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Subject: Art Grade: 3 Teacher: Alexis Breckenridge

Unit: Art and Feelings

Coping with 2 classes
Lesson 3: Stress Date: January 28, 2021 Length: 80 mins.
Lesson Overview:
To introduce the unit, I will ask the class what we started talking about in health and ask them
to summarize what they learned. This will lead into a discussion about how art can be used to
help us cope with emotions such as stress and anxiety. I will talk to the class about how we can
use art to help us feel better as well as talking about our problems. I will then inform the class
that we will be making clothes pin worry dolls. I will show the class what they will be making
and tell them the origin and legend behind worry dolls. I will explain and demonstrate how
they will approach the project before distributing materials and allowing them to begin.
Students will be encouraged to consider what they are going to tell their worry dolls about as
they are making them. Students will also be encouraged to consider the colours they are using
to make their worry dolls (are they using colors to represent their stress or the emotions they
hope the doll will bring). Students will be allowed to make a second doll if they finish their
doll quickly.
Alberta Program of Study:
Level One (Grade 2)

GLE: Reflection
SLE: Component 3 – Appreciation: Students will interpret artworks literally.
B. An art form dictates the way it is experienced.
C. An artwork tells something about its subject matter and the artist who made it.
GLE: Expression
SLE: Component 10 (i):
• Purpose 4: Students will express a feeling or message.
D. Feelings and moods can be interpreted visually, or symbolized.

Level Two (Grade 3)

GLE: Reflection
SLE: Component 3 – Appreciation: Students will interpret artworks by examining
their context and less visible characteristics.
D. Our associations influence the way we experience a work of art.
E. Art is valued for different reasons.
F. Art serves societal as well as personal needs.
GLE: Expression
SLE: Component 10 (i):
• Purpose 4: Students will express a feeling or a message.
D. Feelings and moods can be interpreted visually

Critical Questions: Lesson Guiding Questions:

• What is the benefit of using art to • How does art making contribute to
express myself visually? emotional well-being?
• How can art making help you sort
through feelings?

Resources: Materials and Equipment:

• • Clothes Pins • Thin Bracelet String
legend-of-the-guatemalan-worry- • Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
doll/ • Fine Tipped Sharpies

Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment:

• Discussion: Students will be • Project: Students will be formatively
formatively assessed on their assessed on their ability to express
ability to identify how colour, emotional responses to music in their
shade, texture, and symbols can be work using colour, shade, texture, and
used to express emotions. symbols.

Lesson Procedures
Introduction: (15 min.) Notes:
- Ask students if they remember what we are talking about
in health
- Summarize what anxiety is and feels like
- As a class, discuss situations that students may find
stressful and ways to cope with stress.
Body: (15 min.) Notes:
- Inform the class that we will be making clothes pin worry
- Inform students that worry dolls can help us cope with
- Tell the class the origin and legend behind worry dolls
- Show students a sample of what they will be making.
- Explain how they will approach the project before
distributing materials and allowing them to begin
• Students will be encouraged to consider what they
are going to tell their worry dolls about as they are
making them
• Students will be able to make multiple dolls
depending on how quickly they work

Differentiation: Notes:
- N/A

Consolidation Learning/Closure: (2 min.) Notes:

− When students finish making their dolls, they will be
asked to take the time to think about anything that is
worrying them and to whisper it to their dolls.
Clean-up: (5 min.) Notes:
− Students will be asked to hand their dolls in for
formative assessment
− Inform students that they can be taken home next class
− Ask students to put away materials and clean desks and
floor of any scraps

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