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Journal of Heredity, 2019, 651–661

Original Article
Advance Access publication August 17, 2019

Original Article

Genetic Diversity, Population Structure, and

Migration Scenarios of the Marsupial “Monito
del Monte” in South-Central Chile

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Alejandro Valladares-Gómez, Juan L. Celis-Diez,
Constanza Sepúlveda-Rodríguez, Oscar Inostroza-Michael,
Cristián E. Hernández, and R. Eduardo Palma
From the Laboratorio de Biología Evolutiva, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Avda. Libertador Bernardo O´Higgins 340, Santiago 6513677, Chile
(Valladares-Gómez, Sepúlveda-Rodríguez, and Palma); the Escuela de Agronomía, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Valparaíso, Casilla 4-D, Quillota 2260000, Chile (Celis-Diez); and the Laboratorio de Ecología Evolutiva y Filoinformática,
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Ocenográficas, Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 160-C, Concepción 40703868,
Chile (Inostroza-Michael and Hernández).

Address correspondence to A. Valladares-Gómez at the address above, or e-mail:

Received April 10, 2019; First decision June 2, 2019; Accepted August 6, 2019.

Corresponding Editor: Mark Springer

In this study, we quantified the 3 pivotal genetic processes (i.e., genetic diversity, spatial genetic
structuring, and migration) necessary for a better biological understanding and management of
the singular “living-fossil” and near-threatened mouse opossum marsupial Dromiciops gliroides,
the “Monito del Monte,” in south-central Chile. We used 11 microsatellite loci to genotype 47
individuals distributed on the mainland and northern Chiloé Island. Allelic richness, observed
and expected heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficient, and levels of genetic differentiation were
estimated. The genetic structure was assessed based on Bayesian clustering methods. In addition,
potential migration scenarios were evaluated based on a coalescent theory framework and Bayesian
approach to parameter estimations. Microsatellites revealed moderate to high levels of genetic
diversity across sampled localities. Moreover, such molecular markers suggested that at least 2
consistent genetic clusters could be identified along the D. gliroides distribution (“Northern” and
“Southern” cluster). However, general levels of genetic differentiation observed among localities
and between the 2 genetic clusters were relatively low. Migration analyses showed that the most
likely routes of migration of D.  gliroides occurred 1)  from the Southern cluster to the Northern
cluster and 2) from the Mainland to Chiloé Island. Our results could represent critical information
for future conservation programs and for a recent proposal about the taxonomic status of this
unique mouse opossum marsupial.

Keywords: Dromiciops gliroides, geographic genetic variation, Microbiotheria, near-threatened

© The American Genetic Association 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
652 Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6

The analyses of genetic diversity and population structure along Dromiciops gliroides has a restricted geographical distribution
the geographic distribution of species have received substantial at- between 35 and 43°S in south-central Chile and the adjacent re-
tention in the literature (Almeida et al. 2005; Eckert et al. 2008; gions of Argentina (Martin 2010). Within that range, D.  gliroides
Castellanos-Morales 2015). Such interest has increased, especially populations are present both on the mainland and on Chiloé Island
in studies focused on threatened taxa due to the detrimental effects in southern Chile. Former molecular analyses based on mtDNA
of human activities resulting in fragmentation, habitat disturb- markers have suggested that populations of D. gliroides are struc-
ance, and connectivity loss among natural populations (Rodriguez tured into 3 phylogeographic clades (Himes et  al. 2008). Two of
et  al. 2012; Fietz et  al. 2014; Napolitano et  al. 2014; Li et  al. these clades included specimens from the Chilean and Argentinean
2016; Eldridge et al. 2017; Perl et al. 2018). This is because genetic distributional range: a northern clade or clade A  (36–39°S) and a
diversity is crucial for the adaptive potential of natural popula- southern clade or clade C (40–43°S) that also included Chiloé Island.
tions in the face of environmental changes (Frankham et al. 2005), A third clade, “B,” was geographically intermediate between clades
and it could be especially reduced in small populations due to the A and C but restricted to the Valdivian coastal range in Chile. A later
stronger effects of genetic drift and inbreeding (Lacy et al. 1997; study that included cranial morphologic variation of the “Monito

