelec 248 scra abandonment of domicile in the Philippines.
300 residence – domiciliary law Green card pertains to permanent residency in
the US and not loss of Philippine citizenship.
In election cases, the term "residence" has
always been considered as synonymous
with "domicile" which imports not only the Salaries of Congress – sec 10 article VI
intention to reside in a fixed place but also
personal presence in-that place, coupled
with conduct indicative of such intention. - Philconsa v mathay 18 scra 300
Domicile denotes a fixed permanent It is admitted that the purpose of the
residence to which when absent for provision is to place "a legal bar to the
business or pleasure, or for like reasons, legislators yielding to the natural temptation
one intends to return. (Perfecto Faypon vs. to increase their salaries. Not that the
Eliseo Quirino, 96 Phil 294; Romualdez vs. power to provide for higher compensation is
RTC-Tacloban, 226 SCRA 408). In lacking, but with the length of time that has
respondent's case, when she returned to to elapse before an increase becomes
the Philippines in 1991, the residence she effective, there is a deterrent factor to any



such measure unless the need for it is himself, by the accepting of another office,
clearly felt" (Tañada & Fernando, in such a position that it is physically
Constitution of the Philippines, Vol. 2, p. impossible for him properly to perform the
867). duties of both offices, and if the nature of
the two offices is such that such
- Martinez v Morfe 44 scra 22 (1972) impossibility does appear, the offices are
- 'incompatible' and the acceptance of the
Sec 11 Article VI – Privileges from arrest second office, ipso facto, vacates the first.
Perkins vs. Manning, 122 p. 857.
- Warth v Norton 56 south Carolina 45
. . . What, then, does constitute
If the congressman is on leave, can he still incompatibility in offices? In 5 Bac,-Abr Title
enjoy the privilege from arrest? Offices K, we find the rule laid down, upon
NO the authority of Lord Coke, in these words:
'Offices are said to be incompatible and
- Jimenez v cabangbang 17 scra 876 inconsistent, so as to be executed by the
same person, when, from the multiplicity of
The issue depends on whether or not the business in them, they cannot be executed
aforementioned publication falls within the with care and ability, . . .(Emphasis
purview of the phrase "speech or debate supplied)
therein" — that is to say, in Congress —
used in this provision. This Court adopted this rule in Nacionalista
Party vs. Bautista 13 wherein it was held
Said expression refers to utterances made that . . . the permanent office of the
by Congressmen in the performance of their respondent [referring to the position of
official functions, such as speeches Solicitor General] may not, from the strict
delivered, statements made, or votes cast in legal point of view, be incompatible with the
the halls of Congress, while the same is in temporary one [membership in the
session, as well as bills introduced in Commission on Elections) which he has
Congress, whether the same is in session or been designated, tested by the nature and
not, and other acts performed by character of the functions he has to perform
Congressmen, either in Congress or outside in both offices, but in a broad sense there is
the premises housing its offices, in the an incompatibility, because his duties and
official discharge of their duties as members functions as Solicitor General require that
of Congress and of Congressional all his time be devoted to their efficient
Committees duly authorized to perform its performance. Nothing short of that is
functions as such, at the time of the required and expected of him.
performance of the acts in question. (Vera v
Avelino) In Zandueta vs. de la Costa, 14 this Court
likewise held that "when a judge of first
instance, presiding over a branch of a Court
- Antonino v. Valencia 57 scra 70 of First Instance of a judicial district by
virtue of a legal and valid appointment,
Privilege of Speech and Debate can’t be accepts another appointment to preside
invoked in libelous words. over the same branch of the same Court of
First Instance, in addition to another court of
Conlict of interest the same category, both of which belong to
a new judicial district formed by the addition
- Punsalan v Mendoza 140 scra 153 of another Court of First Instance to the old
(dissenting opinion of j. Teehankee) one, enters into the discharge of the
functions of his new office and receives the
The rule that physical impossibility to corresponding salary, he abandons his old
perform the functions of the two or more office and cannot claim to be entitled to
offices held constitutes legal incompatibility. repossess it.
The rule is founded on logic common law
and common sense. The broader test holds that "incompatibility
of offices exists where there is conflict in the
It is based on public policy. "Public policy duties of the offices, so that the
requires that any one accepting and performance of the duties of the one
retaining a public office should not place interferes with the performance of the duties



of the other. They are generally considered

incompatible where such duties and The general rule is that a quorum is a majority
functions are inherently inconsistent and of all the members and a majority of this
repugnant, so that because of the contrariety majority may legislate and do the work of the
and antagonism which would result from the whole. (State vs. Ellington 117 N. C., 158; 23 S.
attempt of one person to discharge faithfully, E. 250-252, 30 L.R.A., 532; 53 Am. SR., 580.)
impartially and efficiently the duties of both
offices, considerations of public policy render . . . a majority of each House is necessary to
it improper for an incumbent to retain both, transact business, and a minority cannot
15 Under this test, respondent himself transact business, this view being in keeping
realized such conflict and contrariety when with the provision of the Constitution permitting
he told petitioner upon turning over the a smaller number than a quorum to adjourn
governorship that "he would not want his from day to day merely. (Earp vs. Riley, 40
Office of Ministry of Justice to be involved in OKL., 340; p. 164; Ralls vs. Wyand, 40 OKL.,
a controversy regarding dual positions, 323; 138 P. 158.)
specially because it is his said office which
rules on said controversy and issues arising The Constitution provides that "a majority of
therefrom for administrative purposes.16 each (house) shall constitute a quorum to do
This was shown all the more when business." In other words, when a majority are
respondent ruled in his own favor in effect present the House is in a position to do
when in January, 1985 he 'Reassumed the business. Its capacity to transact business is
position of governor'. . . (in) implementation then established, created by the mere presence
of the KBL Caucus recommendation of a majority, and depend upon the disposition
approved by the President, 17 instead of or assent or action of any single member or
disqualifying himself as a protagonist in view faction of the majority present. All that the
of the serious constitutional and legal Constitution required is the presence of a
obstacles. majority, and when that majority are present, the
power of the House arises. (U. S. vs. Ballin,
Joseph & Co., 36 Law ed. 321, 325.)
- US v Pons 24 phil 729
If all the members of the select body or
Can congress validly enact bill even after committee, or if all the agents are assembled, or
reglamentary period? if all have been duly notified, and the minority
refuse, or neglect to meet with the other, a
Yes, when the enrolled bill is in sine die session. majority of those present may act, provided
those present constitute a majority of the whole
Determination of quorum number. In other words, in such case, a major
part of the whole is necessary to constitute a
- Avelino v Cuenco 53 Phil 17 quorum, and a majority of the quorum may act.
If the major part withdraw so as to leave no
The constitution of our state ordains that a quorum, the power of the minority to act is, in
majority of each house shall constitute a quorum. general, considered to cease. (1 Dillon, Mun.
the house of representative consist of 125 Corp. 4th ed., sec. 283.)
members; 63 is a majority and quorum. When a
majority or quorum are present, the house can
do business; not otherwise. A quorum - Astorga v Villegas 56 scra 714
possessed all the powers of the whole body, a
majority of which quorum must, of course, The rationale of the enrolled bill theory is
govern. (In re Gunn, 50 Kan., 155; 32 P., 470, set forth in the said case of Field vs. Clark
476; 19 L.R.A., 519.) as follows:

Quorum as used in U. S. C. A. Const. Art. 4 sec. The signing by the Speaker of the House of
8, providing that a majority of each house shall Representatives, and, by the President of
constitute a quorum to do business, is, for the the Senate, in open session, of an enrolled
purpose of the Assembly, not less than the bill, is an official attestation by the two
majority of the whole number of which the house houses of such bill as one that has passed
may be composed. Vacancies from death, Congress. It is a declaration by the two
resignation or failure to elect cannot be deducted houses, through their presiding officers, to
in ascertaining the quorum. (Opinion of Justice, the President, that a bill, thus attested, has
12 Fla. 653.) received, in due form, the sanction of the



legislative branch of the government, and is to prepare them, imports absolute verify and
that it is delivered to him in obedience to the must be accepted as conclusive.
constitutional requirement that all bills which
pass Congress shall be presented to him. The judiciary by means of a writ of mandamus
And when a bill, thus attested, receives his operating upon the heads of a legislative
approval, and is deposited in the public body, can not supervise the making up of a
archives, its authentication as a bill that has record of the proceedings of that body. To
passed Congress should be deemed attempt to do so would constitute an
complete and unimpeachable. As the inquisition into the conduct of members and
President has no authority to approve a bill officers of the Legislature and would do
not passed by Congress, an enrolled Act in violence to the rights of a coordinate body.
the custody of the Secretary of State, and
having the official attestations of the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, of the Electoral Tribunals (Sec. 17, Art VI)
President of the Senate, and of the
President of the United States, carries, on its Composition
face, a solemn assurance by the legislative Three Supreme Court justices
and executive departments of the designated by the Chief Justice, and six
government, charged, respectively, with the members of the house concerned chosen on
duty of enacting and executing the laws, that the basis of proportional representation from the
it was passed by Congress. The respect due political parties registered under the party-list
to coequal and independent departments system represented therein. The senior justice
requires the judicial department to act upon shall be its chairman.
that assurance, and to accept, as having
passed Congress, all bills authenticated in Power
the manner stated; leaving the courts to The Electoral Tribunal of the Houses of
determine, when the question properly Congress shall be the sole judge of all contests
arises, whether the Act, so authenticated, is relating to election, returns and qualifications of
in conformity with the Constitution. their respective members.

It may be noted that the enrolled bill theory is - Duenas V HRET & Reyes
based mainly on "the respect due to coequal
and independent departments," which Discretion of HRET to Use Its
requires the judicial department "to accept, Own Funds In Revision Proceedings
as having passed Congress, all bills
authenticated in the manner stated." Thus it When jurisdiction is conferred by law on a
has also been stated in other cases that if court or tribunal, that court or tribunal,
the attestation is absent and the same is not unless otherwise provided by law, is
required for the validity of a statute, the deemed to have the authority to employ all
courts may resort to the journals and other writs, processes and other means to make
records of Congress for proof of its due its power effective.54 Where a general
enactment. This was the logical conclusion power is conferred or duty enjoined, every
reached in a number of decisions, 10 particular power necessary for the exercise
although they are silent as to whether the of one or the performance of the other is
journals may still be resorted to if the also conferred.55 Since the HRET
attestation of the presiding officers is possessed the authority to motu propio
present. continue a revision of ballots, it also had the
wherewithal to carry it out. It thus ordered
- Premiscias & Gardiner V Paredes & Clarin the disbursement of its own funds for the
61 phil 118 revision of the ballots in the remaining
counter-protested precincts. We hark back
Where a question is suggested as to whether to Rule 7 of the HRET Rules which provides
or not a certain bill was duly approved by both that the HRET has exclusive control,
Houses of the Philippine Legislature and where direction and supervision of its functions.
the journal which the Organic Act requires The HRET’s order was but one aspect of its
each House of the Legislature to keep is not power.
identified, the return of the Speaker of the
House and the Acting President of the Senate But what is "grave abuse of discretion?" It is
that the bill did not pass, supported by certified such capricious and whimsical exercise of
documents prepared by officers whose duty it judgment which is tantamount to lack of



jurisdiction. Ordinary abuse of discretion is absent its entire membership of Senators

insufficient. The abuse of discretion must be and that no amendment of its Rules can
grave, that is, the power is exercised in an confer on the three Justices-Members alone
arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of the power of valid adjudication of a
passion or personal hostility. It must be so senatorial election contest.
patent and gross as to amount to evasion of
positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform - Lazatin v HRET 168 SCRA 391
the duty enjoined by or to act at all in
contemplation of the law. In other words, for The power of the HRET, as the sole judge
a petition for certiorari to prosper, there must of all contests relating to the election,
be a clear showing of caprice and returns and qualifications of the Members of
arbitrariness in the exercise of discretion. the House of Representatives, to
There is also grave abuse of discretion when promulgate rules and regulations relative to
there is a contravention of the Constitution, matters within its jurisdiction, including the
the law or existing jurisprudence.62 Using period for filing election protests before it, is
the foregoing as yardstick, the Court finds beyond dispute. Its rule-making power
that petitioner miserably failed to discharge necessarily flows from the general power
the onus probandi imposed on him. granted it by the Constitution. This is the
import of the ruling in the landmark case of
- Navaja v Judge de Castro GR 182926 Angara v. Electoral Commission [63 Phil.
139 (1936)], where the Court, speaking
*represented by atty edgar borje. HAHAHA through Justice Laurel, declared in no
uncertain terms:
- Abbas v Senate Electoral Tribunal 166 scra
651 ... [The creation of the Electoral
Commission carried with it ex necessitate
It is aptly noted in the first of the questioned rei the power regulative in character to limit
Resolutions that the framers of the the time within which protests entrusted to
Constitution could not have been unaware of its cognizance should be filed. It is a settled
the possibility of an election contest that rule of construction that where a general
would involve all 24 Senators-elect, six of power is conferred or duly enjoined, every
whom would inevitably have to sit in particular power necessary for the exercise
judgment thereon. Indeed, such possibility of the one or the performance of the other is
might surface again in the wake of the 1992 also conferred (Cooley, Constitutional
elections when once more, but for the last Limitations, eighth ed., vol. 1, pp. 138, 139).
time, all 24 seats in the Senate will be at In the absence of any further constitutional
stake. Yet the Constitution provides no provision relating to the procedure to be
scheme or mode for settling such unusual followed in filing protests before the
situations or for the substitution of Senators Electoral Commission, therefore, the
designated to the Tribunal whose incidental power to promulgate such rules
disqualification may be sought. Litigants in necessary for the proper exercise of its
such situations must simply place their trust exclusive power to judge all contests
and hopes of vindication in the fairness and relating to the election, returns and
sense of justice of the Members of the qualifications of members of the National
Tribunal. Justices and Senators, singly and Assembly, must be deemed by necessary
collectively. implication to have been lodged also in the
Electoral Commission. [At p. 177; emphasis
Let us not be misunderstood as saying that supplied.]
no Senator-Member of the Senate Electoral
Tribunal may inhibit or disqualify himself - Bondoc v Pineda 201 SCRA 792
from sitting in judgment on any case before
said Tribunal. Every Member of the Tribunal Disloyalty to party is not a valid cause for
may, as his conscience dictates, refrain from termination of membership in the HRET. —
participating in the resolution of a case
where he sincerely feels that his personal As judges, the members of the tribunal must be
interests or biases would stand in the way of non-partisan. They must discharge their
an objective and impartial judgment. What functions with complete detachment,
we are merely saying is that in the light of impartiality, and independence even
the Constitution, the Senate Electoral independence from the political party to which
Tribunal cannot legally function as such, they belong. Hence, "disloyalty to party" and



