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Routledge Handbook is} On the Reception of Classical Architecture CONTENTS List of ilstatons Image credits List of contributors Acknowledgements Juon Maruel Heredia 3. Archit, architecture and the city: Som: fdeas relating to the Latin Middle Ages 4 Rethinking ornament in classical architecture: Spolia and architecture as instcuio 3 Clare E.L. Guest 5 The persistence of the natura naturans from classical architecture 9 Jol Herds 6 On mogeration: The ancient virtue and is reception in architectural theory 80 Esra Sahin Burt coments Contens 93 7 Clasical columns, msannersm and pagan antiquity PART IT Anes) Pious Hisorigrphic surest gogrphc eon . § Neoclasial tte and antiquarian scholarship: The Royal Academy + 17 Scotland ending ee ofthe Three Noble Arts of San Catlos of Mexico, Alexander von i Seid daring etc icin o Humboldt and Peo José Marquez (Ona H, Flos Flos * 16 From JB. Fischer von lac to Adolf Loos‘The clas in Austria 285, Beier eea eerenreee teseeant a a epon Somnc Jer language and imagination is + 19 Avatars ofthe clasical tradition in Romanian architecture 02 Se eee ‘Ar Maria Zahariade and Hera Moldosan PARTI 20 China Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries; Renaisance humanism Classical influences through colonialism political ideology and and Chinese architecture a religious conversion us Hi Zou : 10 Honour and the clasical tradition in architecture: The matter ofshvery 151 21 Revising the clasical in Australian architecture: Colonial New. — Siriaas ‘South Wales and Vietoria ene Ae 2 Kea Peter Kohane and Mark Sie a 11 Dismemberment ofthe orders and theit reassembly across Portuguese overseas settlements ea 22, “A pretty true reflection of our civilisation”: Chasis Pedro Guede innnineteenth-century New Zealand Robin Skinner 12 The reception and involution of classical architecture by Jesuit 23 Nondic visions ofa classical world (1901-66) "sons im China (1583-1739) ad ve st Xioo Jing Harry Charing 19 She gods that came ffom the sea: The casical tradition in New Spai PARTIV eee Ora ie Bee relat 125 ‘Visual and textual discourses lerniy: Architecture and spectacle “hee ih ee > negra . and seventeenth centuries ‘ in Fascist Iealy Helder Carita ote Nichols Temple and Elen Tce oman Baroque 15 Neo-caical architecture in the Straits 25 Unclasscal forms of late Roman architecture and the eo civic square (1819-1936) Serene Seomh, Fuancesco Borromini and the new cascal tradition fm Ee Giuseppe Bonacono jcol8 Servandoni and 16 Setber Bale New Deh andthe reception of 26 Power patronage and politics: Giovanni Nicco® S - Soumyn Baxépdiyy end Sper Chae sia tion 249 the reception of neo-cassicism in France Louise Pelletier ————S—r enisance urban theory in New SPP 27 The reception of Europea Juan Las Bure 2 Thomas Jerson: The American tandscape and architecture Carll Wiliam Westll (1830-1840): Educational ecture in Athens 4 Stamatios Kleanthis 29 The revival of lsc archi Toe ne desigod by Chrsian Hansen a ‘Niklass Karis +40 Modernism and cscs in Braz Foundational myths and other stories Dail Sand 41 creck empl dsign and the Kathe des etscen lens Mathew Mindup 42 The underbelly ofthe architect: Reproducing clasicl idioms of power and cukure in Rome Renée Toe and Ticey Eve Winton Seed bibognaphy Index 422 435 448 462 489 ILLUSTRATIONS Figures (o) Andrea Pozzo, Apoheoss of. ignatius. Ceiling Resco in Se tanec, Rome (1685-1694); ( Joachim Bormecster (1685) Map of tee World — Geogeaphicus, Terrarum Orbis, Bormeester 5 Tuarinm, Rome, 6.78 06% Fe Cloudianm, Rome. 6.54 CE a Trai Barua Albert, Palazzo Rucelli