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Bijlsma and Loeschecke 2012). Moreover, on a regional scale, del Monte” assessed by D’Elía et  al. (2016) showed an apparent
analysis of genetic structuring has been essential to the identifi- concordance with the tripartite phylogeographic structure observed
cation of potential conservation units (Kanthasamy et  al. 2006; by Himes et  al. (2008) with mtDNA data. However, D’Elía et  al.
Abdul-Muneer 2014), contributing to setting the geographical (2016) concluded that each phylogeographic clade (recovered in
extensions of management programs (Li et  al. 2014; Caballero Himes et al. [2008] study) constituted a different species of “Monito
et al. 2015). The patterns of migration, connectivity, and gene flow del Monte”: Dromiciops bozinovici n.sp. (clade A), Dromiciops
across geographically separated populations are important inter- mondaca n.sp. (clade B), and D.  gliroides (clade C). Nevertheless,
related factors shaping genetic diversity and population structure the apparent presence of three species of the “Monito del Monte”
(Gustafson et  al. 2017; Thapa et  al. 2018). Gene flow contrib- has not been supported by recent morphological studies (Valladares-
utes to maintaining genetic diversity and avoiding strong genetic Gómez et al. 2017; Martin 2018) or by a recent phylogenetic and co-
structuring (Song et al. 2013; Jangjoo et al. 2016). Low levels of alescent species delimitation analysis of this species (Suárez-Villota
gene flow among fragmented populations could result in genetic et al. 2018). Consequently, in light of the most recent morphological
isolation and could consequently trigger a loss of genetic diver- and molecular data, in this study, we will refer to D.  gliroides as
sity, a reduction in evolutionary potential and an increase in the the sole species of “Monito del Monte,” as it has been traditionally
extinction risk of populations (Frankham 2005; Eizaguirre and considered.
Baltazar-Soares 2014). Therefore, the study of genetic diversity, The phylogeographic structure observed by Himes et al. (2008)
spatial genetic structuring and patterns of migration, and gene seemed to reflect the great influence of glacial cycles that affected
flow represents crucial information necessary for the better man- the biogeographic history of D. gliroides and the rest of the south-
agement of species populations in the current global change scen- central Chilean biota (Villagrán 1991; Vera-Escalona et  al. 2012;
ario (Holland et al. 2017; Wang et al. 2017). Palma et al. 2012). In this sense, mtDNA data suggested that after
The “Monito del Monte” (Dromiciops gliroides, Thomas ice-sheet retreat in the southernmost distributional range of this spe-
1894) is a very peculiar marsupial due to its singular phylogenetic cies, migration took place from Chiloé Island and coastal refuges to
relationships, biological characteristics, and key ecological role dis- the mainland territory that was covered by ice sheets during Last
played in South American temperate forests (Hershkovitz 1999; Glacial Maximum. Conversely, the northernmost distributed indi-
Palma and Spotorno 1999; Celis-Diez et  al. 2012). The “Monito viduals represented a more stable population that was not affected
del Monte” is recognized as a major seed disperser of the flora in by LGM ice sheet movements (Himes et al. 2008). However, recent
temperate forests (Amico and Aizen 2000; Amico et al. 2009; Celis- phylogeographic and genetic population studies using more variable
Diez et  al. 2012); thus, the presence of this small mammal is es- molecular markers (e.g., microsatellites) have revealed levels of gen-
sential for forest regeneration (Rodríguez-Cabal et al. 2007; García etic structure, genetic diversity, and migration patterns shaped by the
et al. 2009). This mostly arboreal marsupial seems to be particularly recent history of diverse mammal species (Vignieri 2005; Napolitano
susceptible to the severe fragmentation that has affected the tem- et al. 2014; Pérez-Alvarez et al. 2015). Microsatellite genotyping rep-
perate forests due to human activities (Armesto et  al. 2010; Lara resents one of the most commonly used tools for evaluating the levels
et al. 2012; Fontúrbel et al. 2014). Such susceptibility has been dem- of molecular variability and population structure (Guichoux et  al.
onstrated in terms of detrimental effects on population abundance 2011; Shamjana et al. 2015; Aranguren-Méndez et al. 2005). Several
and ecological interactions (Rodriguez-Cabal et al. 2007). However, examples of microsatellite applications have been reported in threat-
understanding of the genetic consequences of forest fragmentation ened marsupial species (Li et al. 2016; Eldridge et al. 2017), as well
on this “living-fossil” marsupial, which has been cataloged as “near- as in other mammal taxa (Fietz et al. 2014; Napolitano et al. 2015).
threatened” by the IUCN, represents a critical gap (Martin et  al. In this study, we analyzed the genetic variation of the “Monito
2015). Although intraspecific genetic diversity of D.  gliroides has del Monte” along the distributional range in south-central Chile by
been estimated through phylogeographic (Himes et  al. 2008) and performing a microsatellite screening. Our goals were 1) to quantify
phylogenetic approaches (Suárez-Villota et al. 2018), contemporary levels of genetic diversity, 2) to assess the genetic structure of popula-
levels of genetic diversity and population structure of this marsupial tions, 3) to evaluate potential scenarios of migrations of this marsupial
remain unknown. Therefore, future studies in D.  gliroides should along its geographic distribution in south-central Chile, and 4) to con-
be focused on generating such genetic baseline data, which is es- textualize our data for future conservation planning for the “Monito
sential to providing conservation and management guidelines for del Monte,” and in terms of the recent discussion about its taxonomic
threatened marsupials (Li et  al. 2016; Ruiz-Rodriguez et  al. 2016; status. Additionally, we provide the first description of highly variable
Hendricks et al. 2017). microsatellite loci for this unique and intriguing species.
Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6 653

