Chemical Bonding

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Chemical Bonding [18]

(Only one option is correct)
Q.1 An ionic bond A B  is most likely to be formed when :
(A) the ionization energy of A is high and the electron gain enthalpy of B is low
(B) the ionization energy of A is low and the electron gain enthalpy of B is high
(C) the ionization energy of A and the electron gain enthalpy of B both are high
(D) the ionization energy of A and the electron gain enthalpy of B both are low

Q.2 The compound which contains ionic as well as covalent bonds is

(A) C2H4Cl2 (B) CH3I (C) KCN (D) H2O2

Q.3 The hydration of ionic compounds involves :

(A) Evolution of heat (B) Weakening of attractive forces
(C) Dissociation into ions (D) All of these

Q.4 Which has the lowest anion to cation size ratio :

(A) LiF (B) NaF (C) CsI (D) CsF

Q.5 The compound which has the highest Lattice energy is

(A) LiF (B) LiCl (C) NaCl (D) MgO

Q.6 A bond formed between two like atoms cannot be

(A) ionic (B) covalent (C) coordinate (D) metallic

Q.7 Which of the following contains electrovalent and polar covalent bonds ?
(A) CH 4 (B) H 2 O2 (C) NH4Cl (D) HCN


Q.8 A sigma bond is formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals of atoms A and B. If the bond is formed along
the x-axis, which of the following overlaps is acceptable ?
(A) s orbital of A and p z orbital of B (B) px orbital of A and p y orbital of B
(C) p z orbital of A and p x orbital of B (D) p x orbital of A and s orbital of B

Q.9 How many bond pairs are present in IF7 molecule :

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 8

Q.10 PCl5 exists but NCl 5 does not because :

(A) Nitrogen has no vacant 2d-orbitals (B) NCl 5 is unstable
(C) Nitrogen atom is much smaller than P (D) Nitrogen is highly inert

Q.11 Which of the following has/have a strong covalent bond?

(A) Cl-F (B) F-F (C) C-Cl (D) C-F

Chemical Bonding [19]

Q.12 Which of the following species are hypervalent?
1. PCl5, 2. BF3, 3. XeF2 , 4. CO32–
(A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 3 (C) 3, 4 (D) 1, 2

Q.13 The types of bond present in N2O5 are

(A) only covalent (B) only ionic (C) ionic and covalent (D) covalent & coordinate

Q.14 NH 3 and BF3 combine readily because of the formation of :

(A) a covalent bond (B) a hydrogen bond
(C) a coordinate bond (D) an ionic bond

Q.15 Which of the following molecules does not have coordinate bonds?
(A) CH3–NC (B) CO (C) O3 (D) CO 32

Q.16 Which of the following Lewis dot diagrams is(are) incorrect ?

Cl  H  H H
   |  | |
(C)  H  N  H  [ S] (D) H  N  N  H

(A) Na  O  C l  (B) Cl C Cl
   |   
Cl  H 

Q.17 The possible structure(s) of monothiocarbonate ion is :


(A) S (B) S (C) C (D) C


Q.18 The valency of sulphur in sulphuric acid is :

(A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 6

Q.19 The total number of valence electrons in 4.2g of N 3 ion are :

(A) 2.2 NA (B) 4.2 NA (C) 1.6 NA (D) 3.2 NA


1 2 3
Q.20 In the following compound C H 2  C H  C H 2  C  CH , the C 2  C3 bond is of the type :

(A) sp  sp 2 (B) sp 3  sp 3 (C) sp  sp 3 (D) sp 2  sp 3

Q.21 Which of the following has a geometry different from the other three species (having the same geometry)?
(A) BF4 (B) SO42 (C) XeF4 (D) PH 4

Chemical Bonding [20]

Q.22 Maximum bond energy is in :
(A) F2 (B) N 2 (C) O2 (D) equal

Q.23 Among the following species, identify the isostructural pairs : NF3 , NO3 , BF3 , H 3O  , OF2

(A) [ NF3 , NO3 ] and [ BF3 , H 3O  ] (B) [ NF3 , OF2 ] and [ NO3 , BF3 ]

(C) [ NF3 , H 3O  ] and [ NO 3 , BF3 ] (D) [ NF3 , H3O  ] and [OF2 , BF3 ]

Q.24 Number and type of bonds between two carbon atoms in CaC 2 are :
(A) one sigma () and one pi () bond (B) one  and two  bonds
(C) one  and one and a half  bond (D) one  bond

Q.25 In C  C bond in C 2 H 6 undergoes heterolytic fission, the hybridisation of carbon in the resulting two
species is / are
(A) sp 2 both (B) sp 3 both (C) sp 2 , sp 3 (D) sp, sp 2

Q.26 The hybridisation and shape of BrF3 molecule are :

(A) sp 3d and bent T shape (B) sp 2 d 2 and tetragonal
(C) sp 3d and bent (D) none of these

Q.27 The shape of methyl cation (CH 3 ) is likely to be:

(A) linear (B) pyramidal (C) planar (D) spherical

Q.28 The structure of XeF2 involves hybridization of the type :

(A) sp 3 (B) dsp 2 (C) sp 3d (D) sp 3 d 2

Q.29 In the XeF4 molecule, the Xe atom is in the

(A) sp2-hybridized state (B) sp3-hybridised state
(C) sp3d3-hybridized state (D) sp3d2-hybridized state

C – OH

Q.30 How many - and - bonds are there in (salicylic) acid?

