Basic of Computer and Programming

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Level: Bachelor Semester – Spring Year : 2009

Programme: BE Full Marks: 100
Course: Basic of Computer and Programming Pass Marks: 45
Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.
1. a) With help of block diagram explain the functional units of digital 10
b) What is an algorithm? Draw an algorithm to print multiplication table 5
for user input number N.
2. a) Illustrate the computer generation with successive advancement. 7
b) What do you mean by computer software? Define the role of 8
operating system in computer with help of user interface.
3. a) Covert the following as indicated into base: 8
i. (BAC)16 = (?)16
ii. (101011.0001)2 = (?)8
iii. (175)8 = (?)10
iv. (193.44)16=(?)2
b) What do you mean by logic gates? Define the NAND gate with help 7
of diagram, truth table and logical equation.
4. a) Solve the following logical expression 5
i. X Y  Y Z  Z X
ii. ABC  A BC  A
b) What is Napier Bones? Define its role in computation. 5
c) What is word processor? Define its features. 5
5. a) What is program documentation? Define the type of program testing 5
b) Define types of C programming operators with appropriate examples.
6. a) Differentiate between header file and preprocessor with suitable 5
b) What do you mean by decision control and control structure? 5
c) Write a program in C to read a number of 3 digits then test whether it is
Armstrong or not.
7. Write C program on (Any Two): 5×2
a) To compute simple interest
b) To generate 10 terms of series started through -150 and difference of
c) To read a word then finds out its length.

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