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Sir Muhammad Saeed



Short Questions

Question # 2:
Explain how lack of credit and instability in market prices increases the financial problems of the

The issues in the credit market for farming stem from both interest and supply powers. These
high loan costs reflect both progress and primary issues. Absence of guarantee, low benefit and
macroeconomic vulnerability makes banks see the agrarian area as a high danger buyer. The
absence of admittance to rural credit for smallholder ranchers market disappointments in country
monetary business sectors as well as wrong loaning strategies. The most fitting technique for the
Government is to prevail with regards to improving admittance to credit for smallholder ranchers
should involve the re-foundation of a public provincial bank.
Perhaps the best approaches to diminish neediness in non-industrial nations is to organize the
agrarian area and smallholder ranchers, viably underscoring country activities that would
advance profitability, promoting and worldwide exchanging potential outcomes. This can be
accomplished, not only through supporting smallholder farmers with input provision packages,
research and extension services, but also by improving access to credit. The argument is
grounded on the fact that smallholder farmers in poor economies are characterised by higher
productivity and intensity of labour, rather than large-scale farmers. Therefore, access to credit
should help smallholder farmers to tap financial resources beyond their own, as well as enabling
farmers in general to not only take advantage of potential profitable investment opportunities, but
also to fulfil the social function of enhancing their lives and welfare. Experience in many
developing countries demonstrates that access to credit could accelerate the adoption of new
technology. Such access can stimulate agricultural production through increased farm output and
improved rural income distribution. The financial sector is still underdeveloped with banks
operating only in urban areas. Almost no formal credit institutions exist in the rural areas.
Low admittance to credit in the rural area is additionally brought about by issues of rural area
entertainers (particularly ranchers) and monetary establishments. Ranchers are as yet
experiencing issues in getting to credit (availability and unbankable) and the restricted monetary
organizations that channel credit to the horticultural area. Thusly, the public authority should
give an arrangement in developing the rural area, particularly fully expecting access credit
limitations by ranchers. The horticultural area as a high-hazard business, in this way formal
establishments are less keen on financing the rural area on the grounds of high exchange costs,
deviated data, low benefits, absence of security, training of ranchers is moderately low.
Furthermore, most banks would prefer not to fund farming because of fluctuating creation and
uncontrolled value hazard. While the imperatives of the ranchers in acquiring formal credit is an
unpredictable method, there ought to be security just as high installment postpone charges,
significant distances and less data about capital. Credit assumes a significant job in expanding
farming creation. Accessibility and admittance to satisfactory, ideal and minimal effort credit
from institutional sources is critical particularly to little and peripheral ranchers. Alongside
different data sources, credit is fundamental for building up practical and productive cultivating
frameworks. A large portion of the ranchers are little makers occupied with farming exercises in
territories of generally changing potential. Experience has indicated that simple admittance to
monetary administrations at reasonable expense emphatically influences the profitability,
resource development, pay and food security of the rustic poor. The significant worry of the
Government is thusly, to bring all the rancher family units inside the financial crease and
advance total monetary consideration. Although it is generally accepted that government should
play a major role in improving access to credit to smallholder farmers, little attention has been
given to the issue of what could be the most appropriate approach for the government to improve
this situation. Fortunately, there are certain recorded experiences of successful government
strategies in other developing countries that could shed some light on how to address this issue.

Question # 3:
Briefly explain some of the factors that were responsible for the creation of Muslim Nationhood.
Historiography on Pakistan, comprehensive of topics, for example, the discussion on Muslim
character, the battle for autonomy, the connection between the middle and the areas, the lopsided
interface among state and common society or the nation's outside connections, particularly with
India, has would in general be Islam-driven. Pakistani and different eyewitnesses, in their own
different ways, have attempted to unravel the dangerous of Islam both in the accomplishment
and the resulting country building project. A particularly intermittent subject is reasonable and
still sets an impressive test. Pakistan's commencement from a transformative communitarian
ethos owed its reasoning, among a few different elements, to a developing acknowledgment of
social commonality that in the long run turned into an interest for political sway dependent on
regional patriotism. Regardless of the evident hesitance and rather rejectionist demeanor with
respect to the South Asian Muslim strict world class, the political belief itself looked for
legitimization (dissent) in strict, provincial, monetary and such other social collectivities. It is an
alternate issue that the embrace of Islamic imagery by the All-India Muslim League (AIML),
notwithstanding a therapeutic inner conflict, was not outfitted towards building up a religious
country and rather guaranteed a nascent trans-territorial character.
Regardless we first need to investigate the monetary relations of the pioneer India and theBritish
domain. It wouldn't not be right to state that India was by a long shot the greatest treasure trove
for the English realm. It is imperative to take note of that dairy animals assurance (a thought
proliferated by Hindusocioreligious change developments like that of the Arya Samaj) assumed a
basic part in causingcommunal strains and the resulting ascent of Muslim patriotism in India.
The cow forHindus was an amazing image which typified the pictures of maternity and
fruitfulness andoften the western-taught Indians contended that steers butchering added to the
physicaland moral shortcoming of the country as it wipes out a proceeding with wellspring of
dairy items. Thus,cow defenders filled suits against butchers, who were again fundamentally
Muslims, and attempted tointercept steers in transit to steers fairs, butcher shops, or bound for
penance in the annualMuslim celebration of 'Idu' l-Azha festivity. This expanding aggression
between the Hindu-Muslim people group before long caused public uproars, which left in excess
of 100 individuals dead inWestern India, North-West Provinces, and Oudh, Bihar, and even in
Rangoon in Burma. Thislead to a sensation of estrangement among the Muslim populace of India
and the way that manyof the high-positioning Congress individuals upheld the cow assurance,
assisted the beliefamong Muslims that their advantage could be best served by associations that
focusedexclusively on Muslim interests.