(A) 10, 4 (B) 16, 4 (C) 18, 2 (D) 16, 2

Chemical Bonding [21]

Q.31 Which of the following has been arranged in increasing order of size of the hybrid orbitals ?
(A) sp  sp 2  sp 3 (B) sp 3  sp 2  sp (C) sp 2  sp 3  sp (D) sp 2  sp  sp 3

Q.32 In the context of carbon, which of the following is arranged in the correct order of electronegativity :
(A) sp  sp 2  sp 3 (B) sp 3  sp 2  sp (C) sp 2  sp  sp 3 (D) sp 3  sp  sp 2

Q.33 When 2 s  2 s, 2 p  2 p and 2 p  2s orbitals overlap, the bond strength decreases in the order :
(A) p  p  s  s  p  s (B) p  p  p  s  s  s
(C) s  s  p  p  p  s (D) s  s  p  s  p  p

Q.34 The shapes of IF5 and IF7 are respectively :

(A) distorted square pyramidal and pentagonal bipyramidal
(B) octahedral and pyramidal
(C) trigonal bipyramidal and pentagonal bipyramidal
(D) distorted square planar and distorted octahedral

Q.35 Carbon atoms in C 2 (CN ) 4 are :

(A) sp-hybridized (B) sp 2 -hybridized
(C) sp- and sp 2 hybridized (D) sp, sp 2 and sp 3 - hybridized

Q.36 CO2 is isostructural with

(I) HgCl 2 (II) NO 2 (III) SnCl 4 (IV) C 2 H 2
(A) I and III (B) II and IV (C) I and IV (D) III and IV

Q.37 The ratio of  and  bonds in benzene is :

(A) 2 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 8

Q.38 The bond angle and hybridization in ether (CH 3OCH 3 ) is :

(A) 106º51, sp 3 (B) 104º31, sp 3 (C) > 109° 28' sp3 (D) None of these

Q.39 The shape of a molecule which has 3 bond pairs and one lone pair is :
(A) Octahedral (B) Pyramidal (C) Triangular planar (D) Tetrahedral

Q.40 Which molecule is T shaped :

(A) BeF2 (B) BCl3 (C) NH 3 (D) ClF3

Q.41 According to hybridisation theory maximum s-character is found in bond formed by ( * ) atom.
* * * *
(A) C H 4 (B) SF6 (C) X eO 64 (D) S F4

Chemical Bonding [22]

Q.42 A -bond is formed by two p x orbitals each containing one unpaired electron when they approach each
other along :
(A) x - axis (B) y - axis (C) z - axis (D) any direction

Q.43 Which of the following pairs is (are) isostructural?

(A) SF4 and SiF4 (B) SF6 and SiF62 (C) SiF62 and SeF62 (D) XeO64 and TeF62

Q.44 The structure of XeF6 in vapour phase is

(A) pentagonal bipyramidal (B) trigonal bipyramidal
(C) capped octahedron (D) square bipyramidal


Q.45 Cyanogen, (CN ) 2 , has a ____ shape/structure :
(A) Linear (B) Zig-zag (C) V-shape (D) Cyclic

Q.46 The formal charges on the three O-atoms in O3 molecule are

(A) 0, 0, 0 (B) 0, 0, –1 (C) 0, 0, +1 (D) 0, +1, –1

Q.47 The types of bonds present in CuSO4·5H2O are

(A) electrovalent and covalent
(B) electrovalent , coordinate covalent & H-bond
(C) covalent, coordinate covalent & H-bonds
(D) electrovalent, covalent, coordinate covalent & H-bond

Q.48 Which of the following has been arranged in order of decreasing dipole moment ?
(A) CH 3Cl  CH 3 F  CH 3 Br  CH 3 I (B) CH 3 F  CH 3Cl  CH 3 Br  CH 3 I
(C) CH 3Cl  CH 3 Br  CH 3 I  CH 3 F (D) CH 3 F  CH 3Cl  CH 3 I  CH 3 Br

Q.49 Which of the following has the least dipole moment

(A) NF3 (B) CO2 (C) SO2 (D) NH 3

Q.50 The experimental value of the dipole moment of HCl is 1.03 D. The length of the H  Cl bond is
1.275 Å . The percentage of ionic character in HCl is :
(A) 43 (B) 21 (C) 17 (D) 7


Q.51 The dipole moment of is 1.5 D. The dipole moment of is :

(A) 0 D (B) 1.5 D (C) 2.86 D (D) 2.25 D

Chemical Bonding [23]

Q.52 The correct order of decreasing X  O  X bond angle is ( X  H , F or Cl ) :
(A) H 2O  Cl 2O  F2O (B) Cl 2 O  H 2O  F2O
(C) F2O  Cl 2 O  H 2O (D) F2O  H 2O  Cl2O

