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Tech II year(Civil)
BCE-18 Advanced Surveying
Tutorial Sheet 1-4

1) List out the different corrections that may be necessary for the measured length of a base line. Discuss
briefly the conditions for consideration of the combined effect of the corrections.
2) What is triangulation? How is it different from traversing and trilateration? Describe the principle of
triangulation surveys.
3) Discuss briefly the field checks in triangulation.
4) Discuss briefly the principle of electromagnetic distance measurement. Explain how the EDM lines are
reduced. Discuss also the corrections to be applied to the measured distances.
5) What is meant by a satellite station and reduction to centre? Derive expression for reducing the angles
measured at the satellite stations to centre.
6) Discuss various geometric figures used to extend triangulation, draw sketches for each type. What figures
are best adopted to precise work? Also discuss merits and demerits of each figure.
7) What is the extension of base? How it is done? What are the points which have to be considered in selection
of site for base line measurement?
8) If the probable error of direction measurement is 1.20”, compute the maximum value of R for the desired
maximum probable error of;

A)- 1 in 20,000 B)- 1 in 10,000

C)- 1 in 25,000 D)- 1 in 5,000

9) Two stations A and B, 80km apart, have elevations 15m and 270m above mean sea level, respectively.
Calculate the minimum height of the signal at B.
10) There are two station P and Q at elevations of 200m and 995, respectively. The distance of Q from P is
105km. If the elevation of a peak M at a distance of 38km from P is 301m, determine whether Q is visible
from P or not. If not, what would be the height of scaffolding required at Q so that Q becomes visible from
11) In a triangulation survey, the altitudes of two proposed stations A and B, 100km apart, are respectively
425m and 750m. The intervening ground situated at C, 60km from A, has an elevation of 435m. Ascertain
if A and B are intervisible, and if necessary find by how much B should be raised so that the line of sight
must nowhere be less than 3m above the surface of the ground. (Take R=6400KM and m=0.07)
12) The elevations of two triangulation stations A and B, 120km apart, are 200m and 1000m above mean sea
level. The elevation of two peaks C and D on the profile between them are, respectively, 290m and 540m.
The distance AC=50km and AD=80km. Design a suitable signal required at B, so that it is visible from the
ground station A.
13) An observer standing on the deck of a ship just sees a lighthouse top with his eye at a height of 9m. The top
of the lighthouse is 64m above mean sea level. Find the distance of the observer from the lighthouse.
14) Compute the value of the correction due to change of gravity in the case of a base line, the length of which
is 7170m. The 30m tapes were standardised in latitude 54054’ at an elevation of 23m, the tension being
applied by 90N weights were used in the field measurement in latitude 57042’ and at an elevation of 7m.
The tapes stretch 0.15mm per Newton tension per tape length. (Take R=6400KM)
15) A base line was measured between two points A and B at an average elevation of 224.35m. The corrected
length after applying all corrections was 149.3206m. Reduce the length to mean sea level. Take the earth’s
mean radius as 6367km.
16) Directions were observed from a satellite station S, 80m from C, with following results; Angles A
(0000’00”), B (72050’44”),and C (299022’00”). The approximate lengths of AC and BC are 17km and
24.15km, respectively. Compute the angle ACB.
17) At a satellite station S, 5.5m from the main triangulation station A, the following directions were observed;
Angles:- A=00000’00” B=130020’30” C=233025’05” D=300010’00”
The lengths AB, AC, and AD were computed to be 3200.7m, 4120.5m and 2996.6m, respectively.
Determine the directions AB, AC, and AD.
18) A, B, and C are the stations in a minor triangulation survey. A satellite station S is set up near C such that
AC and BC fall within triangle ASB. It is given that AC=7.5km, BC=6.3km, CS=40.5km and angles
ASC=62010’40” and ASB=75015’15”. Calculate angle ACB.
19) Directions are observed from a satellite station S, 62.18m from station C. Following were the results;
Angles:- A=00000’00” B=7054’32” C=296012’02”
The approximate lengths of AC and BC were 8240.6m and 10,386.6m. Calculate the angle ACB.