Question # 4:
Briefly describe your project on “Current Social, Economic and Political Challenges related to
Industrial Sector of Pakistan”. State the particular challenge you chose and describe your
findings and your proposed solution.

Industry alludes to that area of a nation's economy which manages assembling and creation of
various items for immediate or backhanded further employments. It is the area of a nation's
economy is the one which makes concluded items that would then be able to additionally be
utilized or used through assembling and development industry. Industry is the most unmistakable
component of any nation. It tells about how built up a nation is.
In the event that a nation lingers behind in its modern area when contrasted with different
nations, it can never be considered to gain ground in different areas, for example, energy,
transport, sports, training or mechanical area. Modern area assumes a fundamental job in the
economy of a nation. It gives a huge piece of work to the nation's populace. Each area of nation's
economy is by one way or another straightforwardly or by implication identified with the
mechanical area. Mechanical area assumes an indispensable job in the advancement of a nation.
Modern area is of an extraordinary significance for a nation's monetary and monetary turn of
events. It is a notable authentic actuality that the nations with solid mechanical areas have
introduced more monetary development when contrasted with the nations with powerless
modern areas. Regardless of the significance of mechanical area for Pakistan, the modern area
has been not given enough consideration towards. The mechanical area has been given up on the
grounds that no consideration has been paid towards it.
Industrial sectors are playing a vital role in the economy of a country if we look to the developed
countries they are because of their industrial sectors their exports so our government needs to
pay attention to the industrial sectors for good economy of the country the problems which are
mentioned in our project that are Political problems facing by Pakistan industrial sector,
Economic impact of energy crisis on the industrial sectors, Role of china in solving energy crisis
in Pakistan, Lack of science and technology, Current challenges to industrial sector and economy
of Pakistan due to corona virus if the government solve that issues our industrial sectors will go
higher and higher and then the economy of our country will be automatically going to be good.
If we wants to improve our country and its economy we have to focus on these problems.

Long Question

Question # 5:
Discuss the domestic terrorism in Pakistan and how it can be taken care of by the government?

Terrorists manipulate fear through the use of violence to achieve their objectives.An
understanding of what motivates terrorists to employ mindless violence againstcivilian or non-
combatant targets is essential for assessing the phenomenon. Thecurrent discussion of ‘root
causes’ often focuses on finding the causes of antagonism towards civilization in the mind of a
fanatic terrorist at the individual level.The debate about what motivates a terrorist, however,
overlooks the factors thatenable a terrorist to conduct terrorist activities.

Pakistan today:
Pakistan is a paranoid state that has its enemies. Pakistan is located at the junction of South,
Central and West Asia and borders onAfghanistan, China, India and Iran, with an area of about
800 000 square kilo-metres and a population of about 160 million. With a gross per capita
nationalincome of $520, Pakistan ranks 161st in the world by this measure. For 50
yearsPakistan’s population has grown by an average annual rate of almost 2.9 per cent,and this is
unlikely to change in the near future because of strong socio-culturalfactors, lack of education
especially female education and low investment inhealth and family planning. Pakistan’s
economy has grown by an impressiveaverage annual rate of 6 per cent since 1950, but it remains
heavily dependent on foreign aid, burdened by defence expenditure and excessively reliant on
textiles. According to the official statistics, in financial year 2002/2003 the Govern-ment of
Pakistan spent about 22 per cent of its total expenditure on defence andabout 29 per cent on debt
servicing, while its overall expenditure for internal devel-opment purposes was just 18 per cent
of the total.

