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Education must be a cheapest and most preceding item of a nation, and it's a best weapon of a
country. Countries that are well developed in this world have very strong educational system.

Pakistani education are concerned that the English language is taught in the country under conditions
which are far from being satisfactory English play a prominent role in Pakistan as a lingua franca.

In this paper I would like to discuss problems in English language at the 9 th and 10th Class in
government girls high school kharkai and the study was undertaken to identify the problems of
teachers as well as students regarding the subject the main objective of the study were to investigate
the academic and professional qualification of English teachers

To evaluate the problems related to teaching of English as Compulsory subject in primary schools
and to make recommendations in the light of finding of the study.

The participant of the study was one school the female school was randomly selected within the
district in Dargai.

This is consider only a sample study one of the basis of these area two questionnaire were develop
one for teachers and other for the students of the school.

Of all the language in the world today English deserves to be regarded as a world language it is the
world most widely spoken language, it is the commonly means of communication between the
people of the different nations one person out of every four on earth can be reached through English(
RANDOLPH QUIRCK) point out there are new something like 250 million people for whom
English is the mother tongue are first language if we add to this the number of people who have
working knowledge of English as a second or foreign language we raise the total to about 350
million a very important reason for reading English as a world language is that the world knowledge
enshrined in English that is to say almost the world over whether as mother tongue or as a foreign
language English is being used one way or another already English has been accorded this status by
the world because it is the language used in international conferences and in forum of the united

nation organization we can examine the importance of the study of English in Pakistan under the
following heads.

1. English as an international language

2. English as a window on the world

3. English as a library language English as a link language

Unfortunately the average teacher of English loses sight of the aims of English. teaching the
language n his day today work all that be remember is that his aim is to enable his pupil to get
through the examination the result is that the language is not taught is the skill subject as it ought to
be taught but as a knowledge subject they acquire very little proficiency in the linguistic skills that
really matter they cannot express themselves in English they are in capable of writing few correct
sentence they acquire no love for reading books


Whatever the curriculum are teaching they are not according to the level of the learners. The
teaching English effective lies in the fact whether English is taught as language or a subject
traditionally the main consideration of English foreign language has on gaining on maximum
knowledge about the language itself of learning to use it in context. the use of translation methods
was consider good in giving appropriate knowledge of language to the learner. but it has failed in the
domain in practically use of language in real life situation on the other hand classroom language
teaching approach is being praised worldwide for its main focus on improving communicative
competence of the learner to produce competence to produce competent use of English. English has
teaches the priority list of many East Asian government MACLINTON (2012) pointed out the
situation in her articles English language is one of the important factors for progress educationally
socially and economically in Pakistan it serve as a gate way to success to further education keeping
in views use of English in Pakistan and the benefit associated with its usages. English language has
been urged to incorporate communicative practice in class room. various teachers training program
me are being conducted for the awareness of teachers so that should implement strategies on to
enhance communicative skills of students now for the first time in the history of Pakistan there is a

wide a wakening towards the goal of achievement communicative competencies which is wide from
various step taken by the stake holders towards this direction.


Many teachers of English increasingly concerned about being held accountable for their students
progressed as measured by standardized test clearly teachers of English. Students need the
appropriate training to be meeting their student’s language and learning needs and to facilitate
academic growth yet most teachers lack this training. Pakistan is multilingual with almost to living
language. English though not spoke as a first language is the primary second language to learn for
education business traveling abroad or other’s needs. English is taught a compulsory subject from
grade one to twelve in Pakistan the traditionally used


It is not producing desired results as the ever expanding domain of knowledge globalization of the
world an increasingly used of English language in all sphere of life demand the coming generation to
become expert in the use of English language not only in its written form but also in its oral
communication. it is used as a tool and means towards greater goal English in Pakistan should be
taught an applied linguistic point of views of (JILLANI -2004-2008) there should be link in what
students learn in the class room and life situation English is consider as a foreign language in
Pakistan however some ever some misconception also prevail about is status a foreign or second
language. The proponent of the idea of English is a language of business court, military. Education


The following part related the teachers’ perceived difficulties in implementing the CLT approach in
a Pakistan context for convince this part has further been divided.