"breach of party discipline," are not valid grounds 1. Heads of the executive departments.
for the expulsion of a member of the tribunal. In 2. Ambassadors
expelling Congressman Camasura from the 3. Other public ministers and consuls
HRET for having cast a conscience vote" in favor 4. Officers of the armed forces (from the
of Bondoc, based strictly on the result of the rank of colonel or naval captain)
examination and appreciation of the ballots and 5. Other officers whose appointments are
the recount of the votes by the tribunal, the vested in him in the constitution.
House of Representatives committed a grave
abuse of discretion, an injustice, and a violation - Sarmiento III v Mison 156 scra 549
of the Constitution. Its resolution of expulsion
against Congressman Camasura is, therefore, FACTS:
null and void. Mison was appointed as the Commissioner of
the Bureau of Customs and Carague as the
Hret resolution is null and void. Action of hret is Secretary of the Department of Budget, without
violative of constitutional mandate because: the confirmation of the Commission on
1. It is a clear impairment of the constitutional Appointments. Sarmiento assailed the
prerogative of the hret to be the sole judge of the appointments as unconstitutional by reason of
election contest bet. Pineda and bondoc. To its not having been confirmed by CoA.
sanction interference by the house of rep. Would
reduce tribunal as tool for the aggrandizement of ISSUE:
the party in power (ldp) Whether or not the appointment is valid.
2. Members of the tribunal must be non-
partisan. Camasura was discharging his RULING:
functions with complete detachment, impartiality Yes. The President acted within her
and independence. Disloyalty to party and constitutional authority and power in appointing
breach of party discipline -> not valid ground for Salvador Mison, without submitting his
expulsion of member of the tribunal nomination to the CoA for confirmation. He is
3. It violates camasura’s right to security of thus entitled to exercise the full authority and
tenure. Members of hret are entitled to security functions of the office and to receive all the
of tenure. Membership may not be terminated salaries and emoluments pertaining thereto.
w/o undue cause such as: expiration of term of
office, death, permanent disability, resignation Under Sec 16 Art. VII of the 1987 Constitution,
from political party, formal affiliation with another there are 4 groups of officers whom the
party. Disloyalty is not a valid cause. President shall appoint:
1st, appointment of executive departments and
Commission on Appointments bureaus heads, ambassadors, other public
ministers, consuls, officers of the armed forces
Composition from the rank of colonel or naval captain, and
The Senate President, as ex officio other officers with the consent and confirmation
Chairman, 12 Senators and 12 Members of of the CoA.
the House of Representatives, elected by 2nd, all other Government officers whose
each house on the basis of proportional appointments are not otherwise provided by
representation from the political parties law;
registered under the party-list system 3rd those whom the President may be
represented therein. The Chairman shall not authorized by the law to appoint;
vote except in case of a tie. 4th, low-ranking officers whose appointments
the Congress may by law vest in the President
Nature and Powers alone.
Serve as an administrative check on the First group of officers is clearly appointed with
appointing authority of the President. the consent of the Commission on
Confirm or rejects the appointment of the Appointments. Appointments of such officers
President. are initiated by nomination and, if the
The Commission shall act on all nomination is confirmed by the Commission on
appointments submitted to it within 30 Appointments, the President appoints.
session days of Congress from their
submission. The Commission shall rule by a 2nd, 3rd and 4th group of officers are the
majority of its members. present bone of contention. By following the
accepted rule in constitutional and statutory
Who may be appointed by the President? construction that an express enumeration of
subjects excludes others not enumerated, it



would follow that only those appointments to Non Mandatory Character of

positions expressly stated in the first group The Commissioner of
require the consent (confirmation) of the Appointments’ Membership
Commission on Appointments.
- Guingona v Gonzales 219 scra 336
It is evident that the position of Commissioner of
the Bureau of Customs (a bureau head) is not We do not agree with respondents' claim
one of those within the first group of that it is mandatory to elect 12 Senators to
appointments where the consent of the the Commission on Appointments. The
Commission on Appointments is required. The Constitution does not contemplate that the
1987 Constitution deliberately excluded the Commission on Appointments must
position of "heads of bureaus" from necessarily include twelve (12) senators
appointments that need the consent and twelve (12) members of the House of
(confirmation) of the Commission on Representatives. What the Constitution
Appointments. requires is that there be at least a majority
of the entire membership. Under Section
- Cayetano v Monsod 201 scra 210 18, the Commission shall rule by majority
vote of all the members and in Section 19,
The appointing process in a regular the Commission shall meet only while
appointment as in the case at bar, consists congress is in session, at the call of its
of four (4) stages: (1) nomination; (2) Chairman or a majority of all its members
confirmation by the Commission on "to discharge such powers and functions
Appointments; (3) issuance of a commission herein conferred upon it". Implementing the
(in the Philippines, upon submission by the above provisions of the Constitution,
Commission on Appointments of its Section 10 Chapter 3 of the Rules of the
certificate of confirmation, the President Commission on Appointments, provides as
issues the permanent appointment; and (4) follows:
acceptance e.g., oath-taking, posting of
bond, etc. . . . (Lacson v. Romero, No. L- Sec. 10. — Place of Meeting and Quorum:
3081, October 14, 1949; Gonzales, Law on The Commission shall meet at either the
Public Officers, p. 200) session hall of the Senate or the House of
Representatives upon call of the Chairman
Is the COA rejections and confirmations or as the Commission may designate. The
subject to judicial review? presence of at least thirteen (13) members
is necessary to constitute a quorum.
The Commission on the basis of evidence Provided, however, that at least four (4) of
submitted doling the public hearings on the members constituting the quorum
Monsod's confirmation, implicitly determined should come from either house. . . .
that he possessed the necessary
qualifications as required by law. The It is quite evident that the Constitution does
judgment rendered by the Commission in the not require the election and presence of
exercise of such an acknowledged power is twelve (12) senators and twelve (12)
beyond judicial interference except only members of the House of Representatives
upon a clear showing of a grave abuse of in order that the Commission may function.
discretion amounting to lack or excess of Other instances may be mentioned of
jurisdiction. (Art. VIII, Sec. 1 Constitution). Constitutional collegial bodies which
Thus, only where such grave abuse of perform their composition is expressly
discretion is clearly shown shall the Court specified by the Constitution. Among these
interfere with the Commission's judgment. In are the Supreme
the instant case, there is no occasion for the Court, 13 Civil Service Commission, 14
exercise of the Court's corrective power, Commission on Election, 15 Commission on
since no abuse, much less a grave abuse of Audit. 16 They perform their function so
discretion, that would amount to lack or long and there is the required quorum,
excess of jurisdiction and would warrant the usually a majority of its membership. The
issuance of the writs prayed, for has been Commission on Appointments may perform
clearly shown. its functions and transact it s business even
if only ten (10) senators are elected thereto
as long as a quorum exists.