Q.53 Which has higher bond energy :

(A) F2 (B) Cl 2 (C) Br2 (D) I 2

Q.54 The bond angle in PH 3 is :

(A) Much lesser than NH 3 (B) Equal to that in NH 3
(C) Much greater than in NH 3 (D) Slightly more than in NH 3

Q.55 H  B  H bond angle in BH 4 is :
(A) 180º (B) 120º (C) 109º (D) 90º

Q.56 In the series ethane, ethylene and acetylene, the C  H bond energy is maximum in
(A) The same in all the three compounds (B) Ethane
(C) Ethylene (D) Acetylene

Q.57 If ethylene molecule lies in X -Y plane then nodal planes of the -bond will lie in
(A) XZ plane (B) YZ plane
(C) In a plane that bisects C–C axis (D) XY plane

Q.58 Which of the following models best describes the bonding between layer of the graphite structure ?
(A) metallic bonding (B) ionic bonding
(C) non-metallic covalent bonding (D) van der Waals forces

Q.59 Ethanol has a higher boiling point than dimethyl ether though they have the same molecular weight. This is due to :
(A) resonance (B) coordinate bonding (C) hydrogen bonding (D) ionic bonding

Q.60 Which of the following compounds would have significant intermolecular hydrogen bonding ?
HF , CH 3OH , N 2O4 , CH 4
(A) HF , N 2 O4 (B) HF , CH 4 , CH 3OH (C) HF , CH 3OH (D) CH 3OH , CH 4

Q.61 For H 2 O2 , H 2 S , H 2O and HF , the correct order of decreasing strength of hydrogen bonding is :
(A) H 2 O  HF  H 2O2  H 2 S (B) HF > H2O2 > H2O > H2S
(C) HF  H 2O  H 2O2  H 2 S (D) H 2 O2  H 2O  HF  H 2 S

Q.62 Which one of the following does not have intermolecular H-bonding?
(A) H2O (B) o-nitro phenol (C) HF (D) CH3COOH

Chemical Bonding [24]

Q.63 The order of strength of hydrogen bonds is:
(A) ClH ...Cl  NH ...N  OH ...O  FH ...F (B) ClH ...Cl  NH ...N  OH ...O  FH ...F
(C) ClH ...Cl  NH ...N  OH ...O  FH ...F (D) ClH ...Cl  NH ...N  OH ...O  FH ...F

Q.64 Which of the following exhibit/s H-bonding?

(A) CH4 (B) H2Se (C) N2H4 (D) H2S

Q.65 The H bond in solid HF can be best represented as:

(A) H  F ....H  F ....H  F (B)
(C) H H H H (D) F F F F

Q.66 The volatility of HF is low because of :

(A) its low polarizability (B) Strong intramolecular H-bonding
(C) its small molecular mass (D) Strong intermolecular H-bonding

Q.67 Two ice cubes are pressed over each other and unite to form one cube. Which force is responsible for
holding them together :
(A) Ionic attraction (B) Covalent attraction
(C) Hydrogen bond formation (D) Dipole-dipole attraction

Q.68 Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is found in :

(A) Salicylaldehyde (B) Water (C) Acetaldehyde (D) Phenol

Q.69 The pairs of bases in DNA are held together by :

(A) Hydrogen bonds (B) Ionic bonds (C) Phosphate groups (D) Deoxyribose groups

Q.70 In which of the following compounds, breaking of covalent bond takes place?
(A) Boiling of H2O (B) Melting of KCN (C) Boiling of CF4 (D) Melting of SiO2

More than one options are correct

Q.71 Atoms combine so that,
(A) They can always attain stable configuration to that of nearest nobel gas.
(B) They can attain stable configuration if possible, to that of nearest nobel gas.
(C) Their potential energy can increase and hence bond energy may increase.
(D) Their potential energy can decrease and hence bond energy may increase.

Q.72 Which of the following compounds contain ionic, covalent and cordinate bonds?
(A) NH4Cl (B) KCN (C) NaBF4 (D) NaOH

Q.73 Which of the following have a three dimensional network structure ?

(A) SiO2 (B) Diamond (C) P4 ( white ) (D) CCl 4

Chemical Bonding [25]

Q.74 Which of the following statements is/are true?
(A) Covalent bonds are directional
(B) Ionic bonds are nondirectional
(C) A polar bond is formed between two atoms which have the same electronegativity value.
(D) The presence of polar bonds in a polyatomic molecule suggests that it has zero dipole moment

Q.75 The octet rule is not obeyed in :

(A) CO2 (B) BCl3 (C) PCl5 (D) SiF4

Q.76 To which of the following species octet rule is not applicable :

(A) BrF5 (B) SF6 (C) IF7 (D) CO

Q.77 Pick out among the following species isoelectronic with CO2 :
(A) N 3 (B) (CNO )  (C) (NCN ) 2 (D) NO2

Q.78 Which of the following oxyacids of sulphur contain S  S bonds ?