3: Teacher lack of proficiency in English work load and their understanding of the implementation
of the CLT approach were including in this part.

1. The teachers have low resources and less time for material preparation

2, Teacher lack training and full understanding of CLT APPROACH

3. CLT requires high proficiency of the teachers.


Student proficiency in English and their willingness and motivation for participation in class room
activity were the point discussed under the head

2, Students have low proficiency in English.

3. Students are low confidence and less preparation for CLT.

4, Students resist for active participation in communicative activity

5. The education system of Pakistan

6. CLT is unsuitable for existing examination of Pakistan

7. The existing syllabus is not suitable for communication activity

8. Class room are not equipped activity aids for CLT

9. Large class size is hurdle for CLT.


Majority of the teachers were matriculate and had the professional degree of PST, so they were
under-qualified for teaching English at the primary level, Audio-Visual aids were not available in the
schools and there was no environment of speaking English at schools. On the basis of the

To high light teaching methodology you will illustrate

The weakness of the teaching methodology

Analysis of the teaching methodology can be helpful

Teacher education and teacher training are matters of hot discussion in Pakistan. The present study
discusses that communicative approach in English language teaching is suffering from neglect in

training programs in Pakistan. Most of the teachers cling to the age-old Grammar Translation
method. They do not adopt different classroom activities in ELT. The trainees do not take any
interest in communicative approach in ELT and sometimes even the trainers also take no interest in
training through communicative approach. The neglect of communicative approach in the training
programs will lead to non-professionalism and it will only perpetuate the weaknesses of traditional
way of teaching. It will definitely be a great hindrance to effective communication using English on
the part of the learners. It has been commonly observed that students fail to write even a single page
in English language even after completing their graduation. There is an urgent need to teach English
language through communicative approach both in language classrooms and training programs. This
study is an attempt to highlight the significant role of communicative approach in ELT and
particularly in training programs.


The purpose of the study was examine the type and gravity of the problem being faced by subject
and suggests the use of appropriate method techniques and approaches

To find out reasons which leads to English language teaching problems in Pakistan which is one of
main objectives of the study were (i) to investigate the academic and professional qualification of
English teachers, (ii) to evaluate the problems related to teaching of English The participant of the
study were one school the female school were randomly selected within the district in Dargai.

English as compulsory subject in primary schools and (iii) to make recommendations in the light of
findings of the study. The participants of the study were from eight schools key issue to be address


The rational of the study which to this project is one of the fact that with growing globalization
people and culture become closer to each other and while studying the culture perception of an
important segment of society teacher can yield great benefit in understanding in our social behavior
beside doing a services to ELT there are favorable trend in Pakistan to learn English language yet
there are not.

The study was conducted in government higher secondary school Dargai no participation observed
was conducted to carry out analysis and thesis of the problem and their solution the teacher have not

attended any pre service training course and nonexistence of any special training for the teachers to
manage large size ELT classes discipline lack of proper teaching at school at ministration in
different attitude, un suitable curriculum.


1 what to analysis class room methodology being used in 9 th and 10th class to high light the effects of
ELT methodology in term of integrating English language skills in the learner?

2. What to recommend and suggest some ELT methodology for improving English language skills
of the students?

3. Do they adopt different class room activities in English language teaching?



I start my research English language teaching problem in Pakistan and to go in detail I start from
school near to me in Dargai I start teaching for a while myself to experience the actual fact and the
problem being faced by the teachers and the students on daily basis which is why I am in the better
position to highlight those problems in my research as I felt it personally rather than being told by
someone although the teacher practice of ELT approach is mainly based on their theoretical
knowledge about the methodology in communicative class room situation the diverse role of
teachers has being emphasized by the practioners (NUNAD 1989) and (LOPEZ1984 ) have asserted
that learning have very interested and cognitive style the teacher has expected to electively used as
many methods and techniques as possible in contrast to the past situation in which a teacher was
supposed to follow one best methodology and one best text books as mention an English teacher
must be prudent and electric in designing a lesson plane paying close attention to a wide range of
methods and techniques that are their disposal and selecting appropriate pedagogical tools that
congruent with linguistic need of their students.

