Youhealth?: Your Structure (Time Taken: 2 Seconds, Avg. Time: 5 Minutes, 31 Seconds)

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11/30/2018 RocketBlocks: Structure

Category: Healthcare, Investment

Your client is a medical provider network that is considering making an investment to allow certain care
providers, primarily in-house therapists, to provide services to patients via an online video enabled web
platform. They're looking for your team's help in assessing this opportunity and whether or not it makes
sense for the firm.

Your structure (Time taken: 2 seconds, avg. time: 5 minutes, 31 seconds)

What! No buckets - lets turn up the effort here!

 RocketBlocks suggested answer

Problem statement: Should med. company invest?

Financial impact

Incremental revenue
Cost savings
Payback period

Patient experience

Faster, more convenient access to docs?

Quality at par w/ real life sessions?
Patient perceptions

Additional considerations

Need to offer to maintain competitive parity

Capable of establishing tech team to build and maintain?
Insurance policies acceptance of online care delivery?

Key considerations

The crux of this problem is to prove or disprove the hypothesis that the firm should forward
with the "tele-health" project 1/5
11/30/2018 RocketBlocks: Structure

Ultimately, what will matter is whether this type of system could drive significant cost savings
or a meaningful improvement in the quality of care to the patients

Framework strengths

Succeeds in addressing the two key issues right off the bat: financial savings and care
Also considers whether there is a defensive competitive play that needs to be made. For
example, if all competitors make similar investments, the client might find themselves forced
to act

Framework improvements

An examination of additional benefits they might get from a system like this would be
worthwhile. For example, once a "tele-health" platform is established, there might be an
increasing amount of preventative and acute care scenarios that could also be addressed

 RocketBlocks alum, currently Associate at McKinsey & Co.

Problem statement: New product


Additional clients
New customers segments
Raise prices (tiered subscriptions)


Cost to implement
Cost to maintain
Overhead costs




Competitive advantage
Competitive response

 RocketBlocks alum, currently Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Co.

Problem statement: Investment? 2/5
11/30/2018 RocketBlocks: Structure

Revenue stream

Amount of new patients

# of consultations
Price per consultation (can you charge the same price??)

Cost structure

Fixed costs : establishing the platform

Variable costs : maintenance costs, utilities etc


Patient-therapist relationship?
Quality of care provided?
Might not be for all type of patients/illnesses

 RocketBlocks alum, currently Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Co.

Problem statement: Make web-platform investment?

The firm

Services provided


Cost of investment
Expected mkt size
Revenue streams


Reputational damage

Next problem (/structure/module.php)

Exit module (/structure/intro.php) 3/5
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