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6, JUNE 2010 2723

Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Based SAR

Despeckling Using Interscale Dependence
J. Jennifer Ranjani and S. J. Thiruvengadam

Abstract—In this paper, a dual-tree complex wavelet transform return signals from these scatterers are randomly distributed
(DTCWT) based despeckling algorithm is proposed for synthetic and cause interference. As a consequence, SAR images are in-
aperture radar (SAR) images, considering the significant depen- herently affected by a signal-dependent noise known as speckle.
dences of the wavelet coefficients across different scales. The
DTCWT has the advantage of improved directional selectivity, It results in degraded visual appearance and severely dimin-
approximate shift invariance, and perfect reconstruction over ishes the effectiveness of automated scene analysis. Hence,
the discrete wavelet transform. The wavelet coefficients in each speckle removal is a critical preprocessing step in tasks such
subband are modeled with a bivariate Cauchy probability density as segmentation, detection, and classification of SAR images.
function (PDF) which takes into account the statistical dependence The first step toward speckle noise reduction is to understand
among the wavelet coefficients. Mellin transform of two dependent
random variables is utilized to estimate the dispersion parameter its statistical properties. High-resolution SAR images of urban
of the bivariate Cauchy PDF from the noisy observations. This scenes and some natural scenes exhibit impulsive behavior
method is faster and effective when compared to that of the earlier which is indicative of underlying heavy-tailed distributions.
techniques on numerical integration. Within this framework, we To accommodate such behavior, various models such as K-
propose a new method for despeckling SAR images employing a distribution [2], lognormal distribution [3], [4], or correlated
maximum a posteriori estimator. Experimental results show that
the proposed method based on bivariate Cauchy prior achieves speckle pattern [5] have been suggested.
better performance in terms of equivalent number of looks, peak SAR speckle reduction techniques can be broadly catego-
signal-to-noise ratio, and Pratt’s figure of merit. rized either as multilook integration techniques or adaptive
Index Terms—Bivariate Cauchy probability density function image restoration techniques. In adaptive image restoration
(PDF), Mellin transform, speckle removal, TerraSAR-X. techniques, residual speckle is processed using the postim-
age formation filters adaptive to the local texture information.
I. I NTRODUCTION Classical postimage formation techniques are Lee filter [6]
and gamma maximum a posteriori (MAP) [10]. Lee filter

S YNTHETIC aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent imaging

technology, recording both the amplitude and the phase
of the backscattered radiation [1]. It provides all-time and all-
approximates the multiplicative model by a linear combination
of the local mean and the observed pixel. The minimum mean
square error criterion is then applied to determine the weighting
weather surveying. SAR systems use long-range propagation constant of the observed pixel. Gamma MAP filter suppresses
characteristics of radar signals. The radar signals interact with speckle in the SAR images of forested areas, agricultural lands,
ground surfaces through reflection, scattering, refraction, or and oceans by modeling them using a gamma probability
absorption. The complex information processing capability of density function (PDF). It uses the coefficient of variation and
SAR systems provides high-resolution imagery, high-contrast contrast ratios in a selected window region for the smoothing
observation, and accurate determination of topographical fea- process and achieves speckle reduction with a minimum loss of
tures when captured from an airplane or a satellite. texture information. In both the Lee and gamma MAP filters,
Pixels in a SAR image represent the backscattered radiation speckle reduction and preservation of edge data are possible
from an area in the imaged scene. Brighter areas are produced only when the window covers a uniform area, without any
by stronger radar response, and darker areas are from weaker edges. These filters exhibit strong blurring effects when the
radar responses. The amount of backscattering depends greatly filter size is greater than 3 × 3. Adaptive image restoration
on wavelength, orientation or polarization, incidence angle of filters smooth speckle in homogeneous areas while preserving
the radar wave, and nature of the surroundings. Each resolution texture and high-frequency information in the heterogeneous
cell of the system contains many scatterers. The phases of the areas [6]–[10]. However, this technique has degradation in
Multilook integration techniques divide the azimuth spec-
Manuscript received February 28, 2009; revised September 21, 2009 and
November 21, 2009. Date of publication March 4, 2010; date of current version trum bandwidth of the radar image into L segments/looks.
May 19, 2010. Each look corresponds to echo spectra of the same scene point
J. J. Ranjani is with the Department of Information Technology, Thiagarajar generated by an incident radar pulse. The independent images
College of Engineering, Madurai 625015, India (e-mail:
S. J. Thiruvengadam is with the Technology Information, Forecasting and formed by the L looks are averaged incoherently to reduce the
Assessment Council Centre of Relevance and Excellence (CORE) in Wireless speckle noise, at the cost of increased computational load and
Technologies and the Department of Electronics and Communication Engi- degraded image resolution if L is too large. Many SAR systems
neering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 625015, India (e-mail: integrate few looks during the image formation followed either
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2041241 by a spatial-domain or a transform-domain filtering technique.