Troike (1981) cogently presented the conceptual framework for native language emphasis:

1. People are more likely to learn anything, including English, if they understand what they are
being taught.
2. Students with limited English ability will not fall behind their English-speaking peers if they can
keep up with subject matter content through their native language while they are mastering English,

Why I have chosen this topic? The main motivation behind this the literacy rate of Pakistan. A study
said that Pakistan have 48.7% literacy rate which is even less than 50%. This is because of several
reasons like educational problems, corruption in education etc, that's why I am motivated to conduct
a research on educational problems.

I have read some articles on this topic, according to those articles still our population is not fully
acknowledged about the importance of education especially in rural areas. Although there are some

problems like lack of facilities, teacher training, syllabus and attitude of the people as well but the
government should have enough strong plans to overcome these kinds of problems. Study reflected
that the educated, working and economically sound parents were more interested towards Pre-school
education. Pre-school education starts at the age of two or three up to five years and kids learn in
'social learning environments' (Ormrod, 1999) out of home. The preschool education actually results
with personality traits and social development of the children in the school environment. Children
learn more through relations with their age fellows. At early stage of life children are very sharp with
their minds and they tends to do questioning and get understand things easily, that's why early
education is too essential for making them creative, artistic, social and developing communication
skills. In Pakistan, formally education starts at the age of five years from grade-1. Working and
economically well off parents prefer to send their children to day care centers, nursery or
kindergarten schools at the age of three to five years. Private sector expands this facility in fact on
commercial basis in urban areas throughout the country. While public schools, kids sit in pre-
primary (Kach Class) in multi-grade classrooms which are not equipped with appropriate facilities.
Parents and kids faced problems due to lack of trained teachers and insufficient facilities in pre-
school education centers. Previous studies attempting to explain the low level of educational
development in Pakistan have pointed to a wide range of macro social issues from population growth
and political instability to feudalism and a lack of human rights (Rahman, 2004).

Main problems that I have found government could not pay attention and don't have strong policies
to conduct this system in better way. In government schools we don't have proper facilities for
example furniture, trained teachers, books are not available in the market, A the allocation of funds
for education are very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total GDP; the ratio of gender
discrimination is a cause which is projecting the primary school ratio of boys & girls which is 10:4
respectively. For the last few years there has been an increase in the growth of private schools. That
only harms the quality of education but creates a gap among them and Poverty is also another factor
that restricts the parents to send their children to public or private school.

The literature review section is deals about the summary of articles that I have read.

This article has been written by "Mr Irshad Hussaina and Mr Sarwat Sultanb" and its title is "Parent's
literacy and pre-school education: a study

The literature review section is deals about the summary of articles that I have read.

This article has been written by "Mr Irshad Hussaina and Mr Sarwat Sultanb" and its title is "Parent's
literacy and pre-school education: a study of practices and problems of early childhood education in
Pakistan" in this article the writers try to expose some main problems and root cause regarding pre-
school education in Pakistan. They mentioned number of problems through which some of them I
am describing. According to writers working parents and parents who are economically well off are
more interested to give their children pre-school education that's mean people have money problem,
they can't afford schooling fees. Along with the income problem our schools do not provide good
study environment, we are lacking of class room facilities especially in government schools, our
teachers are not well trained, we are not providing good syllabus to our children and make our
syllabus interesting so that kids show their desire towards studies and do not waste their golden time.
We should take some measures regarding all the problems because when kids at their early stage of
life, they are very intelligent with their minds and they have a propensity to do inquiring and get
understand things easily, that's why early education is too essential for making them creative,
artistic, social and developing communication skills. The study was descriptive in nature, so that
survey approach was considered more suitable and adopted to collect the data. Sample size was 15
teachers and the areas were Dargai District Malakand. Two research tools a questionnaire on five
point rating (likert) scale and an interview schedule were developed. Interview schedule were used
for deep understanding of the scenario. The data analyzed on the basis of qualitative and quantitative
method and mean score. Results were shown in percentages in the form of tables.



