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Lesson no. Subject: Lesson description: Year: Group: Ability: Day: Period: Duration: Total No.

: M: F:

1 SOFTBALL Base running

9 SEN:


Assessment and Evaluation of Creativity, Resilience Maths / English / Science / Link to Theoretical
Activity Description Objectives Teaching Points Differentiation Performance and Tactics Cross Curricular PE Aspects
Student led The pairs chosen last lesson lead To be able to lead the group through heart - listen to and follow instructions of those Ask students how they could Listen and observe warm ups and R✚ Set reasonable Science: Physical, emotional
warm up the warm up raising exercises. leading the warm-up make warm up easy / harder / answers goals. Energetics and social health
intense Objectives: Students are
I know the effects of energy introduced to the
Base running 10 – 20 – 30 metre shuttles in To comprehend and grasp the laws - Run Hard ↑ Run around bases ⦿ Use skill evaluation sheets to  Create tactics to changes and changes of state physical reasons for
and tagging him fastest time governing running between bases, stealing, - Run straight identify Strengths and increase chances of (qualitative) participation in
tagging etc. Weaknesses in their tagging skills tagging an opponent Student expectations: sport, exercise and
To confidently perform with accuracy, the I can describe how things physical activity.
actions safely and correctly R✚ To be able to talk change state when they are
Base Running In 3’s between 15 m place two To understand the importance of running Tagged ↑ Roll the ball ⦿ Use evaluation sheets to help effectively with team heated up or cooled down. Physical reasons;
cones and place a ball on the hard between bases - Player must have control of ball inside the glove ↑ Runner hits the ball from tee partners enhance their batting, mates improves heart
ground – see how many bases the and make contact with runner before they get to ↑ In 3’s – Bowl and retrieve, running and communication Maths: function, improves
runner can shuttle to before the base seeing how many bases can be skills. Compound shapes the efficiency of the
basemen tag him out - The runner must remain in a straight line. run Objectives: body systems,
Running In 3’s : 2 have to make 5 catches 10 To be able to confidently perform with - The ball carrier must just hold the ball in their ↑ Increase number of passes  Pupils highlight weaknesses R✚ How do you To able to calculate the area reduce risks of some
metres apart before runner runs 40 accuracy, the ‘Steal’ of yards at the start glove in the line of the runner and good points of Base Running bounce back from and perimeter of compound illness, helps with
metres - Use a flat overarm throw getting tagged, shapes the performance of
- Point at basemen getting out or the Student expectations: everyday activities
Bases loaded in 4’s all on bases - on command all To be able to explore and communicate with - Dive feet first, enabling the body to slide first Ask the students how they can  Evaluate performances of bases being loaded I am able to breakdown the and reduce risk
swing imaginary bat and sprint to team mates to eliminate batters - Make sure there is no body in front of the mat make the tasks easier / harder outwitting opponents using the shape and then use of/avoid obesity.
next base - add slide - Slide about 1 – 2metres away bases running skills techniques from other shapes
Second base 4 versus 4 – runner’s starts on To comprehend and grasp the importance of ↑ Batters and runners start on  Assess the mistakes made in  Create tactics to such as rectangles and
second base whilst others try to get communicating when on bases with team first base the games when bowling increase chances of triangles to calculate the
them home safely without being mates getting opponents perimeter
out. If get out – swap over out at second base
3v1 - 3 V 1 BATTER – tag out TRY TO To be able to confidently perform with - Use correct bowling, fielding, base work, and ↑ Try to tag them out on first  Batting skills assessed in the  Create tactics to English: Understanding
GET THEM OUT ON FOURTH BASE accuracy, the tag correctly and safely batting techniques base small side games increase chances of conventions of text, purpose
getting opponents and audience.
out at fourth base Objectives:
Game - Whole game – 9 V 9 To understand the rules and regulations - Up to 3 balls and strikes. ↑ Double tag results in all out  Coaches speaking and Pupils work Reading advice leaflets,
- 3 innings regarding scoring and rules, - If the ball is hit the batter runs ↑ Can only tag players out listening focused on together in devising websites and help guides.
- Equal teams To be able to officiate a large game correctly, - Fielders no closer than the edge of the tactics and strategies Write own advice website
understanding the laws of the game and diamond. Q & A : Are they performing the to outwit opponent page e.g. how to keep fit and
accurately replicate and perform the - If 3 strikes are bowled then they have to run shots and techniques at speed when bowling and healthy.
umpiring signals used - Try and turn body to hit ball around different with power to clear the fielding batting. Student expectations:
To incorporate previously learned skills and areas of the field team R✚ How do you Reading for meaning and
strategies into a full size game of Softball. - Hit ball down by rolling wrist bounce back from understanding of writer's
- Use correct bowling, fielding, base work, and conceding a run technique. Learning new
batting techniques vocabulary and technical
Leadership A mistake = drill - coaches create To incorporate the skills and techniques of Create a drill away from the game so that ↑ Do not use the same drill Make the drill challenging for R✚ Get the students terms.
& Coaching new drills for specific students once area of weaknesses into a small sided drill to students with weaknesses can practice to twice those students to achieve Writing for specific purpose
to break down large
they make a mistake in a game… enhance performances. develop these techniques accurately success. and audience using accurate
tasks into small,
working on it for two minutes: Set To improve their weaknesses in batting, spelling and grammar.
achievable goals.
up drills that work on batting, bowling and fielding. Q & A : How are they improving Skills:
bowling or fielding techniques their backing up skills Background research and
when mistakes arise within the reading.
games. Multiple-choice.
Officiating Officiate the Game To be able to officiate the Softball Game Use the correct signals Focus on the rules regarding  Analyse strength and R✚ To be able to Self//teacher assessed
correctly using the correct signals, Use the arms and body movements to stop the getting out, batting and fielding weaknesses in signals, calls, writing.
deal respectfully with
comments, scoring and techniques. action fairness and accuracy of decisions an incorrect decision
To use their knowledge / understanding of Get in the right positions to make accurate  Assess the decisions made by / call.
the skills and game to officiate to the laws decisions the umpire
and to the best of their ability fairly Be fair and constant
Cool Down The 2 students chosen to lead the To understand the importance of cooling - listen to and follow instructions of those observes students ability to Q & A on benefits of cooling R✚ Praise, reward,
cool down do so. down at the end of a session. leading the cool down lead the cool down down certificate resilience
To be able to lead a cool down - complete exercises and stretches
Active lifestyle & Social Guidance Have a network of friends; those with strong social support systems lead healthier lives.
Equipment Tennis Balls, Cones, Bats, spoon bats, Softball Sheets, Wind balls, Softballs, Gloves, Pen, Whiteboard, Video Player, Digital Camera, TV, Video, Tees, Score sheets, evaluation handouts
Healthy Lifestyles and well being Why are carbohydrates important for energy?

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