Methods were manipulated and released after handling, following the standard
bioethical and biosafety protocols proposed by the American Society
Study Area and Sample Collection
of Mammalogists (ASM: Sikes and Gannon 2011). In addition, we
Samples were collected in native forest fragments along the distribu- obtained muscle tissue of specimens deposited at the “Colección
tional range of D. gliroides in mainland Chile, including the northeast de Flora y Fauna Prof. Patricio Sánchez-Reyes,” Departamento de
end of Chiloé Island (Figure 1; Table 1). Chiloé Island is located in Ecología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Southern Chile between 41 and 43°S, 73 and 74°30′W, in the Los
Lagos Region, and covers an area of approximately 9000 km2. The
island represents the sole insular territory where contemporary
populations of D. gliroides have been observed (Martin 2010). The
Microsatellite Genotyping
northern area of the island is approximately 2.5 km from the closest DNA was extracted with the phenol-chloroform protocol. The
point to the mainland, and it is separated by the Chacao channel pellet was resuspended in 50 mL of ultrapure water and stored at
(Figure 1). Animal trapping and handling were conducted following −20 °C. Samples were genotyped by 12 microsatellite loci designed
the protocol recommended by Celis-Diez et al. (2012). A 1 mm2 piece by Ecogenics, Zurich-Schlieren (Switzerland) in July 2014 (Table 2).

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of ear tissue was collected from each individual with an ear-clipper, PCRs were performed according to the protocol provided by the
and tissue samples were immediately preserved in absolute ethanol manufacturer as follows: 3.1  µL ultrapure water, 1.0  µL 10× PCR
for molecular analysis and stored at room temperature. All specimens Buffer, 1.0 µL 15 mM MgCl2, 1.0 µL dNTP mix, 0.2 µL F primer, µL

Figure 1.  Map of the study area along Dromiciops gliroides distribution in south-central Chile. PNVPR, Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales.
654 Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6

Table 1.  Details of geographic area and sample size (n) of localities analyzed in this study

Geographic area Locality Latitude S Longitude W n Total

Mainland Vilches Alto 35°36′21.32″ 71°04′15.41″ 1 23

Caramávida 37°41′48″ 73°11′49″ 14
Panguipulli 39°31′12.2″ 72°16′57.3″ 2
Parque Oncol 39°42′03″ 73°18′29″ 5
PNVPR 41°10′16″ 72°30′58″ 1
Chiloé Island Caulín 41°50′18.22″ 73°36′21.20″ 6 24
Llanquihue 41°51′34.67″ 73°34′57.44″ 3
Senda Darwin 41°52′56.15″ 73°40′35.75″ 7
Quilar 41°55′50.66″ 73°36′34.95″ 8

PNVPR, Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales.

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Table 2.  Description of 11 microsatellite loci used in this study to analyze Dromiciops gliroides populations

Locus Primer sequences 5′–3′ Repeat type Size bp No. of alleles HO HE

Drogli00135 F: ACTGAGGACAGTTCAGGCAG (TG)15 150–192 21 0.882 0.924

Drogli01010 F: GTCACTTAACCCCCACTTGC (ATAG)21 144–212 13 0.820 0.820
Drogli01571 F: TGCCATTGTTATTTGGAAGGTG (AGAT)7 256–296 11 0.804 0.833
Drogli01675 F: TTGGGTCTTGGGAATGAAGG (CA)15 225–251 11 0.823 0.742
Drogli02448 F: AATCTGTTGTGGCCTGAGTG (ATAG)14 209–269 12 0.777 0.764
Drogli03185 F: GAGCTTATCCCCACCCTAGC (ATCT)12 204–324 12 0.639 0.756
Drogli03567 F: CCAGAGTGTCTGCCAAATTCC (TAGA)10 238–358 16 0.937 0.884
Drogli03651 F: TGTTGTGAGCCAAACCTGAC (TCTA)21 250–286 9 0.864 0.884
Drogli04369 F: GGCTGCCTTGAGTACACATC (GATA)16 184–244 12 0.791 0.885
Drogli04394 F: GCTAGGCATGTTACCCAACC (ATAG)16 197–245 10 0.880 0.846
Drogli06596 F: TGGAGCAGTCCCACAAGAAG (AGAT)17 157–201 13 0.776 0.833