QUALITATIVE the primarily exploratory research and it is easy to understanding of

an underlying reason opinion and observation and motivation it provide the insight in to the problem
to help to develop idea or hypothesis to for potential qualitative research.


It is used to identify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data can be transformed in
to useable statistic it is used to quantify attitude, opinion, behavior and others defined variable and
generalized result from a larger sample population quantitative research use measurable data to
formulate fact and uncover pattern in the research quantitative data collection method or much more
structure than qualitative data collection methods

My topic of research is problems of education in Pakistan as my area of study is descriptive in nature

so I go for survey approach and it is more feasible for me as compared to any other research
approach. I can go for develop questionnaires and fill these questionnaires from different teachers
and students, etc. I can also send these questionnaires to the well-known universities of Pakistan just
to conduct research on higher education system of Pakistan. With all above mentioned methodology
I can also go for focus group, interviews as well with the different households and universities
students and school students Before conducting this research first of all I have to specify the
population and then get sample form this population. After collecting all the data I have to come up
with my own theory and also specify dependent and independent variables. In my case it is very
clear that education is dependent variable while all the problems like people income, people
awareness, quality syllabus, best qualified teachers, government policies regarding education and
many others all are the independent variable. Since the purpose of the study was to understand the
existing instructional practice as well as to reveal reason behind those practices a mix method of
research was used during the study quantitative approach was required to identify the teaching
practices using class room observation checklist while qualitative approach was necessary to reveal
the reason behind behind the particular approach through interviews one government high school in
the district while selecting schools it was kept in mind that the data should be represent the whole

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population and all sectors and all tehsils of the of the district through this sampling their English
teachers were consulted to collected.


An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.

The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.

The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the Learning
Management process.

An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as important contributing elements to

classroom learning.

An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside the classroom

1.1 PARTICIPANT Twelve teachers and twelve students from the school Government school
Kharkai School


In attempt to find out what we all think about teacher and teaching. What does make a good teacher?
Many different people were ask the question, the following answer are the representative of the
many of that were given.

1. They should make their lesson interesting to you don’t fall asleep in them.

2. A teacher must have her job if she really enjoy her job that will make the lesson more interesting.

Teacher who look fed up and unhappy with what they are doing tend to have a negative effect on
their students when you observe good teacher you will notice that even when

/if they are feeling terrible outside the class they put on a good teachers face when they enter the
class room. A good teacher is some who helps rather than shouts. a good teacher is some one whose
name ours name class management ability to control and inspire the class a teacher is one of the

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fundamental skills of teaching teacher find it easier if their students believe that they are genuinely
interest in them and available for them

3.3 New Teaching Skills.

1 Commitment: It is essential that teachers are committed to their work and to the education of
young people. The responsibility that lies in the hands of a teacher is huge, so a modern teacher must
always be aware of this and be truly engaged in their profession.

2 Preparation: There used be a time when the right temperament enabled you to become a teacher.
Nowadays it’s nigh on impossible to find a teacher without formal academic training. This
requirement is increasing as education levels improve in society. The better prepared you are as a
teacher, the more effective you’ll be, so you should pursue you studies with this ethos in mind.
3 Organization: Good organization and the planning of a course in advance are key factors for
success. It is very important that a teacher organizes the lesson properly and allocates the time to
cover it in its entirety. Students can tell a poorly planned class from a mile away and once they
realize the teacher isn’t putting in the effort neither will they!

4 Tolerance: In an increasingly diverse and multicultural society, it is necessary for teachers to

manage any prejudices they may have and to treat all their students equally without showing
favoritism. It’s a very important teaching skill not to impose your world view on your students,
instead you should openly discuss topics and let students decide for themselves.
5 Story Telling: One of the best ways to teach and transfer ideas is through stories. The best
teachers have used this method in their classes for centuries. Teaching a lesson by incorporating
story-telling techniques is a fantastic teaching skill to develop at any time. Utilizing it leaves your
class wanting to find out what happens next. An engaged class is the best way to increase
participation and collaboration.

