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Contact No.: 0922-821-6938/0939-904-3185/0917-527-5465 Tel. No: (049) 508-1963/ (02)420-8209


Course Title: Assessment in Learning 2

No. of Units: 3 Units
No. of Hours: 3 Hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 Hours for a semester.

Course Description: Assessment of Student Learning 2

This course focuses on the development and utilization of alternative forms of assessment in measuring authentic learning. Emphasis is given to
ways in assessing process and product-oriented targets as well as effective learning. Students will experience how to develop rubrics for
performance-based and portfolio assessment.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. The students must be able to distinguish and interpret the rubric assessment used in teaching performance and learning performance.
2. The students must be able to illustrate the distinctions between authentic assessment and traditional assessment; to use appropriate
statistical tool in a specific type of assessment.
3. The students must be able to categorize and use appropriate assessment of multiple

1. The students must be able to use and compute the different types of correlation.
2. The students must be able to compute and use the appropriate measures of skewness and kurtosis of data.
3. The students must be able to compute and use the different measures of variability.
1. The students must be able to measure the performance of the students
2. The students must be able assess a multiple talents of learner.

Course Outline and Timeframe:

Week Topics
1-2  Assessment of Teaching and Learning Performance
3-4  Authentic Assessment and Assessment of Process and Product
5 Prelim Examination (July 16, 17, 18)
6-7  Assessment of Multiple Talents
8-9  Frequency Distribution and Their Graphic Representation
10 Midterm Examination (August 16, 17, 18)
11-12  Measures of Central Tendency
13-14  Measures of Variability
15 Pre-Final Examination (September 17,18,19)
16  Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis
17  Measures of Correlation
18 Final Examination (October 18, 19, 20)
Learning Plan:

 Assessment of 1. What are the https://www.slideshare.n Prepare a table presenting
L, O (K) Teaching and checklist of et/roxannetiffanydotillos/ Personality Traits, Classroom
 The students must be Learning evaluating a faculty assessment-of-learning-1 Management and Discipline,
able to distinguish Performance performance? Teaching Style, Research,
and interpret the Learning Extension, and Plus factor.
rubric assessment  Rubric performance? Laurentina paler- The grand mean of Classroom
used in teaching Assessment of 2. How to assess a Calmorin, PH D. Management to Plus factor
performance and Teaching faculty Assesment of Leraning 2 are assumed. Write the
learning performance Performance performance? equivalent of each category,
 Assessment of Learning the mean, and interpret the
L, P (V) Learning performance? /books/about/Assessmen teaching performance of
 The students must be Performance 3. How to compute and t_of_Learning.html? Faculty A.
able to measure the with the Use of interpret teaching id=I4PA3O3u244C Personality Traits (20%)
performance of the Norm- and learning
students Referenced performance using – 3.3
Measure rubric assessment? Classroom Management and
 Review of Discipline (20%) – 3.1
Rubric Teaching Style (30%)
Assessment of – 3.2
PRELIM Student Research (15%)
Performance – 0.0
Extension (15%)

– 0.0
Plus Factor

– 1.0

L, P (S)  Authentic 1. What are the Essay. In your own opinion,
Assessment characteristic /1/AssessmentforLearnin which is better, authentic
 The students must be and s of authentic g.pdf assessment or traditional
able to illustrate the Assessment of assessment? assessment? Why? Support
distinctions between Process and 2. What are the Laurentina paler- your answer.
authentic assessment Product distinctions of Calmorin, PH D.
and traditional  Characteristics authentic Assesment of Leraning 2 Computation, Analysis, and
assessment; to use of Authentic assessment Interpretation. Utility bag
appropriate statistical Assessment and traditional made of straws by student B
tool in a specific type  Distinctions assessment? is evaluated by self, peer,
of assessment. between 3. How to subject teacher, and teacher-
Authentic assess adviser using Rubric
Assessment process and Assessment. Their results
and Traditional product based on the criteria and
Assessment performance? scale are as follows:
 Performance of
Assessment of Scale:
Process and 5 – Excellent
Product 4 – Very Good
3 – Good
2 – Fair
1 – Poor

a. Originality (20%)
Self –4
– 4 (10%)
Subject Teacher –3
Teacher-Adviser –3

b. Novelty (15%)
Self –4
– 3 (10%)
Subject Teacher –3
Teacher-Adviser –3

c. Creativity (20%)
Self –5
– 4 (10%)
Subject Teacher –4
Teacher-Adviser –4

d. Appearance (20%)
Self –5
– 5 (10%)
Subject Teacher –4
Teacher-Adviser –4

e. Socioeconomic Impact
Self –5
– 4 (10%)
Subject Teacher –4
Teacher-Adviser –
1. Solve for the mean of each
2. Present a table showing the
criteria, mean, qualitative
interpretation of each
criterion, percent,
equivalent, grand mean,
and grand qualitative

 Prelim Examination (July 16, 17, 18)

L, P (K)  Authentic 1. What are the Assess the multiple talents of
 The students must be Assessment categories of at least 10 Grade 7 students
able to categorize and multiple oadedfiles/Imported/8b02 using the questionnaire for
and use appropriate Assessment of talents? ade235bb4fd3afd250aa6 multiple talents. Compute the
assessment of Process and 2. How to 99ef9a9.pdf mean, grand mean, and
multiple Product assess a interpret the result.
, P (V) multiple Laurentina paler-
 The students must be  Categorization talents of Calmorin, PH D.
able assess a of Multiple learner? Assesment of Leraning 2
multiple talents of Talents
learner.  Rubric
Assessment of
L, P (K)  Frequency 1. What are the Laurentina paler- A 120-item test in
MIDTERM  The students must be Distribution and steps in Calmorin, PH D. Research is
able to know how to Their Graphic arranging the Assesment of Leraning 2 administered to 60
classify, tabulate, Representation scores in a form teacher education
analyze, and interpret of frequency students in a certain
the collected data;  Frequency distribution? private university in
and know how to Distributions 2. When and how to Iloilo. The results
choose appropriate  Cumulative use cumulative are as follows
statistical tools and Frequency frequency
procedures to apply. Distributions distributions?
 Graphic 3. What are the
Representation different graphic
How they differ
from each other?