Florence, 1446-5 ay reo aeted in Cirle and Square, fom Cea Cesarans Ds Ico a Fauwio Peline De Arcitectura Libri Dece (Come, 1521) me seers Barbar, 1 Died Lib dell Arcuri M. Vinaie YA (Wenice, 1567), Frontispiece 2 rene arb, Die Libri dels Acer MV a (Wenice, 1567) Persian Portico 8 Hoenig de Arciniega, Church of Actopan, © 1550 30 Te Corbusier Villa Savoye in Posy. 1929-30 2 race Cathedral West (ight) Tympanume: The IRSr=SNT of Christ tnd the Seven Liberal Ar ” hatiano da Songallo(€1445-1516),THew CE Marcellus, Codex Barberini (1475-1510) 38 Ba Sell (1475-< 1544), Tero Libre (Wen Francesco ‘Marconi da Forli, 1540) 30 Marron da Sangalo (C.1445-1S1OcOrmice sees, Codex Barberini je.1475-©.1510) ey ee Selo (1475-61548) eS, gate, Libro Scbamfinarig (Venice: Fanceno de rone chi, 1584). fo. 7 set potn Museu, New York 2a Sabane Dick Fund, 1924 Mee eary city ete, Sebonzane Seti ole Geen Aries 584), 12 27 THE RECEPTION OF EUROp; RENAISSANCE URBAN THEORY IN NEW SPAIN EAN Juan Luis Burke Ina leer dated 6 September 1501, addsewed to the recently named Indies, Nicolés de Ovando (1460-1511), Queen abel of 5 ‘pon his lnding atthe ian’ of Hispaniola, governorship ofthe incipient setletent an European expedition tothe American contin Captin-Geneal oft pain provided some instruction ‘Orando had been asked with aking one rived athe Caibiean ind ledng thc ee ent co date. The Queens instruction tod Because inthe bind of La Hispaniola iis necesry to make some towns and fom here we are unable ro provide «certain form, you wil inspect the place ad sic in ‘hatin and depending on te quality ofthe land and sts and of the people nb. tng the already existing towns, you will make the settlements in the numbers andes that you sce Bt those ends {ci word noting tht the nsructions handed to Orando lack indications earings ements psc design The asumprion was thatthe Spanish oficial would die wh en they woul adope based onthe acl condone encountered once on he wand Ox would belp esablh the city of Sto Domingo, which is considered the is perc Eaopeansetlement in the Ameri in 1502? Santo Domingo woul come to cise "ny ofthe owns Funded on the continent by the Spanish during chee clang pos inca ehe pil Spa bun foundation woald have the form of gridiron lint wb the coin ofthe cd and deamanus maxims pointed to the sing ofa cv eo 92- ‘where the main cil and migius buildings were tobe locate. This model with varios ht {00k nto acount specif situations such as topography or act’ proximity boy o ‘url! be replicated hundteds of imes throughout Spanish America fom the snc ieee soar, : _ String wh Samo Domingo ch ded the oign ofthis wt 10 ‘tan wuld nly apperthatthomodel waa conan of see Ear ines of bth popdlar nd academe origin which the Hippodmian grid v8! ‘bc art poit (or good say othe) ad the Roman cs wold be ce °° [RICE emi ater che Spanish Would eivenan adjusted manncr in hii teed he ResonawisaThe bade fried French medina ws owt “sted hy orthogonal wan pis have ako en sad to hve infuenes the we 02 8 2 Renaisanhathyinde fon Eisimenis (6 aba opher Francesc oT other posible oUre of ipatnn json res oti lecribe an ided ite i Sp re Ce oc aimemay si aestn ae sa pa os Sata Feit Graal. beng ance ve i ek + Moorish rule dd nt hve tga cites under Mi wth chrwer Hage anbonsccly spk aE % inthe New World.A casein pois Mexico Canes decfiss civic plaza. completely atypics of Eopean tsb stim ony Dect ctset nnnercee ee ny ee nce es teeter De dnspaheweoperesuen hel tera ico ar they rere to Chr ‘esa es wn il ions To ely ie in a civ, onda Fo Ordetyand vii = + te uo BF nthe Hip wo el fe a irs CT eta feted oe soi 8 a het ® complementary