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have the same helper cell subset ratio as its SEX CHROMOSOME
predecessor population is consistent with each
effector cell in the population having the same
chance of becoming a memory cell. This model is
consistent with studies of CD8+ T cells indicating
Two genes substitute for the mouse
that memory cells arise from the effector cell
pool by a TCR-independent stochastic process Y chromosome for spermatogenesis
(14, 19–21).
Our finding that a clonal CD4+ memory T cell
population tended to produce an effector cell
and reproduction
population with the same subset composition Yasuhiro Yamauchi,1* Jonathan M. Riel,1* Victor A. Ruthig,1* Eglė A. Ortega,1
after recall suggests that a CXCR5– memory cell
Michael J. Mitchell,2 Monika A. Ward1†
produces CXCR5– effector cells and that a CXCR5+
memory cell produces CXCR5+ effector cells.
The mammalian Y chromosome is considered a symbol of maleness, as it encodes
Thus, although we (10) and others (15) have found
a gene driving male sex determination, Sry, as well as a battery of other genes
that bulk CXCR5+ memory cells can produce
important for male reproduction. We previously demonstrated in the mouse
CXCR5– and CXCR5+ effector cells, the present
that successful assisted reproduction can be achieved when the Y gene contribution
results fit the suggestion that both CXCR5+ and
is limited to only two genes, Sry and spermatogonial proliferation factor Eif2s3y.
CXCR5– cells are relatively lineage-committed
Here, we replaced Sry by transgenic activation of its downstream target Sox9, and Eif2s3y,
(15). An advantage of this process is that the
by transgenic overexpression of its X chromosome–encoded homolog Eif2s3x. The
helper cell subset diversity of the effector cell
resulting males with no Y chromosome genes produced haploid male gametes and sired

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pool is carried into the memory cell pool and
offspring after assisted reproduction. Our findings support the existence of functional redundancy
retained thereafter.
between the Y chromosome genes and their homologs encoded on other chromosomes.

RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES any sexual characteristics are influenced encoded Sry and Eif2s3x transgenes) had the
1. R. Ahmed, D. Gray, Science 272, 54–60 (1996). by sex chromosome constitution, with Y-chromosome contribution limited to Sry (table S1).
2. S. C. Jameson, D. Masopust, Immunity 31, 859–871
mammalian females typically carrying XX XEOSox9 and XOSry,Eif2s3x males had small
3. M. Pepper, M. K. Jenkins, Nat. Immunol. 12, 467–471 and males XY. We recently reported that testes (fig. S3), but spermatogenesis was ini-
(2011). in the mouse, only two Y-chromosome tiated and progressed through meiosis and ar-
4. C. Kim, T. Wilson, K. F. Fischer, M. A. Williams, Immunity 39, genes—testis-determinant Sry and spermatogonial rested at the round spermatid stage (fig. S4, B
508–520 (2013).
5. M. A. Williams, E. V. Ravkov, M. J. Bevan, Immunity 28,
proliferation factor Eif2s3y—are needed for suc- and C). Spermatogonia/Sertoli ratios in XEOSox9
533–545 (2008). cessful assisted reproduction (1). Here, we asked and XOSry,Eif2s3x and spermatid/Sertoli ratio
6. P. A. Savage, J. J. Boniface, M. M. Davis, Immunity 10, if these two genes could be replaced by trans- in XEOSox9 were comparable to XEOSry but
485–492 (1999). genic activation of their homologs encoded on lower than those in XY (Fig. 1, D and E). Round
7. C. Stemberger et al., Immunity 27, 985–997 (2007).
8. C. Gerlach et al., J. Exp. Med. 207, 1235–1246
other chromosomes. spermatids in XOSry,Eif2s3x were dramatical-
(2010). For Sry replacement, we chose Sox9 (Sry- ly depleted; XEOSry and XY had 10 and 88 times
9. J. J. Moon et al., Immunity 27, 203–213 (2007). related high-mobility–group box gene 9), a di- as many, respectively (Fig. 1E and table S2). The
10. M. Pepper, A. J. Pagán, B. Z. Igyártó, J. J. Taylor, rect target of SRY (2). Prior work showed that spermatids from both XEOSox9 and XOSry,Eif2s3x
M. K. Jenkins, Immunity 35, 583–595 (2011).
11. S. Crotty, Annu. Rev. Immunol. 29, 621–663
transgenic overexpression of Sox9 driven by the males were functional in assisted fertilization,
(2011). Wt1 promoter results in female-to-male sex re- and live offspring were obtained after embryo
12. N. J. Tubo et al., Cell 153, 785–796 (2013). versal in XX mice (3). We placed the Wt1-Sox9 transfer (Table 1).
13. C. Taswell, J. Immunol. 126, 1614–1619 (1981). transgene in the context of a single X chromo- We next tested whether spermatogenesis can
14. V. R. Buchholz et al., Science 340, 630–635 (2013).
15. J. S. Hale et al., Immunity 38, 805–817 (2013).
some carrying the Eif2s3y transgene (fig. S1A) take place in males with a complete absence of
16. K. Lüthje et al., Nat. Immunol. 13, 491–498 (2012). (4) and found that it generated males (XEOSox9). Y-chromosome genes. We used the same trans-
17. R. W. Nelson et al., Immunity 42, 95–107 (2015). In these males, the Y-chromosome gene contribu- genes that were successful in single–Y gene sub-
18. R. J. Martinez, B. D. Evavold, Front. Immunol. 6, 468 tion is limited to Eif2s3y (table S1). stitutions (Wt1-Sox9 and Eif2s3x Tg1) to generate
19. J. N. Blattman, D. J. Sourdive, K. Murali-Krishna,
XOSry males, which carry an autosomally en- mice transgenic for Sox9 and Eif2s3x in the XO
R. Ahmed, J. D. Altman, J. Immunol. 165, 6081–6090 coded Sry transgene, develop testes containing context (XOSox9,Eif2s3x) (fig. S1C and table S1)
(2000). spermatogonia that are unable to proliferate, The majority (35 out of 48) of XOSox9,Eif2s3x
20. C. Gerlach et al., Science 340, 635–639 (2013). which results in seminiferous tubules appearing males had testicular defects and essentially no
21. P. Graef et al., Immunity 41, 116–126 (2014).
empty when compared with those from males germ cells (fig. S5 and supplementary text). In
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS with an intact Y chromosome (XY) (Fig. 1, A and the remaining males, spermatogonial prolifera-
We thank S. Jameson and D. Masopust for critical discussions B). This defect can be overcome by transgenic tion arrest was overcome (Fig. 1C and fig. S5),
and reading the manuscript and J. Walter for help with mouse Eif2s3y addition to the X chromosome (XEOSry) and spermatogenesis progression was compa-
breeding and screening. The data presented in this manuscript (table S1 and fig. S4A) (1, 5). To replace Eif2s3y, rable to that of XOSry,Eif2s3x (Fig. 1, D and E,
are tabulated in the main paper and in the supplementary
materials. Supported by NIH grants R01 AI039614 (M.K.J.),
we transgenically overexpressed its X chromosome– and table S2). Using assisted reproduction [round
R01 AI106791 (B.T.F.), and F32 AI107995 (N.J.T.). encoded homolog, Eif2s3x (fig. S2). We then placed spermatid injection (ROSI)], we injected oocytes
the Eif2s3x transgene in the context of XOSry with spermatids from 13 males and obtained
(fig. S1B and supplementary text). The result- zygotes with two well-developed pronuclei and
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS ing XOSry,Eif2s3x males (carrying autosomally normal two-cell embryos (fig. S6, A to C, and movie S1). Embryos from 11 males were used for
Materials and Methods 1
Institute for Biogenesis Research, John A. Burns School transfer. Ten resulted in pregnancy, and nine yielded
Figs. S1 and S2 of Medicine, University of Hawaii, 1960 East-West Road,
References (22, 23)
offspring (Table 1). Among the males that yielded
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. 2Aix-Marseille Université,
INSERM, GMGF UMR_S 910, 13385 Marseille, France.
progeny, there were F1, F2, and F3 generation
17 July 2015; accepted 23 December 2015 *These authors contributed equally to this work. XOSox9,Eif 2s3x ROSI males (fig. S6D). ROSI
10.1126/science.aad0483 †Corresponding author. E-mail: offspring from males with one or no Y-chromosome