(A) H 2 S 2 O8 (B) H 2 S 2O6 (C) H 2 S 2O4 (D) H 2 S 2 O5

Q.79 Which of the following species contain coordinate covalent bond :

(A) AlCl3 (B) CO (C) [ Fe(CN ) 6 ]4 (D) N 3

Q.80 Which of the following statement(s) is / are not correct?

(A) Hybridization is the mixing of atomic orbitals of large energy difference.
(B) sp 2  hybrid orbitals are formed from two p - atomic orbitals and one s- atomic orbital

(C) sp 3d 2  hybrid orbitals are at 90º to one another

(D) sp3  hybrid orbitals are directed towards the corners of a regular tetrahedron

Q.81 Which of the following species is (are) isostructural with XeF4 ?

(A) ICl 4 (B) I3 (C) BrF4 (D) XeO4

Q.82 Which of the following statements is/are correct ?

(A) NH 2 shows sp 2  hybridisation whereas NH 2 shows sp 3  hybridisation
(B) Al (OH ) 4 has a regular tetrahedral geometry
(C) sp 2  hybridized orbitals bonded to same substituents have equal s- and p- character
(D) Hybridized orbitals always form  - bonds

Q.83 There is change in the hybridisation when:

(A) NH 3 combines with H  (B) AlH 3 combines with H 
(C) NH 3 forms NH 2 (D) SiF4 forms SiF62

Chemical Bonding [26]

Q.84 Which of the following statement is/are correct
(A) Hybridisation is the mixing of pure atomic orbitals having less energy difference
(B) sp 3 d 2  hybrid orbitals are at 90º to each other
(C) sp 3 d  hybrid orbitals are directed towards the corners of a regular tetrahedron
(D) sp 3 d 2  hybrid orbitals are directed towards the corners of a regular octahedron

Q.85 State the wrong statement :

(A) Free rotation around the single bond is not possible. (B) p-orbitals always overlap sideways
(C) s-orbitals never form  - bonds
(D) There can be more than one sigma bond between two atoms

Q.86 sp 3 hybridisation is in :

(A) AlH 4 (B) CH 3 (C) ClO2 (D) NH 2

Q.87 Which of the following has (have) regular octahedral geometry :

(A) SbCl6 (B) SnCl 62 (C) XeF6 (D) IO65

Q.88 Shape of NH 3 is very similar to :

(A) SeO32 (B) CH 3 (C) BH 3 (D) CH 3

Q.89 Which of the following have same shape as NH 2 ?

(A) CO2 (B) SnCl 2 (C) SO2 (D) BeCl 2

Q.90 Which of the following is (are) linear ?

(A) I 3 (B) I 3 (C) PbCl2 (D) XeF2

Q.91 Which of the following species are linear ?

(A) ICl 2 (B) I3

(C) N 3 (D) ClO2

Q.92 Which of the following compounds possesses zero dipole moment?

(A) Water (B) Benzene (C) Carbon tetrachloride (D) Boron trifluoride

Q.93 Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) The crystal lattice of ice is formed by covalent as well as hydrogen bonds
(B) The density of water increases when heated from 0º C to 4º C
(C) Above 4º C the thermal agitation of water molecules increases. Therefore, intermolecular distance
increases and water starts expanding
(D) The density of water decreases from 0º C to a maximum at 4º C

Chemical Bonding [27]

Q.94 Which of the following compounds has bond angle as nearly 90º ?
(A) NH 3 (B) H 2 S (C) H 2O (D) SF6

Q.95 For propadiene H 2 C  C  CH 2 , correct statement(s) is / are :

1 2 3
(A) Molecule is non planar
(B) Molecule is nonpolar
(C) Nodal plane of -bond formed by C1 & C2 is perpendicular to that of formed by C2 & C3.
(D) Nodal plane of -bond formed by C1 & C2 is coplanar with that of formed by C2 & C3.

Q.96 Molecule(s) having both polar and non polar bonds is / are
(A) O2F2 (B) S2Cl2 (C) N2H4 (D) S2F10


(A) has intermolecular H - bonding

(B) has intramolecular H- bonding
(C) has low boiling point
(D) is steam-volatile

Q.98 Intermolecular hydrogen bonding increases the enthalpy of vapourization of a liquid due to the:
(A) decrease in the attraction between molecules
(B) increase in the attraction between molecules
(C) decrease in the molar mass of unassociated liquid molecules
(D) increase in the effective molar mass of hydrogen - bonded molecules

Q.99 Which of the following molecules have intermolecular hydrogen bonds ?

(A) KH 2 PO4 (B) H 3 BO3
(C) C6 H 5CO2 H (D) CH 3OH

Q.100 Which of the following have dipole moment ?