conc * ‘oF the city has its origins inchs o Juan Ls Burke ey altary commander rockin, “men make ay Moreover, the concept of alles with the defn Avistote wrote of ‘ivtas as embodyin ition ofthe polis and and honourable ie One of the fine eners tha Aristotle laid lowe in Poli mankind will tend to for 0 lve in a co Ma sate that i take without sate isin fact seated Ay This idea had deep-seated impicares ‘id no participate in the it orehe dual these cae ations would Lite German ies copes of Northen | the therian peninsula of ‘bun culeure that hearthtes Ds i Later Eun anybody who. ores ad imp the nomsadie py a expresced in its own tern Noted, the writings b by Isidore, Archbishop of Seville (ese {nce OM Spanish urban think Ws right up until the stecnch Soli, alo kuown as Orgies an ee edge in which, efi fa there Was an by Iberian hi "yclopacdic collection ore 5), Which i €9 say 5 the lives of many ic OF the city, while cles na thus demonstrates fore designates the material kes: bur to ies inhabianes that the Spa ako collected some the City of God; intended as an apologia for brought about the sack of | he notion that urban cule was Dg the ideaisation nediaeval culeure the filth century. ie was 1 the Christian religion ha work ako inaugurated dh God, white implement lective imagination of ‘notion of urban ie, Gant io AUtsstine, Christians should aspire co be God HE men and women Dassge co that eternal 424 il * Sand whoeser MIE Woting Homer sen San think Aristoxction andy KEES AS Rehan £36 8), were 4 pre century! ty his hn urces oF cla subject oF urban cul sons unite by he people thi inka ¥ People). The term us shen a reference not wie seme nish had noe ony tied he influences from Cicero, who Was to live together an on IB6 OF some size asocated wh community ofinterest” That resuling phy oe concept of the city becsme int (OF Hippo is centelinidennifnng 2] sition became interewined with Christanicy snd wan Has Aun maga pen Wien Ghani in dhe feof acon ht Romie by the Goths, However. Avot tthe cok Beco an andl superior cy ioe hereby equating Christian morality with 3 ie Sizes ofthe Heavenly Civ. be Hn Murs fred co wr coven ho ho lve a pious life inthis world with the aos Avge ‘iy alier physical death, As scholar Keith Lilley has ars his role a iH ‘Mened the ideo oF hy alent emerge ey bo ae § Reva uy ‘Gat sins nen ae St Saihe Renassce in eae aay The nono Spanish colonisers. 7s er, these ideas on urban if Meeopenenc inthe vay char ume quied wis chen Bessecidand pliant wot n goa Loe mane, Ain aan cat verybody’ needs were sui — MS coricey civic poe Seeianas was abo clear abour the notion that bie ‘oem hal be i, Ghsan pit Hlet the king nogniae uu neh nce ‘whch uni an the wih ould be cated Mic anak in Gas ety HERS i he ost ole tions ac an ethisl enero wn Aan ban context andin pines: wih Cheeses Oo smnbered that one othe dig fanes beet con of whan -. ea seit eee econo [ana ston esate aoe mitoses igtccmescee Mine ees rmncecees ne cane Sector, Treaty one en Nlladoti (present-day Morelia) Thee vc by sin eid Se Mei lee Juan Ls Burke Aen thay dy the sapped MSE St an de oy Ant veh refer @ of ral folk> However js “¥en g the city of Vall mio de Re omc mature o ay ete 8 inca pia | aac lite Regs saatclomder ith founding *Valladoid. am Aug et Menage pe rs tine and Aqui rgd eg Hina pe on ns fap ng sca sin sic cr | ofp aa oe lind hw sere on ee perth le f Go rie atin | belo sof coon which were lst JTenkeene OF Abe smi ye hy under eth Sepa rem ind de td oa oi ny ge Be large cf be wevh ou md asi, | i iat enn Pc fron Se Bethea coe the ction, which wo ays tage Me as Frac Franciscan misionaries in My 