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S.No Detail of System

1 Power Train (GT & ST House#1)
2 (HRSG#1) Heat Recovery Steam Generator
3 Boiler Feed Water Pump System
4 Condensate Pump System
5 GIS Main Tunnel & Cable Trenches
6 GSU/ UAT/ Stand By Transformers/GCB/IPB
8 Piping Activities of Unit 1 & BOP (Balance of Plant System)
9 Field Instrumentation Installation Activities of Unit 1 & BOP
10 220KV Electrical System(220KV GIS/Gantry Area/Relay Control Building)
11 Center Control Building(CCB)
12 Black Start Diesel Generator/Emergency Diesel Generator System)
13 Fuel Gas System (RLNG)
14 Fuel Oil System (Distillate)
15 Circulated Water System CCCW& OCCW
16 Raw Water System with Demin Water Treatment Plant
17 Gas Conditioning System
18 Compressed Air System (Plant & Instrument Air)
19 Fire Fighting System
20 Hydrogen Generation System
21 DCS(Plant Control System & NCS(Grid Control System)
22 Commissioning & First Fire of Unit#1
S.No Activity ID Activity Name Start Date Finish Date Comments
1-Power Train (GT & ST MPB#1)

1 CC1010 #1 main building foundation pile construction 60 17-Mar-20 16-May-20

2 CC1040 #1 GT&ST foudation pile construction 20 21-May-20 10-Jun-20
3 CC1341 #1 Backfilling Work 15 2-Jul-20 22-Feb-21
4 CC1180 #1 main building steel structure foundation construction 45 10-Jul-20 23-Sep-20
5 CC1340 #1 GT/GTG/ST foundation baseplate construction 31 12-Jul-20 14-Oct-20
6 CC1710 #1 main building steel structure and cladding construction 120 29-Aug-20 27-Feb-21
7 CC1780 #1 GT/GTG/ST above-ground foundation construction 45 14-Oct-20 28-Nov-20
8 CC1720 #1 main building auxiliary equipment foundation construction 120 16-Oct-20 27-Feb-21
9 INS1160 #1 main building overhead crane installation 20 23-Nov-20 25-Nov-20
10 INS1650 #1 GT on position 12 1-Jan-21 12-Jan-21
11 INS1880 #1 GTG on position 15 5-Jan-21 20-Jan-21
12 CC2220 #1 main building roof closure plate installation finish 60 14-Dec-20 2-Mar-21
13 INS1340 #1 GT& GTG fixator bedplate installation 20 16-Dec-20 24-Dec-20
14 INS1660 #1 GT air intake system installation 104 12-Jan-21 21-May-21
15 INS1720 #1 GT air exhaust system installation 62 25-Jan-21 9-Apr-21
16 INS1560 #1 ST bedplate and fixator installation 6 27-Jan-21 5-Feb-21
17 INS1830 #1 condenser in position and installation 23 28-Jan-21 5-Mar-21
18 INS1670 #1 Main building auxiliary equipment installation 90 4-Feb-21 18-May-21
19 INS1760 #1 ST HP&IP&LP cylinder in position 4 10-Feb-21 13-Feb-21
20 INS1780 #1 ST installation 43 11-Feb-21 3-Apr-21
21 INS1680 #1 PCC in position and installation 3 21-Feb-21 23-Feb-21
22 INS1890 #1 GT&GTG&ST priliminary alignment 11 22-Feb-21 4-Mar-21
23 INS1020 #1 main building cable tray installation 60 11-Mar-21 10-May-21
24 INS1900 #1 Lube oil and sealing oil pipeline construction 39 20-Mar-21 27-Apr-21
25 INS1910 #1 Hydraulic oil pipeline construction 30 20-Mar-21 18-Apr-21
26 INS1850 #1 main steam pipelines installation and insulation 90 29-Mar-21 27-Jun-21
