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Quarter 1- Module 2:
Personal Health Issues and Concerns
Physical Education – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Personal Health Issues and Concerns
First Edition, 2020

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Published by Department of Education

Division of Lapu-Lapu City

Development Team of the Module

Editor’s Name:
Reviewer’s Name: Imelda G. Naveo
Illustrator’s Name: Celestino Aparece Mar Onell Booc
Layout: Marian Janelle L. Malinao & Maria Lynn L. Malinao
Plagiarism Detector Software:
Grammar Software:
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent : Wilfreda D. Bongalos, PhD, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Marcelita S. Dignos, EdD, CESO VI
Curriculum Implementation Division Chief : Oliver M. Tuburan, Ed.D.
EPSVR- MAPEH : Imelda G. Naveo
EPSVR - LRMDS : Teresita Bandolon
ADM Coordinator : Marigold Cardente

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Division of Lapu-Lapu City

Department of Education – Region VII Central Visayas
Lapu-Lapu City Division
Office Address: B.M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City
Tel No. (032) 410-4525
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Quarter 1- Module 2:

Personal Health Issues and Concerns

Introductory Message
This learning module in Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion is believed to
be a functional and meaningful instructional tool when used to facilitate the learners,
especially in times of crisis where students are unable to attend classes in school. It
provides a means to clarify the writer’s mission to provide quality learning opportunity
in most accessible means and mechanism. Furthermore, it provides a friendly guide
to the teachers complete with objectives, pre-activity, discussion of content, examples
and post-activity.
This Module is a medium through which we can share and examine what we -
as developmental educators believe what we are learning from our experiences. This
output believes to underscore the dialectical relationship between theory and practice.
Therefore, it is hoped that this output will be a propeller to systematize the
understanding of an objective teaching process, practice and application as well as to
provide increased understanding and guidance for the future conduct of similar
We invite you to enjoy using what we call “fruits of labor” from the consolidated
effort of the technical committee and writers. Remember that the best instructional
material is the one that works for students and teachers! We look forward to your

For the Facilitator/Parent

This module is self-paced and self-explanatory. Take time to read the instruction and
its parts and go through with the sequential order of the module. Make sure that there
is a learning space at home provided for your assigned student/child to work on. At
most, each module should be done two hours of reading and answering time and
maybe extended as necessary. The role of the facilitator or the parent is to clarify any
content that requires further guidance and explanation. Let your assigned student/child
comply all activities required for this module and submit to the teacher/school.

For the Students

This module is self-paced and self-explanatory. Take time to read the instruction and
its parts and go through with the sequential order of the module. Comply all activities
required for this module and submit to your teacher.

Standard Symbols used to represent some parts of the module:

It contains learning objectives to be developed

in a material. It introduces the topic/content of
the module briefly.

This is given to check what the learner knows

Let’s Find What You about the lesson to take. This contains
Know instruction in whether to proceed or skip the

Connects the current lesson with the previous

Review lesson by going over concepts that were
learned previously.

Introduces the new lesson through a story, a

Let’s Learn and poem, song, situation or an activity.

A Brief discussion of the Lesson.


This is a Guided/Controlled Practice.

Let’s Think Deep Guided/Controlled Assessment. Independent
Practice. Independent Assessment

A question fill in the blank sentence/paragraph

Let’s Remember to process what the learner learned from the

An activity that shall transfer the
Let Me Apply It skills/knowledge gained or learned into real-
life concerns/situations.

This evaluates the learner’s level of mastery

Let’s Check It in achieving the learning objectives. The task
given shall validate the concepts and provide
more opportunities to deepen the learning.

An activity in any form that can increase the

Let’s Ponder strength of the response and tends to induce
repetitions of actions/learning.

At the end of the module, you will also see the following:
Glossary A definition of words found in or
relating to the lesson in this module

Answer Key Contains the answers to the activities


Life is a constant change from childhood to adulthood. Numerous changes may be

encountered as you develop into an adult, these may be observed physically,
emotionally, socially, and/or mentally. Aside from the normal physiological changes,
you may encounter individuals with health problems. Heredity, poor eating habits,
lifestyle choices are some of the factors that affect the development of a person, and
we should be mindful of them.