6 Open to Questions: Having discussions and collaborating in class are essential for
encouraging students and implementing new teaching techniques. Teachers must be open to
answering their students’ questions. Modern teachers truly listen to their students questions and
answer them honestly, not just with a cursory or textbook response. It may sometimes occur that you
don’t know the answer to a question or you don’t have the time! If this happens, don’t waffle or

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brush the question off, just explain that you will look in to it and get back to the student with a
proper answer later.

The challenge of teacher training in Pakistan

While it does not necessarily yield a high salary or as much prestige as medicine or engineering,
teaching is still a much-coveted profession in Pakistan. This is indicated by the large number of
Pakistanis who seek to enroll in the country's teacher training programs.

However, there remain many challenges in the area of teacher training. Most notably, the lack of
adequate programs in terms of number, as well as the curriculum of some of these programs.

The importance of teacher training cannot be underestimated. The better a teacher is trained, the
better he or she can educate tomorrow's generation of Pakistanis.

In fact, a joint study by Harvard University and the Academy of Education Planning and
Management in Pakistan shows that math scores for students in grades four and five rose with the
level of their teachers' level of education.

In addition, teacher training doesn't just positively impact a teachers and students' knowledge of a
subject matter. The teaching method used to share information by teachers helps children not only
stay in school, but also engages young students and encourages them to keep learning. Reports on
primary education in Pakistan, for example, have noted that 'fear of punishment' and the 'harsh
treatment by teachers' are key reasons for primary school dropout among students (Morton 1992 and
Semiotics Consultants 1994). This clearly stems from a lack of proper teacher training.

Teacher training in Pakistan is primarily a provincial responsibility. Generally, applicants to most

teacher training institutes outnumber the spaces available. But the shortage is not just in spaces. It is
also found in the lack of facilities for this endeavor, especially in certain places like Balochistan, and
particularly for female teachers. This is a tragedy considering that Pakistan's rate of female literacy is

Pakistan's federal level of government also plays a role in teacher training through its Curriculum
Wing, which is also responsible for teacher education institutions. Primary school teachers seeking
employment in government schools are trained in three ways: through Government Colleges and

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Elementary Education (CGETs), the distance education program of the Allama Iqbal Open
University, and teacher training courses administered in high schools. The graduates of these
institutions are taught a similar curriculum, and receive the Primary Teaching Certificate (PTC) at
the end of a course that lasts one year.

About 12,000 teachers are trained in the 76 GCETs every year, and close to 8,000 are trained
through the distance learning program. In some provinces, crash courses have also been arranged to
reduce the backlog of teachers who are not trained for their jobs.

In terms of the country's private schools, a number of the major ones have their own teacher training

To be accepted into the PTC course, an applicant must have a minimum of ten years of schooling.
However, the government of the province of Punjab raised this bar recently and fixed the minimum
to12 years of schooling for admission to the PTC course.

Although the PTC course is for only one year, in reality is usually much shorter. An additional
problem is that the curriculum for pre-service training is overloaded. In general, the courses do not
significantly improve a teacher's knowledge of a particular subject matter or teaching skills.

A study conducted in the province of NWFP found that entrants had poor proficiency in math and
science. Even more disturbingly, there was little difference in teachers' performance after completing
the course.

Another study revealed there was no major difference in the teaching practices of PTC teachers and
untrained teachers, or between graduates of the PTC course from different systems

It is clear then that pre-service training of teachers in Pakistan is sorely lacking at a time when
education for a nation in a globalized world is more important than ever before.

In terms of in-service training, this is the responsibility of the Curriculum Boards and Extension
Centers. The provinces have given in-service responsibilities to one or more CGETs. There are three
different types of in-service training: training of untrained staff in full-time crash programs that last
three months; refresher courses that last for a short period of time; a few private initiatives such as
the Ali Institute of Education in Lahore and the Teachers' Resource Center in Karachi.

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Every province has an Education Extension Center responsible that is in charge of in-service
education. The aim is to provide one in-service training session to each teacher at least once every
five years. But these sessions are fewer than the number of teachers as indicated by a study of in-
service refresher courses in Punjab. This study found that the courses reached a nominal number of
teachers. For instance, in 1988, 16 refresher courses were offered to only 4,400 teachers, out of a
total teaching corps of nearly 180,000.