0196-2892/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


An L-look SAR image, in intensity format, follows a gamma The Cauchy PDF is utilized as a prior for modeling the
distribution with unit mean and variance 1/L [11]. coefficients of the log-transformed reflectance, and speckle
Single-space representations of SAR images either in the is suppressed by incorporating the spatial dependence of the
time or the frequency domain are not sufficient while attempt- wavelet coefficients [20]. Then, the desired image intensities
ing to separate the desired image intensity from speckled SAR are estimated by employing a spatially adaptive wavelet-based
data. In recent years, multiscale wavelet transform has been Bayesian minimum mean absolute error estimator or a Bayesian
used as a powerful tool for signal recovery in SAR images. MAP (SA-WBMAP) estimator. However, in this algorithm,
For instance, wavelet embedded anisotropic diffusion (WEAD) the wavelet coefficients at different scales are assumed to be
[12] is a bistage filter for speckle reduction and is an extension independent for simplicity. However, the wavelet coefficients
of the state-of-the-art speckle-reducing anisotropic diffusion of natural images have significant dependences due to the
technique used for speckle reduction in ultrasound images [13]. following properties of the wavelet transform: 1) If a wavelet
In the first stage, partial-differential-equation-based anisotropic coefficient is large/small, the adjacent coefficients are likely to
diffusion is applied on the corrupted image. In the second be large/small, and 2) large/small coefficients tend to propagate
stage, wavelet-based Bayesian shrinkage is applied on the across the scales [21]. In [22], a wavelet-based hidden Markov
nonlinearly diffused image. Wavelet thresholding techniques in tree (HMT) model that exploits both sign and magnitude corre-
a homomorphic framework have been proven to provide better lations in adjacent scales is proposed for denoising the signals.
reduction of speckle when compared to the adaptive image In this paper, the bivariate Cauchy PDF [23] is used to model
restoration methods [3], [14]. Furthermore, effective signal the interscale dependence of the dual-tree complex wavelet
reconstruction is achieved by employing wavelet shrinkage transform (DTCWT) coefficients. DTCWT has the advantage
based on Bayesian formalism than by using the thresholding of approximate shift invariance, good directional selectivity in
techniques [15]. two dimensions, and perfect reconstruction over the traditional
In homomorphic methods, a suitable PDF is used as a prior discrete wavelet transform [24].
model for describing the wavelet coefficients corresponding In [20], the dispersion parameter of the Cauchy PDF is
to the log-transformed reflectance. In general, the distribution estimated from the noisy observation by a computationally
of the wavelet image coefficients is non-Gaussian, symmetric, expensive Gauss–Hermite quadrature technique, where the ap-
and sharply peaked around zero with heavy tails [16]. The proximate empirical characteristic function is evaluated only at
wavelet coefficients of the complex backscattered signal of a limited number of points. In [23], the bivariate Cauchy PDF is
a SAR image are assumed to follow a generalized Gaussian utilized in the complex domain for denoising images corrupted
(GG) PDF [17]. The GG PDF is a symmetric function and is by an additive white Gaussian noise. A maximum-likelihood
characterized by two parameters, namely, standard deviation estimator is used to estimate the dispersion parameter in the
and shape factor. Parameter estimation is done based on the Cauchy PDF by applying a Monte Carlo integration technique.
method of log cumulants. In [18], the wavelet coefficients are Recently, Mellin transform has been proved to be a power-
classified based on the degree of heterogeneity. Each class ful tool for parameter estimation. This log-cumulants-based
of wavelet coefficients is processed with a MAP filter whose method formulates the parameter estimation problem as a solu-
parameters depend on the second- and fourth-order moments of tion of a system of equations [25]–[27]. In this paper, a closed-
the wavelet coefficients of the original signal, corrupted signal, form expression to estimate the dispersion parameter of the
and noise, in each classified region. The classification provides bivariate Cauchy PDF is obtained using Mellin transformation.
better edge preservation capability, at the cost of increased The organization of this paper is as follows. Section II
computational complexity. In [19], it has been shown that the describes the statistical models for representing the wavelet
distribution of the wavelet coefficients of the log-transformed coefficients of the SAR image in intensity format, as well as that
reflectance can be accurately described by a symmetric alpha of the noise. Section III proposes a novel method for estimating
stable PDF based on two main theoretical reasons. First, stable the dispersion parameter of the bivariate Cauchy PDF. The
random variables satisfy the stability property, which states that MAP estimate of the uncorrupted wavelet coefficients of the
linear combinations of jointly stable variables are indeed stable. SAR image is derived in Section IV. The experimental results
Second, stable processes arise as limiting processes of sums are discussed in Section V.
of independent identically distributed random variables via the
generalized central limit theorem. Strong empirical evidence
suggests that many data sets in several physical and economic II. S TATISTICAL M ODELING OF I NTENSITY I MAGES
systems exhibit heavy tail features. The heavy tail characteristic Let Y (k, l) and S(k, l) be the noisy SAR image in intensity
justifies the use of symmetric alpha stable densities for model- format and the noise-free SAR image that has to be recovered,
ing signals that are impulsive in nature. The results obtained in respectively. N (k, l) represents the corrupting multiplicative
[19] are superior to those of the standard denoising techniques. speckle noise component. Assuming that the speckle is fully
Only two special cases of the alpha stable PDF have a closed- developed, Y (k, l) can be expressed as
form expression, namely, the Gaussian and the Cauchy PDF. As
mentioned earlier, the Gaussian PDF is obviously not suitable Y (k, l) = S(k, l)N (k, l) (1)
to represent the wavelet coefficients. On the other hand, the
Cauchy PDF is unimodal and symmetric, having a sharp peak where N (k, l) is modeled as a gamma distribution with unit
around zero with heavy tails. mean and variance 1/L for a SAR image representing an