It may also be mentioned that while the commission shall rule by a majority vote of all
Constitution provides for equal membership the Members. (Art. VI, 1987 Constitution.)
from the Senate and the House of
Representatives in the Commission on The composition of the House membership in
Appointments, the senators on the one the Commission on Appointments was based on
hand, and the representatives, on the other, proportional representation of the political
do not vote separately but jointly, and parties in the House. There are 160 members of
usually along party lines. Even if Senator the LDP in the House. They represent 79% of
Tañada would not be able sit in the the House membership (which may be rounded
Commission on Appointments, the LP-LDP- out to 80%). Eighty percent (80%) of 12
LABAN would still be represented in the members in the Commission on Appointments
Commission by congressman Ponce Enrile would equal 9.6 members, which may be
who has become a member of the LP. On rounded out to ten (10) members from the LDP.
the other hand, there is nothing to stop any The remaining two seats were apportioned to
of the political party in order to fill up the two the LP (respondent Lorna Verano-Yap) as the
vacancies resulting from this decision. next largest party in the Coalesced Majority and
the KBL (respondent Roque Ablan) as the
Assuming that the Constitution intended that principal opposition party in the House. There is
there be always twelve (12) senators in the no doubt that this apportionment of the House
Commission on Appointments, the instant membership in the Commission on
situation cannot be rectified by the Senate in Appointments was done "on the basis of
disregard of the rule on proportional proportional representation of the political
representation. The election of senator parties therein."
Romulo and Senator Tañada as members of
the Commission on Appointments by the The other political parties or groups in the
LDP majority in the Senate was clearly a House, such as petitioner's KAIBA (which is
violation of Section 18 of Article VI of the presumably a member also of the Coalesced
1987 Constitution. Their nomination and Majority), are bound by the majority's choices.
election by the LDP majority by sheer force Even if KAIBA were to be considered as an
of superiority in numbers during the Senate opposition party, its lone member (petitioner
organization meeting of August 27, 1992 Coseteng) represents only .4% or less than 1%
was done in grave abuse of discretion. of the House membership, hence, she is not
Where power is exercised in a manner entitled to one of the 12 House seats in the
inconsistent with the command of the Commission on Appointments. To be able to
Constitution, and by reason of numerical claim proportional membership in the
strength, knowingly and not merely Commission on Appointments, a political party
inadvertently, said exercise amounts to should represent at least 8.4% of the House
abuse of authority granted by law and grave membership, i.e., it should have been able to
abuse of discretion is properly found to exist. elect at least 17 congressmen or
Proportional representation in
the membership of Commission
of Appointments Congressional Inquiries (Legislative
Inquiries- Question Hour)
- Coseteng v Mitra 187 SCRA 377
The heads of departments may, upon their
Sec. 18. There shall be a Commission on own initiative with the consent of the President,
Appointments consisting of the President of the or upon the request of either House, as the
Senate, as ex oficio Chairman, twelve Senators, rules of each House shall provide, appear
and twelve Members of the House of before and be heard by such House on any
Representatives elected by each House on the matter pertaining to their departments. Written
basis of proportional representation from the questions shall be submitted to the President of
political parties and parties or organizations the Senate or the Speaker of the House of
registered under the party-list system Representatives at least three days before their
represented therein. The chairman of the scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not
Commission shall not vote, except in case of a be limited to written questions, but may cover
tie. The Commission shall act on all matters related thereto. When the security of the
appointments submitted to it within thirty session State or the public interest so requires, the
days of the Congress from their submission. The appearance shall be conducted in executive
session. (Sec 22, Art VI)



connection therewith.” Arnault petitioned for

a writ of Habeas Corpus
Constitutional Requirement for Inquiry:
1. It must be in the aid of legislation. ISSUE: Can the senate impose penalty
2. The rights of the person appearing must against those who refuse to answer its
be respected. questions in a congressional hearing in aid
of legislation.

- Bengzon III v Senate Blue Ribbon HELD: It is the inherent right of the Senate
Committee 203 scra 767 to impose penalty in carrying out their duty
to conduct inquiry in aid of legislation. But it
On the basis of this interpretation of what "in must be herein established that a witness
aid of legislation" means, it can readily be who refuses to answer a query by the
seen that the phrase contributes practically Committee may be detained during the
nothing towards protecting witnesses. term of the members imposing said penalty
Practically any investigation can be in aid of but the detention should not be too long as
the broad legislative power of Congress. to violate the witness’ right to due process
The limitation, therefore cannot effectively of law.
prevent what Kilbourn v. Thompson (103
U.S. 168 [1880]) characterized as "roving Although there is no provision in the [1935]
commissions" or what Watkins v. United Constitution expressly investing either
States (354 U.S. 178, 200 [1957] labeled as House of Congress with power to make
exposure for the sake of exposure. (Bernas, investigations and exact testimony to the
Constitution of the Republic of the end that it may exercise its legislative
Philippines, Vol. II, 1st Ed., page 132). functions as to be implied. In other words,
the power of inquiry – with process to
Applying the above principles to the present enforce it – is an essential and appropriate
casem, it can readily be seen that the auxiliary to the legislative function.
Senate is investigating an area where it may
potentially legislate. The ease with which - Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative
relatives of the President were allegedly v Sangguniang Panlungsod
able to amass great wealth under the past
regime is a legitimate area of inquiry. And if The power of inquiry-with process to
we tack on the alleged attempts o f relatives enforce it-is an essential and appropriate
of a succeeding adminsitration to duplicate auxiliary to the legislative function. A
the feat, the need for remedial legislation legislative body cannot legislate wisely or
becomes more imperative. effectively in the absence of information
respecting the conditions which the
-Arnault v Nazareno 87 Phil 29 legislation is intended to affect or change;
and where the legislative body does not
This case arose from the legislative inquiry itself possess the requisite information —
into the acquisition by the Philippine which is not infrequently true — recourse
Government of the Buenavista and must be had to others who possess it.
Tambobong estates sometime in 1949. Experience has shown that mere requests
Among the witnesses called to be examined for such information are often unavailing,
by the special committee created by a and also that information which is
Senate resolution was Jean L. Arnault, a volunteered is not always accurate or
lawyer who delivered a partial of the complete; so some means of compulsion is
purchase price to a representative of the essential to obtain what is needed.
vendor. During the Senate investigation, (McGrain vs. Daugherty 273 U.S., 135; 71
Arnault refused to reveal the identity of said L. ed., 580; 50 ALR 1) The fact that the
representative, at the same time invoking Constitution expressly gives to Congress
his constitutional right against self- the power to punish its Members for
incrimination. The Senate adopted a disorderly behaviour, does not by
resolution committing Arnault to the custody necessary implication exclude the power to
of the Sergeant-at-Arms and imprisoned punish for contempt by any person.
“until he shall have purged the contempt by (Anderson vs. Dunn, 6 Wheaton 204; 5 L.
revealing to the Senate . . . the name of the ed., 242)
person to whom he gave the P440,000, as
well as answer other pertinent questions in



But no person can be punished for (1) to endorse the bill without changes; (2) to
contumacy as a witness before either make changes in the bill omitting or adding
House, unless his testimony is required in a sections or altering its language; (3) to make
matter into which that House has jurisdiction and endorse an entirely new bill as a substitute,
to inquire. (Kilbourn vs. Thompson, 26, in which case it will be known as a committee
L.ed., 377.) bill; or (4) to make no report at all.