514 29 JANUARY 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6272 SCIENCE


Fig. 1. Testis histology analysis.Tubules of periodic

acid–Schiff–hematoxylin–stained sections of testis
from XY (A), XOSry (B), and XOSox9,Eif2s3x (C) males.
XY have normal spermatogenesis with expected
germ cell types present, including step 16 sperma-
tids [inset (A)]. XOSry have spermatogonial prolif-
eration arrest, resulting in tubules lacking germ
cells except for occasional normal [inset (B)] and
abnormal (*) spermatogonia. XOSox9,Eif2s3x have
meiotic and postmeiotic arrests that occasionally
allow formation of round spermatids [insets (C)],
arresting at step 7. Scale bar, 50 mm; insets, ×3 mag-
nification. (D and E) Quantitative analysis of sper-
matogenesis progression. Bars are averages ± SEM,
with n under the x axis. Statistical significance (t test):
(D) bars marked with a are different from all others
(P < 0.05), **P < 0.01; (E) bars with different letters
are significantly different (P < 0.05).

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Table 1. The results of ROSI with spermatids from males with a single or no Y-chromosome genes. Column heads 2 to 4: Males with round spermatids
identifiable in live testicular cell suspension out of males examined. Males yielding progeny out of the number of males that yielded embryos used for embryo
transfer and induced pregnancy. Live offspring as a percentage of embryos transferred. Statistical significance (Fisher’s exact test, P < 0.05): aDifferent from
all others.

Males with round spermatids Live offspring

Male genotype Y gene contribution Males yielding progeny
(%) (no.) (%) (no.)
X OSox9 Eif2s3y 80 (8/10) 7/8 15.7 (18/115)
XOSry,Eif2s3x Sry 55 (17/31) 16/17 22.5 (57/253)
XOSox9,Eif2s3x None 27 (13/48)a 9/10 20.7 (46/222)
XY control Intact Y 100 (6/6) 6/6 25.0 (22/88)