0.8 R primer, 0.8 µL M13 primer, 0.1 µL HotStarTaq (Taq Platinium), and Rousset 1995; Rousset 2008). Genetic diversity was assessed by
and 2.0 µL genomic DNA at 60 ng/µL (total PCR volume = 10 µL). calculating rarefied average allelic richness (Ar) to control for un-
The thermocycling protocol (suggested by Ecogenics) consisted of equal population sample size with the program HP-Rare v. June-6-
a denaturation phase of 95 °C for 15 min; 30 cycles of 95 °C for 2006 (Kalinowski 2005). In addition, observed heterozygosity (HO),
30 s, annealing (56 °C) for 45 s, and extension of 72 °C for 45 s; expected heterozygosity (HE), and inbreeding coefficient (FIS) were
then, a final amplification round of 8 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, an- estimated with the program Arlequin v3.5 (Excoffier et  al. 2005).
nealing temperature (56 °C) for 45 s, and 72 °C for 45 s, with a final The significance of FIS was calculated by 100 000 rounds of permu-
extension of 72 °C for 30 min. Microsatellite genotyping was per- tation tests in the same program.
formed at “Servicio de Secuenciación y Genotipado,” Departamento
de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Population Structure
Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Allele scores were obtained with We evaluated the degree of genetic differentiation of the populations
the program PEAK-SCANNER v1.0 (Applied Biosystems 2006). by calculating pairwise FST indices in GenoDive v2.0b23 (Meirmans
and Van Tienderen 2004). A permutation test with 1000 iterations
was performed to evaluate the significance of FST scores. Population
Microsatellite Data Analyses
genetic structure across the D.  gliroides distribution was assessed
Genetic Diversity by applying the Bayesian clustering approach implemented in the
We assessed evidence of genotyping errors, large allele dropouts or program STRUCTURE v.2.3.4 (Pritchard et al. 2000). STRUCTURE
null alleles in our dataset using the program MICRO-CHECKER was carried out with an admixture model and correlated allele fre-
v2.2.3 (Van Oosterhout et  al. 2004). Deviations from Hardy– quencies, a length of the burn-in period of 1  000  000 steps and
Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) and evidence for disequilibrium 10 000 000 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) repetitions after
linkage across the loci were tested in GENEPOP v.4.2 (Raymond burn-in (Napolitano et al. 2014; Li et al. 2016). STRUCTURE was
Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6 655

run setting the probable number of genetic clusters or “K” present in heating scheme at 4 temperatures (1.0, 1.5, 3.0, 1  000  000) for a
our data from 1 to 6, with 10 iterations of each K. Later, following better search in the genealogy parameter space. The marginal likeli-
Eldridge et al. (2014), we inferred the best value of K applying on hoods of each model were estimated by mean thermodynamic inte-
the STRUCTURE output the maximum posterior probability or gration, which was used for the model comparison through the use
L[K] (Pritchard et  al. 2000) and maximum delta log likelihood or of the Bayes Factor (Kass and Raftery 1995).
DK (Evanno et  al. 2005) methods. Both of these algorithms were
integrated into the program STRUCTURE HARVESTER v0.6.94
(Earl and vonHoldt 2012). In addition to STRUCTURE analyses, we Results
also applied the Bayesian algorithms implemented in GENELAND Genetic Diversity
v3.1.5 (Guillot et al. 2005) to assess the number of genetic popula- MICROCHECKER did not detect the presence of genotyping errors,
tions present in our dataset and to delineate its spatial boundaries. allele dropouts, or null alleles in our data, except in the population
The latter analysis was performed based on the null allele and uncor- of Caramávida, where one null allele was detected (Drogli_04369).
related frequency model, with 5 000 000 MC iterations, 100 thin- Significant deviation from the HWE was only observed in the