Appropriation Bill sec. 24 art. VI - Garcia v Executive Secretary 211 scra 219

- Association of Small Land Owners v. Facts: Executive Order no 475 imposed an

Sec. Agrarian Reform 175scra 343 additional duty of 9% on crude oil and oil
That fund, as earlier noted, is itself products while Executive Order 478 imposed a
being questioned on the ground that it special duty on crude oil and oil products.
does not conform to the requirements Petitioners claimed that both EOs are
of a valid appropriation as specified in unconstitutional because all revenue measures
the Constitution. Clearly, however, must originate from the House of
Proc. No. 131 is not an appropriation Representatives and the Tariff and Customs
measure even if it does provide for the Code authorized the president to increase the
creation of said fund, for that is not its tariff duties only to protect local industries but
principal purpose. An appropriation law not to raise additional revenue for the
is one the primary and specific government.
purpose of which is to authorize the
release of public funds from the Issue: Whether or not the tariff rates imposed
treasury. 19 The creation of the fund is are valid?
only incidental to the main objective of
the proclamation, which is agrarian Decision: Petition dismissed for lack of merit.
reform. The assailed Executive Orders are valid.
Congress may by law authorize the president to
It should follow that the specific fit tariff rates and other duties within specified
constitutional provisions invoked, to limits. The issuance of these EOs authorized by
wit, Section 24 and Section 25(4) of Sections 104 and 401 of the Tariff and Customs
Article VI, are not applicable. With Code. There is nothing in the law that suggests
particular reference to Section 24, this that the authority may only be exercised to
obviously could not have been protect local industries. Custom duties may be
complied with for the simple reason designated to achieve more than one policy
that the House of Representatives, objective the protection of local industries and to
which now has the exclusive power to raise revenue for the government.
initiate appropriation measures, had
not yet been convened when the
proclamation was issued. The Doctrine of Augmentation sec 25(5) Art.
legislative power was then solely VI (Transfer of Funds)
vested in the President of the -impermissible or illegal.
Philippines, who embodied, as it were,
both houses of Congress. XPN:
1. When the transfer is for augmenting
- Tolentino v Sec. of Finance either in GAA.
2. Funds must come from their
In sum, while Art. VI, §24 provides that all savings.
appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of - Demetria v Alba 148 scra 208
local application, and private bills must "originate
exclusively in the House of Representatives," it Sec. 16[5]. No law shall be passed
also adds, "but the Senate may propose or authorizing any transfer of appropriations,
concur with amendments." In the exercise of this however, the President, the Prime Minister, the
power, the Senate may propose an entirely new Speaker, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
bill as a substitute measure. As petitioner Court, and the heads of constitutional commis
Tolentino states in a high school text, a ions may by law be authorized to augment any
committee to which a bill is referred may do any item in the general appropriations law for their
of the following: respective offices from savings in other items of
their respective appropriations.



were they allowed to vote. If these members of

The prohibition to transfer an appropriation for Congress had been counted, the affirmative
one item to another was explicit and categorical votes in favor of the proposed amendment
under the 1973 Constitution. However, to afford would have been short of the necessary three-
the heads of the different branches of the fourths vote in either branch of Congress.
government and those of the constitutional Petitioners filed or the prohibition of the
commissions considerable flexibility in the use of furtherance of the said resolution amending the
public funds and resources, the constitution constitution. Respondents argued that the SC
allowed the enactment of a law authorizing the cannot take cognizance of the case because the
transfer of funds for the purpose of augmenting Court is bound by the conclusiveness of the
an item from savings in another item in the enrolled bill or resolution.
appropriation of the government branch or
constitutional body concerned. The leeway ISSUE: Whether or not the Court can take
granted was thus limited. The purpose and cognizance of the issue at bar. Whether or not
conditions for which funds may be transferred the said resolution was duly enacted by
were specified, i.e. transfer may be allowed for Congress.
the purpose of augmenting an item and such
transfer may be made only if there are savings HELD: As far as looking into the Journals is
from another item in the appropriation of the concerned, even if both the journals from each
government branch or constitutional body. House and an authenticated copy of the Act had
been presented, the disposal of the issue by the
Court on the basis of the journals does not imply
rejection of the enrollment theory, for, as
LIMITATION ON THE POWER OF CONGRESS already stated, the due enactment of a law may
TO APPROPRIATE be proved in either of the two ways specified in
section 313 of Act No. 190 as amended. The
1. Constitutional Limitations SC found in the journals no signs of irregularity
a. Sec 25 (1) Art VI in the passage of the law and did not bother
b. Sec 25 (2) Art VI itself with considering the effects of an
c. Sec 25 (4) Art VI authenticated copy if one had been introduced.
d. Sec 25 (5) Art VI It did not do what the opponents of the rule of
e. Sec 29 (2) Art VI conclusiveness advocate, namely, look into the
journals behind the enrolled copy in order to
determine the correctness of the latter, and rule
2. Extra-Constitutional Limitations such copy out if the two, the journals and the
copy, be found in conflict with each other. No
a. For a public purpose. discrepancy appears to have been noted
b. Amount must be certain and between the two documents and the court did
definite. not say or so much as give to understand that if
discrepancy existed it would give greater weight
to the journals, disregarding the explicit
ENROLLED BILL V JOURNAL provision that duly certified copies “shall be
conclusive proof of the provisions of such Acts
- Mabanag v Lopez Vito 78 phil 1 and of the due enactment thereof.”

Petitioners include 3 senators and 8 **Enrolled Bill – that which has been duly
representatives. The three senators were introduced, finally passed by both houses,
suspended by senate due to election signed by the proper officers of each, approved
irregularities. The 8 representatives were not by the president and filed by the secretary of
allowed to take their seat in the lower House state.
except in the election of the House Speaker.
They argued that some senators and House Section 313 of the old Code of Civil Procedure
Reps were not considered in determining the (Act 190), as amended by Act No. 2210,
required ¾ vote (of each house) in order to pass provides: “Official documents may be proved as
the Resolution (proposing amendments to the follows: . . . (2) the proceedings of the Philippine
Constitution) – which has been considered as an Commission, or of any legislatives body that
enrolled bill by then. At the same time, the votes may be provided for in the Philippine Islands, or
were already entered into the Journals of the of Congress, by the journals of those bodies or
respective House. As a result, the Resolution of either house thereof, or by published statutes
was passed but it could have been otherwise or resolutions, or by copies certified by the clerk