genes were all normal and healthy (figs. S7 to S9 able to take over the Sry function in sex deter- matogenesis, but each homolog has evolved a
and supplementary text). mination. Manipulation of expression of other distinct expression level. Eif2s3y transcript amounts
The quantification of Eif 2s3x/y transcripts genes can lead to sex-fate change [reviewed in are ~5 to 7 times those in premeiotic and meiotic
in males transgenic for Eif 2s3y or Eif 2s3x re- (6–8)]. A surrogate sex-determination mecha- cells (11), which explains why the addition of one
vealed a correlation between spermatogenesis nism can also be activated without human input, Eif 2s3x transgene copy could not replace the
progression and Eif 2s3x/y expression level (Fig. as shown by two rodent species that lost the Y function of endogenous Eif2s3y in driving sper-
2, figs. S10 to S12, and supplementary text). All chromosome and Sry (9, 10). matogenesis through meiosis. Our finding that
transgenic males had their respective transgene Eif 2s3y and Eif 2s3x represent a typical, for- a single Eif2s3x transgene copy was sufficient to
transcript levels elevated when compared with merly autosomal, single-copy, X-Y homologous substitute for Eif2s3y in overcoming spermato-
XY (Fig. 2, A and B). Compared with Eif 2s3x gene pair and were hypothesized to have inter- gonial proliferation arrest suggests that the strong
transgenic males, Eif2s3y transgenic males showed changeable function (1, 5). Our data support this Eif2s3y expression in spermatogonia is required
higher Eif 2s3x/y transcript levels (Fig. 2C) and hypothesis: A single additional copy of Eif2s3x for the subsequent meiotic stages but not for
increased incidence of round spermatids (Fig. 1E). can functionally replace Eif 2s3y in spermato- mitotic proliferation. Our observations contradict
When spermatogenesis and Eif2s3x expression genesis initiation. For progression through meio- the accepted dogma of X-Y gene pairs evolving
were examined in XOSry,Eif 2s3x males with sis, however, at least four Eif2s3x transgene copies by decay on the Y chromosome and compensa-
varying numbers of Eif 2s3x transgene copies, are necessary, and the number of global Eif2s3x/y tion on the X chromosome (12), because here,
one (Tg2 and Tg6) and four (Tg1), no differences transcripts must reach a certain threshold. Our it is a beneficial overexpression of the Y gene
in spermatogonia/Sertoli cell ratio were observed, data also suggest that Eif 2s3x/y may play roles Eif2s3y and not its X homolog that appears to
but round spermatids were found only in Tg1 in gonad formation. We observed severe abnor- have evolved to meet the needs of spermato-
males, in which Eif 2s3x transcript levels are 2.4 malities of mature testes, indicative of impaired genesis. This might be the result of a selective
to 2.9 times those in Tg2 and Tg6 males (Fig. 2, gonadal development, in XOSox9,Eif2s3x but advantage during oogenesis for reduced Eif2s3x
D to F, and fig. S4, D to G). not XEOSox9 males. Because the global Eif2s3x/y levels or a selection for male germ cell beneficial
We have shown that a male mouse without expression is lower in the former, this suggests effects on the Y chromosome.
any Y-chromosome genes but with transgenically that a critical level of Eif 2s3x/y may be required It is generally believed that widely expressed
activated Sox9 and Eif2s3x can generate haploid for efficient testis differentiation. genes on the human Y chromosome with X homo-
gametes and father offspring with the help of Our data support a model where Eif 2s3y and logs that escape X inactivation are dosage-sensitive
assisted fertilization. Sox9 is not unique in being Eif 2s3x are functionally interchangeable in sper- (13). Dosage sensitivity explains why genes are

SCIENCE 29 JANUARY 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6272 515


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Fig. 2. Relation between Eif2s3x/y expression and spermatogenesis progression. (A to C) Transcript levels of endogenous and transgenic sper-
matogonial proliferation factors quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction with Actb as a loading control and XY serving as reference control.
(D to F) Analysis of spermatogenesis progression (D and E) and Eif2s3x expression (F) in XOSry,Eif2s3x males with 4 (Tg1) and 1 (Tg2 and Tg6) Eif2s3x
transgene copies. Means ± SEM, with n under the x axis; bars with different letters are statistically different (t test, P < 0.05).