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ning steps and defining the K value from 1 to 6. Finally, we explored loci Drogli_01675 and Drogli_04369 in Caramávida, locus
isolation by distances (IBD) calculating the correlation between geo- Drogli_03567 in Senda Darwin and locus Drogli_00135 in Caulín.
graphic and genetic distance matrices by applying a Mantel test with We did not detect the occurrence of linkage disequilibrium when
9999 permutations steps in the program GENEALEXv6.5. evaluating each pair of loci across all populations, except for pairs
Drogli_05055/Drogli_06596 and Drogli_05055/Drogli_00135. To
Migration Scenarios avoid pseudoreplication for statistical analyses, we discarded the
To evaluate the historical migration scenarios among the populations locus Drogli_05055 from our data set. Thus, the results presented in
of D.  gliroides, we used the software Migrate-n v 3.6 (Beerli and this study correspond to the analysis of the remaining 11 microsatel-
Palczewski 2010). This program allows estimation of effective popu- lite loci. A summary of the overall genetic diversity per locus across
lation sizes (θ = 4Neµ, where Ne is the historical effective population the 47 sampled individuals is given in Table 2. The number of alleles
size) and migration rates (M = mh/µ, µ is the mutation rate per gener- per locus ranged from 9 (Drogli_03651) to 21 (Drogli_00135) al-
ation) between population pairs based on a coalescent theory frame- leles. The microsatellite size ranged from 144 to 358  bp. Loci ob-
work. We fit different migration models for 2 migration scenarios: served and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.639 to 0.937 and
first, a set of models to evaluate migration between the Northern from 0.742 to 0.924, respectively.
and Southern clusters (see Results), and second, a set of models to Levels of genetic diversity along the distribution of the “Monito
evaluate migration routes between the Mainland and Chiloé Island, del Monte” are given in Table 3. We presented data for localities with
(Supplementary Figure 1). Within these 2 scenarios, we set 4 theor- sample sizes ≥5. In general, the observed heterozygosity values were
etically possible historical migration routes: 1)  a Panmictic model, lower than the expected heterozygosity values within all sampled lo-
where the 2 populations (Northern-Southern or Mainland-Chiloé calities, except for Senda Darwin, Chiloé Island. Higher levels of gen-
Island) were assumed to be part of the same panmictic group; 2) a etic diversity were detected in the mainland locality of “Caramávida,”
one direction model, where each population has different population a remnant of a well-conserved temperate forest fragment of the
sizes and only migration of individuals from a particular popula- “Nahuelbuta mountains.” The last mountains extend along 200
tion was allowed (from Southern to Northern cluster or from Chiloé km between 36°49′–38°38′S in the Chilean coastal range (Otavo
Island to Mainland); 3) same as the previous model, but migration and Echeverría 2017). The localities from Chiloé Island, Caulín
was allowed in the opposite direction (from Northern to Southern and Quilar resulted in the lowest values of observed heterozygosity.
cluster or from Mainland to Chiloé Island; and 4) a Full model, with Higher values of inbreeding coefficients were observed in the local-
the 2 population sizes estimated and migration allowed to occur at ities of Caulín and Quilar (Chiloé Island). However, inbreeding coef-
different rates between the 2 populations. We used the Brownian ficients were not significant for the analyzed localities in this study.
motion approximation to the stepwise ladder model, and parameters
were estimated using a Bayesian approach. We estimated θ and M
of each model by means of slice sampling and exponential window Population Structure
prior distribution (θ range: 0–1000, mean = 500, delta range = 100; After running Structure Harvester, both DK and L[K] methods
M range: 0–1,000, mean = 500, delta range = 100). Four long chains indicated K  =  2 as the most likely number of genetic clusters
were run, with 20 000 000 genealogies sampling each 2000th (i.e., (Supplementary Figure 2). STRUCTURE analysis for K = 2 is shown
saving 10  000 genealogies) iteration after a burn-in of the first in Figure 2. The analysis suggested the presence of one relatively
2 000 000 genealogies for each chain. We used the suggested static well-defined genetic cluster that included individuals belonging to

Table 3.  Genetic diversity in Dromiciops gliroides by locality

Locality No. of alleles HO HE FIS P

Caramávida 9.455 ± 1.635 0.805 ± 0.197 0.867 ± 0.042 0.024 0.283

Parque Oncol 5.273 ± 1.421 0.809 ± 0.158 0.823 ± 0.074 −0.076 0.914
Senda Darwin 5.727 ± 1.489 0.838 ± 0.197 0.813 ± 0.071 −0.036 0.733
Caulín 4.727 ± 1.009 0.752 ± 0.197 0.799 ± 0.085 0.085 0.198
Quilar 5.818 ± 1.722 0.731 ± 0.182 0.833 ± 0.074 0.101 0.063

Ar, allelic richness; HO, observed heterozygosity; HE, expected heterozygosity; FIS, inbreeding coefficient, P, P values for significance of FIS after a 1000 permu-
tation test. Localities with low sample sizes are not shown (Vilches Alto, Panguipulli, PNVPR, and Llanquihue).
656 Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6

Figure 2.  Genetic structure analysis of Dromiciops gliroides in STRUCTURE. The STRUCTURE output is shown for K= 2. Each vertical bar represents a different
individual. The depth of color is proportional to the probability of belonging to the “Northern cluster” (dark gray) or to the “Southern cluster” (light gray).
PNVPR,Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales. The arrow indicates the limit between the mainland and Chiloé Island.

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Figure 3.  Results of the spatial structuring analysis in GENELAND suggesting four genetic clusters. Maps of posterior probability belonging to the clusters 1,
2, 3, and 4 are shown.

the northernmost sampled distribution of the “Monito del Monte” ranging from 0.016 to 0.074 (FST level interpretation followed that
on the mainland. This “Northern cluster” included individuals from of Freeland et al. 2011).
Vilches Alto, Caramávida, and Panguipulli. The second cluster, or
“Southern cluster,” grouped all individuals from the southernmost Migration Scenarios
distribution of D.  gliroides, including mainland and insular local- The analysis with Migrate-n suggested that there would be asym-
ities: 1) on the mainland: Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Rosales or metric gene flow between the Northern-Southern cluster and the
PNVPR and Parque Oncol (Valdivian coastal range); and 2) Chiloé Mainland-Chiloé Island cluster. In fact, the most likely migration
Island: Senda Darwin, Caulín, Quilar, and Llanquihue. scenario for the set of models that evaluated migration between
The GENELAND analysis recovered 4 genetic clusters (Figure 3). the Northern and Southern clusters was the “Southern-Northern”
Cluster 1 corresponded to individuals from the Vilches Alto locality, model. On the other hand, the most likely migration scenario for the
with a posterior probability of 0.8; Cluster 2 grouped together set of models that evaluated migration between the Mainland and
individuals from Chiloé Island, Parque Nacional Vicente Pérez Chiloé Island was the “Mainland-Chiloé Island” model (Table 4).
Rosales and Parque Oncol (Valdivia), with a posterior probability
of 0.9; Cluster 3 corresponded to individuals from Caramávida
(Nahuelbuta mountains), with a posterior probability of 0.9; Cluster
4 corresponded to individuals from Panguipulli, with a posterior Discussion
probability of 0.7 (Figure 3). To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses microsatellite
The FST value indicated little genetic differentiation between markers to assess geographic genetic variation (i.e., genetic diversity,
the “Northern” and “Southern” clusters (FST  =  0.034, P ≤ 0.001). spatial genetic structuring and migration) in D.  gliroides. Former
Moreover, when evaluating FST values between pairwise localities, the mtDNA studies assessed the secular processes of historical biogeog-
latter score showed low to moderate levels of genetic differentiation raphy and the postglacial recolonization dynamics of this species
Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6 657