As teenagers, you might be wondering, how and why is puberty, in a certain way, a
concern that needs guidance from the elders. In the hopes of you being comfortable
with your body at this stage in your life, these elders will hopefully be there to answer

This module is designed for the pupils who are facing challenges in their life through
adolescence especially if you have difficulty in discerning normal changes from the
abnormalities. Here, we discuss different issues and concerns that young people are
now facing.

After going through this module, pupil/s will:

• Explain different issues and concerns that young people are now facing.
• Apply oneself in responding health issues and concerns, if it happens to them.
• Answer activities with awareness in preparation for problems may they will
encounter as growing-up children.
• Show respect to others who undergo problems through the situation given in
the module.

Let’s Find What You Know

Directions: Place the words from the box to their appropriate categories. Use the
answer sheet for your answers.

Calluses Astigmatism Stunted growth

Bad breath Otitis media Myopia

Lordosis Dandruff Kyphosis


Height and Weight Problems Skin, Hair, and Nail Problems

Hearing-related Problems Problems in Posture

Vision Problems Dental Problems


2 Personal Health Issues and Concerns


A. Directions: Write B if the statement on physical change is true for boys and
write G if the statement on physical changes is true for girls.

1. Physical changes occur between 12 to 15 years old.

2. Menstruation is a man’s monthly bleeding.

3. During adolescent or puberty stage, height and increases to 4.1 inches.

4. Girls physical changes occur between 8 to 15 years old.

5. Muscles become stronger during puberty stage.

6. Vocal cords get thicker and longer. It deepens the voice.

7. Breasts are more prominent as they develop

8. Sudden emotional changes and sexual feelings due to changes in

testosterone level

9. Height can gain an average of 3.5 inches and weight increases because of

fat development

10. Reproductive system matures and undergo menstruation.

Let’s Learn and Experience


Directions: Write the possible effect for the following causes given. Write your
answers in the answer sheet.

1. Poor eating habits. _______________
2. Swimming under the heat of the sun _______________
for five hours. _______________
3. Improper trimming of your nails _______________
that causes infections _______________
4. Inflammation of the gums. _______________
5. Not brushing the properly or regularly. _______________

Too much of everything might lead to problems about health issues and
concerns where most young people suffered because of circumstances beyond their
control; or for not giving special attention; or care about the health; maybe for the lack
of knowledge or misinformation. This module will provide you awareness and give light
to these concerns.


Health issues and concerns that young people should attend to:

1. Height and weight Problems

A. Stunted growth
the normal growth rate in a
person has been reduced. This is
due to malnutrition in early

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

B. Underweight
too low to be healthy. Body mass
index is 18.5 or weight is

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

C. Overweight
increase body weight in relation
to height. Body mass index
weight is 15% to 20% above
normal for the age and height

2. Hearing Related Problems

A. Impacted Cerumen or
when pushed against the
eardrum by cotton buds or
by hairpins blocks the ear
canal and causes hearing

B. Swimmer’s Ear
when water is trapped in
the ears, bacteria or fungal
organisms in the water will
most likely spread in the
inner ear area.

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

C. Otitis media
is common in children
because the tube that
allows fresh air in the
middle ear is not yet fully
developed compared with
adults. Children
experience middle ear
infections when they have
viral or bacterial infection
caused by the common
cold. *Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

3. Vision

A. Astigmatism
is a common eye condition
experienced by many
young people. This
condition can be corrected
by eyeglasses

B. Myopia or
persons that can see
objects that are closed but
have problems seeing
objects that are far.

Photo owned by author

C. Hyperopia or
persons that can see objects
that are far, but have
difficulty focusing on objects
that are close.

4. Skin, Hair, and Nail

A. Sunburn
when the skin is expose to
the sun for a period. The
skin burns turn red and will
be irritated.

Photo owned by author

B. Dandruff
is marked by flaking or dying
of the skin on the scalp. It is
itchy sometimes, that’s why it
makes a person feel

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

C. Corns, and calluses

are thick, hardened layers of
the skin on the hands and
fingers and especially on the
toes and feet.