average of L looks in intensity format. The resultant gamma In single-look images with very high noise level, the log-
PDF is written as transformed speckle noise deviates from the Gaussian distrib-
ution. However, as the number of looks increases, the Gaussian
LL N L−1 e−LN approximation is relatively close compared to all other models
pN (N ) = (2)
Γ(L) [11]. In this paper, as the multilook images are considered
∞ for speckle suppression, the log-transformed speckle noise is
where the gamma function Γ(L) = 0 tL−1 e−t dt. By a simple assumed to be additive white Gaussian with zero mean and
logarithmic transformation applied on (1), the multiplicative variance σn2 . Due to orthogonality, the mean and variance of
nature of the speckle is transformed to be an additive noise, the log-transformed speckle remain the same in the wavelet
and it is represented as domain. In [11], it has also been shown that logarithmic trans-
formation introduces undesired effects in the SAR images since
y(k, l) = s(k, l) + n(k, l) (3)
the mean of the log-transformed speckle is not zero. In order to
guarantee radiometric preservation, the biased mean should be
where y(k, l), s(k, l), and n(k, l) are the logarithms of
corrected, along with the exponential operation. The noise is
Y (k, l), S(k, l), and N (k, l), respectively. The mean and vari-
assumed to be independent and identically distributed. Then,
ance of the logarithmically transformed gamma distribution
the corresponding bivariate Gaussian PDF of noise vector nj =
are {ψ(0, L) − ln(L)} and ψ(1, L), respectively [11], where
(nj , nj+1 ) is given by [21]
ψ(i, L) is the ith polygamma function of L looks, and it is
given by 1 n2j + n2j+1
 i  i+1 p(nj ) = exp − , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J (8)
d d 2πσn2 2σn2
ψ(i, z) = ψ(z) = ln Γ(z). (4)
dz dz
where nj and nj+1 represent the DTCWT noise coefficients at
The DTCWT of a 2-D image y(k, l) results in an approxi- the jth and (j + 1)th levels, respectively.
mation subband and six directional selective subbands at each As proposed in [29], a robust estimate of the noise standard
level, which are strongly oriented at angles of ±15◦ , ±45◦ , deviation is obtained from the finest decomposition scale of
and ±75◦ [24]. The approximation subband contains the low- the noisy wavelet coefficients. The noise standard deviation is
frequency portions of the image and possesses most of the obtained as
information of the image. Thus, the denoising has to be done MAD (d(k, l))
d(k, l) ∈ subband + 75◦