Table 4.  Evaluation of the best migration models (values in bold) ac- consistent in detecting a major “Southern cluster” (39°42′–41°55′S
cording to the log-probability of data indicating“marginal likelihood” approximately). This cluster suggested a genetic connection between
(log ML), Bayes factor (BF), and model probability (MP) individuals from Chiloé Island and from the southernmost mainland
Migration models Log ML BF MP distribution of D.  gliroides, including the Valdivian coastal range.
Nevertheless, with respect to the “Northern cluster” detected by
a) Between the Northern and Southern cluster STRUCTURE, the GENELAND analysis showed a more complex
 Panmictic −1356.91 −222.26 5.5E-49 pattern of structuring in the northernmost distribution of the
  Southern-Northern −1245.78 0.00 1 “Monito del Monte.” For example, individuals from Vilches Alto,
 Northern-Southern −1270.65 −49.74 1.6E-11
Caramávida and Panguipulli (the “Northern cluster” according to
 Full −3336.64 −4181.72 0
the STRUCTURE analysis) were assigned to 3 different clusters in
b) Between the Chiloé Island and Mainland
 Panmictic −1408.02 −122.56 2.4E-27
GENELAND, with each individual assigned to its own cluster. A pos-
  Chiloé Island-Mainland −1384.23 −74.98 5.2E-17 sible explanation for this would be that the low prior genetic infor-
  Mainland-Island −1346.74 0 1 mation for the Bayesian approach of two Cluster-Localities such as