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

D. Ingrown toenail - when the

nail is curved and grows into
the skin usually at the sides of
the nail. It is caused by
improper trimming and
improper size of a footwear.

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

A. Scoliosis
is the sideways curving of the
spine. This takes place most
often just before puberty
during the growth spurt

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

B. Lordosis
is a condition where the spine
in the lower back has curved
excessively. This can cause
pain as the spine is pressured
in excess.

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

C. Kyphosis
Excessive curvature of spine in
the thoracic level; appearing
with a hunched back.

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

5. Oral/Dental Problems

A. Cavities
occur as a result of tooth
decay. Tooth decays when
the tooth structure is

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

B. Gingivitis
is a gum disease. The
bacterial growth in the mouth
will cause destruction of the
tissue surrounding the teeth.
Eventually, the result is tooth

*Illustrated by Marian Janelle L. Malinao

C. Malocclusion
is referred to as misalignment
of the teeth. Other words for
the condition are crowded

Photo owned by author

D. Bad breath or Halitosis

caused by certain foods and
poor dental and oral

Health is wealth! Don’t take these health issues and concerns for granted. Take
care of one’s health before it’s too late. Your body is your responsibility. If you have
these or if you think that something is not normal, inform your parents and consult your
doctor for proper medication.

Let’s Think Deep

Directions: Underline the word that makes each sentence correct. Write your answer
in the answer sheet.
1. Stunted growth means that the normal growth rate in a person has been
(increased, reduced).

2. Underweight is 15% to 20% (above, below) normal for the age and height group.

3. Overweight is 15% to 20% (above, below) normal for the age and height group.

4. Otitis media is common in children because the tube that allows fresh air in the
(upper ear, middle ear) is not yet fully developed compared with adults.

5. Astigmatism is a common (eye, ear) condition experienced by many young


6. Nearsighted people can see objects that are (far, near) but have problems
seeing objects that are far.

7. People with hyperopia can see objects that are (far, near) but have difficulty
focusing on objects that are close.

8. Cavities occur as a result of (nail, tooth) decay.

9. Bad breath or halitosis is caused by certain foods and poor (dental, facial, and
oral) hygiene.

10. Proper (tooth, nail) brushing can prevent bad breath.

Let’s Remember

Directions: Enumerate the specific problems in relation to health and issues concern
that should attend to young people. Use answer sheet for your answer.

Issues and Give specific examples in each health issues & concerns

Height &
1. _________2. _________3. ________

Vision 1. _________2. _________3. ________

related 1. _________2. _________3. ________

Skin, hair &

nails 1. _________2. _________3. ________4. _________

Posture and
spine 1. _________2. _________3. ________

problems 1. _________2. _________3. ________ 4. __________

Let Me Apply It

Directions: Check the monitoring health card if you have previously or currently
experienced any of the following health issues and concerns. Use the answer sheet.

Name: _________________________________________ Age: _______________

Self-assessment: Health Monitoring Form

Health Issues and Concerns Check the box If Yes, how was it treated:
Yes No
1. Height & Weight
Stunted growth
2. Hearing related
Impacted cerumen
Swimmer’s ear
Otitis media
3. Vision
4. Skin, Hair and Nail
Corn & calluses
Ingrown nail
5. Oral/Dental Problems

Let’s Check It
Directions: Read the statements carefully and choose the correct answers found inside
the box. Write the answer in the answer sheet.