Some institutions have taken it upon themselves to try to fill the gap. A leading institute specializing
in the training of private school teachers is the Ali Institute of Education (AIE), which was founded
in 1992. This organization imparts teacher education for primary school teachers in both the public
and private sectors. So far, 205 teachers have benefited from pre-service training. There are 104
teachers currently enrolled in the program. About 95 percent of the trainees are female, with most of
them coming from lower-middle income backgrounds. About half of them receive financial aid from
the institute.

The institute also has an in-service training program. About 2,200 teachers have benefited from it,
about 80 percent of who are female. Close to the same proportion belong to rural areas.

One in-service training experiment is the Field-Based Teacher Training Program, which was started
in the Northern areas of Pakistan in 1984. In essence, this is an unusual way of teaching the PTC
syllabus. It trains teachers to give up some of the unproductive, traditional practices which are
prevalent in rural primary schools.

This program adopts a new approach in teaching, which shifts the emphasis from the teacher to the
student as the center of the teaching-learning process. The most distinctive feature of this program is
the practical application of the theoretical concepts that are taught in the classroom of the PTC

The following questionnaire is conducted to point out problem and issues in English language
teaching problem in Pakistan.

1. What do you think English curriculum at nine and ten class satisfied and your English language
2. What do you think the teacher use appropriate teaching methodology for English subject?

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3. Does my English language skills up to the acceptable level?
4. Does the teaching methodology effective provide and appropriate the writing and speaking
5. Does the teacher motivate the language for nine and ten class room facilitate?
6. Do English language learning skills the teacher provide appropriate time for to practice for
reading speaking and writing?
7. Does family environment facilitate language learning?
8. Why the lack of confidence is the reason for my lack for speaking proficiency?
9. Do you think that the children language skills have than family much more hand behind?
10. Do you speaking English without the fear of being wrong pronunciation?
11. Do your teacher use deductive method or inductive methods?
12. Does your teacher use native language while delivering lecture?


2 3 4 2 2 2.4 75
2 2 4 0 3 4.2 50
3 1 3 4 1 4,3 50
2 3 3 2 2 4.2 75
1 7 1 2 0 4.1 50
0 2 5 0 4 4.1 25
1 2 1 2 4 4.1 25
5 0 3 3 0 4.5 125
2 0 1 3 3 4.5 50
4 0 2 4 0 4.4 100
0 0 1 5 5 4.1 25
1 5 1 0 4 4.1 25

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The teachers requested to fill the questionnaire and the students also the data was collected in a very
frank way to facilitate the participants the data was conducted in about fifteen minutes The above
table show that 2 participant out of twelve agree to the statement and 2 disagree and the rest 4 were
strongly disagree English curriculum at 9th and 10th class is not an important factor in English
language teaching to improve our skills Second statement also two participant is strongly agree and
the two dis agree and one agree and three neutral and the third statement 4 were agree and the rest
were not satisfied and the other statement three students were agree and the rest are not and next
questionnaire the 5 students were strongly agree and other were agree and neutral and the last
question 4 were neutral and the others are agree and disagree and in this process I collect the data
from teachers in the teachers questionnaire 5 teachers were strongly dis agree and the and the 3 were
strongly agree and the 2 disagree and 2 agree and one are neutral and the second questionnaire the 5
were agree and 3 three disagree and three neutral and next 4 strongly agree and 5 disagree and three
neutral and the last questionnaire the teachers 6 strongly agree and 4 disagree and one agree and
three disagree

On the basis of these areas, two questionnaires were developed, one for the head teachers of the
schools and the other for the English language teachers of the schools. Data collected through the
questionnaires was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using percentage and chi square formula.
In the light of the objectives, can go for develop questionnaires from government school After
collecting all the data I have to come up with my own theory and also specify dependent and
independent variables. In my case it is very clear that education is dependent variable while all the
problems syllabus, best qualified teachers, government policies regarding education and many others
all are the independent variables and fill these questionnaires from government school After
collecting all the data I have to come up with my own theory and also specify dependent and
independent variables. In my case it is very clear that education is dependent variable while all the
problems syllabus, best qualified teachers, government policies regarding education and many others
all are the independent variables.

