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InHABIT: Living the ideals of a 21st century teacher

One might say that students’ schooling could still be completed without an adaptor, a communicator, a
learner, a visionary, a risk taker, a collaborator, a model, a leader and a teacher rolled into one. But this
is a blatant misconception. It is hard to climb up a steep hill without a strong support.

As a teacher, there are two thoughts I always asked myself at the end of the day: 1. Was I a good
teacher to my learners? 2. Was I a model of good influence to them?

The third day of the In-Service Training gives much of importance to the teaching and learning process
through the demonstrations of highly competent teachers of District 1. While listening to the
demonstrations, I realized that in this new educational landscape, teachers must adapt to what is new
normal in this time of pandemic- online classes. More specifically it reminded me to consistently
embody the habits of being a highly efficient 21 st century teacher. That if I persistently continue to
become the spark of faith, service and communion, I surely will go home with heart-warming stories –
stories of little dreams, stories of big hope.

“Mahirap pero magpapatuloy dahil masarap”. This phrase best describes myself as a highly effective 21 st
century facilitator of learning. For which the smiles and the echo of their (my learners) laughs that
reverberates in me lightened the random burdens I felt on my shoulders. More so, in my 2 years of
teaching in DepEd, I am still learning what and how it is to be a successful 21 st century teacher. And
through the demonstrations I listened to, I learned best practices in delivering lifelong learning activities
to my learners. Amidst the limited ICT resources, we have in school, I have weighed how important it is
to adapt a dynamic teaching experience in order for learning to continue.

As an educator, it is very vital to brainstorm with my colleagues on how to deliver a subject matter
successfully. projects that will address, equip and enhance our learners’ skills. With this experience, I
realized that to tailor fit a performance task helps the learners in delivering their tasks efficiently.
Sometimes, the silver linings will teach us nothing but lessons that melts our heart not as a teacher
alone but as a person. Dealing with my learners in this new educational platform led me to a great
realization that is to learn and adapt a new horizon of teaching delivery- online, radio-based instruction
or through the self-learning modules. This pandemic have showered me so much life lessons and I am in
awe of how our might creator have presented these lessons to me.

On nurturing the habits of a highly effective teacher, modelling behavior is my strongest. I am far from
being a pitch-perfect teacher but I always model good attitude to them. I have always emphasized to my
learners this chicken soup for the soul ‘garment of righteousness never goes out of style’. That for me as
a teacher, I always impart to them that good behavior must act supreme over an intelligent mind. For an
intelligent mind may passed out but an upright conduct will stand the test of time.

My dream as a teacher, is to see my learners become a holistic individual. Very idealist as it may seem
but it is a self-fulfillment to a teacher who strives hard to become a highly effective educator. Being a
teacher means I do not have a control of everything, but I can do something. Because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse that something I can do. In relation to this, when you love your work, you
are naturally going to be effective. Your students are going to like you a lot more. Your lessons will be
more dynamic and you'll have more energy. Thus it becomes a virtuous cycle.

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