only in the six directional subbands. Since the DTCWT is a σn = , (9)
linear operation, after applying DTCWT on (3), we obtain
where MAD signifies the median absolute deviation operator.
◦ ◦ ◦ Furthermore, it is considered that the speckle standard deviation
dij (k, l) = xij (k, l) + nij (k, l), i = ±15 , ±45 , ±75
(5) remains the same for every scale j.

where dij (k, l), xij (k, l),

and nij (k, l)
denote the (k, l)th
DTCWT coefficient of the log-transformed observed intensity, III. E STIMATION OF D ISPERSION PARAMETER
the original intensity, and the corresponding speckle noise The bivariate Cauchy PDF in (7) requires the accurate esti-
component, respectively, at level j with orientation i. mation of the dispersion parameter γj for every scale j from
Based on our discussion in the previous section, the DTCWT the noisy DTCWT coefficients. The dispersion parameters are
wavelet coefficients are modeled using a bivariate Cauchy PDF. calculated using the central moments of the noisy observation
The Cauchy PDF of an N -dimensional vector x is given by [28] in (5), through Mellin transform. The rth moment of (5) is
γΓ ((1 + N )/2) written as
p(x) = . (6)
[π (|x|2 + γ 2 )](1+N )/2 mdj (r) = mxj (r) + mnj (r) , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J (10)
We will drop the superscript i and the index (k, l) for simplic- where mdj (r) , mxj (r) , and mnj (r) are the rth moments of
ity. Here, γ is the dispersion parameter. Let xj = (xj , xj+1 ) be {dj }, {xj }, and {nj } at the jth level, respectively.
an interscale-dependence reflectance vector. xj represents the The first-order moment (mean) of {dj } can be estimated
DTCWT coefficient at the jth level, and xj+1 is the DTCWT empirically from N coefficients of {dj } as
coefficient at the same position as xj , at the (j + 1)th level.
xj+1 is assumed to be the parent of xj . Hence, the joint PDF N

p(xj ) is written as m̂dj (1) = [dj (i)] , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J. (11)

N i=1
p(xj ) =   32 , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J (7)
2π x2j + x2j+1 + γj2
A. Estimation of mxj (1)
where γj is the dispersion parameter at scale j and J refers
to the decomposition level. A closed-form expression for the Let Mxj (s, t) be the Mellin transform of xj , which is mod-
estimation of γj is derived in Section III. eled using the Cauchy PDF p(xj ) with two dependent variables

(xj , xj+1 ); it is defined as (19) becomes

∞   −s s  1  −t  
1 1 2 2
Mxj (s, t) = xs−1 t−1
j xj+1 p(xj ) dxj dxj+1 , Mnj (s, t) = Γ Γ .
8πσn2 2σn2 2 2
2σn 2
0 0 (21)
for 1 ≤ j ≤ J. (12) By substituting s = 2 and t = 2 into (21), the estimate of the
first-order moment of the noise is obtained as
Replacing p(xj ) with the bivariate Cauchy PDF in (7),
we get σn2
m̂nj (1) = , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J. (22)