27 INS1920 #1 SFC system installation 7 30-Mar-21 5-Apr-21
28 INS1380 #1 GTG Outlet cable and GCB installation 50 30-Mar-21 18-May-21
29 INS1950 #1 Excitation system installation 7 3-Apr-21 9-Apr-21
30 INS1930 #1 ST body 'I & C installation 75 3-Apr-21 17-Jun-21
31 INS2040 #1 GT body and ST body pipeline construction 41 4-Apr-21 14-May-21
32 INS1970 #1 GTG body electrical part installation 25 5-Apr-21 29-Apr-21
33 INS1370 #1 main building electrical cable laying and wiring 90 10-Apr-21 9-Jul-21
34 INS2190 #1 GT casing ventilating system installation 20 12-Apr-21 1-May-21
35 INS1420 #1 Main building I & C cable laying and wiring 80 17-Apr-21 6-Jul-21
36 INS1290 #1 Gas Conditioning Skid & pipe connection 60 23-Apr-21 21-Jun-21
37 INS2120 #1 GT body I & C installation 75 26-Apr-21 9-Jul-21
38 INS2180 #1 Lube oil and hydraulic oil flushing 37 28-Apr-21 3-Jun-21
39 INS1860 #1 IP&LP pipeline construction 91 28-Apr-21 28-Jul-21
40 INS2130 #1 GTG body I & C installation 69 3-May-21 10-Jul-21
41 INS2270 #1 GT body thermal insulation construction 30 15-May-21 13-Jun-21
42 INS2410 #1 Lube oil qualified 0 3-Jun-21
43 INS2400 #1 Final Alignment 10 4-Jun-21 13-Jun-21
44 INS2430 #1 Reaming and coupling 11 14-Jun-21 24-Jun-21
45 INS2440 #1 ST body thermal insulation construction 20 25-Jun-21 14-Jul-21
46 INS2480 Unit 1 turning gear 0 14-Jul-21 15-Jul-21
47 TC1210 #1 GT & GTG cold commissioning 44 1-Jun-21 15-Jul-21
48 TC1320 #1 GT & GTG hot commissioning 16 15-Jul-21 31-Jul-21
49 TC1440 #1 GT first ignition(on RLNG) 0 31-Jul-21 31-Jul-21
2-(HRSG#1) Heat Recovery Steam Generator
1 CC1000 #1 HRSG pile construction 26 16-Feb-20 13-Mar-20
2 CC1001 #1 HRSG Excavation Work 20 17-Apr-20 7-May-20
3 CC1002 #1 HRSG Backfilling Work 30 7-May-20 24-Feb-21
4 CC1003 #1 HRSG Pile Head Breaking Work 15 6-Jun-20 21-Jun-20
5 CC1320 #1 HRSG foundation construction 45 21-Jun-20 12-Sep-20
6 CC1750 #1 HRSG auxiliary foundation and structure construction 60 22-Sep-20 2-Mar-21
7 INS1030 #1 HRSG steel structure installation 88 25-Sep-20 23-Feb-21
8 INS1390 #1 HRSG stack installation 90 10-Nov-20 25-Mar-21
9 INS1730 #1 HRSG module installation 30 6-Jan-21 25-Jan-21
10 INS2010 #1 HRSG HP&IP&LP drum in position and installation 3 10-Feb-21 23-Feb-21
11 INS1990 #1 HRSG flue-gas baffler construction 31 11-Feb-21 20-Mar-21
12 INS2000 #1 HRSG inlet and outlet flue-gas duct construction 31 11-Feb-21 12-Mar-21
13 INS2070 #1 HRSG steam-water pipe ( in the scope of hydro test ) installation 92 22-Feb-21 24-May-21
14 INS2090 #1 HRSG electrical equipments installation 100 22-Feb-21 1-Jun-21
15 INS2100 #1 HRSG I&C equipments installation 100 22-Mar-21 30-Jun-21
16 INS2330 #1 HRSG steam-water pipe ( out of scope of hydro test ) installation 30 25-Apr-21 24-May-21
17 INS2420 #1 HRSG insulation 15 10-Jul-21 25-Jul-21
18 TC1330 #1 HRSG hydraulic pressure test 10 3-Jul-21 13-Jul-21
19 TC1370 #1 HRSG hydraulic pressure test finish 0 8-Jul-21 13-Jul-21
20 TC1410 #1 HRSG chemical cleaning 7 17-Jul-21 24-Jul-21