Based on the results, look

for the following:
1. Set the classes by
using the highest
odd class interval,
tally the scores, and
write the frequency.
2. Prepare a table with
frequency “lesser
than” and “greater
than” (CF< and
CF>) as well as
frequency “lesser
than” and “greater
than” (CPF< and
3. Plot a bar graph on
Item 1.
4. Plot a line graph on
Item 1.
5. Plot a line graph of
CF < and CF>.

1. Midterm Examination (August 16, 17, 18)

L, O (S)  Measures of 1. What are the Laurentina paler- Below is a frequency
Central characteristics, Calmorin, PH D. distribution in a 120-item test
 The students must Tendency advantages and Assesment of Leraning 2 in Principles of Teaching
be able to compute disadvantages of the taken by 53 teacher
the measures of  Characteristics measures of central education students at the
central tendency of a of the Mean, tendency? West Visayas State
given data or scores. Median, and Mode University. Look for the
 Advantages 2. How to compute mean, median from below,
and Disadvantages measures of central median from above, and
of the Mean, tendency? From mode.
Median, and Mode Ungrouped data?
 Computation of From Grouped
Arithmetic Mean data?
 Computation of
Mean from
Ungrouped Data
 Computation of
Arithmetic Mean
PRE-FI  Computation of
Mean from
Grouped Data
 Computation of
Median from
Ungrouped Data
 Computation of
Median from
Grouped Data
 Computation of
Mode from
Ungrouped Data
 Computation of
Mode from
Grouped Data
L, O (S)  Measures of 1. What are the different Laurentina paler- Below is the frequency
Variability measures of Calmorin, PH D. distribution of English test
 The students must variability? Assesment of Leraning 2 taken by 70 teacher
be able to compute  Range 2. Steps on solving education students in a
and use the different  Quartile Deviation measures of variability. certain state university as
measures of  Mean Deviation follows:
variability. from Ungrouped or
Grouped Data
 Variance from
Ungrouped or
Grouped Data
 Standard Deviation

Base on the given data, solve

for the following:
1. Mean
2. Quartile Deviation
3. Average Deviation
4. Variance
5. Standard Deviation
6. One quartile deviation
above the mean
7. One quartile deviation
below the mean
8. One average deviation
above the mean
9. One average deviation
below the mean
10. One standard
deviation above the
11. One standard
deviation below the
12. Graph 1QD, 1AD, SD
above and below the
13. Give the equivalent
grade of each score
using the standard
deviation method of

 Pre-Final Examination (September 17,18,19)

L, O (S)  Measures of 1. How do values Laurentina paler- Computation and
Skewness and affect our lives? Calmorin, PH D. Interpretation. Below are
 The students must Kurtosis 2. How can the Assesment of Leraning 2 Chemistry scores of 24
be able to compute Filipino Ideology junior secondary students in
and use the  Positively help in a certain college.
appropriate Skewed establishing our 94 90 85 77
FINAL measures of Distribution own identity? 93 90 82 76
skewness and  Negatively 3. What are the 92 89 80 75
kurtosis of data. Skewed functions of 92 88 80 74
Distribution educational 91 87 79 72
 Kurtosis sociology? 90 86 78 70

Using the above data, look

for the following with the
use of computer. Shows the
a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode
d. Kurtosis
e. Skewness
f. Is the distribution,
leptokurtic or
platykurtic? Why?
g. Is the distribution,
negatively or
positively skewed?

 The students must  Measures of 1. How Pearson r and Laurentina paler- Group the students into 5
be able to use and Correlation Spearman rho differ in Calmorin, PH D. groups. Collect the scores
compute the different use and formula? Assesment of Leraning 2 in pre-final exam of any two
types of correlation.  Perfect Positive 2. When and how to use subjects. Know the
Correlation measures of relationship between the
 Perfect Negative correlation? scores of the two subjects
Correlation by using the pearson r and
 Pearson Product- spearman rho correlation.
Moment Correlation Interpret the data.
 Spearman Rank

 Final Examination (October 18, 19, 20)

Assessment of Student Learning 2 Course Map:

Assessment of Student
General Education (G.E.) Outcomes
Learning 2
1. The students must be able to distinguish and interpret the rubric assessment used in teaching performance and learning
2. The students must be able to illustrate the distinctions between authentic assessment and traditional assessment; to use
appropriate statistical tool in a specific type of assessment.
3. The students must be able to categorize and use appropriate assessment of multiple L

1. The students must be able to use and compute the different types of correlation. P
2. The students must be able to compute and use the appropriate measures of skewness and kurtosis of data. O
3. The students must be able to compute and use the different measures of variability. P

1. The students must be able to measure the performance of the students L,P
2. The students must be able assess a multiple talents of learner. P


L ……….Learned
P ……….Practiced
O ……….Opportunity to learn
Assessment of Student Learning 2 Required Readings and Other Materials:

Laurentina paler-Calmorin, PH D. Assesment of Leraning 2

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