Swimmer’s Ear Lordosis Ingrown toenail

Hyperopia Bad Breath Dandruff
Malocclusion Cavities Earwax
Stunted growth Scoliosis Kyphosis

__________ 1. Misalignment of the teeth.

__________ 2. Is a condition when the spine in the lower back has curved
__________ 3. When the nail is curved and grows into the skin usually at the sides
of the nail
__________ 4. Persons that can see objects that are far, but have difficulty
focusing on objects that are close.
__________ 5. When water is trapped in the ears, bacteria or fungal organisms
in the water will most likely spread in the inner ear area.
__________6. It is a tooth decay.
__________7. Dead skin on scalp and formed into flakes.
__________8. Reduced of a normal growth rate in a person.
__________9. Another name for impacted cerumen.
__________10. Caused by poor dental and oral hygiene.

Let’s Ponder

Directions: Fill-in the missing words to complete the story about health issues and
concerns among young people. Use the answer sheet for your answers.
I am the smallest among my classmates. But my parents are tall. Why am I
different? My growth is too slow. Is it ____(1)____ growth? I have poor eating habits
and I am so thin. When I was weighed in school I am ___(2)___. But if I will eat too
much, I am afraid to become obese or more than my normal weight, I might become
After eating my meals, I must brush my teeth. My tooth hurts because of
____(4)____ as a result of tooth decay. My gums are swollen, too. Is this ___(5)____?
I don’t like to lose my teeth. Oh! There is another issue. I have a _____(6)__ __, also
known as bad breath. And, I can’t smile to the world because of _____(7)______. That
is misalignment of my teeth.
W-h-a-t? I can’t hear you! Something blocked in my ear. It is ____(8)______,
an earwax that dried inside my ear. I need to clean my ears properly. But what is this
fluid coming out of my ear. It’s a ___ (9)_____. Oh, it has a bad smell! One time, I
had an infection somewhere in my middle ear caused by bacteria that went inside my
ear. The doctor said it was _____(10)____.

What is that? I can’t clearly see! Everything is blurry. My optometrist, said it is

_____(11)____. I must wear eyeglasses so that my eyes will be corrected. I ask the
doctor, what if my vision is so clear. for objects that are near but have problems seeing
objects that are far? The doctor said, it’s _____(12)_____. The doctor continued, and
_____(13)____ is the opposite, you can see clearly objects that are far and have
difficulty in focusing the objects that are close.
On my way home, I met people with different postures. There was a boy whose
body looks like a hunch back (_____(14)________) and lady whose body was
deformed and looked like an S. (______(15)_____). How about a body whose spine
in the lower back has curved excessively? ( _____(16)_______)

Last summer, my whole family spent time in the beach. I stayed long in the
water and lo! I got __(17)_________. It hurts and was burning. Then, we went to the
mall to buy my educational supplies. When I comb my hair, white flakes scattered on
my dress. It is ______(18)_____. So itchy! Then, I trimmed my toenails but
accidentally cut my nails too short. Ready to go! I wore my new shoes. While walking
around the mall, my feet hurt. The next day ____(19)_____ & _____(20)______
developed. It is thick, hardened layers of skin on my toes. And worst part my toenail
was curved and grew inward to my skin especially at the side of my nail. It’s an ingrown
toenail. It hurts a lot!

You may not have these kind of health issues and concerns but Remember
This: there are people suffering from these, even if they do, it is not a reason to make
fun of them.

We hope that with this module, you are made aware of these different concerns
and make you understand what people with these conditions are going through, do
not be afraid, be always prepared to face it, do not discriminate.

The following terms used in this module are defined as follows:
The condition of the total aspect of a person that is
health mentally, physically, emotionally and socially free from
sickness and diseases.
It is a topic that people talk about or are being discussed
as they arise.
concern Issues making a person worry in relation to the situation
awareness Understanding and knowing of a certain issue or situation