21 TC1450 #1 HRSG chemical cleaning finish 0 19-Jul-21 24-Jul-21
3-Boiler Feed Water Pump & System
1 CC1740 Pilling or Excavation and dewatering (Depending upon approved Design) 15 6-Aug-20 22-Sep-20
2 CC1860 Pump foundation construction 60 1-Dec-20 17-Mar-21
3 CC2120 Architectural Work 20 18-Mar-21 6-Apr-21
4 INS2030 1# HRSG Feed Water Pump installation 30 2-Apr-21 1-May-21
5 INS2360 2# HRSG Feed Water Pump installation 30 6-Apr-21 6-May-21
6 T&C Testing and Commissioning 5 10-May-21 15-May-21
4-(Condensate Pump & System )
1 INS1750 1# Condensate Water Pump & Pipe installation 90 17-Mar-21 15-Jun-21
2 INS2220 2# Condensate Water Pump & Pipe installation 90 6-May-21 16-Jun-21
5-(GIS Main Tunnel & Cable Trenches )
1 CC1030 Cable Tunnel Excavation 165 15-Jun-20 26-Feb-21
2 CC1050 Cable Tunnel Concrete 180 25-Jun-20 15-Mar-21
3 CC1850 Outdoor Interconnection Cable Trenches 120 2-Oct-20 4-May-21
6-(GSU/ UAT/ Stand By Transformers)
1 CC1060 Main GSU,UAT,Standby Transformers, BBR & IPB Pile construction 15 31-Jul-20 15-Sep-20
2 CC1270 Transformer BBR & IPB foundation construction 50 30-Sep-20 25-Dec-20
3 CC1460 1# Fireproof wall 50 12-Oct-20 14-Jan-21
4 INS1190 Transformers on position 7 28-Jan-21 1-Feb-21
5 INS1200 Transformers installation 45 15-Feb-21 27-Mar-21
6 INS1600 Oil filtration 15 27-Mar-21 11-Apr-21
a-(GCB Generator Circuit Breaker)
1 INS1060 1# GCB installation 20 15-Apr-21 5-May-21
b-(IPB Isolation Phase Bus Duct Installation )
1 INS1350 1# IPB installation 60 5-May-21 4-Jul-21
c-(T&C of GSU/UAT/Stand By Transformers )
1 TC1010 Standby/Station Transformer Testing 20 6-Mar-21 25-Mar-21
2 TC1040 Transformer commissioning 20 20-Jul-21 9-Aug-21
3 TC1130 Transformer ready for power backfeed 0 9-Aug-21 10-Aug-21
1 CC1520 East pipe rack foundation construction 120 17-Dec-20 22-Apr-21
2 CC1670 South pipe rack foundation construction 90 23-Dec-20 7-Apr-21
3 CC1590 Main Steam pipe rack pile construction 15 2-Feb-21 5-Mar-21
4 CC1730 Main Steam pipe rack foundation construction 60 29-Mar-21 28-May-21
5 INS1234 Installation of Structure of Pipe Racks 30-Mar-21 30-May-21
8-Piping Activities of Unit 1 & BOP (Balance of Plant System
1 INS1040 Piping installation of GT/ST HRSG & Auxilaries 100 1-Apr-21 10-Jul-21
2 Piping installation of BOP System and Interfacing with UNIT#1 System 5-Apr-21 10-Jul-21
3 Flushing Blowing Activities of All areas Piping 10-Jul-21 25-Jul-21
9-Field Instrumentation of Unit 1 & BOP (Balance of Plant System )
1 INS1040 Field Instrumentation installation of GT/ST /HRSG & Auxilaries 90 15-Apr-21 15-Jul-21
2 Field Instrumentation installation of BOP System 90 20-Apr-21 20-Jul-21
3 Calibration and Loop Testing of All Field Instrumentation 60 25-May-21 25-Jul-21

10-(Electrical System 220KV )

a- Switchgear 220 Kv
1 CC1160 Excavation and dewatering 15 31-Mar-21 15-Apr-21
2 CC1300 foundation and trench 30 15-Apr-21 15-May-21
3 CC1690 Structure construction 30 15-May-21 14-Jun-21