1s to atnelinNovape, a 8 pubic afacohort of Fr » 152. Thelen se } sensors sett ety a get Fy man exo aty by Ep: Ck nena casa ae pain wy carrie cemee tn ! ehacrs a wide ses ths king ux collin raat Fein ind Sm eo yl be ven ha coin. can Bain be lon waco ese he tht on nd hl atest tk esbing tei nhabitanr ta ae onalas the Frncicanmisonsy epithe ammene ota I themes hugh conrtion shuld bees e222 Po . forthe doctrine an or he pls hae" Thesansn ie ory of the wath Spnsh rouge abacus plying that the natives scar ppc whktnovescemay wing Vitruvi’ sein architectural teats, De ae li deem, eed thes the possi ofits eid lanictot ‘ance in New Spin A well-known “ neering that if ty vere oogetlhemewad roe Cervantes de Sahai (€ 1514-73), Cr hair inthe Royal Pontel Uni imo the perception of urban cule ere by a lentned man of the period, the dialogue a newcomer from Spain i taken on a tout thn ‘sjurintes. When the newcomer is presented with lids exlins "How the pitt rejoices an thy How long and wide how aright and flat” amounces “We ate now in other that equal es ize and ugh the city by two Span ofthe citys main avers one othe sights entertained with the view of tet {Later while at the man square. one ofthe guile he main square. Examine ie and tell me ifyou have cvs sens {randeur."to sehich the newcomer replies," My God, how ft rep i YE! How adomed wih ll and super bling on all oe are aear on cer teach tenant sich disposition and ste™® Allee clarien ceeccee oe by ncn lite he andl Zn ces se ramet It “The conosco ies aeons red colunos, portculaly i they ar uted and medina raat logue tus toutes upen the i eNSEE reception of clases! urban 288 5 cat oie Nor: importantly perhaps, the dialogue is a testimonial of ae sere senneh ee “urbanism and archit irthe notion of ws te att Se ae th un Bic ose eres Tgeon porch mene, gure we he naan fed that che native populton eindios pistes ‘The term : = bined ooo ie iy modern psi a arms he dhe te ‘The repiblieas iis men psy en - a dere incite ised a¢ La Hispaials, tocol Jon Lis Bake iceclaa ma aii ne ed ete colnueny ee fe om he Sp tn onkr 0 0 bon A heme aS or gh sul apes pre opgepciens ae ee insomnia cv bua ote ear ae a pate re Fer © conegae on £0 Spanish-dovigrs med wien The finehage "in?! Schemas resent ee ae Inyo, 5 an col cma te ai 2p Cason the oe arene suntan Hsp, which wn ct or ae Ne Rens aan hein New pay nn ow ct Ato Sp lag _ Tans Were pe ew eof te ben Nie peoples in New Spee forge H0t08 i, parce gk cpr -y Mei bal ren wh waa omnia seteten’. THs meant tt someway ene vale tn ta ey trerandthe vaca taper umm hin Nab) abe pace ofthe rut (cpa nh mate Me val slenent around whch he hig ses eaepene a ofthe cy delet Onc oe man custo eat Serpent ws wos youn cm mabe tea cynics pos wed Gt ving” tora ce na, utathe lack of cles delinionbeven wht conn una NN Neonincica cieecosnowndastpae ee I nics pops ceed a vibe pe™ ee eres pepcionino ume corpn ede Ss pleats ere Marlo Ramer ian cco Fed Gt sty stv on cher es nae no regions of Indio, ths ereting neers one Kien desi ofthe Span 9 onl the del we inden omni — who we ih theo population the abou forthe caonise-For ts in the ees, che pi oP inthe peripheries ofthe ie et i fist major ura endeaon in NE il ofthe nascent viceroy on desma Arte et Feetan-W “ae an Lis Burke atten erie yonder! on tet tog arid bt aden ee Ar the ong ofthe te da Alam G conn pes work under the odes of Pedro Ara of Con ned Pahl iy 1519. prove the yw Sth col oe Fy wouldnt be divided int sles or lor while wage fe 2k Brg rn ek aro ea smn gn Haw che eM ly ‘Se tine eg oe ed nd nang Geo hn pre Hispanic se at coat eS chai on npr os pr fe a re Tabs Re which a