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Colegio Bautista Emmanuel

Students: Andrea Camila Melendez Valladares

Tirsa Abigail Alvarado Díaz

Teacher: Kyriat Stefany Marenco

Subject: English

Activity: Work guide for Antolín and the hill

Grade: 9°

Date of delivery: 30/October/2018


In this work we explain each chapter by means of a

summary and the role of each character abjuntado with
images so that this work is more desente I hope you enjoy
the book
characters and their role
Antoíln: is the narrator of the work and the main

chabela: is the network with the boss and get


matide: grandmother de antolin

anselmo: father of antoin

aurora mother of antolin

chapter #1

the first chapter talks about how our planet is destroyed full
of pollution the places where there were many trees plants
and animals are now buildings places where they were
ravines, rivers, pure water are now places of tea among
other things before they came to draw water wells While
the hour came bottled and has a price the hills are already
full of trees if not full of houses, roads in the book says that
our grandparents made their improvised bridges to reach
the boderon in lates parafo says: "only feel the smoke in
your lungs ... "That means that both vehicle and tree felling
makes our oxygen impure and we will no longer breathe
oxygen but smoke.
chapter #2

In this chapter, it is said that the mother of the tree planted

a tree and now that the tree is big, she talks to him every
day and feels it through the leaves, seeds and fruits, then
sows a seed and mother earth allowed that seed to grow.
arbolo and tells that some shadows tried to destroy the tree
but that their ancestors got upset and cursed them that
when they ate that fruit it gave them a sickness but now
that tree sleeps and feeds on the cold rain and its affection
chapter #3

in this chapter he speaks about his field says that his family
taught him to value the things around him, his parents told
him that he had to take care of the creation that God sent
us tells us that Mother Earth speaks to us through animals ,
trees, wind water etc.
explains how the moon indicates many things as an
example when there will be abundant water to plant
he says that his grandfather understood the weather and
the position of the person he left and said with security
whether it was going to rain or not.
chapter #4

in this chapter he begins to talk about his grandmother who

got up early and grabbed pots to bring water he always
wanted to accompany her but she never wanted to talk
about his ranch and the story of a very pretty girl and the
boss was attracted to her that I leave her pregnant and then
they fired her and she searched out that they did not see
any children crying that they all became men and women
and she tells us that the patrons were foreigners with eyes
of color and the coffee that people thought they were from
another country, his grandparents supported him to see
him help his parents cut the coffee
chapter #5

in this chapter he talks about coming to the kitchen to roast

the coffee and when he eats the coma he comes to
memories of when the grandparents left his grandfather
argued with his father to say who is more expert in raising
chickens and grandma told him the mother of e that she got
up to give food to the chicken and when the grandfather
got up and saw that they were already eaten went quiet
once the grandmother became ill they went to the hospital
and she was hospitalized and that they died plos to the
grandfather for careless
chapter #6

in this chapter he talks about the father saying that he was

recruited at an early age or he was raised and learned many
things when he was going to bring water to a neighbor or
sick to bring him a drink of water then he says that he gets
sick and the wife and neighbors They went to spend
consutated they gave you the mother was thin and did not
eat and one day the neighbors died to bed with the
husband then tells us that he would have had a brother but
for lack of nutrition the baby had to take it out and then he
was born and they were very careful with that pregnancy
chapter #7

in this chapter he talks to us before the death of the father,

he was mean to him, he apologized and he sent him food
and he told us of a third grade friend who one day made a
mischief they went into a tunnel and felt the smell of dead
animal and that the friend was a year younger than the one
that encouraged him when they were in the tunnel then
they felt a breeze and they realized that they were about to
sair and then entered the night they were very afraid.
chapter #8

in this chapter he tells us that his father died of bloodblood

while he was cleaning his father smiled at him and closed
his eyes and the neighbors died without telling them
anything, and they asked him if he was dead and that he
had passed the aurora. pan duce for his death tamales and
coffee when they took to the cemetery the neighbor took
turns taking the coffin so that he would forgive them and
not be angry with them
chapter #9