b-Gantry & Outdoor Equipment Foundation
1 CC2710 Gantry & outdoor Equipment Foundation 60 1-Feb-21 20-Mar-21
2 ICI & PIPRI-3 Equipment Installation 25-Mar-21 31-Mar-21
c- GIS Building 220 kV
1 CC1150 GIS building Excavation and dewatering 10 9-Jul-20 12-Aug-20
2 CC1310 GIS building foundation Work 75 13-Aug-20 19-Sep-20
3 CC1560 Sub-Structural & Super Structural construction 59 1-Sep-20 29-Jan-21
4 CC1810 GIS building architecture construction 90 17-Jan-21 25-Apr-21
d- GIS System 220kV
1 INS1050 220kV GIS installation for Back Feed 60 12-Apr-21 10-Jun-21
2 INS1150 220kv cable laying and termination 90 26-Apr-21 25-Jul-21
3 INS1051 220KV GIS Installation Complete 60 11-Jun-21 9-Aug-21
4 INS1120 Reactor installation 30 14-Jun-21 14-Jul-21
e- GIS GRID Relay & Control Building 220KV
1 CC1130 Grid control building Excavation and dewatering 15 24-Sep-20 1-Oct-20
2 CC1290 Foundation 30 1-Oct-20 26-Oct-20
3 CC1540 Grid control building Structural Work 60 27-Oct-20 27-Feb-21
4 CC1980 Grid control building Architectural Work 60 1-Mar-21 30-Apr-21
f- Grid Protection & Control System 220KV
1 INS1220 Grid control building electrical equipments installation 60 20-Apr-21 19-Jun-21
2 TC1030 Grid control building electrical equipments commissioning 32 19-Jun-21 21-Jul-21
3 TC1140 Grid control building ready for power back feed 0 21-Jul-21 21-Jul-21
g- GIS Testing & Commissioning 220kV
1 TC1050 220kv GIS unit commissioning(for Back Feed) 45 11-Jun-21 25-Jul-21
2 TC1100 220kv switchyard electric equipments system commissioning 15 25-Jul-21 9-Aug-21
3 TC1161 220KV GIS Commissioning Complete 45 31-Jul-21 13-Sep-21
4 TC1160 Power Back Feed to MV 3 9-Aug-21 12-Aug-21
5 TC1150 220kv GIS ready for power back feed 0 12-Aug-21 13-Aug-21
11-Center Control Building(CCB)
1 CC1020 CCB Pilling 57 17-Mar-20 13-May-20
2 CC1120 CCB Foundation Work 75 15-Jun-20 5-Sep-20
3 CC1390 CCB Structural Work 120 7-Sep-20 11-Feb-21
4 CC1840 CCB Architectural Work 180 21-Jan-21 6-Jul-21
5 INS1241 CCB 6.6kV Installation for Temporary Backfeed 45 23-Mar-21 7-May-21
6 INS1450 CCB DCS installation 120 30-Mar-21 28-Jul-21
7 INS1240 CCB electrical equipment installation(Power back feed scope) 85 31-Mar-21 24-Jun-21
8 INS2140 CCB electrical equipment installation(Other scope) 145 7-Apr-21 30-Aug-21
12-Black Start Diesel Generator (BSDG)
1 CC1380 Pilling Work 30 10-Nov-20 5-Dec-20
2 CC1550 Foundation 75 5-Mar-21 18-May-21
3 CC1820 Structure 30 19-May-21 17-Jun-21
4 CC1990 Architecture 20 18-Jun-21 7-Jul-21
5 INS1870 Diesel generator installation 20 8-Jul-21 27-Jul-21
6 INS1980 Diesel generator electrical equipment installation 30 28-Jul-21 26-Aug-21
7 TC1280 Black Start Diesel generator commissioning 30 12-Aug-21 10-Sep-21
a-Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG)
1 CC1570 Pilling Work 28 10-Nov-20 5-Dec-20
2 CC1790 Foundation construction 75 5-Mar-21 18-May-21
3 CC2160 Structure 25 19-May-21 12-Jun-21
4 CC2230 Architectural Work 20 13-Jun-21 2-Jul-21