Let’s Remember (answers may be in any order)
Height & weight 1. Stunted growth 2. Underweight 3. Overweight
Vision 1. Astigmatism 2. Myopia 3. Hyperopia
Hearing-related 1. Otitis media 2. Impacted cerumen or Earwax
Problems 3. Swimmer’s ear
Skin, hair,nails 1. Ingrown toenail 2. Corn/Calluses 3. Dandruff
4. Sunburn
Posture &spine 1. Scoliosis 2. Kyphosis 3. Lordosis
Oral/Dental 1. Cavities 2. Malocclusion 3. Gingivitis
Problems 4. Bad breath or Halitosis
Let’s Think Deep Let’s Learn and Experience Review
1.stunted growth 6. near Answers may vary 1.B 6.B
Possible Answer
2. below 7. far 1. Underweight/stunted 2.G 7.G
3. above 8. tooth growth
2. Sunburn 3.B 8.B
4. middle ear 9. dental 3. Ingrown 4.G 9.G
4. Gingivitis
5. eye 10. tooth 5.B 10.G
5. cavities
Let’s Find What You Know
Answer Key
Let’s Check It
Let’s Ponder
1. Malocclusion
1. stunted growth 11. astigmatism 2. Lordosis
2. underweight 12. myopia 3. Ingrown toenail
3. overweight 13. hyperopia 4. Hyperopia
4. cavities 14. kyphosis 5. Swimmer’s ear
5. gingivitis 15. scoliosis
6. Cavities
6. halitosis 16. lordosis
7. malocclusion 17. sunburn 7. Dandruff
8. impacted cerumen 18. dandruff 8. Stunted growth
9. Swimmer’s Ear 19. corn and calluses 9. Earwax
10. otitis media 20. Ingrown toenail 10. Bad breath
Let Me Apply It (answers may vary)
Health Issues and Check the box If Yes, how was it treated:
Concerns Yes No
1. Height & Weight
Stunted growth
2. Hearing related
Impacted cerumen
Swimmer’s ear
Otitis media
3. Vision
4. Skin, Hair and Nail
Corn & calluses
Ingrown nail
5. Oral/Dental Problems
Ligaya Bautista Garcia-Quinitio, Eduardo V.Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso, Diana Alcoba-
Lacia, Almira Alcoba-Alonzo, Gernalyn Andres-Solano. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION.
REX Book Store
Pristyn Care Team Surgical Clinic. 2019. PRISTYN CARE®. November 13. Accessed July 16, 2020.

cookie_studio. 2020. May. Accessed July 17, 2020. 


—. 2020. July. Accessed July 17, 2020. 


nensuria. 2017. Accessed July 17, 2020. 

isolated1139811.htm#page=1&query=bad%20breath& position=1.

2019. the australian parenting website. October 17. Accessed July 2020. 

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Curriculum Implementation Division ( CID )

Division of Lapu-Lapu City

Address: B.M. Dimataga St., Poblacion, Lapu-Lapu City
Telephone Nos.: (032) 340-7887
Email Address:

Name: Section: __
School: Date: __
Answer Sheet
First Quarter Module 2

Let’s Find What You Know

Height and Weight Problems Skin, Hair, and Nail Problems

Hearing-related Problems Problems in Posture

Vision Problems Dental Problems


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5 10.

Let’s Learn and Experience Let’s Think Deep
1. (increased, reduced)
2. (above, below)
3. (above, below)
4. (upper ear, middle ear)
5. (eye, ear)
6. (close, near)
7. (far, near)
8. (nail, tooth)
9. (dental, facial, and oral)
10. (tooth, nail)

Let’s Remember

Height &
1. _________2. ___________3. __________

Vision 1. _________2. ___________3. _________

related 1. _________2. __________3. __________

Skin, hair &

nails 1. _________2. _________3. __________4. _________

Posture and
spine 1. _________2. _________3. __________ 4. _________

problems 1. _________2. _________3. __________ 4. _________

Let Me Apply It
Self-assessment: Health Monitoring Form

Health Issues and Concerns Check the box If Yes, how was it treated:
Yes No
1. Height & Weight
Stunted growth
2. Hearing related
Impacted cerumen
Swimmer’s ear
Otitis media
3. Vision
4. Skin, Hair and Nail
Corn & calluses
Ingrown nail
5. Oral/Dental Problems

Let’s Check It

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5 10.

Let’s Ponder

1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.

4. 14.

5 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.

9. 19.

10. 20.

--- End of Module. Good luck! ---


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