(A) nitrobenzene (B) p-chloronitrobenzene
(C) m-dichlorobenzene (D) o-dichlorobenzene

Q.101 The correct order of lattice energies of given ionic compounds is / are
(A) LiF < NaF < KF < RbF < CsF
(B) MgO > CaO > SrO > BaO
(C) LiF > LiCl > LiBr > LiI
(D) MgO > MgF2 > LiF > NaF

Chemical Bonding [28]

Match the Column :
Q.102 Column I Column II
(A) BrF3 (P) One angle 90°
(B) TeF5¯ (Q) Central atom is sp3d2 hybridised
(C) IF7 (R) Non planar
(D) XeF4 (S) Polar

Q.103 Column I Column II

(A) I (CN)2¯ (P) Having p–p bond & D = 0
(B) CO3 2– (Q) Having p–d bond & D  0
(C) XeO2F2 (R) Planar
(D) SOF4 (S) Central atom is sp3d

Q.104 Column I Column II

(A) H2 S 2 O 5 (P) Central atom is sp3 hybridised
(B) H6B2O72– (Q) M–O–M ie oxo linkage is present
(C) H4 P 2 O 6 (R) M–M ie oxo linkage is absent
(D) H6Si2O7 (S) Non planar

Chemical Bonding [29]

(Assertion & Reason)
Q.1 Statement-1 : Higher the lattice energy greater will be the ease of formation of an ionic compound.
Statement-2 : Lattice energy is evolved during formation of an ionic compound.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.2 Statement-1 : Lattice energy of an ionic solid can not be infinite.

Statement-2 : As inter ionic distance tends to zero, repulsive forces dominate over attractive forces.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.3 Statement-1 : If all same type of surrounding atoms and lone pairs are symmetrically placed around
central atom, the molecule will be non polar.
Statement-2 : The direction of bond moment is from positive pole towards negative pole.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.4 Statement-1 : During formation of co-ordinate bond acceptor accepts electron pair only when its
octet has not been completed
Statement-2 : Inspite of having completed octet, acceptor can accept electron pair provided it has
empty 'd' orbitals.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.5 Statement-1 : On the basis of overlapping of pure atomic orbital the shape of NH3 molecule will be
trigonal pyramidal.
Statement-2 : According to pure atomic orbital overlapping each  HNH is of 90°.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.6 Statement-1 : lone pair – lone pair repulsion is found to be greater than lone pair b.p. repulsion.
Statement-2 : lone pair is under the influence of one nucleus while b.p. is under that of two nuceli.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Chemical Bonding [30]

Q.7 Statement-1 : Phosphorus exists as P4 not as P2
Statement-2 : Sidewise overlapping between two 3p orbitals is less effective.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.8 Statement-1 : Inorganic benzene (B3N3H6) and organic benzene (C6H6) are isoelectronic & hence
are isostructural.
Statement-2 : dC–C in benzene is greater than dB–N in inorganic benzene (borazine).
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.9 Statement-1 : Compounds, like graphite, H3BO3, boron nitride (inorganic graphite etc.), which
composed of layers in solid state have lubricating action.
Statement-2 : Two dimensional layers are bonded to one another by weak Vander Waals forces.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
(Comprehension) (Q.10 to Q.11)
During the formation of a covalent bond each participating atom usually acquires electronic configuration
to that of nearest noble gas, and the shared electron pair remains localized between the bonded nuclei.
Besides these shared electrons there are certain electron pairs which remains localized on C.A. or on
substituent or both and are called non bonding or lone pair electrons.
Q.10 Which of the following species does / do not follow octet rule:
(A) Hypovalent (B) Hypervalent
(C) Odd electron molecules (D) All

Q.11 In SO32– the total number of lone pairs and bond pairs are respectively
(A) 18 and 4 (B) 9 and 8 (C) 9 and 4 (D) 7 and 4

(Comprehension) (Q.12 to Q.14)

Hybridisation is a theoretical concept, as state of hybridisation cannot be detected even by spectro-
scopically; unlike intermediates or transition state in various reactions. but it corrects the predictions
which are based simple on overlapping of pure atomic orbitals. VSEPR theory predicts precisely shape
and bond angle in a given molecule.
Q.12 In which pair of molecules bond angles are not same:

(A) CCl4 & SiCl4 (B) NH4+ & N F4 (C) ClF6+ & SF6 (D) None

Q.13 The molecules / ions which are planar as well as polar.

(A) BF3 , H2O, H F , NH2¯ (B) SnCl2 , I3+ , NH2¯, IF3
(C) CO32– , I3¯, SF2, XeF2 (D) NO2¯, XeF4, ICl4¯, NH2+
Q.14 The correct order of energy levels of hybrid orbitals.
(A) sp > sp2 > sp3 (B) sp < sp2 < sp3 (C) sp2 > sp3 > sp (D) sp3 > sp > sp2
Chemical Bonding [31]
(Comprehension) (Q.15 to Q.16)
As one moves from sp hybridisation to sp3. % of s-character in hybrid orbital decreases from 50% to
25% and p-character increases from 50% to 75% and in any hybrid orbital total % of s & p- character
remains 100%. By increasing p-character the hybrid orbitals become elongated hence, their overlapping
extent decreases that is results into weak bond energy also bond angle decreases.
Q.15 Statement-1 : On decreasing s-character in hybrid orbitals, bond angle decreases.
Statement-2 : p-orbitals are at 90° to one another.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.16 The type of overlapping which produces bond of maximum bond energy is:
(A) sp3 – 1s (B) sp2 – 1s
(C) sp –1s (D) All have same bond energy

Q.17 State whether each statement is true or false. If false, write the correct statement.
(i) An element with low ionization potential is most likely to form a covalent bond with an other element
having a high electron gain enthalpy.
(ii) Ionic interactions are always stronger than covalent bonds.
(iii) Two non-metal atoms are likely to form covalent bonds on combination.
(iv) Ionic interactions are directional.

