Course Schedule - Operations MGMT

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Operations Management

Course Outline:

World class performance in delivering high quality cost competitive products and
services are essential to survival in today’s global economy. In view of this, operations
management has derived greater attention in the curriculum of business management
schools. This core course in operations management introduces the concept of process
analysis (both manufacturing and service) process improvements and manufacturing
planning and strategy. This course will equip students with the basic analytical skills that
are required in the contemporary operations environment.

Project: Students (in groups of six ) are encouraged to take up a project in industry, in
order to familiarize themselves with the practice of operations management. They may
choose any of the topics mentioned below or chose any other area suggested by the
industry guide.

Class schedule:
18/10/2005 :Session1 Operations as a source of competitive advantage:

19/10/2005 :Session 2 Types of processes: Volume variety, flow and layout issues..
Classification of service systems, plant tours
21/10/2005: Session 3 Work time and Method study

25/10/2005: Session 4 Process analysis. Performance measures in operations. Factors

affecting operations performance. Capacity and bottlenecks.
26/10/2005 Session 5 Case: Kristen’s Cookie

1/11/2005: Session 6 New product and process development design for manufacturing,
product platforms concept of modularity new product and
process development

2/11/2005: Session 7: Case: Dell Computers

8/11/2005: Session 8: Product design and Process Selection: Services

9/11/2005: Session 9: Case: Manzana Insurance

11/11/2005 Session 10 Facility locations

15/11/2005Session 11 Case: New balance athletic shoes

16/11/2005: Session 12 Facility Layout : Quiz I : 4 %

18/11/2005: Session 13 Waiting Line management

22/11/2005 : Session 14: Strategic Capacity management

23/11/2005 : Session 15: Case:Eli Lilly and company :Project Phase I Submission
weightage 4%

Session 16: Aggregate Production planning, Hierarchical approach to planning, demand

management, types of strategies, costs, components

Session 17: Inventory management: dependant and independent models

Session 18: Cost Structure, EOQ, inventory under uncertainty

Session 19: Case Nordstrom’s Perpetual Inventory system

Session 20: Material requirement planning, Logic of MRP, concept of derived demand,
benefits of MRP.

Session 21: Operations scheduling

Session 22: Sourcing and purchasing, Supply chain management

Session 23: Statistical process control, process control charts

Session 24: AQL, Thorndike Charts

Case: Signetics Corporation

Session 25: Quality management:

Case: Hank Kolbe: Director Quality assurance:

Session 26: TQM: ISO systems

Session 27: Process capability concept of six sigma; cost of quality

Case 28: Sandaram Clayton – Winning the Deming Prize

Session 29: JIT production system

Session 30: Lean Production systems : Quiz II : 4%

Session 31: Introduction to Project Management, work break down structure

Session 32: Network planning models / time cost models

Session 33: Presentations : Final project Submission : Weightage : 4%
Course wrap up


Marks Allotment for Operations Management:

The following will be the split up of marks for the operations management course:

Class Tests : 8 marks

Assignments and Project : 8 marks
Attendance and Class Participation : 4 marks

Total : 20 marks

Suggested textbooks:

Principles of Operations Management : ICFAI Centre for Management Research

Production and operations management: Chase, Aquilano and Jacobs,

Modern Production /operations management: Elwood S. Buffa / Rakesh K. Sarin

Operations management: James D Dilworth:

Production and operations management: Everette E Adams:

Operations Management Strategy and Analysis: Lee J Krajweski and Larry P


Operations Management : Russell and Taylor, 4th Edition

Operations Management : Norman Gaither and Greg Fraizer

Faculty Consultation Day: Tuesday From: 2.00pm To 5.00pm

Faculty Coordinator Dean

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