5 INS1320 Diesel generator installation 20 13-Jun-21 2-Jul-21
6 INS1400 Diesel generator electrical equipment installation 30 13-Jun-21 12-Jul-21
7 TC1020 Diesel generator commissioning 30 13-Jul-21 11-Aug-21
13-Fuel Gas System (RLNG)
Customer Metering Station & Distribution
1 CC1370 Excavation and dewatering 28 16-Dec-20 30-Dec-20
2 CC1530 Foundation construction 75 31-Dec-20 25-Jan-21
3 CC2020 Structure 25 5-Apr-21 30-Apr-21
4 CC2100 Architectural Work 5 30-Apr-21 5-May-21
Fuel Gas System BQPS-III
1 CC1610 Excavation and dewatering 21 12-Sep-20 19-Sep-20
2 CC1830 Foundation construction 75 21-Sep-20 30-Sep-20
3 CC2170 Structure 25 31-Mar-21 25-Apr-21
4 CC2250 Architectural Work 5 25-Apr-21 30-Apr-21
RLNG Gas and Fuel Oil Pipe Line
1 CC1090 Gas line foundation from BQPS III to metering and distribution station 90 9-Feb-21 29-Mar-21
BQPS III Fuel Gas System
1 INS1310 BQPS-III Fuel Gas System Equipment Installation 90 8-Jan-21 16-Mar-21
2 INS1000 Interconnection Line from Metering Station to Gas Station of BQPS-III 70 12-Feb-21 18-Apr-21
3 INS1530 BQPS-III gas system electrical installation 73 16-Mar-21 28-May-21
4 INS1329 Metering Skid Installation Work 30 16-Mar-21 15-Apr-21
5 INS1590 BQPS-III gas system I&C installation 68 23-Mar-21 30-May-21
6 INS1330 BQPS-III Fuel Gas Piping from GT Gas Skid to Gas Station 60 23-Apr-21 21-Jun-21
BQPS III Fuel Gas System Commissioning
1 TC1270 BQPS III gas system commissioning 31 30-May-21 29-Jun-21
2 TC1350 BQPS III gas ready for ignition 1 30-Jun-21 30-Jun-21
14-Fuel Oil System (Distillate Oil)
Fuel Oil System BQPS III 115 22-Jun-20 5-Mar-21
1 CC1250 Fuel Oil tank pile construction 30 22-Jun-20 26-Jun-20
2 CC1400 Fuel Oil tank & equipment foundation construction 60 12-Aug-20 5-Mar-21
3 INS1040 Fuel Oil tank installation 120 5-Apr-21 2-Aug-21
4 INS1110 Fuel Oil pipe installation 120 10-Jun-21 7-Oct-21
5 INS1360 Fuel Oil tank electrical installation 28 7-Jul-21 3-Aug-21
6 INS1430 Fuel Oil tank I&C installation 25 12-Jul-21 5-Aug-21
7 INS1500 BQPS III pump installation 30 15-May-21 14-Jun-21
8 INS1690 Fuel system electrical construction 53 30-May-21 22-Jul-21
9 INS1700 Fuel system I&C construction 55 30-May-21 24-Jul-21
10 INS1820 BQPS II pump installation 30 14-Jun-21 14-Jul-21
Fuel Oil Pump Shed BQPS II 150 1-Mar-21 29-Jul-21
1 CC1620 Excavation and dewatering 45 1-Mar-21 15-Apr-21
2 CC1960 Foundation construction 75 15-Apr-21 29-Jun-21
3 CC2240 Structure 25 29-Jun-21 24-Jul-21
4 CC2280 Architectural Work 5 24-Jul-21 29-Jul-21
Fuel Oil Pump Shed BQPS III 71 5-Feb-21 11-May-21
1 CC1430 Pilling or Excavation and dewatering (Depending upon approved Design) 15 5-Feb-21 13-Feb-21
2 CC1760 Foundation construction 45 14-Feb-21 3-Apr-21
3 CC2130 Structure 25 6-Apr-21 1-May-21
4 CC2210 Architectural Work 10 1-May-21 11-May-21
Fuel Oil Tank 10 8-Aug-21 17-Aug-21
1 TC1070 Fuel Oil tank pressure test 10 8-Aug-21 17-Aug-21
2 TC1090 Fuel Oil tank ready for filling 0 17-Aug-21
Fuel Oil System 45 8-Oct-21 21-Nov-21