Q.18 State whether each statements is T or F, if F rectify.

(i) All diatomic molecules are non-polar.
(ii) All molecules having polar bonds are polar
(iii) The lone pairs of electrons do not contribute to the net dipole of a molecule.
(iv) The CH2Cl2 molecule may be polar or nonpolar depending on its geometry.
(v) The net dipole in the water molecule is the resultant of its bond dipoles.
(vi) SO2 is polar whereas CO2 is non-polar.
(vii) NH3 is less polar than NF3
(viii) If a co-ordinate bond neutralizes charge separation of a polar bond, then dipole moment of the bond

Q.19 Fill in the blanks.

(i) bonds are formed by the lateral overlap of a p-orbital with another ____ orbital in same phase.
(ii) Free rotation is possible if two atoms are bonded together only by a_________ bond.
(iii) The maximum number of  bonds that can be formed between two atoms is_______.
(iv) The repulsion between ____ is greater than the repulsion between two bonded pairs

(v) In (nitro benzene) the total number of bonded electrons equals ___________________.

Chemical Bonding [32]


Q.20 In solid Na Cl¯ one Na+ is surrounded by six Cl¯ ions find out total number of directional bonds formed
by each Na+ with Cl¯ ions.

Q.21 Find out total number of p–d bonds present in any one of its structures in case of PO43–

Q.22 Find out total number of p–p bonds present in ClO3¯.

Q.23 How many number of atomic orbitals are required, so that their mixing produces hybrid orbitals each
having % of s-character equal to 17%.

Q.24 AgNO3 gives a white precipitate with NaCl but not with CCl4 . Why ?

Q.25 Using VSEPR theory identify the type of hybridisation and draw the structure of OF2 .

Q.26 What should be the structure shape of the following as per VSEPR theory ?
(a) XeF2 (b) XeF4 (c) PBr5 (d) OF2 (e) I 3 and (f) I 3

Q.27 The percent ionic character in HCl is 18.08. The observed dipole moment is 1.08 D. Find the inter-nuclear
distance in HCl.

Q.28 Assuming that all the four valency of carbon atom in propane pointing towards the corners of a regular
tetrahedron. Calculate the distance between the terminal carbon atoms in propane. Given, C  C single
bond length is 1.54 Å.

Q.29 The dipole moment of HBr is 7.95 debye and the intermolecular separation is 1.94  10 10 m Find the %
ionic character in HBr molecule.

Q.30 HBr has dipole moment 2.6  10 30 C  m . If the ionic character of the bond is 11.5 %, calculate the
interatomic spacing.

Q.31 Dipole moment of LiF was experimentally determined and was found to be 6.32 D. Calculate percentage
ionic character in LiF molecule Li  F bond length is 156 pm.

Q.32 A diatomic molecule has a dipole moment of 1.2 D. If bond length is 1.0 Å, what percentage of an
electronic charge exists on each atom.

Q.33 Which will have a higher boiling point, Br2 or ICl , & why?

Q.34 Arrange noble gases , in the increasing order of b.p.

Chemical Bonding [33]

Choose the correct alternative (only one correct answer).
Q.1 The geometry & the type of hybrid orbitals present about the central atom in BF3 is : [ JEE '98]
(A) linear, sp 2
(B) trigonal planar, sp (C) tetrahedral sp 3 (D) pyramidal, sp3
Q.2 The correct order of increasing C - O bond length of, CO, CO 32- , CO2 is [ JEE '99]
(A) CO32- < CO2 < CO (B) CO2 < CO32- < CO
(C) CO < CO32- < CO2 (D) CO < CO2 < CO32-
Q.3 The geometry of H2S and its dipole moment are [ JEE '99]
(A) angular & non zero (B) angular & zero (C) linear & non zero (D) linear & zero
Q.4 In compounds type E Cl3, where E = B, P, As or Bi, the angles Cl - E - Cl for different E are in the order
(A) B > P = As = Bi (B) B > P > As > Bi (C) B < P = As = Bi (D) B < P < As < Bi
[ JEE '99]
Q.5 The most likely representation of resonance structure of p–nitrophenoxide is:

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.6 Amongst H2O, H2S , H2Se and H2Te, the one with the highest boiling point is [JEE 2000]
(A) H2O because of hydrogen bonding (B) H2Te because of higher molecular weight
(C) H2S because of hydrogen bonding (D) H2Se because of lower molecular weight
Q.7 The hybridization of atomic orbitals of nitrogen in NO 2 , NO3 and NH 4 are [JEE 2000]
(A) sp2, sp3 and sp2 respectively (B) sp, sp2 and sp3 respectively
(C) sp2, sp and sp3 respectively (D) sp2, sp3 and sp respectively

