Nursing Care Plan: Angeles University Foundation College of Nursing

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Subjective: Readiness for Uterine Prolapse happen Short term: Independent: • this provides Short
• Assume that the enhanced coping • After an hour of • Evaluate the information about • After an hour of
patient express when the pelvic floor intervention the intervention the
desire to enhance patient will be able ability to client’s perception patient shall
muscles stretches and
knowledge to verbalize feelings understand and cognitive ability verbalize
• expresses desire weakens and because of that with congruent favor events and and whether the feelings with
to enhance use of provide a client is aware of congruent
it can no longer support the behavior
strategies • After 5 days the
realistic the facts of the • After 5 days
uterus. so what happen is the
patient and the appraisal of the situation. the patient
Objective: uterus will slip down into or nurse will establish a situation. • it can provide the shall have an
• Assume that the protrudes out of the vagina. collaborative client to handle harmonious
patient has approach relationship
congruency of current stressful with the nurse
expectations with • Identify social events and they shall
desires Readiness Enhanced coping groups available have a
is pattern of valid appraisal of to the client • the desire to
stressors with cognitive and/ • After 10 hours of improve one’s • After the
intervention the • Review coping coping ability is intervention the
or behavioral efforts to
patient will be able Strategies the based on an patient shall
manage demands related to to discuss the client is aware awareness of the discuss the
current situation and current
well-being which can be desire to enhance and currently current status of the situation and
strengthen. • After a day of using stressful situation will manifest
intervention the the desire to
patient will be able • this will serves as enhance
identify beliefs of coping skills
the baseline
possibilities of information to • After a day of
Retrieved Feb 15,2021 from future develop a plan of the patient
NURSE’S POCKET GUIDE Long term: shall identify
care to improve
Diagnoses, Prioritized • After a weeks of beliefs of the
intervention the coping abilities. possibilities of
Interventions and Rationales
patient can able to • Assess the level the future and
15th Edition. meet psychological will accept that
of anxiety and • Understanding the
needs as evidenced there are thing
by appropriate coping on patient’s decision we cannot
expressions of ongoing basis making is the avoid to
feelings starting point for happen.
• After a weeks of developing a plan.
intervention the • After weeks of
patient can able to interventions
meet psychological the patient
needs as evidenced • Evaluate • Understanding the shall meet
by identification of Client’s decision client’s desire to psychological
options needs and can
making seek new
• After a weeks of appropriately
intervention the information to express
patient can able to enhance life will feelings
meet psychological help the client
needs as evidenced • After weeks of
determine what is
by using the intervention the
possible resources needed to learn patient shall
. new skills of coping meet
• Discuss the • will help the client psychological
need and can
desire to to have a possible
identify options
improve the solution when there to cope up.
client’s ability to is a stress that will
manage rise in the future • After weeks of
intervention the
stressors of life. that she might
patient shall
encounter. meet
• it will enhance her needs and
used possible
coping skills. resources to
• Help the client
to develop
skills • if there is a need for
the patient.

• if the patient’s
• Encourage condition worsen,
client to create collaborate with
stress medical providers.

• Administer
medication as

• Collaborate with
the medical
providers if the
patient condition
is worsen

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