20) From a satellite station S, 15m from a triangulation station A, the angles measured to three stations are as
Angles:- CSA=35012’55” BSC=66038’40”
The lengths of sides AC and AB are 5806m and 1633m, respectively. Calculate the angle BAC.
21) S is the satellite station to the triangulation station A. The bearings from S to A, B, and C are 1690, 2010,
2680, respectively and the lengths SA, SB and SC are 12m, 1700m and 2220m, respectively. Find the
angle BAC.
22) From an eccentric station S, 12.25m to the west of the main station B, the following angles were measured;
BSC=76025’32” CSA=54032’20”
The station S and C are to the opposite sides of the line AB. Calculate the correct angle ABC if the lengths
AB and BC are 5286.5 and 4932.2m respectively.
23) A point is to be established by method of intersection. The following observations were made on P from
three triangulation stations;
Angles:- PAB=65027’48” PBA=72045’12” PBC=67033’24” PCB=78014’55”.
If AB=2885m and BC=2539m, calculate the values of AP, BP, and CP.
24) To determine the location of point P, the following observation were made to three stations A, B, and C
from P;
Angles:- APB=123049’00” BPC=41021’55”
The following data are already known;
ABC=117017’51” AB=4769.63m BC=5504.05m
Determine the lengths of PA, PB, and PC so that P can be fixed by the method of resection.
25) To ascertain the verticality of a large chimney, two stations A and B were established for making
observations on the chimney such that the chimney was on the left of line AB. Following theodolite
observations were made from A and B on the entre points of top(T) and bottom(M) of the chimney;
Angles:- MAB=59028’14” TAB=59004’10” MBA=55018’16” TBA=55055’50”
The height of the chimney was measured as 60m, and the coordinates of A and B were assumed to be
(E100, N180) and (E160, N100), respectively. Calculate the angle of the non-verticality of the chimney.
26) It was not possible to observe directions of some of the main triangulation stations from the triangulation
station A. A satellite station S was selected 6m away from the triangulation station A and to its south. The
directions of stations B, C, and D were observed from satellite station S and are given below. Also the
distances AB, AC and AD were reported to be 3100m, 4000m, and 3000m respectively. Determine the
directions of AB,AC and AD.
Station WCB
A 0000’00”
B 130020’00”
C 230025’00”
D 300000’00”
27) Following observations were made from two stations R and S to station P(E15000,N8000) and
Angles:- PRS=50026’10” PSR=30000’00” PSQ=15000’00”
If the bearing of RP is 60030’30”, and point S is roughly south-east of R, compute the distance RS and the
coordinate of station S.
28) The slope distance between two stations A and B of elevations 1572.25m and 4260.46m, respectively,
corrected for metrological condition, is 33449.2150m. Determine the sea level distance. (Take R=6370km).
29) From a satellite station S, 5.8m from the main triangulation station A, the following directions were
Station WCB
A 0000’00”
B 132018’30”
C 232024’06”
D 296006’11”
The lengths AB, AC and AD were computed to be 3265.5m, 4022.2m and 3086.4m respectively. Determine
the directions of AB, AC and AD.
30) In measuring angles from a triangulation station B, it was found necessary to set the instrument at a satellite
station S, due south of main station B and at a distance of 12.2m from it. The line BS approximately bisects
the exterior angle ABC. The angles ASB and BSC were observed to be 30 020’30” and 29045’06”
respectively. When the station B was observed, the angles CAB and ACB were observed to be 59 018’26”
and 60026’12” respectively. The side AC was computed to be 4248.5m from the adjacent triangle.
Determine the correct value of the angle ABC.
31) In the process of measuring a base by Jardine method, the tape was suspended between the two tripods A
and B with the elevation of B higher than that of A. The distance between the successive tripods was kept
equal to L. Derive expressions accounting for the effect of sag and slope correction in the base
32) To obtain the zero error of a particular EDM instrument, a base line AD is split into three sections AB, BC,
and CD and measured in the following combinations:
AB=18.234, AC=63.200, AD=153.016,
BC=44.968, BD=134.794, CD=89.842.
Using all possible combinations, compute the zero error.

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