in this chapter he tells us that he felt that the mother was in

the kitchen and saw his father felt the smell of tobacco
He says that the trees felt the death of their parents did not
bear fruit but over time he gave them love and they put
leafy the horse that he had got trite and he thought that if
he saw him sad he would feel that way but then he died and
the neighbors helped him to bury him
chapter #10

in this chapter he talks about the meetings he had with the

father and spoke about the blessing that Mother Earth had
given them, that they should love the Earth after the Mass
they have prepared an animal when he was thirty-five years
old. buy a horse although the ide terraba by the experience
that tube with the horse that left him the parents bought it
and baptized it with the name of andre then dogs came and
gave them love
chapter #11

This chapter tells us the dogs that lay on top of dry leaves
look at each other and it seems that they converge when
we were born. My mother was ashamed because we were
all girls. She told her eyes to Tamagas so that the boss
would not poison her mother. dump where there was food
at night the neighbors listen to their conversations and they
were surprised because he lived alone on some occasion cut
chirivisco to prepare soup when he cut fruits or vegetables
the advice of his parents and grandparents are present had
with mother Earth ask permission to take the things
chapter #12

in this chapter he says that he ran through the coffee trees

to put out his loneliness, he smells the aroma and he sleeps
while waking the butterflies ambiguous through his head
comm knows that nadi listens to laughs with these
butterflies the black earth is embedded in his nails and he
feels that his heart draws in the trees the coffee the singing
of branches and songs of bird looking for where to
accomodate accompany his footsteps
andres al vese goes to meet him and there are four that
confuse between the leaves
chapter #13

In this chapter, we know that when the Christmas season

approaches, the stars exude the mango tree. The farm
accesses, with bundles of grass, prodigious trees of
ancestors that achieve enviable fires. They spread joys and
experience tastes known in other paradises that forgive us
for mistreatment. we did during that year they celebrate
until dawn when the early morning finds us trembling next
to the bonfire
chapter #14

This chapter tells us that unknown people arrived with

devices that they installed in different places of the
mountain belt. It is a supermarket that they need to build,
but the business will not work. People think more about
eating than at home the mayor met them in front of the
house. nice project that will help the unanimity says the
one of them made an ademan of getting up the pants
during the winter they will not get wet we will give them
pictures there will be transportation with special price they
will be fesitivales they do not have poignant streets they
will all remember the father luís
chapter #15

In this chapter he tells us that they are doing another

shopping center they have to avoid that they continue to
deforest in the early hours. They bring stones and old tires if
the children want to collaborate and write posters with
allusive phrases. all are unveiled at five o'clock they started
the protest they got stuck blocking the traffic for a week
they could not sleep because they threatened them
one night when it was hot he decided to sleep in the
hammock that is in the yard, the dogs said three men
dressed as civilians threw him to the ground and
handcuffed him they had him for two days, a man in a white
shirt and dress pants arrived. their lands
chapter #16

this chapter tells us about the recovery I did a concentration

campaign have to avoid burned the sick smoke to the
ground and the jobenes for more than tell of the evils to
health they said it was faster to burn
they are going to use a corn that they call transgenics dcn
that endures bacteria they are going to throw fertilizer they
have one that has come from another pee this hurts the
environment they do not know that product and it brings
too many chemicals until they got angry and said let them
the environmentalists advise them the transgenic maize
artificially introduces biogenic characteristics that do not
allow the plant itself to defend itself against insects
chapter #17

in this chapter he tells us that he tried to remember fresh

mornings before the constructions the farms were parks the
branches of the trees received pigeons burns birds of
different colors the chickens and chicks ran towards the
tree of magician
when passing through the remains it saddens him to see the
contaminated water the indecisive climate turns the earth
warmer and the rains are strange to the settlers who sold
their lands and left the city
ali as casitas have a piece of land the plants do not grow and
die of heat
chapter #18

in this chapter it tells us that people believe that one does

not know how to keep buildings excavated deep by covering
the earth, the internal vertices are weakened, the fertility of
the soils is obstructed, and then those of the alcadia want
to move us to improvised halls where there is no hygienic
connections do not allow them to evict from this place are
others who have destrido what you have given them when
they sleep appear rebounds and many faecen or are lost in
the waters
chapter #19