Q.8 The correct order of hybridization of the central atom in the following species NH3, PtCl 4 2 , PCl5 and
BCl3 is [JEE 2001]
2 3 2
(A) dsp , sp d, sp and sp 3 3 2 3
(B) sp , dsp , sp d, sp 2
2 2 3 3
(C) dsp , sp , sp , sp d (D) dsp2, sp3, sp2, sp3d

Q.9 Specify hybridization of N and B atoms in a 1 : 1 complex of BF3 and NH3 [JEE 2002]
(A) N : tetrahedral, sp3 ; B : tetrahedral, sp3 (B) N : pyramidal, sp3; B : pyramidal, sp3
(C) N : pyramidal, sp3 ; B : planar, sp2 (D) N : pyramidal, sp3; B : tetrahedral, sp3
Q.10 The nodal plane in the -bond of ethene is located in [JEE 2002]
(A) the molecular plane
(B) a plane parallel to the molecular plane
(C) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which bisects, the carbon-carbon  bond at right angle.
(D) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which contains, the carbon-carbon bond.
Q.11 Which of the following are isoelectronic and isostructural ? NO3 , CO 32 , ClO3 , SO 3 [JEE 2003]

(A) NO 3 , CO 32 (B) SO3, NO3 (C) ClO3 , CO 32 (D) CO32 , SO 3

Q.12 Which species has the maximum number of lone pair of electrons on the central atom? [JEE 2005]
(A) ClO3– (B) XeF4 (C) SF4 (D) I3–

Chemical Bonding [34]

Q.13 The percentage of p-character in the orbitals forming P–P bonds in P4 is [JEE 2007]
(A) 25 (B) 33 (C) 50 (D) 75
Q.14 The structure of XeO3 is [JEE 2007]
(A) linear (B) planar (C) pyramidal (D) T-shaped
Q.15 Statement-1 : p-Hydroxybenzoic acid has a lower boiling point than o-hydroxybenzoic acid.
Statement-2 : o-Hydroxybenzoic acid has intramolecular hydrogen bonding. [JEE 2007]
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False. (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
Q.16 Statement-1 : In water, orthoboric acid behaves as a weak monobasic acid.
Statement-2 : In water, orthoboric acid acts as a proton donor. [JEE 2007]
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False. (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
Q.17 The nitrogen oxide(s) that contain(s) N–N bond(s) is/are [JEE 2009]
(A) N2O (B) N2O3 (C) N2O4 (D) N2O5
Q.18 The species having pyramidal shape is [JEE 2010]
(A) SO3 (B) BrF3 (C) SiO3 2– (D) OSF2

Fill in the blanks.

Q.1 The shape of CH3+ is ___________. [ JEE '90]

Q.2 Amongst the three isomers of nitrophenol , the one that is least soluble in water is ______.
[ JEE '94]

Q.3 Among N2O , SO2 , I3+ & I3- , the linear species are ______ & _______ . [ JEE '97]

Q.4 The P - P - P angle in P4 molecule is ________. [ JEE '97]

State whether true or false.

Q.1 In benzene carbon uses all the three p-orbitals for hybridisation. [ JEE '87]

Q.2 sp2 hybrid orbitals have equal S & P character . [ JEE '87]

Q.3 The presence of polar bonds in a polyatomic molecule suggests that the molecule has non - zero
dipole moment . [ JEE '90]

Q.4 The dipolemoment of CH3 F is greater than CH3Cl. [ JEE '93]

Q.5 HBr is stronger acid than HI because of H - bonding. [ JEE '97]

Q.6 Al(OH)3 is amphoteric in nature. [ JEE '97]

Q.1 The number of water molecule(s) directly bonded to the metal centre in CuSO4. 5H2O is [JEE 2009]
Q.2 Based on VSEPR theory, the number of 90 degree F–Br–F angles in BrF5 is [JEE 2010]

Chemical Bonding [35]

Explain the following.
Q.1 Explain the molecule of magnesium chloride is linear whereas that of stannous chloride is angular.
[ JEE '87]

Q.2 Give reason that valency of oxygen is generally two whereas sulphur shows of 2 , 4, & 6.
[ JEE '88]

Q.3 Explain why the dipolemoment of NH3 is more than that of NF3. [ JEE '95]

Q.4 Explain PCl5 is formed but NCl5 cannot. [JEE '97]

Q.5 Explain why o-hydroxybenzaldehyde is a liquid at room temperature, while p-hydroxybenzaldehyde is a

high melting solid. [ JEE '99]

Q.1 Using VSEPR theory , identify the type of hybridisation & draw the structure of OF2. What are
oxidation states of O & F. [JEE '94]


Q.2 Arrange (toluene) , m–dichlorobenzene, o–dicholorobenzene and p–dichlorobenzene in order

of increasing dipole moment. [IIT 1996]

Q.3 Draw the structures of [JEE '97]

(i) XeF2 (ii) XeO3 (iii) XeF4 (iv) BrF5 (v) SO3 2-

Q.4 Interpret the non-linear shape of H2S molecule & non planar shape of PCl3 using VSEPR theory.
[JEE '98]

Q.5 Discuss the hybridisation of C - atoms in allene (C3H4) and show the   orbital overlaps.
[JEE '99]