Terrorism in Pakistan:
The current influx of psychological warfare is accepted to have begun in 2000 and crested during
2009. From that point forward it has definitely declined as aftereffect of military activities led by
the Pakistan Army. As indicated by South Asian Terrorism Portal Index, psychological
oppression in Pakistan has declined by 89% in 2017 since 2009. Since 2001, Pakistan military
has dispatched arrangement of military hostile against fear monger bunches in Federally
Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The hostile acquired harmony those regions and the
remainder of the nation. Numerous psychological militants having a place with different fear
monger bunches were executed. Be that as it may, a few aggressors figured out how to escape to
Afghanistan. From Afghanistan, those assailants keep on dispatching assaults on Pakistan bases
situated close to the boundary. In 2017, Afghanistan's Chief Executive Abdullah conceded that
Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has a traction in Afghanistan. In 2019, United States
Department of Defense guaranteed that around 3,000 to 5,000 fear based oppressors having a
place with TTP are in Afghanistan.
All militant Islamic groups in Pakistan are armed non-state actors and are calledjihadi or
sectarian organizations in this paper some of them are associated with terrorist violence inside
Pakistan, while others are con-nected with political violence outside Pakistan especially in India
administered Kashmir and India that sometimes acquires the character of terrorism. Terroristacts
carried out inside Pakistan by groups not associated with radical Islam are out-side the purview
of this study

Religious radicalism and terrorism:

Ninety-seven per cent of Pakistan’s population is Muslim, but it is not a monolithicwhole. The
two major sects of Islam in Pakistan are Sunni and Shia. Sunnis can be considered as adherents
of the conservative Muslim school of thought, who per-ceive themselves as following the Sunna
or tradition of the Prophet Mohammed.The Shias have their origins in a political controversy
regarding the succession tothe Prophet among various caliphs, which later led to their
development as a distinct religious sect. No reliable figures are available on the division of
Muslimbelievers between Sunnis and Shias in Pakistan Christine Fair notes that estimatesof the
Shia population range from 15 to 25 per cent, but she regards the figure of 20 per cent as a fair
estimate. Sunnis in Pakistan follow the Hanafi school ofreligious doctrine the teachingsof the
eighth century religious scholar Abu Hanifa and are divided further into two principal traditions:
Deobandi and Barelvi. These traditions flow from tworeligious movements that arose in the
towns of Deoband and Bareili during Britishrule in the late 19th century. Since the Afghanistan
War, the Ahl-e-Hadith(People of the Prophet’s Tradition) movement has also gained strength in
Pakistanbut still forms a tiny minority of the total Sunni population. Shias are alsodivided into
two main sub-sects in Pakistan: the predominant sub-sect is the IthnaAshariyya, or the Twelvers,
and the other major group is the Ismailis, who considerthe Aga Khan as their spiritual leader.
Thereare many other Muslims who would not associate themselves with any particularschool or
tradition. On the whole, the divide between Sunnis and Shias remains themost profound one.

Two faces of terrorism in the name of religion:

Religion is used for the instigation of terrorism by two sets of actors in Pakistan.The two sets are
somewhat inter-related but show certain differences with respectto their objectives, areas of
operation and targets of violence. First, there are sectarian groups belonging to the Sunni and
Shia sects of Islam that are active in terrorist activities which are mostly but not exclusively
directed against the people from the opposite sect. The Sunni militantorganizations call for
Pakistan to be declared a Sunni state while Shias fight forspecific political rights to safeguard
their distinct status. This communal schism onsectarian lines was the direct outcome of the
process of Islamization of laws in Pakistan that was introduced, as noted above, by President Zia
ul-Haq in 1977–88;sectarian violence was very rare before that period. The Shias, feeling
empowered after the 1979 Iranian revolution and embittered over Zia’s Islam-ization (in
practice, Sunni-ization) programme, created an organization with thename Tehrik-e-Nifaz-Fiqah-
e-Jaffria (Movement for the Imposition of Shia Law) and protested against the president’s
policies. They were successful in securingescape clauses in the new Islamized laws for
themselves and in having the Shias ingeneral exempted from certain aspects of those laws. Not
only did President Zia grow apprehensive about Shia power in Pakistan, butthe Sunnis were also
agitated at the time. They feared that people might seek con-version from the Sunni faith to
Shiism in order to seek exemption from zakat.
The second set of actors are jihadi groups that were considered by theGovernment of Pakistan up
to 2001 as strategic tools to be used in Afghanistan andKashmir, some of whom have now turned
against the government and becomeinvolved in terrorist activities inside the country.63 By and
large, the militant jihadigroups were not directly involved in terrorist activities against civilian
targetsinside Pakistan until October 2001. After September 2001, when the
PakistaniGovernment’s support for the international reaction to terrorism led it to reversemany of
its policies that had been amenable to the jihadis, some jihadis alsoresorted to terrorist violence
inside Pakistan, initially directing their attacks againstforeigners and the local Christian
population. Their use of violence has had a morepronounced political overtone and targeted
assassinations seem to be theirpreferred mode. Their objective is not to intimidate the population
of Pakistan ingeneral or a particular segment of it, but to coerce the nation’s rulers into
acceptingtheir demands. That is why they have focused their attacks either on foreigners oron
high-level government officials; the deaths of ordinary Pakistanis have been theresult of
collateral damage.