∞ 4π
Mxj (s, t) = xs−1 t−1
j xj+1  2 3 dxj dxj+1 .
0 0
2π xj + x2j+1 + γj2 2
(13) C. Estimation of γ̂j
Substituting (17) and (22) into (10), together with the empir-
Using the following identity in [30]
ical moments in (11), we get

∞   μv  μ   
xμ−1 dx 1 p Γ v Γ n + 1 − μv
= n+1 γj2 Γ − 21 σ2
(p + qx )n+1 vp q Γ(n + 1) m̂dj (1) = 3 + n . (23)
0 8π Γ 2 4π
Rearranging (23), the estimate for the dispersion parameter
the solution to the integral expression in (13) is determined as
of the bivariate Cauchy PDF is derived as
1 Γ 2s Γ 2t Γ 3−s−t    
Mxj (s, t) =   2
γjs+t . (15) σn2 Γ 32
8πγj2 Γ 32 γ̂j = m̂dj (1) −   8π, for 1 ≤ j ≤ J.
4π Γ − 12
The estimate of the first-order moment of xj is obtained (24)
from (15) as

m̂xj (1) = Mxj (s, t) s=2,t=2 . (16) IV. MAP E STIMATOR

Substituting (15) into (16) The MAP is a natural and optimal choice when the PDFs
  of the signal and noise are known a priori. The observed
γj2 Γ − 21 noisy wavelet coefficients in the bivariate model are represented
m̂xj (1) =   , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J (17)
8π Γ 32 as the sum of the wavelet transformation of the signal and
where Γ(x) is the gamma function.
dj = xj + nj , for 1 ≤ j ≤ J (25)
B. Estimation of mnj (1) where dj = (dj , dj+1 ), xj = (xj , xj+1 ), and nj = (nj , nj+1 ).
The noise in (5) is assumed to be independent, and the The standard MAP estimator for xj is given by
2-D Mellin transform of two independent random variables
x̂j = arg max p(xj |dj ), for 1 ≤ j ≤ J. (26)
(nj , nj+1 ) is given by xj

Mnj (s, t) = Mnj (s)Mnj+1 (t). (18) No integration is required to determine the MAP esti-
mate numerically; it is just sufficient to maximize p(dj |xj ) ·
The Mellin transform of the noise Mnj (s, t) with the p(xj )
Gaussian PDF in (8) is given by
  x̂j = arg max [p(dj |xj ) · p(xj )]

∞ xj
1 n2j
Mnj (s, t) = nj exp − 2 dnj
2πσn2 2σn = arg max [p(dj − xj ) · p(xj )] . (27)
0 xj

n2j+1 The MAP estimator in (27) can also be written as
× nt−1
j+1 exp − 2 dnj+1 . (19)
2σn x̂j = arg max [log (p(dj − xj )) + log (p(xj ))] . (28)
0 xj

Using the following identity [30] By substituting the signal and noise PDFs defined in (7) and

∞   (8), respectively, into (28), we get
1 −v v
xv−1 exp(−μxp ) = μ p Γ (20)
p p x̂j = arg max (J(xj , xj+1 )) (29)
0 xj

where ⎡ ⎤
γj2 dj 1 ⎢ γj2+ 3σn2 ⎥
(dj − xj )2 + (dj+1 − xj+1 )2 qj = − + ∗ ⎣9dj − 2d3j ⎦
J(xj , xj+1 ) = − 1
+ j+1 27 1
+ j+1
2σn2⎛ ⎞ d2j d2j
⎡ ⎤
+ log ⎝  3 ⎠ . γj2 dj+1 1 ⎢ γj2+ 3σn2 ⎥
2π x2j + x2j+1 + γj2 2
qj+1 = − d2
+ ∗ ⎣9dj+1 d2
− 2d3j+1 ⎦ .
1 + d2 j 27 1 + d2 j
j+1 j+1
The solution to (29) can be obtained by solving the following
equations [21]: Substituting (34) and (35) into (30), xj is determined as
∂J(xj , xj+1 ) (dj − xj ) 3xj xj =  . (36)
= − 2  =0 (30) 3σn2
∂xj σn2 xj + x2j+1 + γj2 1+
( j j+1 +γj2 )
x2 +x2