18 | P a g e
As the underlying idea of my research was to identify any significance different of using of CLT
approach in public schools the questionnaire and observation schedule were separated and after
completion and make two categories twelve 12 teachers and twelve 12 students hence the result was
also presented in this vein both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to analyzed

According to the result question the questionnaire data was analyzed

Using frequencies and percentage to analyzed data from class room observation frequency and
percentage was calculated the interview was analyzed using qualitative analyzed technique the ELT
problem found in the questionnaire and the observation schedule was the main issue to be resaved
during the interview the responded tries to justify these English language teaching problem giving
different arguments.

At the stage of analysis all the collect data was read thoroughly and especially question and answers
to this question the dignity record Interview were transcribed code and then categories helped out the
researchers to produced themes which later on facilitate data Analysis and then finally conclusion
were inferred on the basis.

Develop themes the following emerged as below discuss.

1. Teachers perception about the judicious use of mother tongue

2. Code switching improve the teaching performance of the language teachers.

3. Code switching is necessary in the English foreign language.

4. Important of the knowing the reasons for the code switching in bilingual class room.

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1. Do you provide the sufficient time to English language skills?

2. Does the students language skills outside the class room?

3. Does English syllabus facilitate the learning of English language skills?

4, Does English syllabus emphasized on the content?

5, Do you use native language for teaching English?

6. Do provide appropriate practice of writing and speaking English?

7, Does paper pattern at 9th and 10th class cramming habit?

8. Does paper pattern at 9th and 10 classes demand English language skills?

9. Does family environment facilitate of the student language learning?

10. Does school environment facilitate English language learning?



Q1 3 2 5 2 1 4.2 75
Q.2 1 3 2 5 3 4.1 25
Q.3 5 1 1 6 0 4.2 50
Q.4 2 3 4 3 4 4.3 75
Q.5 3 1 2 4 5 4.4 100
Q.6 4 2 3 5 3 4.3 75
Q.7 3 1 4 6 2 4.4 100
Q.8 4 33 5 1 3 4.2 50
Q.9 2 1 2 6 2 4.2 150
6 3 4 1 2 4.6 25

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The teachers requested to fill the questionnaire and the students also the data was collected in a very
frank way to facilitate the participants the data was conducted in about fifteen minutes

The above table show that 3 participants out of ten strongly agree to the statement and 5 disagree and
the rest 2 disagree and 1 neutral

English curriculum at 9th and 10th class is not an important factor in English language teaching to
improve our skills

Second statement also 1 participant is strongly agree and the three dis agree and one agree and three
neutral and the third statement 4 were agree and the rest were not satisfied and the other statement
three students were agree and the rest are not and next questionnaire the 5 students were strongly
agree and other were agree and neutral and the last question 4 were neutral and the others are agree
and disagree and in this process I collect the data from teachers in the teachers questionnaire 5
teachers were strongly dis agree and the and the 3 were strongly agree and the 2 disagree and 2 agree
and one are neutral and the second questionnaire the 5 were agree and 3 three disagree and three
neutral and next 4 strongly agree and 5 disagree and three neutral and the last questionnaire the
teachers 6 strongly agree and 4 disagree and one agree and three disagree

On the basis of these areas, two questionnaires were developed, one for the head teachers of the
schools and the other for the English language teachers of the schools. Data collected through the
questionnaires was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using percentage and chi square formula.
In the light of the objectives, can go for develop questionnaires from government school After
collecting all the data I have to come up with my own theory and also specify dependent and
independent variables. In my case it is very clear that education is dependent variable while all the
problems syllabus, best qualified teachers, government policies regarding education and many others
all are the independent variables and fill these questionnaires from government school After
collecting all the data I have to come up with my own theory and also specify dependent and
independent variables. In my case it is very clear that education is dependent variable while all the
problems syllabus, best qualified teachers, government policies regarding education and many others
all are the independent variables.