of secretary, or printed by their order; Provided, - Gonzales v Macaraig 191 SCRA 452
That in the case of Acts of the Philippine
Commission or the Philippine Legislature, when Facts:
there is an existence of a copy signed by the
presiding officers and secretaries of said bodies, On 16 December 1988, Congress
it shall be conclusive proof of the provisions of passed House Bill 19186, or the General
such Acts and of the due enactment thereof.” Appropriations Bill for the Fiscal Year 1989.
As passed, it eliminated or decreased
The SC is bound by the contents of a duly certain items included in the proposed
authenticated resolution (enrolled bill) by the budget submitted by the President.
legislature. In case of conflict, the contents of Pursuant to the constitutional provision on
an enrolled bill shall prevail over those of the the passage of bills, Congress presented
journals. the said Bill to the President for
consideration and approval. On 29
December 1988, the President signed the
- Morales v Subido 27 SCRA 131 Bill into law, and declared the same to have
become RA 6688. In the process, 7 Special
Thus in Mabanag the enrolled bill theory was Provisions and Section 55, a “General
adopted. Whatever doubt there might have been Provision,” were vetoed. On 2 February
as to the status and force of the theory in the 1989, the Senate, in Resolution 381
Philippines, in view of the dissent of three (“Authorizing and Directing the Committee
Justices in Mabanag, 9 was finally laid to rest by on Finance to Bring in the Name of the
the unanimous decision in Casco Philippine Senate of the Philippines the Proper Suit
Chemical Co. v. Gimenez. 10 Speaking for the with the Supreme Court of the Philippines
Court, the then Justice (now Chief Justice) contesting the Constitutionality of the Veto
Concepcion said: by the President of Special and General
Provisions, particularly Section 55, of the
Furthermore it is well settled that the enrolled bill General Appropriation Bill of 1989 (H.B. No.
— which uses the term "urea formaldehyde" 19186) and For Other Purposes”) was
instead of "urea and formaldehyde" — is adopted. On 11 April 1989, the Petition for
conclusive upon the courts as regards the tenor Prohibition/ Mandamus was filed by Neptali
of the measure passed by Congress and A. Gonzales, et al, as members and ex-
approved by the President (Primicias vs. officio members of the Committee on
Paredes, 61 Phil. 118, 120; Mabanag vs. Lopez Finance of the Senate and as “substantial
Vito, 78 Phil. 1; Macias vs. Comm. on Elections, taxpayers whose vital interests may be
L-18684, September 14, 1961). If there has been affected by this case,” with a prayer for the
any mistake in the printing of the bill before it issuance of a Writ of Preliminary Injunction
was certified by the officers of Congress and and Restraining Order, assailing mainly the
approved by the Executive — on which we constitutionality or legality of the
cannot speculate, without jeopardizing the Presidential veto of Section 55, and seeking
principle of separation of powers and to enjoin Catalino Macaraig, Jr., Vicente
undermining one of the cornerstones of our Jayme, Carlos Dominguez, Fulgencio
democratic system — the remedy is by Factoran, Fiorello Estuar, Lourdes
amendment or curative legislation, not by judicial Quisumbing, Raul Manglapus, Alfredo
decree. Bengson, Jose Concepcion, Luis Santos,
Mita Pardo De Tavera, Rainerio Reyes,
By what we have essayed above we are not of Guillermo Carague, Rosalina Cajucom and
course to be understood as holding that in all Eufemio C. Domingo from implementing RA
cases the journals must yield to the enrolled bill. 6688. No Restraining Order was issued by
To be sure there are certain matters which the the Supreme Court. Gonzales et al.’s cause
Constitution 11 expressly requires must be is anchored on the following grounds: (1)
entered on the journal of each house. To what the President’s line-veto power as regards
extent the validity of a legislative act may be appropriation bills is limited to item/s and
affected by a failure to have such matters does not cover provision/s; therefore, she
entered on the journal, is a question which we do exceeded her authority when she vetoed
not now decide. 12 All we hold is that with Section 55 (FY ‘89) and Section 16 (FY ‘90)
respect to matters not expressly required to be which are provisions; (2) when the
entered on the journal, the enrolled bill prevails President objects to a provision of an
in the event of any discrepancy. appropriation bill, she cannot exercise the
item-veto power but should veto the entire



bill; (3) the item-veto power does not carry President’s veto power as previously
with it the power to strike out conditions or defined by the 1935 Constitution has not
restrictions for that would be legislation, in changed. This is because the eliminated
violation of the doctrine of separation of proviso merely pronounces the basic
powers; and (4) the power of augmentation principle that a distinct and severable part of
in Article VI, Section 25 [5] of the 1987 a bill may be the subject of a separate veto.
Constitution, has to be provided for by law The restrictive interpretation urged by
and, therefore, Congress is also vested with Gonzales et al. that the President may not
the prerogative to impose restrictions on the veto a provision without vetoing the entire
exercise of that power. The Solicitor bill not only disregards the basic principle
General, as counsel for Macaraig et al., that a distinct and severable part of a bill
counters that the issue in the present case is may be the subject of a separate veto but
a political question beyond the power of the also overlooks the Constitutional mandate
Supreme Court to determine; that Gonzales that any provision in the general
et al. had a political remedy, which was to appropriations bill shall relate specifically to
override the veto; that Section 55 is a “rider” some particular appropriation therein and
because it is extraneous to the that any such provision shall be limited in its
Appropriations Act and, therefore, merits the operation to the appropriation to which it
President’s veto; that the power of the relates. In other words, in the true sense of
President to augment items in the the term, a provision in an Appropriations
appropriations for the executive branches Bill is limited in its operation to some
had already been provided for in the Budget particular appropriation to which it relates,
Law, specifically Sections 44 and 45 of PD and does not relate to the entire bill. The
1177, as amended by RA 6670 (4 August President promptly vetoed Section 55 (FY
1988); and that the President is empowered ‘89) and Section 16 (FY ‘90) because they
by the Constitution to veto provisions or nullify the authority of the Chief Executive
other “distinct and severable parts” of an and heads of different branches of
Appropriations Bill. government to augment any item in the
General Appropriations Law for their
Issue: respective offices from savings in other
items of their respective appropriations, as
whether or not the President guaranteed by Article VI, Section 25 (5) of
exceeded the item-veto power accorded by the Constitution. Noteworthy is the fact that
the Constitution or differently put, has the the power to augment from savings lies
President the power to veto provisions of an dormant until authorized by law. When
Appropriations Bill Sections 55 (FY ‘89) and 16 (FY ‘90)
prohibit the restoration or increase by
Held: augmentation of appropriations disapproved
or reduced by Congress, they impair the
No. The veto power of the constitutional and statutory authority of the
President is expressed in Article VI, Section President and other key officials to augment
27 of the 1987 Constitution. Paragraph (1) any item or any appropriation from savings
refers to the general veto power of the in the interest of expediency and efficiency.
President and if exercised would result in the The exercise of such authority in respect of
veto of the entire bill, as a general rule. disapproved or reduced items by no means
Paragraph (2) is what is referred to as the vests in the Executive the power to rewrite
item-veto power or the line-veto power. It the entire budget, the leeway granted being
allows the exercise of the veto over a delimited to transfers within the department
particular item or items in an appropriation, or branch concerned, the sourcing to come
revenue, or tariff bill. As specified, the only from savings. More importantly, for
President may not veto less than all of an such a special power as that of
item of an Appropriations Bill. In other words, augmentation from savings, the same is
the power given the executive to disapprove merely incorporated in the General
any item or items in an Appropriations Bill Appropriations Bill. An Appropriations Bill is
does not grant the authority to veto a part of “one the primary and specific aim of which
an item and to approve the remaining portion is to make appropriation of money from the
of the same item. Notwithstanding the public treasury”. It is a legislative
elimination in Article VI, Section 27 (2) of the authorization of receipts and expenditures.
1987 Constitution of any reference to the The power of augmentation from savings,
veto of a provision, the extent of the on the other hand, can by no means be



considered a specific appropriation of President. In fact, Sections 55 (FY ‘89) and