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 Full −6329.28 −9965.08 0 Vilches Alto (sample size n = 1) and Panguipulli (sample size n = 2)
produced spurious results in the posterior cluster assignment gener-
ated by GENELAND, recovering these localities as separate clusters.
(Himes et al. 2008). Here, we described a set of highly polymorphic The latter is consistent with the fact that the posterior probabilities
microsatellite loci that were sufficiently sensitive to reveal the current of these clusters were low (Vilches Alto  =  0.8; Panguipulli  =  0.7).
levels of genetic diversity and population structure of D.  gliroides Therefore, we do not have enough evidence to support the exist-
along its distribution in south-central Chile. This information par- ence of these apparent clusters in the northern distribution of the
tially fills a critical gap within marsupials because microsatellite loci “Monito del Monte.” On the other hand, if the sample size caused
are currently available for a few living marsupial species (Eldridge difficulties in the clustering, the sole sample from Parque Nacional
2010). Furthermore, as microsatellite markers have been widely Vicente Pérez Rosales in the southernmost distribution should also
used for conservation purposes (Arif et  al. 2011; Witzenberg and have represented an independent cluster. Nevertheless, this sample
Hochkirch 2011), our results represent valuable genetic data that was successfully assigned to the “Southern cluster.” Another possi-
could be considered in the management of D. gliroides populations. bility is that the georeferenced data included in the GENELAND
Moreover, conservation of this species is critical for marsupial rich- analysis (but not in STRUCTURE) provided evidence about the rele-
ness and understanding evolution because Dromiciops represents the vance of latitudinal distance in shaping the current genetic popula-
last living lineage of the ancient order Microbiotheria (Reig 1955). tion structure of D. gliroides. Partial support for this hypothesis is
In this study, we detected moderate to high levels of genetic di- the observed significant correlation between geographic and genetic
versity across D. gliroides populations. The overall genetic diversity distances in the Mantel test (r  =  0.597; P  =  0.015). When we dis-
along the sampled geographic range of this species was HO = 0.818 ± carded all localities with low sample sizes in a second GENELAND
0.023 and HE = 0.870 ± 0.012 (mean ± SD). Comparatively, such analysis (Vilches Alto n = 1, Panguipulli n = 2 and Parque Nacional
levels of genetic diversity are relatively high within marsupial lin- Vicente Pérez Rosales n = 1), we corroborated the occurrence of the
eages. For example, a review of published microsatellite data “Southern cluster” (Chiloé Island localities plus the Valdivian Coastal
estimating genetic diversity across 209 marsupial populations of range), whereas Caramávida in Nahuelbuta was recognized as a
different marsupial families reported that values of HE ranged from different cluster (“Northern cluster”), as shown by STRUCTURE
0.05 to 0.90 (0.66 ± 0.01; mean ± SE) (Eldridge 2010). Future con- (Supplementary Figure 3). In summary, our population structure
servation strategies for the “Monito del Monte” should be focused analyses consistently suggested the existence of at least 2 main gen-
on the maintenance of these levels of genetic diversity, which are etic clusters along the geographic distribution of the “Monito del
crucial for the persistence of populations of this unique marsupial Monte”: a “Northern cluster” and a “Southern cluster,” with a geo-
taxon (Lacy 1997; Bijlsma and Loeschcke 2012). Promotion of graphic limit occurring at approximately 39°31′S. This geographic
connectivity and gene flow among local ecological populations of limit could be an imprint of the Pleistocene ice dynamics that deeply
the “Monito del Monte” is critical to preserve its genetic diversity affected the molecular diversity of this marsupial, a scenario previ-
(Frankham et  al. 2005). Unfortunately, connectivity among popu- ously detected by mtDNA (Himes et al. 2008) and now recovered
lations of D. gliroides might be seriously threatened because of the by our microsatellite analysis. Gene flow interruption between the
dramatic fragmentation of the native habitat as a consequence of 2 genetic clusters due to current geographic barriers (such as rivers
ongoing human activities from the last centuries through the present or mountains) seems to be less likely at latitude 39°31′S. However,
(Echeverría et al. 2006; Lara et al. 2012). Arboreal marsupials are the strong forest fragmentation that has been occurring around that
particularly susceptible to habitat fragmentation due to their low latitude represents an important barrier to the gene flow of arboreal
capacity to move through anthropogenic habitats such as prairies marsupials (Li et al. 2016). As the forests of south-central Chile have
and agriculture lands (Johnstone et al. 2010; Lancaster et al. 2011; been deeply fragmented during the last centuries (Lara et al. 2012),
Pacioni et al. 2011). In D. gliroides, habitat fragmentation caused this scenario could be an important barrier to the connectivity be-
a decrease in population abundance and an interruption of their tween the northern and southern populations of the “Monito del
strong mutualistic relationships with the native flora of temperate Monte.” However, further studies are required to test this hypothesis.
forests (Rodríguez-Cabal et al. 2007; García et al. 2009). However, The geographic genetic structure detected through the micro-
the genetic consequences of fragmentation remain unknown in this satellite data for D.  gliroides partially agreed with previous
species, an issue that should be urgently evaluated in future studies. phylogeographic structure revealed by mtDNA (Himes et al. 2008).
On the other hand, we assessed the population structure Our results might corroborate the occurrence of a differentiable
of D.  gliroides by applying the Bayesian methods integrated in genetic group between 35–39°S, as Himes et al. (2008) proposed
STRUCTURE and GENELAND. Both of these analyses were (clade A). However, microsatellites did not recover the other two
658 Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6

genetic groups south of 39°S that were obtained with mtDNA not show congruent patterns. Our data suggested that the current
(clades B and C sensu Himes et  al. 2008). Rather, our analyses genetic structure of this species could be partially shaped by histor-
were consistent in showing that clade B (Valdivian coastal range) ical processes, such as Pleistocene migrations, as well as an isolation
and clade C (Chiloé Island plus mainland territory south of 40°S) by distance scenario. On the other hand, morphological variation
were grouped in a unique “Southern” genetic cluster by microsatel- could be determined mainly by variation in local environmental
lites. Clade B could correspond to a coastal refuge that might allow conditions (Maldonado et al. 2001, 2004). Additionally, molecular/
populations to genetically intermingle with nearby populations morphological incongruence could result, for example, from similar
after glacial retreat, thus homogenizing any differentiation due to selection pressures at different places leading to similar forms with
isolation. Thus, this is the type of genetic signal of a fast-evolving different genetic backgrounds (Pissard et al. 2008).
genetic marker that could now be detected through microsatellites.
In line with Himes’ et al. (2008) conclusions, genetic similarity be-
tween insular and mainland individuals of D. gliroides detected by Implications of Our Data for the Conservation of the
microsatellite screening could be a remnant of the historical gen- “Monito del Monte” and Recent Discussion About