Q.6 Using VSEPR theory, draw the shape of PCl5 and BrF5. [JEE 2003]

Q.7 Draw the structure of XeF4 and OSF4 according to VSEPR theory, clearly indicating the state of
hybridisation of the central atom and lone pair of electrons (if any) on the central atom. [JEE 2004]

Chemical Bonding [36]

Q.1 B Q.2 C Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 D Q.6 A Q.7 C

Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 A Q.11 D Q.12 B Q.13 D Q.14 C

Q.15 D Q.16 A Q.17 D Q.18 D Q.19 C Q.20 D Q.21 C

Q.22 B Q.23 C Q.24 B Q.25 C Q.26 A Q.27 C Q.28 C

Q.29 D Q.30 B Q.31 A Q.32 A Q.33 B Q.34 A Q.35 C

Q.36 C Q.37 C Q.38 C Q.39 B Q.40 D Q.41 A Q.42 A

Q.43 B Q.44 C Q.45 A Q.46 D Q.47 D Q.48 A Q.49 B

Q.50 C Q.51 A Q.52 B Q.53 B Q.54 A Q.55 C Q.56 D

Q.57 D Q.58 D Q.59 C Q.60 C Q.61 C Q.62 B Q.63 B

Q.64 C Q.65 C Q.66 D Q.67 C Q.68 A Q.69 A Q.70 D

Q.71 B, D Q.72 A, C Q.73 A, B Q.74 A, B Q.75 B, C Q.76 A, B, C

Q.77 A, B, C Q.78 B, C, D Q.79 B, C, D Q.80 A, C

Q.81 A, C Q.82 A, B, C Q.83 B, D Q.84 A, D

Q.85 A, B, D Q.86 A, B, C, D Q.87 A, B, D Q.88 A, B

Q.89 B, C Q.90 A, D Q.91 A, B, C Q.92 B, C, D

Q.93 A, B, C Q.94 B, D Q.95 A, B, C Q.96 A, B, C, D

Q.97 B, C, D Q.98 B, D Q.99 A, B, C, D Q.100 A, B, C, D

Q.101 B, C, D Q.102 (A) P,S (B) P,Q,R,S (C) P,R (D) P,Q

Q.103 (A) P,R,S (B) P,R (C) Q,S (D) Q,S Q.104 (A) P,R,S (B) P,Q,S (C) P,R,S (D) P,Q,S

Chemical Bonding [37]

Q.1 A Q.2 A Q.3 B Q.4 D Q.5 A Q.6 A Q.7 A

Q.8 C Q.9 A Q.10 D Q.11 C Q.12 D Q.13 B Q.14 B

Q.15 B Q.16 C Q.17 (i) F (ii) T (iii) T (iv) F

Q.18 (i) F (ii) F (iii) F (iv) F (v) F (vi) T (vii) F (viii) T

Q.19 (i) p-orbital, (ii) –bond, (iii) 1 , (iv) lp–lp & lp–bp, (v) 36

Q.20 zero Q.21 1 Q.22 0 Q.23 6

Q.24 NaCl ionic compound which dissociate to give Cl¯ ions where as CCl4 can not ionised to give Cl¯.

Q.25 Hybridisation of O : sp3 O


Q.26 (a) Linear, (b) square planar, (c) T.B.P. (d) bent, (e) linear, (f) bent Q.27 1.2Å

Q.28 2.514 Å Q.29 85% Q.30 1.4 Å Q.31 84.5%

Q.32 25% Q.33 ICl Q.34 He < Ne < Ar < Kr < Xe < Rn

Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 A Q.4 B Q.5 A Q.6 A Q.7 B

Q.8 B Q.9 A Q.10 A Q.11 A Q.12 D Q.13 D Q.14 C

Q.15 D Q.16 C Q.17 A, B, C Q.18 D

Fill in the blanks.

Q.1 trigonal planar Q.2 ortho Q.3 N2O, I3– Q.4 60°

State whether true or false.

Q.1 F Q.2 F Q.3 F Q.4 F Q.5 F Q.6 T
Q.1 4 Q.2 0

Explain the following.

Q.1 Presence of lone pair in SnCl2 Q.2 Presence of vaccant 3d-orbitals

Q.3 In NF3 dipole moment of lone pair counter act N–F bond dipole moment

Q.4 Absence of d-orbitals at N Q.5 Intra-H-bonding in o-hydroxybenzaldehyde

Chemical Bonding [38]


Q.1 O Oxidation state of oxygen = +2 , Oxidation state of fluorine = –1


Q.2 IV < I < II < III

Q.3 (i) Linear, (ii) Pyramidal, (iii) Square planar, (iv) Square pyramidal, (v) pyramidal

Q.4 Both S and H-atoms lie in same plane

Trigonal pyramidal : Non planar
Cl Cl

CH 2  C  CH 2
Q.5   
sp 2 sp sp 2

Cl F F
Cl P
Q.6 Br
Cl F F

Xe 90°
Q.7 F F F
3 2
F 3
Hybridisation of Xe : sp d Hybridisation of S : sp d

Chemical Bonding [39]

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