C Span

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StudentCam Rubric

5- 4- 3 - Developing 2- Novice 5-4-3-2-1

Advanced/Expe Accomplished

Topic Covers Covers Include Informat 5

Develop topic topic s ion is
ment and in- somew essenti lacking
Connecti depth hat in- al and
on to w/ depth informa needs
Prompt effectiv w/ tion on more
e adequa the develop
suppor te issue ment
t from suppor but Does
resear t from needs not
ch & resear further address
intervi ch & develop the
ews intervi ment prompt
Film ews Does
clearly Film not
addres adequa consist
ses the tely ently
Studen addres addres
tCam ses the s the
Prompt Studen prompt
throug tCam
hout Prompt

Varying Film Film Film Film 4

Points of explor include include does
View es s s some not
multipl multipl multipl include
e e e multiple
points points viewpoi perspec
of view of view nts but tives
and and is is and is
takes largely somew clearly
an unbias hat biased
unbias ed biased toward
ed toward one
approa one side
ch to side
Effective Effecti Overall Somew Film is No C-
use of B- ve use effectiv hat lacking SP
Roll and of B- e use effectiv effectiv AN
relevant Roll of B- e use of e use of CLI
C-SPAN and Roll B-Roll B-Roll PS
Clips relevan and C- and C- and ??
t C- SPAN SPAN relevant
SPAN clips clips C-SPAN
clips for the but clips
throug majorit could
hout y of use
Film is the more
within film variety
d time

Audio All The Narrati Narratio 5

narrati majorit on is n is
on y of clear inconsi
sound the and stent
s clear narrati crisp in and
and on some inaudibl
crisp. sound parts of e in
Music s clear the film parts.
is and but is Music is
approp crisp not clearly
riate with consist copyrig
throug few ent. hted or
hout audio Film inappro
All proble uses priate
music ms. some
used is Music copyrig
license is hted
d approp music/o
under riate r isn’t
either for the appropr
Creativ majorit iate
e y of
Comm the
ons or film.
in the

Effective Film Film The Pacing 5

Pacing & moves moves pacing is too
Tempo at an at an is quick
effectiv effectiv somew (or
e pace e pace hat slow)
throug for a effectiv thus
hout majorit e but making
making y of moves it hard
it easy the a little to
to film fast or follow
follow too the flow
the slow in of
flow of some ideas.
ideas. parts

Credits Include Include Include Does 5

s s s not
credits credits credits include
for all for for credits
music, most some for any
B-Roll music, of the of the
and C- B-Roll music, music,
SPAN and C- B-Roll B-Roll
clips SPAN and C- or C-
clips clips
Comments: great job on the script and narration. Ideas flow well – effective job weaving in interview clips.
Well researched – interesting and informative. Cool to hear from the former college athlete. No c-span
clips?? Really great job on this! Especially considering the challenges of virtual learning. Very interesting to
watch- nice work!!
Daniel H,
Grade: 28/30

Francisco Hidalgo 2/21/2021

Mr. Mayo 3/22/21

Media And Communications
Skill(s) — Research, Creativity, Social Awareness, Communications, Group Dynamics

C-SPAN is a project focusing on our personal ideas and beliefs over an important subject and talking to others
about their input on the topic. Getting in a group with fellow classmates, researching information on the topic
we chose, conducting interviews, finding b-roll, editing film, working together to make a great project that
will compete with hundreds of others all across the country. The ability to explore a topic that you're actually
interested in and share that information with others made this project very special. Our main goal was to get
the ideas of athletes who played sports in college and combine our ideas with theirs to make a strong claim.
During this project we constantly needed to bring in new research and create new ideas based on the many
sources we used. Other skills used were communications and group dynamics, communicating with some
great athletes like former National Championship winner Sebastian Elney in soccer and working with my
group the entire time really helped us grow together and become better at group work. Because I play sports
every single day and work with some of the best coaches who have played collegiate sports when this topic
was communicated with me I already knew so much about it and loved learning new things about college
sports in the United States.

Starting our C-Span project was very difficult, choosing groups and figuring out which topic is really going to
be not only fun and interesting but something that could win in the competition. After some thought a topic
like Compensating Student Athletes in college really stuck out to me and my fellow group members. This is a
topic that not many will find as interesting as other subjects therefore we went into this with the intention of
simply enjoying what we were researching and hopefully meeting some cool people as we did that. A large
part of our project was reaching out to people across the country about their experiences and opinions on
compensation. We were able to talk to 3 former National Championship soccer players and a worker for a
social media account called Overtime which has about 7 million followers across all of their platforms. I have
to say that for me meeting these really cool people who had very interesting stories was my favorite part.
Working with two of my bestfriends really made it enjoyable because we could have fun and also be serious
when the time came. We would not have been able to do any of this assignment without communication and

Right away in this project we knew that having a targeted audience was the only way this could gain
recognition. With a topic like sports the target audience is athletes or fanatics of any sports. Because this is a
very big pool of people we thought this topic would be perfect. Our main strategie was choosing the right
target audience. Another strategie we used was making it appealing. Making it very appealing, we did this by
adding in images and videos that really attract other people. We included images of players injured and videos
of players winning the championship for their team. This is something that gets the attention of others. Finally
we made everything short and precise making sure nothing was too long and extended to the point of
boredom. In the end this project taught me alot about working together and staying on task.

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