Lesson 1 - Intro To ICT, World-Wide-Web and Technological Convergence

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INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES What Is Information and Communications Technology (ICT)? Why do we need to study ct? 4. to know how ‘hnology will id on working on. work for us, inst productivity through 01/08/2020 Warm-up question: = What is your idea about technology? »Do you tl essential? Why? How technology helped you in your daily life? Why do we need to study ict? Advanced technologies are useful and important bocause: 4. they make things easier 2. help people be more producti 3. make information more accessible WORLD WIDE WEB (W.W.W.) Follow-up question 01/08/2020 Let us remember that: "Do you use Facebook? What are the advantages of Facebook? |-What are the disadvantages of Facebook? The Web (W.W.W.) and the Internet ~ Internet and Web are two different things: What is World-wide-web? “Every day, we encounter different kinds of ICT tools and platforms. >These tools are there to aid and assist lus in performing our tasks faster and more accurately. encounter is the World wide web What is Intornot? of endusers are people that uses di sites such as Facebook, Imotagram, Twitter and ote. Social Media networking sites are ond platforms that needs internet access forte Eonnoct, tion of information, data and users and computers. “ttuses the Internat as a medium fo transfor or ‘onchange aata with users. sat ures the inolagles (Internet and Web) u It is through the INTERNET that we can connect to WEB platforms (FB, twitter etc.) 01/08/2020 CLIENT-SERVER MODEL It works like this Web 1.0 -> Web 2.0 01/08/2020 Follow-up questio! "Do you own a gadget? TECHNOLOGICAL “How many CONVERGENCE Wry have you dectded to sought for a new one? What is Technological How far we have went Convergence through with Technology? “itis intended to improve the funetion of anexsting theuse of smartphones. Follow up question: Can you compare the Kind of, people uineto communicate technology that we had 10 years ago Sitheach otes 6@a trom tous 909 es ene zm OOO teorees you noticed? How are people utilizing Social Me 01/08/2020 Wrap-up questio. Fer easy commun Nees @ to. o 2 Assignment: 3 pts. each owadays why? ‘3, What do you think wil be the roo of ICT In the Assignment (cont.) 5..As a Catholic, are you willing to defend faith expec! tne Church are Facing many trades? Ityes orn, why?

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