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As the underlying idea of my research was to identify any significance different of using of CLT
approach in public schools the questionnaire and observation schedule were separated and after
completion and make two categories twelve 12 teachers and twelve 12 students hence the result was
also presented in this vein both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to analyzed

According to the result question the questionnaire data was analyzed

Using frequencies and percentage to analyzed data from class room observation frequency and
percentage was calculated the interview was analyzed using qualitative analyzed technique the ELT
problem found in the questionnaire and the observation schedule was the main issue to be resaved
during the interview the responded tries to justify these English language teaching problem giving
different arguments.
At the stage of analysis all the collect data was read thoroughly

And especially question and answers to this question the dignity record
Interview were transcribed code and then categories helped out
The researchers to produced themes which later on facilitate data
Analysis and then finally conclusion were inferred on the basis of
Develop themes the following emerged as below discuss.

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AT the stage of data FINDING I first of all prepare questionnaire for students and for the teachers
and my questionnaire is closed ended and give five option for the students and for the teachers And
then go to government school and distribute them among teacher and students


Majority of the students said that we there for learn English because we want to learn And become a
success full in future majority of the students said that initially we had Some problem the teachers
said that they did not support to us majority of the Teachers said that how we teach the students
make them like foreigner students
Because in our country school there is not proper facilitate for everything s we are also Not satisfied
from this teaching but we are also not satisfied from this teaching but What can we do this is our
government duty to concentrate to this problem this is our Obligation majority of the teachers said if
government prepare a lot book for student But the government need to brought qualified teachers for
teaching to this books one of
One of the teachers said the huge problem is the facilitation e.g. in Government schools
There is also lack of classes over crowded classes in one class one hundred student sitting so how
can they learn English most of the teacher and students said that there
There is also lack of electricity in Pakistani schools. One of the biggest problem teachers
Face is a lesson where the students are at different levels some with quiet competent
English some who’s English is not very good and some who’s English is only just getting
Started as with many others class room subject teacher face this problem every day
Unless the most rigorous selection has taken place what then are the possible way of dealing with the


When the teacher knows who the good and less good students are they can form different group.

DO different task with same material

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Where teacher use the same material with whole class, they can encourage the students to do
different task depending on their abilities,

IGNORE THE PROBLEM. It is perfectly feasible to hold the belief that within heterogeneous
group students will find their own level,

USE THE STUDENTS. Some students adopt strategy of peer help and teaching so that better
student can help weaker one.

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The study was guided by the theme of one public institution problem highly English language
reaching at higher secondary level a questionnaire was used to collect data secondly a class
observation schedule was used to evaluate the problem English language teaching in Pakistan what
teachers claim on using teaching methodology and what they actually materialized in class room
thirdly a subsequent interview was used to seek justification for their English language teaching
response in the questionnaire and the observation schedule the data indicate that there is found a
significant problems different on the use of teaching methodology teachers mostly used GTM
approach and secondly priority is to used mix method approach to meet learning method of students
CLT approach is mostly absent from their teaching set up every country is unique in second
language teaching methodology Pakistan is lagging behind than the others English foreign language
countries in implementing CLT approach in order to help the learners improve their speaking
abilities teachers should know their weaknesses and strength with regard to English pronunciation
and they should serves as a role models for the learner pronunciation teaching method this study is
contrast MORELY ( 1999 )who point that the methodologies of teaching must change from
emphasizing segmental elements of pronunciation to supra segmental element of pronunciation and
from linguistic competence to while the present study stresses on the segmental element to be taught
on the basis of the conclusion arrived at recommendation were given. English language teachers
should have professional qualification up-to B.ED the English language teachers should be provide
special training to practice spoken English and should be enable to use teaching methods especially
designed for teaching English at the primary level adequate teaching aids may be provided in
schools and Government should take solid steps on this issue.

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1. Face the problem of students who are reluctant to speak possible solution included

Using pair work allowing students to speak in a controlled way first using acting out and reading
aloud and using role play.

2.Worried about situation where student are having real trouble with listening material among many
alternative we can give them interview question before they listening again give them different bits
of the tap jigsaw concentrate on one simple listening task finally get students to predict listening
content by giving them key vocabulary.

3. Suggested that teachers should always have some spare activities up their sleeve for situation
where some group finish long before others.

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