money. It is a non-appropriation item 16 (FY ‘90) themselves provide that an item
inserted in an appropriation measure. “shall be deemed to have been disapproved
by Congress if no corresponding
Issue: appropriation for the specific purpose is
provided in this Act.” Herein, there is no
whether the Legislature’s inclusion condition, in the budgetary sense of the
of qualifications, conditions, limitations or term, attached to an appropriation or item in
restrictions on expenditure of funds in the the appropriation bill which was struck out.
Appropriation Bill was proper For obviously, Sections 55 (FY ‘89) and 16
(FY ‘90) partake more of a curtailment on
Held: the power to augment from savings; in other
words, “a general provision of law, which
There can be no denying that happens to be put in an appropriation bill.”
inherent in the power of appropriation is the
power to specify how money shall be spent; Issue:
and that in addition to distinct “items” of
appropriation, the Legislature may include in whether the legislature has a
Appropriation Bills qualifications, conditions, remedy when it believes that the veto
limitations or restrictions on expenditure of powers by the executive were
funds. Settled also is the rule that the unconstitutional
Executive is not allowed to veto a condition
or proviso of an appropriation while allowing Held:
the appropriation itself to stand. The veto of
a condition in an Appropriations Bill which Yes. If, indeed, the legislature
did not include a veto of the items to which believed that the exercise of the veto
the condition related was deemed invalid powers by the executive were
and without effect whatsoever. However, for unconstitutional, the remedy laid down by
the rule to apply, restrictions should be such the Constitution is crystal clear. A
in the real sense of the term, not some Presidential veto may be overridden by the
matters which are more properly dealt with in votes of two-thirds of members of Congress
a separate legislation. Restrictions or (1987 Constitution, Article VI, Section
conditions in an Appropriations Bill must 27[1]). But Congress made no attempt to
exhibit a connection with money items in a override the Presidential veto. Gonzales et
budgetary sense in the schedule of al.’s argument that the veto is ineffectual so
expenditures. Again, the test is that there is “nothing to override” has lost
appropriateness. “It is not enough that a force and effect with the executive veto
provision be related to the institution or having been herein upheld. There need be
agency to which funds are appropriated. no future conflict if the legislative and
Conditions and limitations properly included executive branches of government adhere
in an appropriation bill must exhibit such a to the spirit of the Constitution, each
connexity with money items of appropriation exercising its respective powers with due
that they logically belong in a schedule of deference to the constitutional
expenditures . . . the ultimate test is one of responsibilities and functions of the other.
appropriateness.” Tested by these criteria, Thereby, the delicate equilibrium of
Section 55 (FY ‘89) and Section 16 (FY ‘90) governmental powers remains on even
must also be held to be inappropriate keel.
“conditions.” While they, particularly, Section
16 (FY ‘90), have been “artfully drafted” to Note:
appear as true conditions or limitations, they
are actually general law measures more SC ruled that Congress cannot include in a
appropriate for substantive and, therefore, general appropriations bill matters that
separate legislation. Further, neither of them should be more properly enacted in
shows the necessary connection with a separate legislation, and if it does that, the
schedule of expenditures. The reason is that inappropriate provisions inserted by it must
items reduced or disapproved by Congress be treated as “item,” which can be vetoed
would not appear on the face of the enrolled by the President in the exercise of his item-
bill or Appropriations Act itself. They can veto power. The SC went one step further
only be detected when compared with the and rules that even assuming arguendo that
original budgetary submittals of the “provisions” are beyond the executive



power to veto, and Section 55 (FY ‘89) and

Section 16 (FY ‘90) were not “provisions” in It may be observed from the wordings of the
the budgetary sense of the term, they are Appropriations Act that the amount
“inappropriate provisions” that should be appropriated for the operation of the
treated as “items” for the purpose of the Philippine Broadcasting Service was made
President’s veto power. subject to the condition that the same shall
not be used or expended for operation of
Note: Executive Impoundment television stations in Luzon, where there are
already existing commercial television
Definition: This refers to a refusal by the stations. This gives rise to the question of
President, for whatever reason, to spend whether the President may legally veto a
funds made available by Congress. It is the condition attached to an appropriation or item
failure to spend or obligate budget authority in the appropriation bill. But this is not a novel
of any type. question. A little effort to research on the
subject would have yielded enough authority
Argument against executive to guide action on the matter For, in the
impoundment: Those who deny to the leading case of State v. Holder,2 it was
President the power to impound argue that already declared that such action by the
once Congress has set aside the fund for a Chief Executive was illegal. This ruling, that
specific purpose in an appropriations act, it the executive's veto power does not carry
becomes mandatory on the part of the with it the power to strike out conditions or
President to implement the project and to restrictions, has been adhered to in
spend the money appropriated therefor. The subsequent cases.3 If the veto is
President has no discretion on the matter, unconstitutional, it follows that the same
for the Constitution imposes on him the duty produced no effect whatsoever,4 and the
to faithfully execute the laws. restriction imposed by the appropriation bill,
therefore, remains. Any expenditure made by
Argument for executive impoundment: the intervenor PBS, for the purpose of
Proponents of impoundment have invoked at installing or operating a television station in
least three principal sources of the authority Manila, where there are already television
of the President. Foremost is the authority to stations in operation, would be in violation of
impound given to him either expressly or the express condition for the release of the
impliedly by Congress. Second is the appropriation and, consequently, null and
executive power drawn from the President’s void. It is not difficult to see that even if it
role as Commander-in-Chief. Third is the were able to prove its right to operate on
Faithful Execution Clause which ironically is Channel 9, said intervenor would not have
the same provisions invoked by petitioners been entitled to reimbursement of its illegal
herein. expenditures.

The proponents insist that a faithful - Aglipay v Ruiz 64 phil 201

execution of the laws requires that the
President desist from implementing the law if The Director of Posts announced on May
doing so would prejudice public interest. An 1936 in Manila newspapers that he would
example given is when through efficient and order the issuance of postage stamps for
prudent management of a project, the commemoration of the 33rd
substantial savings are made. In such a International Eucharistic Congress
case, it is sheer folly to expect the President celebration in the City of Manila. The said
to spend the entire amount budgeted in the event was organized by the Roman Catholic
law. Church. Monsignor Gregorio Aglipay, the
petitioner, is the Supreme Head of the
- Bolinao Electronics Operations v Valencia Philippine Independent Church, requested
11 SCRA 486 Vicente Sotto who is a member of the
Under the Constitution, the President has the Philippine Bar to raise the matter to the
power to veto any particular item or items of President. The said stamps in consideration
an appropriation bill. However, when a were actually issued already and sold
provision of an appropriation bill affects one or though the greater part thereof remained
more items of the same, the President cannot unsold. The further sale of the stamps was
veto the provision without at the same time sought to be prevented by the petitioner.
vetoing the particular item or items to which it
relates. (Art. VI, Sec. 20.) Issue:



Section 4 of Article VII, and Section 8 of

Whether or not the respondent violated the Article 8 of Article X of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution in issuing and selling postage Constitution?” Said Petition for Initiative will
stamps commemorative of the Thirty-third first be submitted to the people, and after it
International Eucharistic Congress is signed by at least 12% total number of
registered voters in the country, it will be
Held: formally filed with the COMELEC.