This chapter tells us that a group of old people rested under

the shade of an amate commented every day is more
difficult to find pantas medicinaes the hospital is ejos one
ega tempran and is with long lines and if one goes serious
he comes across that the doctors they are in huega there
are shrubs like the altamisa that does not die if we are not
counted the young people would not know of that bush is
maas nor know the leaf of blow daria astima if it disappears
altogether we must have faith what God gives us nobody or
removes he knows that the pantas are important our
mission is to take care of them
chapter #20

in this chapter tells us that every day to be under the star

sees the people who vanish the sugarcane they remember
the secret river and the pool that went together if mother
at first he was afraid seemed arms hanging
the mother was the first to hold the best position was a
stone that was in that place covered his head with a rag to
cover the sun
When the sun announced that they were the same as the
trde, they left with their mother as they passed by the
He formed little hands with his hands and moistened his lips
and his body in his waterfalls. He felt freshness hugging him.
chapter #21

in this chapter tells us that lor l see the buildings saddened

you know that your ancestors do not appreciate and their
interest is to destroy believe life is in the modern with steps
to slopes and tunes that cross mountains that destroy
nature to make large buildings they feel proud or that they
want to appear to other countries in some countries are
becoming aware when they go to the market to raise a bag
of blanket but people in the supermarkets are moestan if
you do not give enough plastic bags
chapter #22

in this chapter he tells us that they went to visit fernando is

very serious of the beating saw a sign that announced the
opening of the center dogs that accompanied them were in
solidarity with them we must take care what little we have
left but they finish with everything for our part we
organized to go to visit the school of the canton the
participation of them coabboro so that the majority of
inhabitants would become aware the sixth grade students
improvised drums with cumbos and cans they bequeathed
to the agreement of not building they made that they
signed an agreement they signed the document signed I
publish in national newspapers and outside of the country
chapter #25

the sun has not come out yet, overflowing the saddlebags of
all the traveling threesomes or more are distinguished in
each barrow
he notices for the first time cor rincon of his house the nuna
helps him to see eyes look like abandoned children
approach shy moving the wave all the friend smiled and
looked at him zeal the animals are entertained smelling
strange things has spent several days a water day runs
between the legs of the horses the group dl that he was a
part took a path lena of vines gave thanks to the mother
natureza praying and transforming plos in anzas defeated
hurtful and thick vegetciones
chapter #27

in this chapter we talk about the lack of water after a week

it rained the downpour was continuous the paths were
flooded a tree dropped leaves that looked like cows she
emptied the pools to be inside a cave the rain relaxed their
muscles and slept for days each one had an enchanted
dream came out protected by the giant leaves, bushes and
putiagudas branches some obos surrounded you they
covered themselves fast of mud when the rain ceased to
thank god and mother earth
chapter #28

in this chapter he had that I raise agitated felt that his chest
came out a view where his friends slept the feelings of guilt
seized him and he wanted to dispense that night that while
he was breaking dry sticks with his hand he looked back and
everyone was like an endless well calmed the anxiety
chewing raises inside her grew distrust towards their migos
and asked a question
As soon as the sun came up it was towards them a bird
passing by ventilating its hair
chapter #29

in this chapter it tells us that the sky is adoran by many

colors the pantas are in its environment its smell is felt
the whims and disconsolations that arose became words of
it tells us that the obstacles that God sent to reach the
summit was a cave without walls, the dogs kept running,
barking the animals licked bones and ran through thickets of
peace, the commitment united them to rescue and paradise
almost lost

in the annex we will explain how the work was

shared with my companion. We had to keep the
book for one week each to read the whole book,
then we divided into half each one, then make the
for not complicanos we spent the summaries and
one did it to digital to avoid any problem

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