1 TC1250 Fuel system commissioning 45 8-Oct-21 21-Nov-21
2 TC1390 Fuel Oil Ready for ignition 1 21-Nov-21 21-Nov-21
15-Circulated Water System CCCW& OCCW
Circulated Water Pump Station CCCW & OCCW
1 CC1070 Pilling or Excavation and dewatering (Depending upon approved Design) 45 7-Oct-20 17-Oct-20
2 CC1200 Station foundation construction 60 11-Feb-21 13-Apr-21
3 CC1890 Structure Work 30 14-Apr-21 13-May-21
CW System
1 A34360 HDPE Piping Installation Work Complete Unit # 3 Including Temp Operation 130 1-Mar-21 9-Jul-21
2 A34370 HDPE Piping Installation Work Complete Unit # 4 105 2-Apr-21 16-Jul-21
3 INS1770 BQPS III #1 New pump equipment installation 40 5-May-21 13-Jun-21
4 INS1800 BQPS III #1 new pump electrical and I & C installation 40 5-May-21 13-Jun-21
5 INS2250 BQPS III #2 New pump equipment installation 45 5-May-21 18-Jun-21
6 INS2260 BQPS III #2 New pump electrical and I&C installation 40 8-May-21 16-Jun-21
CW Pump House
1 TC1400 BQPS III #2 New pump system test 7 9-Jul-21 16-Jul-21
2 TC1190 BQPS III #1 New pump system test 7 16-Jul-21 23-Jul-21
3 TC1420 BQPS III #2 Circulating water system ready for water circulating 0 23-Jul-21
4 TC1200 BQPS III #1 Circulating water system ready for water circulating 0 30-Jul-21
Closed Circulated Water System
1 INS1270 Closed circulated water pump electrical I&C installation 45 14-Apr-21 28-May-21
2 INS1140 Closed circulated water Pump & Piping installation 45 14-Apr-21 28-May-21
Closed Circulated Water System
1 TC1180 Closed circulated water pump commissioning 14 29-May-21 11-Jun-21
2 TC1240 Closed circulated water System ready 5 16-Jul-21 21-Jul-21
OCC Water System
1 INS0100 Open Circulating Cooling Water Pumps & Piping Installation Work 45 14-Apr-21 28-May-21
2 INS0102 Open Circulating Cooling Water Pumps electrical I&C installation 30 21-Apr-21 20-May-21
Open Circulated Colling Water System
1 TC1181 Open circulated water pump commissioning 14 29-May-21 11-Jun-21
2 TC1182 Open circulated water System ready 5 16-Jul-21 21-Jul-21
16-Raw Water /Demin Water Treatment Plant
1 CC1220 Pile construction 20 13-Jul-20 20-Jul-20
2 CC1440 Foundation construction 60 17-Oct-20 23-Nov-20
3 CC1930 Structural Work 30 31-Mar-21 30-Apr-21
4 CC2030 Architectural Work 30 30-Apr-21 30-May-21
6 INS1170 Demin water treatment system equipments and pipes installation 50 30-Apr-21 19-Jun-21
7 INS1540 Demin water treatment system electrical construction 45 7-May-21 21-Jun-21
8 INS1550 Demin water treatment system I&C construction 45 7-May-21 21-Jun-21
10 TC1170 Demin water treatment system commissioning 12 21-Jun-21 3-Jul-21
11 TC1230 Demin water Qualified 0 3-Jul-21 3-Jul-21
a-Chemical Sample Dosing System
1 INS1080 Sample Dosing equipment Installation 60 4-Apr-21 2-Jun-21
17-Gas Conditioning System
1 CC1350 Excavation and dewatering 15 14-Sep-20 21-Sep-20
2 CC1500 Skids foundation construction 60 22-Feb-21 22-Apr-21
3 INS Placement of Skid on Foundation 15 14-Sep-20 21-Sep-20