No, the respondent did not violate the COMELEC in turn ordered Delfin for
Constitution by issuing and selling the publication of the petition. Petitioners Sen.
commemorative postage stamps. Ruiz acted Roco et al moved for dismissal of the Delfin
under the provision of Act No. 4052, which Petition on the ground that it is not the
contemplates no religious purpose in view, initiatory petition properly cognizable by the
giving the Director of Posts the discretion to COMELEC.
determine when the issuance of new
postage stamps would be “advantageous to
the Government.” Of course, the phrase
“advantageous to the Government” does not
authorize the violation of the Constitution. In
the case at bar, the issuance of the postage a. Constitutional provision on people’s
stamps was not intended by Ruiz to favor a initiative to amend the Constitution can only
particular church or denomination. The be implemented by law to be passed by
stamps did not benefit the Roman Catholic Congress. No such law has been passed.
Church, nor were money derived from the
sale of the stamps given to that church. The b. Republic Act No. 6735 provides for 3
purpose of issuing of the stamps was to systems on initiative but failed to provide
actually take advantage of an international any subtitle on initiative on the Constitution,
event considered to be a great opportunity to unlike in the other modes of initiative. This
give publicity to the Philippines and as a deliberate omission indicates matter of
result attract more tourists to the country. In people’s initiative was left to some future
evaluating the design made for the stamp, it law.
showed the map of the Philippines instead of
showing a Catholic chalice. The focus was c. COMELEC has no power to provide rules
on the location of the City of Manila, and it and regulations for the exercise of people’s
also bore the inscription that reads “Seat initiative. Only Congress is authorized by
XXXIII International Eucharistic Congress, the Constitution to pass the implementing
Feb. 3-7, 1937.” In considering these, it is law.
evident that there is no violation of the
Constitution therefore the act of the issuing d. People’s initiative is limited to
of the stamps is constitutional. amendments to the Constitution, not to
revision thereof. Extending or lifting of term
The Supreme Court denied the petition for a limits constitutes a revision.
writ of prohibition, without pronouncement as
to costs. e. Congress nor any government agency
has not yet appropriated funds for people’s
Sec 32 – Initiative
- Santiago v COMELEC 127325
Whether or not the people can directly
In 1996, Atty. Jesus Delfin filed with propose amendments to the Constitution
COMELEC a petition to amend Constitution, through the system of initiative under
to lift term limits of elective officials, by Section 2 of Article XVII of the 1987
people’s initiative. Delfin wanted COMELEC Constitution.
to control and supervise said people’s
initiative the signature-gathering all over the HELD:
country. The proposition is: “Do you approve
of lifting the term limits of all elective REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6735
government officials, amending for the
purpose Sections 4 ) and 7 of Article VI,



It was intended to include or cover people’s governments; and [5] Delegation to

initiative on amendments to the Constitution administrative bodies.
but, as worded, it does not adequately cover
such intiative. Article XVII Section 2 of the COMELEC
1987 Constitution providing for amendments
to Constitution, is not self-executory. While Empowering the COMELEC, an
the Constitution has recognized or granted administrative body exercising quasi judicial
the right of the people to directly propose functions, to promulgate rules and
amendments to the Constitution via PI, the regulations is a form of delegation of
people cannot exercise it if Congress, for legislative authority. In every case of
whatever reason, does not provide for its permissible delegation, there must be a
implementation. showing that the delegation itself is valid. It
is valid only if the law
FIRST: Contrary to the assertion of
COMELEC, Section 2 of the Act does not (a) is complete in itself, setting forth therein
suggest an initiative on amendments to the the policy to be executed, carried out, or
Constitution. The inclusion of the word implemented by the delegate; and
“Constitution” therein was a delayed
afterthought. The word is not relevant to the (b) fixes a standard – the limits of which are
section which is silent as to amendments of sufficiently determinate and determinable –
the Constitution. to which the delegate must conform in the
performance of his functions. Republic Act
SECOND: Unlike in the case of the other No. 6735 failed to satisfy both requirements
systems of initiative, the Act does not in subordinate legislation. The delegation of
provide for the contents of a petition for the power to the COMELEC is then invalid.
initiative on the Constitution. Sec 5(c) does
not include the provisions of the Constitution COMELEC RESOLUTION NO. 2300
sought to be amended, in the case of
initiative on the Constitution. Insofar as it prescribes rules and
regulations on the conduct of initiative on
THIRD: No subtitle is provided for initiative amendments to the Constitution is void.
on the Constitution. This conspicuous COMELEC cannot validly promulgate rules
silence as to the latter simply means that the and regulations to implement the exercise
main thrust of the Act is initiative and of the right of the people to directly propose
referendum on national and local laws. The amendments to the Constitution through the
argument that the initiative on amendments system of initiative. It does not have that
to the Constitution is not accepted to be power under Republic Act No. 6735.
subsumed under the subtitle on National Whether the COMELEC can take
Initiative and Referendum because it is cognizance of, or has jurisdiction over, a
national in scope. Under Subtitle II and III, petition solely intended to obtain an order:
the classification is not based on the scope
of the initiative involved, but on its nature (a) fixing the time and dates for signature
and character. gathering;
National initiative – what is proposed to be
enacted is a national law, or a law which (b) instructing municipal election officers to
only Congress can pass. assist Delfin’s movement and volunteers in
Local initiative – what is proposed to be establishing signature stations; and
adopted or enacted is a law, ordinance or
resolution which only legislative bodies of (c) directing or causing the publication of
the governments of the autonomous regions, the unsigned proposed Petition for Initiative
provinces, cities, municipalities, and on the 1987 Constitution.
barangays can pass.
Potestas delegata non delegari potest DELFIN PETITION

What has been delegated, cannot be COMELEC ACTED WITHOUT

delegated. The recognized exceptions to the JURISDICTION OR WITH GRAVE ABUSE
rule are: [1] Delegation of tariff powers to the OF DISCRETION IN ENTERTAINING THE
President; [2] Delegation of emergency DELFIN PETITION. Even if it be conceded
powers to the President; [3] Delegation to ex gratia that RA 6735 is a full compliance
the people at large; [4] Delegation to local with the power of Congress to implement



the right to initiate constitutional

amendments, or that it has validly vested
upon the COMELEC the power of
subordinate legislation and that COMELEC
Resolution No. 2300 is valid, the COMELEC
acted without jurisdiction or with grave abuse
of discretion in entertaining the Delfin

The Delfin Petition does not contain

signatures of the required number of voters.
Without the required signatures, the petition
cannot be deemed validly initiated. The
COMELEC requires jurisdiction over a
petition for initiative only after its filing. The
petition then is the initiatory pleading.
Nothing before its filing is cognizable by the
COMELEC, sitting en banc.

Since the Delfin Petition is not the initiatory

petition under RA6735 and COMELEC
Resolution No. 2300, it cannot be
entertained or given cognizance of by the
COMELEC. The petition was merely entered
as UND, meaning undocketed. It was
nothing more than a mere scrap of paper,
which should not have been dignified by the
Order of 6 December 1996, the hearing on
12 December 1996, and the order directing
Delfin and the oppositors to file their
memoranda to file their memoranda or
oppositions. In so dignifying it, the
COMELEC acted without jurisdiction or with
grave abuse of discretion and merely wasted
its time, energy, and resources.

Therefore, Republic Act No. 6735 did not

apply to constitutional amendment.


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