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9th Grade | English

High School

Ms. Palencia

(she/her/ella) (213) 456-7890

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Course Description
Welcome to 9th grade English! This class is designed to challenge students in the best way
possible to ensure their development of becoming better readers, writers, speakers, and
listeners. Throughout the year, we will be reflecting and thinking critically on our own
stories as well as texts that highlight various important themes such as racism, identity,
and resilience. In addition to reading and writing, this course will also ask for participation
in open discussions that will allow us all to learn from one another and will require active
participation with journal reflections and creative projects.

Course Materials - 2 composition OR spiral notebooks Socratic Seminar
- Black/Blue pens 10%
- Highlighters
- Pencils
- 2 Two-pocket folders
- Planner (highly recommended!)
*If you need assistance in getting these materials, please 30%

communicate with me! I will always be happy to help as best as I can.

Academic Integrity Writing Assignments/Projects

It is expected that every student exercises academic honesty, which
means completing your own original and amazing work.
For this class, a student's grade will be made up of the
Cheating and plagiarism are unacceptable. breakdown above. I will do my best to have grades
Any student found to be involved with cheating will receive a zero on updated at least every two weeks.
the assignment or project (this includes the student who copies and
the student who permits them to copy). To ensure students receive the grade they desire, please
utilize all resources and communicate with me regularly
Additionally, please ensure that sources are properly cited as needed on how I can better support you.
to avoid plagiarism.
Student Expectations

1. Students will arrive to class on time, ready to learn, and have an open heart and mind. They will also know their voice is
important and should be heard.

2. Students will put any and all possible distractions away from their reach by the time the bell rings.

3. Students will be prepared and feel empowered to be active in class discussions by making positive contributions, asking
questions, and listening to their peers.

4. Students will encourage their peers in the learning process.

5. Students understand that the classroom should be a safe and comfortable space for everyone, so there will be absolutely
no use of oppressive (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.) language, disrespectful actions, and any other threat to our learning

6. Please know that I am here for YOU. If there is any way that I can better support you, please don't hesitate to communicate
with me.

Classroom Policies
I will kindly ask that students truly get involved in their learning. By doing so, not
only will time fly by faster and become enjoyable, but they will get more out of the
class and build relationships with their peers and myself.

Each period will begin with a Warm Up on the board for students as they walk into my

By this time, they should have any distractions away and be ready to be engaged with the
day's lesson. They will be challenged and asked to participate in discussions regularly.

Lastly, the majority of classes will end with some form of a task/exit slip for students to
complete by the end of the period.

Attendance Discipline Policy

Attendance will be taken each and Students who do not follow classroom/school expectations
every day. If you know you are going will have to face the consequences for disrupting the
to be absent or tardy to class, please learning of their peers and, ultimately, of themselves. The
communicate with me as early as students’ inappropriate/disrespectful actions and words will
possible in order to avoid getting behind! be marked in order to keep track of repetitive behavior.
Though some steps are outlined below, it is possible for the
steps to be disregarded on a case by case basis:
Tardies will be marked. If you come in late, please come in
and get to your seat quietly. 1. Verbal warning and/or written warning and a
reminder of expectations
For absences, it is the student’s responsibility to make up the 2. Teacher-student conference after class or during
work missed and become aware of new updates that may lunch
have been announced. 3. Call home and/or meeting with caregiver and
If you need any assistance, please check in with me.

Welcome to English 9! I just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Palencia, and I am
beyond excited for this academic school year! I am so thrilled to be your English teacher as you begin your journey
in high school! There is so much ahead of you all, and I can only hope that I can support you throughout this year
and your time at this school.

Just a little about myself, I am the youngest daughter of two hard-working Salvadoran parents and have three
siblings. I mostly grew up in the city of Bakersfield, CA, but I often dreamed of branching out as I knew there was so
much more in the world to experience. That said, I transferred to UCLA where I graduated as a first-generation
student with a Bachelor’s degree in English. Although it was challenging, I do feel that it allowed me to grow as a
person in numerous ways. I also grew fondly of Los Angeles so much that I strived to continue my education and
work towards my Masters's degree and teaching credential in UCLA’s teacher education program.

Honestly, ever since I could remember, I knew I have always wanted to become an English teacher. There is
something about this job and the interactions with students as well as watching you all develop into great writers,
readers, and thinkers that are so important and amazing to me. I cannot wait to learn with and from you all. Also,
please know that I gladly extend an invitation to class to my students' loved ones if anyone ever wants to come to
observe or assist in class!

To continue, I’ll share some quick fun facts with you all. I am a dog lover and enjoy going on hikes. I love checking
out local bookstores, attending book discussions, enjoy live music, traveling, and spending time with friends and

Lastly, I am very aware that last year was quite a time for all of us in our own unique way. If you have any concerns or
feel that I should know something to make this year more accommodating to your needs as the school year starts,
please do not hesitate to contact me. I find that communication is key and is crucial for our students’ success. Please
be aware that I am here for you all and would be glad to help in any way I can. I look forward to getting to know you!

Ms. Palencia

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