∂J(xj , xj+1 ) (dj+1 − xj+1 ) 3xj+1

= − 2  The resulting shrinkage function can be obtained using [32],
∂xj+1 σn2 xj + x2j+1 + γj2 as follows:
⎛ ⎞
= 0. (31)

⎜ d ⎟

x̂j = sign(dj ) max ⎝0, 
Rearranging (30) and (31), we get xj+1 = xj dj+1 /dj , and ⎠,
1+ 3σn2

by substituting xj+1 into (30), it is rewritten as (x2j +x2j+1 +γj2 )
⎡ ⎤
2 2
for 1 ≤ j ≤ J. (37)
⎢ γj + 3σn ⎥ γj2 dj
x3j − dj x2j +⎣ 2 ⎦ xj − d2j+1
= 0. (32)
d The despeckled image is obtained by performing an in-
1 + j+1
d2 1 + d2
j j verse DTCWT on the estimated wavelet coefficients in (37).
The biased mean is corrected by subtracting the mean value
Substituting xj = xj+1 dj /dj+1 into (31), it is written as {ψ(0, L) − ln(L)} of the log-transformed speckle from the
⎡ ⎤ image obtained after inverse DTCWT. Exponential transforma-
2 2
⎢ γj + 3σn ⎥ γj2 dj+1 tion is then performed to reverse the effect of the logarithmic
x3j+1 − dj+1 x2j+1 + ⎣ d 2 ⎦ xj+1 − d2
= 0. transformation.
1 + d2 j 1 + d2 j
j+1 j+1
The solution of the cubic equations in (32) and (33) is
In this section, the performance of the proposed algorithm
determined as follows, using [31]:
based on the bivariate Cauchy PDF and MAP estimation,
  named as BCMAP, is analyzed using the images obtained from
 2 3  qj2 p3j
dj  qj3 q j p j  qj
3 the TerraSAR-X satellite and the Sandia Twin Otter aircraft
xj = + − + + + − − + [35]. Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the original TerraSAR-X images
3 2 4 27 2 4 27
of a vegetation region and a typical road junction taken at 1-m
(34) resolution. Fig. 1(c) and (d) shows the 1-m-resolution SAR
  images of a horse track near Albuquerque, NM, and a pipeline

 2 p3j+1 over the Rio Grande River, NM, obtained from the Sandia
3 qj+1 qj+1
xj+1 = + − + + Twin Otter aircraft. Since the corresponding noise-free images
3 2 4 27
are not available, two uniform areas, namely, regions 1 and
  2, have been selected in each SAR image [see Fig. 1(a)–(d)]

 2 p3j+1 for the performance analysis. The selected regions compose
3 qj+1
+ − − + (35) of 49 × 56 and 32 × 69 pixels for Vegetation, 52 × 46
2 4 27
and 20 × 20 pixels for Road Junction, 35 × 40 and 31 ×
where 31 pixels for Horse Track, and 36 × 34 and 22 × 29 pixels for
Pipeline images. First, the equivalent-number-of-looks (ENL)
⎡ ⎤
performance of the BCMAP is analyzed. ENL is defined as the
2 2 2
⎢ γj + 3σn ⎥ dj ratio of the squared mean to the variance of the pixel intensities
pj = ⎣ d2
⎦ −
1 + j+1 3 in a homogeneous region of the image [5]. It is given by
⎡ ⎤ M ean2
EN L = . (38)
2 2
⎢ γj + 3σn ⎥ dj+1
2 V ariance
pj+1 =⎣ 2 ⎦ −
1 + d2 j 3 The ENL performance of the BCMAP is given in Table I
j+1 and is compared with that of the SA-WBMAP [20], HMT [22],

Fig. 2. Denoised images by the HMT algorithm.

Fig. 1. Real SAR images. (a) Vegetation. (b) Road junction. (c) Horse track.
(d) Pipeline.

TABLE I Fig. 3. Denoised images by WEAD.