conserved on the Y chromosome: A certain com- for spermatogenesis and beyond. Finally, our dem- 8. N. Warr, A. Greenfield, Dev. Biol. 1, 559–577 (2012).
bined X-Y dose is critical at certain stages in cer- onstration that offspring can be obtained from 9. W. Just et al., Nat. Genet. 11, 117–118 (1995).
10. S. Soullier, C. Hanni, F. Catzeflis, P. Berta, V. Laudet, Mamm.
tain tissues, and the X-gene dose cannot simply males with no Y-chromosome genes shows that for
Genome 9, 590–592 (1998).
be increased globally to compensate for the loss assisted reproduction in the mouse, the Y chromo- 11. H. Gan et al., Nat. Commun. 4, 1995 (2013).
of the Y gene because this would have detrimen- some is no longer necessary. However, there is 12. K. Jegalian, D. C. Page, Nature 394, 776–780 (1998).
tal effects in females. To lose the Y gene safely, extensive evidence from both phenotype charac- 13. D. W. Bellott et al., Nature 508, 494–499 (2014).
the X gene, or the genome, or the developmental terization (15–17) and genomic analyses (13, 14, 18) 14. J. F. Hughes, H. Skaletsky, N. Koutseva, T. Pyntikova,
D. C. Page, Genome Biol. 16, 104 (2015).
systems must adapt. Possible strategies might unequivocally supporting the importance of
15. J. Cocquet et al., PLOS Biol. 7, e1000244 (2009).
include incremental increases in X-gene dosage, Y-chromosome genes for normal, unassisted fer- 16. J. M. Riel et al., J. Cell Sci. 126, 803–813 (2013).
relaxing constraints on dose-sensing, or retro- tilization. So, although our data demonstrate that 17. Y. Yamauchi et al., Biol. Reprod. 81, 353–361 (2009).
genes (14). The mouse Eif2s3x/y gene pair is not it is possible to bypass the requirement for the 18. Y. Q. Soh et al., Cell 159, 800–813 (2014).
sensitive to overexpression; substantial elevation Y chromosome in male assisted reproduction,
of Eif2s3y (5) or Eif2s3x in the XY context (this the Y clearly remains the genetic determinant of
The work was supported by NIH HD072380 and Hawaii Community
study) has no obvious somatic effects, nor does it full natural masculinity. Foundation 14ADVC-64546 grants to M.A.W. and INSERM core
affect spermatogenesis and fertility. These find- funding to M.J.M.
ings suggest that dosage sensitivity may appear RE FERENCES AND NOTES
mainly in association with underexpression and/ 1. Y. Yamauchi, J. M. Riel, Z. Stoytcheva, M. A. Ward, Science
or may vary between different X-Y gene pairs. 343, 69–72 (2014). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
2. R. Sekido, R. Lovell-Badge, Nature 453, 930–934 (2008).
Altogether, our analyses of the Eif2s3x/y gene
3. V. P. Vidal, M. C. Chaboissier, D. G. de Rooij, A. Schedl, Materials and Methods
pair support their importance for spermatogen- Nat. Genet. 28, 216–217 (2001). Supplementary Text
esis. It will now be imperative to explore the 4. Materials and methods and further details are available as Figs. S1 to S12
mechanisms whereby Eif2s3x/y factors exert their supporting material on Science Online. Tables S1 to S4
functions during testicular development and sper- 5. S. Mazeyrat et al., Nat. Genet. 29, 49–53 (2001). References (19–50)
6. S. Eggers, T. Ohnesorg, A. Sinclair, Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 10, Movie S1
matogenesis. Our work also paves the way and 673–683 (2014).
prompts future evaluations of other ancestral 7. A. Quinn, P. Koopman, Semin. Reprod. Med. 30, 351–363 4 August 2015; accepted 14 December 2015
X-Y gene pairs to clarify the dosage requirements (2012). 10.1126/science.aad1795

516 29 JANUARY 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6272 SCIENCE

Two genes substitute for the mouse Y chromosome for spermatogenesis and reproduction
Yasuhiro Yamauchi, Jonathan M. Riel, Victor A. Ruthig, Egle A. Ortega, Michael J. Mitchell and Monika A. Ward

Science 351 (6272), 514-516.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aad1795

Replacing the Y chromosome

The mammalian Y chromosome encodes a specialized set of genes that are essential for male viability and
fertility. In particular, the sex-determining region Y (SRY) protein is necessary to initiate male sex determination.
However, Yamauchi et al. show that the functions of the entire Y chromosome can be replaced with only two genes. In
mice, two transgenes, Sox9 and Eif2s3x, compensated for the absence of all Y chromosome genes to allow successful

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sperm formation.
Science, this issue p. 514



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