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“Online shopping causes people to spend more money”

Lecturer : Arimuliani Ahmad, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Written By :

Widuri Irmalia

NPM :196310531


English Language Education

Teachers Training and Education Faculty

Universitas Islam Riau

Online shopping causes people to spend more money

Introduction :
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce that allows consumers to directly buy
goods or services via the internet using applications, such as those that are widely available
today such as Shopee, Lazada, Gojek, Tokopedia, Traveloka, etc. Shopping via the internet
brings many conveniences for buyers such as seeing the availability and price of the same
product in various stores and various other conveniences that make us interested.

Body :

We can get various conveniences when shopping online like we can save time and money
because by shopping online we don't have to pay travel costs and are practical, then we can get
prices that are cheaper than offline market prices and online shopping often holds discounts and
sales, that is the favorite, and the increasing variety of products such as cute items that we
shouldn't need that we can't find in the offline market we can find in online shopping.

With that ease obtained by buyers, the level of online shopping is increasing, ranging
from school children to parents shopping online. Although shopping online saves on travel costs
and lots of discounts, online shopping makes us spend more money because of our own
consumptive attitude, because with online shopping it is easy to find and view items for sale
without having to go out, with the convenience that we can easily see things we shouldn't need
but we buy instead. Then with so many discounts on goods being sold, we don't need to buy
these items precisely because of the convenience of our consumptive nature so we spend more

Conclusion :

In conclusion, for now, Online Shopping has many features that make it easy for users
and has many advantages such as discounts, no need to go outside the home, and we can also see
various items even though we also have to be good at choosing stores because of the prevalence
of fraud. But with the ease of choosing goods
and browsing the shop, sometimes people
become consumptive and even spend a lot of
money to buy things that are not important.
Fisher, A (Dec 2015) More Employees are Gotting Fired for Shiopping Online at Work Fortune
Retrieved tromhittp fortune com/2015/12/01/online-shopping-work-fired

http //fortune com/2015/11/29/online-shoppers-black-friday

Reuters (Nov 2016) Thanksgiving Day Onlire Shopping Blew Past $1 Eillion. Fortune. Retrieved
from bilion-thanksgiving-dayl

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