4 INS Mechnical and Electrical Equipment Installation 60 22-Feb-21 22-Apr-21
5 INS Piping Activity from BQPS-III Metering Station to GC Skid 22-Apr-21 23-May-21
6 T&C Testing and Commissioning 15-Jul-21 20-Jul-21
18-Compressed Air System (Plant & Instrument Air)
1 CC1140 Pilling or Excavation and dewatering (Depending upon approved Design) 30 15-Aug-20 22-Aug-20
2 CC1360 Foundation work of Compressed Air Station 30 12-Sep-20 23-Oct-20
3 CC1910 Structure work of Compressed Air Station 40 24-Oct-20 17-Mar-21
4 CC2090 Architecture work of Compressed Air Station 40 18-Mar-21 26-Apr-21
5 INS1130 Compressed air system equipments and pipes installation 90 7-Apr-21 5-Jul-21
6 INS1790 Compressed air system electrical installation 41 29-May-21 8-Jul-21
7 INS1840 Compressed air system I&C installation 37 2-Jun-21 8-Jul-21
8 TC1260 Compressed air system commissioning 7 9-Jul-21 15-Jul-21
9 TC1290 Compressed air system in operation 0 15-Jul-21 15-Jul-21
19-Fire Fighting System
1 CC1260 Fire fighting Pump House excavation & dewatering 30 16-Oct-20 23-Oct-20
2 CC1901 Fire Fighting Tanks Construction Work 60 23-Oct-20 17-Mar-21
3 CC1410 Fire fighting Pump House foundation construction 60 24-Oct-20 22-Jan-21
4 CC1900 Architectural Work 30 1-Mar-21 31-Mar-21
6 INS1470 Fire fighting water system for transformer and GIS 90 10-Mar-21 7-Jun-21
7 INS1460 Fire fighting water systemequipments and pipes installation for Unit # 01 80 8-Apr-21 26-Jun-21
8 INS1570 Fire fighting water system electrical construction 120 8-Apr-21 5-Aug-21
9 INS1620 Fire fighting water system I&C construction 120 8-Apr-21 5-Aug-21
10 INS1461 Fire fighting water systemequipments and pipes installation for Unit # 02 90 7-Jun-21 4-Sep-21
12 INS1480 Fire Fighting Detection System installation 180 10-Mar-21 5-Sep-21
14 TC1120 Fire fighting water system commissioning for transformer and GIS for Backfeed 6 8-Jun-21 13-Jun-21
15 TC1430 Fire fighting water system commissioning Complete 90 17-Jun-21 14-Sep-21
16 TC1121 Fire fighting water system for Unit # 01 25 2-Jul-21 26-Jul-21
20-Hydrogen Generation System
1 CC1210 H2 Station pile construction 15 27-Jun-20 30-Jun-20
2 CC1450 H2 Station Foundation construction 35 12-Aug-20 14-Sep-20
3 CC1700 Structural Work 60 15-Sep-20 1-Feb-21
4 CC2050 Architectural Work 60 1-Mar-21 30-Apr-21
6 INS1740 H2 Station equipments and pipes installation 60 12-Mar-21 10-May-21
7 INS1940 H2 Station electrical installation 60 22-Mar-21 20-May-21
8 INS2050 H2 Station I&C installation 60 27-Mar-21 25-May-21
10 TC1310 Hydrogen system commissioning 10 26-May-21 4-Jun-21
11 TC1380 H2 Qualified 0 4-Jun-21 4-Jun-21
21-DCS(Plant Control System & NCS(Grid Control System) Partial Commissioning
1 DCS energization 0 25-May-21 29-May-21
2 A34350 DCS Block 1 Commissioning 45 14-May-21 28-Jun-21
3 A34380 NCS Partial System Commissioning 45 14-May-21 28-Jun-21
22-Commissioning & First Fire of Unit#1
1 OC1000 GT 1# First Fire 1 30-Jul-21 31-Jul-21

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