Effects of terrorism:
The rising level of violence has proved a difficult challenge for Pakistan’s ill-equipped and ill-
trained police force, which is better known in the country for itscorruption than for its
professional competence. The Karachi Stock Exchange 100 Index fell by 3.3 per cent in May
2004 as a result of the rise in religious and terrorist violence inKarachi. Ironically, far from being
able tosecure civilians against terrorist attacks, the police force itself is particularly vul-nerable to
attacks by well-trained and highly motivated terrorists. Social disorderand instability have been
the result, adversely affecting the economy of the coun-try. The unfortunate fact that the
economically most productive part of Paki-stan—the city of Karachi—is also the most violent is
a cause of concern. While alocal businessman found it easy to shrug this off by saying that
Karachi is a bigcity and a violent incident in a certain part of the city gets lost in the crowd, it has
not been equally easy for foreign investors and local big businesses to ignorethe risks, as is
evident from the declining interest of foreign investors in Pakistan. Even in Pakitan news paper
dawn report that Pakistan’s economy loses by 62% from 2014 to 2018 due to war on terrorism.
Question # 6:
What are the key determinants of Pakistan’s foreign policy and what principles are kept in mind
while formulating the foreign policy?



There is an incredible duty on the shoulders of the individuals who are endowed with the errand
of detailing of international strategy and for its execution. It is normally accepted that if there
should arise an occurrence of non-industrial nations like our own international strategy now and
then become significant than interior arrangements. All things considered there are sure factors
that assume a significant part in the assurance of its international strategy. Significant worries of
Pakistan's international strategy are:

1) National Security:
The main worry of Pakistan's international strategy is public security within the sight of
unfriendly India and politically instable Afghanistan.

2) Islamic Ideology:
Another significant determinant is Ideology. There is an extraordinary obligation to Islam among
the individuals of this district. Pakistan's creation is novel one might say that it was made based
on strict philosophy. This philosophical viewpoint impacts the inward just as international
strategy choices of Pakistan.

3) Geo-strategic Location of Pakistan:

Geo-vital area of Pakistan has consistently assumed a significant job in the detailing of its
international strategy as it utilize the United States-drove pre-emptive battle against Iraq as an
affection for an assault on Pakistan. So Pakistan is confronted with a genuine test on one hand by
supporting Washington in its battle against psychological warfare and then again it is countering
Indian allegations that Pakistan is engaged with cross boundary illegal intimidation in Kashmir.

4) Economy of Pakistan:
There existed a solid feeling of double-crossing by the US among the individuals of Pakistan by
and large, and the Pakistani military and political foundation specifically. Pakistan was
disregarded all to manage the traditions of Afghan battle against Soviets. In excess of 3,000,000
evacuees and coming about financial drop out were two significant outcomes of Afghan war. In
this manner to help US after 9/11 occasions intended to expand issues for Pakistan's economy
which was seriously influenced because of the approvals forced on Pakistan after Soviet
withdrawal from Afghanistan. Later India massed its soldiers on Pakistan's boundary after fear
monger assault on Indian parliament likewise made issues for Pakistan's economy.

Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign policy:

There are the following Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign policy are:

1) Coardial Relations with Muslims Countries:

Pakistan consistently attempts to set up genial and agreeable relations with muslim nations. it has
consistently moved its conern against israel, India and U.S.S.R catching Palestine, Kashmir and
Afghanistan separately. She has carried high obligations and utilized her impact for defending
the privileges of the Muslims. Pakistan is additionally a functioning individual from the Islamic

2) Protection of Freedom and Sovereignity:

Pakitan appeared after mesh penances of millions of Muslims. Like some other nation, we
likewise consider with profound respect the need of safeguarding of its autonomy and doesn't
permit some other nation to hurt its opportunity. In this way, the standards of insurance of
freedom sovereignity is the foundation of Pakistan's international strategy.

3) Non-interference in internal affairs of other countries:

Pakistan has tried to set up typical and inviting relations with all coutries, Especially in
neighboring countires, based on generally recognize the rule of public sovereignity, non
utilization of power, non impedance in the inward undertakings of states.

4) Promotion of world peace:

Pakistan's strategy is to advance harmony among countries. It has no agressive plans against any
nation. Neither does it uphold any such activity. Pakistan has consistently held that the
worldwide debates ought to be setteled through exchanges as opposed to non-better field.

5) Non-Allignment:
Pakistan follows the approach of non-arrangement that is to avoid arrangement with any greater
force block, and tries not to favor one side in the virus war. It has additionally surrendered it's
relationship with SETATO and CENTO and was remembered for NAM in 1979.


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