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Bluebook 21st ed.

Elizabeth Broderick, Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia, 36
ALTERNATIVE L.J. 224 (2011).

ALWD 6th ed.

Broderick, E. ., Not so straight forward: Domestic violence in australia, 36(4)
Alternative L.J. 224 (2011).

APA 7th ed.

Broderick, E. (2011). Not so straight forward: Domestic violence in australia.
Alternative Law Journal, 36(4), 224-224.

Chicago 17th ed.

Elizabeth Broderick, "Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia,"
Alternative Law Journal 36, no. 4 (2011): 224-224

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Elizabeth Broderick, "Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia" (2011)
36:4 Alternative LJ 224.

AGLC 4th ed.

Elizabeth Broderick, 'Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia' (2011)
36(4) Alternative Law Journal 224.

MLA 8th ed.

Broderick, Elizabeth. "Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia."
Alternative Law Journal, vol. 36, no. 4, 2011, p. 224-224. HeinOnline.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

Elizabeth Broderick, 'Not So Straight Forward: Domestic Violence in Australia' (2011)
36 Alternative LJ 224

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Domestic violence in Australia

domestic violence occurs in these relationships just as
is stark and compelling. Approximately 1.2 it occurs in other relationships. There also needs to be
million of domestic
women violence inviolence
have experienced Australiaat the greater awareness about the serious harms of a lack of
hands of a (usually male) current or former partner.' acceptance and recognition of LGBTIQ communities.
Responses have understandably and necessarily Relatedly, people who identify as LGBTIQ need to
focused on reducing the prevalence of male violence understand that domestic violence is something that
against women.' can happen to them and they need to know where they
can go for help.
REFERENCES It is important to remember, however, that domestic
1. See Australian Bureauof violence knows no boundaries. It can occur in all Second, there must be adequate and ongoing funding
Statistics, Personal Safety, Australia, relationships, regardless of the sex, sexual orientation and resources to ensure that responses to domestic
2005 (Reissue),Catalogue No 4906.0
or sex or gender identity of the persons involved. violence are inclusive of LGBTIQ communities.
(2006). 10.
Research suggests, for example, that domestic violence Domestic violence service providers need to be
2. See, eg. FAHCSIA, National Plan to
ReduceViolenceagainst Women and Their occurs at a similar rate in same sex relationships as in supported in their efforts to be inclusive of LGBTIQ
3 4
Children (2011). heterosexual relationships. communities.
3. See generally William Leonard et al,
Coming Forward: The Underreporting of
Yet the voices and experiences of victims / survivors of Finally, the National Plan to Reduce Violence against
Heterosexist Violenceand SomeSexPartner domestic violence in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Women and Their Children needs to be implemented
Abuse in Victoria (ARCSHS, 2008); Janine intersex and queer ('LGBTIQ') relationships are often in an inclusive way. It's also important to consider the
Farrell and Somali Cerise, Fairs Fair:A
missing from the picture of domestic violence that ways the Plan can be implemented to celebrate all of
Snapshot of Violence and Abuse in Sydney
LG8T Relationships 2006 (ACON, 2006); is depicted in Australia. LGBTIQ domestic violence, the identities that make our society so vibrant.
Marian Pitts et al, Private Lives:A Reporton consequently, remains largely invisible.
Health and Wellbeing of GL8TIAustralians
Everyone should be able to live their lives free from
(ARCSHS, 2006). 51-52. So long as LGBTIQ domestic violence remains hidden, all forms of violence, including domestic violence. The
4. Annaliese Constable et al, One SizeDoes effective action against domestic violence will remain significant progress made in addressing violence against
Not Fit All: Gap Analysis of NSW domestic difficult. If we are serious about reducing rates of women, which until thirty years ago remained largely
violence support services in relation to gay,
domestic violence, it is imperative that the voices and invisible, shows that there is reason to be hopeful that
lesbian, bisexual, tronsgender and intersex
communities' needs (ACON Lesbian and experiences of LGBTIQ communities are included in similar progress can be achieved in relation to LGBTIQ
Gay Anti-Violence Project, 2011), 16-17. initiatives to address domestic violence and the full domestic violence.
spectrum of our identities is celebrated regularly.
This requires a strong commitment from government, Sex Discrimination Commissioner. This article is an
civil society and LGBTIQ advocates, backed by abridged version of the Commissioner's keynote
adequate and ongoing funding and resources. There is address in September 201 I at the 3r biennial (first
also a role for domestic violence service providers. national) LGBTIQ domestic violence conference.
During Australia's first Universal Periodic Review, @ 2011 Elizabeth Broderick
the Australian government committed to introduce
federal legal protections against discrimination on the
grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Once enacted, these protections will send a clear
message to the community regarding equality and help
in reducing discrimination, vilification and harassment
against people who identify as LGBTIQ. They will also
lay an important foundation for reducing LGBTIQ
domestic violence.
There is, however, more we can and should be doing
to strengthen responses to domestic violence. I will
mention just three things.
First, there needs to be a focus on better educating
the general community about LGBTIQ domestic
violence. People need to know that, while most
LGBTIQ relationships are built on love and respect,
224 - AltLJ Vol 36:4 2011

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