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Name : 1.

Widuri Irmalia (196310531)

2. Via Elmanisa (196310821)
Class : 3B

Effect of Tablets On Young Children

Nowadays, the use of gadgets is not only among adults but also many young people or
teenagers who have used gadgets to facilitate the activities they do every day. There are several
impacts caused by gadgets or tablets, especially for young people. Most of the use of these
tablets has more negative impacts but The positive impact on children is that it can increase
children's knowledge, increase learning experience, and facilitate communication, doing their
schoolwork, or just for entertainment. dan Often times we find the use of tablets to be a shortcut
for parents in caring for their children.

With a variety of interesting features and applications, they use it to accompany children
so that parents can carry out activities calmly, without worrying about their children wandering
around, playing dirty, messing around the house which ultimately disturbs the activities of
parents. Many parents lately think that gadgets can be easy playmates for children without
supervision. So that the role of parents has now been replaced by gadgets.

The negative effects of tablets for young people include damaging eyes, changing body
posture, sagging facial skin, disturbing hearing, and disturbing rest periods. However, in addition
to negative impacts, there are also positive impacts for young people, including in the child's
mindset, namely being able to set strategies in games, regulate their playing speed, and improve
their right brain skills in children.

Young people use gadgets to facilitate the activities they do every day, including
studying, and they can hardly be separated from gadgets due to several circumstances. The use of
gadgets in children has negative and positive impacts so that children feel the positive impact of
using gadgets must be supervised by adults because excessive use is not good. Therefore, it is
important for us to know the effect of gadgets, especially on the elderly. So that children can be
limited in the use of their gadgets.

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