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The core purpose of this research study was to identify the effects of geographic

location, internet connection, and sex on the academic performance of mechanical

engineering students in a state university.

Officially enrolled regular Second Year Mechanical Engineering Section E

students of the Technological University of the Philippines- Visayas (TUPV) of

Academic Year 2020-2021 was chosen as the target population of the study. A total of

twenty-six (26) students were selected as the respondents of the study from which 16

are male and 10 are female. It is necessary to consider that these respondents are

partaking in the distance learning that the TUPV is currently implementing. The data

needed in the study was directly obtained from the respondents through a survey

questionnaire. This questionnaire was introduced to the respondents through an online

platform called Google Forms due to the incapability of researchers to personally

distribute the questionnaires because of the crisis. One to three days was given to the

respondents to answer the questionnaires. After which, the researchers then checked

and examined if all the questionnaires were answered appropriately. The whole

research study was conducted in a span of a month from February 8- March 13, 2021.

The data that were gathered were analyzed using Frequency, Mean and

Standard Deviation as the descriptive tools. Welch’s Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and

Games-Howell Post Hoc Test was utilized as the inferential tools of the study.

Furthermore, the study was limited to only three factors that may affect the

academic performance of the respondents during distance learning. The study mainly
focused on the effect of geographic location, quality of internet speed connection, and

sex of the respondents on their academic performance. The performance of the

respondents was based only on their General Weighted Average (GWA) on the First

Semester of Academic Year 2020-2021. The researchers excluded NSTP and subjects

with non-numeric ratings in taking the GWA of the respondents. Finally, other factors

such as age, the income level of parents, educational attainment of the parents, race,

and the like, were not included in the scope of the study.


Primarily, the outcome of this study would be highly useful for the students, and

the universities as well. The research study will provide an in-depth insight to the

students on how beneficial the internet is in relation to their academic performance. It

will further increase their awareness about the potential gain they can get from wisely

utilizing this valuable resource. Also, through this study, universities will be able to

strategize and create well-thought decisions, and holistic programs in their future

academic plans by creating activities, and new learning materials that are in-line and

appropriate to the situation of each student. Lastly, this study can also be helpful to

internet service providers, government agencies like CHED, and future researchers, as

this will give them a lot of opportunities, and information as well, regarding the effects of

geographic location, internet connection, and sex on the academic performance of


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