Fig. 4. Denoised images using SA-WBMAP exploiting intrascale


WEAD [12], Lee filter [6], and gamma MAP [10] methods.
In the homomorphic framework, an expectation-maximization
algorithm is devised to train the HMT model using the noisy
observation of the signal. Hence, the computational complexity
Fig. 5. Denoised images by the proposed algorithm based on the bivariate
of the HMT method is greater. The HMT method requires Cauchy PDF exploiting interscale dependence (BCMAP).
15 times more CPU time, when compared to BCMAP, to
process a 256 × 256 SAR image. The despeckled SAR images of HMT, WEAD, SA-WBMAP,
It is observed from Table I that the performance of BCMAP and BCMAP are shown in Figs. 2–5, respectively, for visual
outperforms all the aforementioned methods in terms of ENL. comparison.

Fig. 6. (a) Simulated “circle” image with L = 3. Denoised images using (b) HMT, (c) WEAD, (d) SA-WBMAP, and (e) BCMAP.


WEAD, SA-WBMAP, and BCMAP, respectively. The PSNR is

defined as
P SN R = 10 log10 (39)
where mse is the mean square error between the original
and the denoised image. The PSNR performance of BCMAP
for two- and three-level wavelet decomposition is shown in
Fig. 7. Table II shows the PSNR values (in decibels) for the
synthetically speckled image in Fig. 6(a) for three-level wavelet
decomposition. It can be observed that the proposed method
provides PSNR values that are larger than those of the other
Pratt’s FOM [33], which is used to measure edge preserva-
tion in the despeckled SAR image, is defined as

P = (40)
max{NDE , NID } i=1 1 + βd2i
Fig. 7. Performance evaluation using PSNR with (a) two- and (b) three-level
wavelet decomposition. where NID is the number of ideal edge pixels. NDE is the
number of detected pixels, and di is the distance between the
ith detected edge pixel and the closest true edge pixel. β is
The performance of BCMAP is also analyzed in terms of a calibration constant. We set the arbitrary penalty parameter
peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and Pratt’s figure of merit β = 2 for a stronger penalization of misplaced edge pixels.
(FOM) using a simulated SAR image. The original pixel in- The factor max{NDE , NID } penalizes the number of false
tensities before being corrupted by speckle noise and also edges. The smearing and offset effects are also included in
the exact position of the edges are to be known in advance the Pratt’s measure to provide an impression of overall quality.
to calculate PSNR and FOM. Thus, the efficiency of the de- Conventional first- and second-order derivative edge detectors
speckling algorithm can be quantitatively effectuated only on [33] detect more false edges in areas of high reflectivity, ow-
simulated images. A synthetically speckled image is generated ing to the multiplicative nature of the speckle. The ratio-of-
by multiplying a noise-free image with speckle noise simulated exponential-weighted-averages (ROEWA) edge detector [34]
using (2). Fig. 6(a) shows the simulated speckled image with has the advantage of high computational efficiency and good
L = 3, and Fig. 6(b)–(e) shows the images denoised by HMT, edge localization. Thereby, edge detection is done on the


is obtained by utilizing the 2-D Mellin transform. The ENL

performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed using real
SAR images. The proposed method outperforms the existing
methods, like SA-WBMAP, HMT, WEAD, Lee filter, and
gamma MAP, in suppressing the speckle noise in homogeneous
regions. Furthermore, experimental results using the simulated
speckled images show that, for three-level wavelet decompo-
sitions, the PSNR and FOM values of the proposed technique
are substantially higher than those of the existing algorithms
at less computational complexity. The proposed algorithm thus
achieves better denoising performance and edge preservation
capability. It is expected that the results can be further improved
if the dependences between a coefficient and its other neighbors
are exploited.

The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
Fig. 8. Performance analysis based on Pratt’s FOM with (a) two- and and the editor for the constructive comments that have helped
(b) three-level wavelet decomposition.
us greatly in improving the quality of this paper.
speckle-reduced image using an ROEWA-based algorithm that
automatically discriminates the object boundaries and the false R EFERENCES
edges. In ROEWA, Otsu’s nonparametric and unsupervised
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