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etic interchanges that occurred from Chiloé Island to the mainland Its Taxonomic Status
during the Pleistocene glaciations. Furthermore, microsatellites In a geographic context, where should conservation efforts be fo-
suggested that a low postglacial genetic differentiation occurred cused in D. gliroides? Our data suggested that conservation solely
between insular and nearby mainland populations. In addition, the based on isolated protected areas could be inadequate to ensure the
results of the MIGRATE analysis suggested a Southern-Northern overall maintenance of genetic diversity of this species. However,
movement of Dromiciops with the highest probability (which some of the localities analyzed in this study were characterized by
agreed with Himes et  al. (2008) results), and a Mainland-Island their genetic uniqueness (e.g., Senda Darwin in Chiloé Island and
scenario is also likely. In fact, the low genetic differentiation be- Caramávida in the Nahuelbuta mountains). Therefore, such areas
tween the populations of the “Monito del Monte” on both sides could require special attention in conservation programs as poten-
of the Chacao Channel suggests that this geographic separation tial reservoirs of the genetic identity of the “Monito del Monte.”
is recent and may be related to the glacial bridge created during Alternative possibilities should focus on some of the genetic clusters
the LGM (from 26 000 to 14 700 years BP; Mercer 1976, Heusser detected by microsatellites, that is, “Northern” or “Southern” clus-
and Flint 1977). Indeed, a sea level drop of up to 120 m below the ters. However, we should approach the value of these clusters as
present level has been reported during the LGM, connecting the eventual distinct conservation units with caution since the level of
mainland with the island through a land bridge along the exposed genetic differentiation between these genetic clusters was low, and
continental shelf (Moreno et  al. 1994). This land bridge might no evidence of restricted gene flow between them was suggested by
have allowed the crossing of biota between the mainland and the our data. Overall, we think that the recommended level of conser-
Chiloé archipelago. Colonization of D. gliroides toward the south, vation strategies should consider the entire distributional range of
and particularly to Chiloé Island, may have occurred from ice-free the “Monito del Monte” in south-central Chile. This is because our
zones (refugia) both from the southern portion of the coast in the data suggest that despite the genetic structuring detected by micro-
mainland and from the lowlands along the pre-Andean areas also satellites, this species constitutes a unique taxonomic entity with po-
in the mainland. Similar colonization routes from the mainland to tential current gene flow among its populations distributed along
Chiloé Island (although not contemporary) have been proposed for south-central Chile.
the colonization of the iguanid lizard Liolaemus pictus from the With respect to the recent discussion about the taxonomic status
mainland (Antillanca, Las Cascadas) to Chiloé Island (Vidal et al. of the “Monito del Monte,” a molecular study by Suarez-Villota
2012). Finally, we do not have evidence of current waif dispersal, et  al. (2018) agreed with our data in rejecting the existence of 3
rafting, or swimming of “Monito del Monte” (as has been evi- taxonomic entities [“species” as proposed by D`Elía et al. (2016)].
denced for other small mammal taxa, Gascon et al. 2000; Matocq Thus, in agreement with the results of Suarez-Villota et al. (2018),
et al. 2000) across the Chacao Channel, or promoted by anthropo- our microsatellite data recovered 2 main geographic genetic groups
genic activities. However, we cannot discard any of the former along the distribution of Dromiciops. However, this genetic struc-
scenarios to explain the relatedness between island and mainland ture does not seem to be associated with the occurrence of different
populations of this marsupial. species of the “Monito del Monte” (i.e., D. bozinovici in the north-
Furthermore, microsatellites showed that individuals from the ernmost distribution vs. D.  gliroides in the southernmost range).
Valdivian coastal range were not genetically differentiable from individ- Additionally, the occurrence of D.  mondaca, the Chilean endemic
uals from Chiloé Island and the nearby mainland. Such data could sug- form of the “Monito del Monte” sensu D´Elía et al. (2016), does not
gest current contemporary gene flow among populations of the “Monito have any support according to our data. Microsatellites suggested
del Monte” south of 39°S. This scenario was partially supported by the that Valdivian samples of Dromiciops (to which “mondaca” forms
MIGRATE analysis that suggested an alternative Southern-Northern would belong) constituted the same genetic population compared
migration scenario as the most likely route for Dromiciops. with individuals from Chiloé Island and the mainland, south of 39°S.
Despite the genetic structure detected with microsatellites, Consequently, our data showed that despite the subtle genetic struc-
our data showed that current levels of genetic differentiation in ture observed in the “Monito del Monte,” this taxon would repre-
D.  gliroides were low to moderate across the entire sampled geo- sent a unique taxonomic entity along its entire geographic range,
graphic distribution. Even, FST analysis revealed a low degree of as “Dromiciops gliroides.” Therefore, our results corroborate re-
genetic differentiation when overall “Northern” versus “Southern” cent findings that rejected the occurrence of additional species of
genetic clusters were compared. Low levels of geographical vari- Dromiciops (Valladares-Gómez et  al. 2017; Martin 2018; Suárez-
ation for the “Monito del Monte” were also observed by morpho- Villota et al. 2018).
logical data (Valladares-Gómez et al. 2017; Martin 2018). However, We hope that our study will stimulate researchers to generate
in terms of spatial structuring, genetic and morphologic data did new genetic data for a better understanding of the genetic variation
Journal of Heredity, 2019, Vol. 110, No. 6 659

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