swe ae Tepeyae-tpap aH The iy meth e272) a i eame demo pore yin the vcr a a cs bape be une oer he cel sure eS sone Goer 1531, Pubs de fos Angee in 1531 and Valadod inTo6s tee oe ee eee fei care vinee at oer nd control ver th spun ie nected by 2 series of roads that ensured trade and ‘ation beeen val eve thet ofjurisction ints hinterland being delimited by how Farmed the rio ‘iy coul a is domination, gue 272. Deo in fei ine iy la aru the eu 1550 the iy two Pa i Teneatae ste lingua th Tepes 2m vs 26calo, teleft rgistee Ae the intersection, che nin pls 0 Renaissance bo vy tnd re ed i il allowing Hex ch cul be de wile 9p he brian pens elder wt iy 0 ole hw orc TEA tial od " Tedcation; charity initutions such a amshous Pena and female monasteries and mor. woul be acute 1x9 hie ffi sitions embodied in sock vary obliga Se Gnareral and social ibric ofthe pais dope. Fae depeche pias Se tl fr Be mat mS fee auch 3s Reil de Minas de C rc wi we ele ots very uneven arid rogeed re cet oe Pinder and cen dou wih he coming oie wo cing ‘pce aunt o 2 ogra = porn bil ofthe main sare where he m0 se Ba hcrmors th en cos of tec pzcs— in ore cs meh aie rel ons ti ei Be gc ofl ied FO —— set be wh iho Fee ptt ee nba emt ee orp or wis Woe et {vas the socio-cultural project ea fed pilogse span evelopment of urban centresin New char theory. Thee woe Wilellectual tradition that dated back rein poi ret oi ve ihe wen Ja is Burke Fg 27.) The iyo aca eos Ages sound she et 1650 in 3 pepe bi cu 1680 penpetl bine vw “cathedral building and main plaza are pictured in the upper-centre register. : cores of public and private fe were unmistakably shaped by an indigenous understanding of the territory and landscape. In that sense, the fabric of New Spanish urban culture becarne fer the fusing of European-Spanish and indigenous worldviews, the basis for a truly original snd «exciting new cultural scenario, namely, he New World Baroque. Notes | Joaquin Francisco Pacheco, Frncsco de Cinemas y spe and Luis Torres de Mendoza, Cle de omens inns ratio al decanter cng y ogee dels aig pases cpt: f= Ami y Okc, 3 (Made: Impress de Manel Herning 1879) 17-18. 2 The wn of Santo Domingo wa originally founded by Baralome Calin i 1496,0m ate dh ws ‘hen by Miguel iar de Aux Ovando decided to move the st tothe others ofthe Oza Rive where dhe town evenly developed See: ds Alnn "Marriage, Faia Ethic in the Ey ‘Sean Carsican"The Willam and Mary Quastedy 30,n0.2 (Apel 2013) 232, see foomote 14 3 ime Miguel Morales Folguea, Ls Conny de a Chops El Pye de Flips (1361598) poe “Hpac (Maid: Universi de Malaga, 20 4 Motley Foes, 25; Carlo Chanfin Olmos, ea, Ha de Anuar y ol Ciao Mesos: 5. te Vc Tomo: nae De Dos Ure Cl (Part de Gara Eons, 1997) 1 5 Moraes Folge La eimai de la ops Pape de Felipe H (ESK-1598) pr Hap 25.26: Chanfon Olmos, Hira dels Aeon ye Uibanlans Mextanog V2, 164. 1 Cindenssy Espejo ant Tries de Mendoza, Colas de ects ingdion las o Finis ogi oanzan dl age pene eats de Ama y Chel 3 18 7 sand Kagan, Ui Ima of he Han Hol, 149361793 (New Haven Cale Uses Pe 8 Thcyidy, The Pelopnnsin Hr Rie & sok ha EGS: rot nn inl i Pt Gat 37 32 Renaisance wan tery in TF New Spin e vase Ponca Instone of Mediacal Se fromis/DeRRegne. te. Terran book chap. 13 . Aa eso De Re Alife Loy i gay te Teme Mig Lin Nl Sho a twain a a eo es Co ah rs oa incr rcomners for dhe ing oF iy sc Aert, De Rest AND Cindi (an Re she J Acifcators,On the Art of Buding ne Hooks Paes Sala esi 1554: Te ili Loe Fan Coens eS oasis Guca Tables, ite Mes Caleta i, 200%), LIME, p/n san pba hon coma ozone Tea? rion jis UNAM. 1

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