Sosa, Angel (2jd-A) - LTD Assignement 1

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Public. domain lel Ascerte _—Nilonds_of the pubic domain. woters. minerals. coal. petroleum, ond other minero) ols, all forces of potential energy. fisheries, forests, of Amber. whdlife, flora_and fomna. ond other natural reso Owned _by he State. a5 One Ihat_is_O nalive “ile. Cite the law and juris pridence svppatting native titles. ___ Native title refers 40 \CCo) Re’ pre conquest rights 40 lande.and _ domains held under a claim of private ownership as far back as ___memary_ Teaches. These lands are deemed never to have been ____ poli lands and are, indispviaioly presumed to have. been had anak _ ___wory since before the Spanisin Conquest. The concept of title native “ile) ia the IPRA was token From the 1404 case, of Carifio v. Incwiar Government. Carifio is _ __ the only case that specifically and categorically recognizes native, __ Fite. The said case wac orly cited by the succeeding caces 40 Suppor the _concept of acquisitive prescription under jhe Pic Land Act, ea conflict petweer Hiles 2 Why? There. ic no conflict between regalian doctrine. and the concept |_____ Presumed 40 be communal ) i Continvovs soe cate on eter See acca. oy Ane mermizers_of the come _\ € Opiian 40 secu ____4We_40 Aneir Oncestral lands ar govern he provisions of CA ac amended.or the \ond Registration Act 406. __ Tf the Nand is clasatied as forest Jand,14 cann ee te same_sMall_be recognized_only with the. i i of Bacestrol Domain Tile. or Certificate. of Ancestial. Land. The Nand i. clea owned following the indigenoy ot of _ownershie- us ES Under the Pubic. Lond Act, the Sresident upon the recommendation ‘of she Secretary of AgricwHure and Nowea Resources GooW DENR), chal Tove ane power 40 claraty lands of she puisic domain into:(1) alienable or deposabie 7 @) Aimer and (2) mineral lands. Seo.3, Article Xl of 1987 Consrntio public. doma hidn they may be devoted. The avthonty to reclascify_agricuttucal \ands ‘ako casi dential. ___commercial_o¢ industrial ic lodged. among ters, in cities and monicipaiities (Las). 1) oA Ae 2 The folowing are National _Agencies hat have mandates toicue Anes land deq)siration Avhooiy — is mandated 40 \sve. decrees Of regis\fation and Certificckes of Jislerand register document __Yorents ETC = landowners _2) Nation al Commission an Indigenowe People dda aie certificate of ancestral land) domain tite Bs iit —___ Generally, Torrens sytem is he sytem of regicrotion of Aranoactions with interest in land whose declared onject \¢, under ___gnvernmnertal_ authority, 40 establish and cenify 10 the ownership of on aosolite. ond indeaficivle, title to cedity, Gnd 40 simplify iis transfer. ___TWe under Ahe torrens system ic protected against posstthe _ —conflids. The registration of the same gives the pubhe the cigntt0_ rely, upon he face of the Torrens title. cand dispense, wit the need of Re reaiannd: His the _Dnperhy. = ae ee The owner does nor have additional rights when the tH claced under he, Torrens system. The gad sytem is not conidered og a mode af Aransfercing Ounership- Sty ond in tem Ore dicecied agaieh Ate Shiag:er poeerty — ~ ocsicius of a person and seek judgment with fespect theretoas _____agpinst the whole world. On the other hand, ackonsia petsonam _ ____ Ore directed against cpecific persone and seek pe judgment and such judgment is binding arly upon the parties pleaded The naive of proceeding in land registration is action in rem. Under Section 2, par. 2, Chapter \ of PD 1524 _ provide i “pat the CFI oc BIC. shalt Woy WSiNe_ jurisdiction aver all € 40 lands including ier 40_edr and of _BP Big. 1 provides the MelC, mic, Mor een csi nsconsicl and as feg\strahon care overing lots where there ix no controversy -Of-nppadinn Os —Conmested lon Inere Ahe VaWwe di which does noi exceed * 00, 000 om _Gedsions_of Ahe said courts in land _registeation ___D Where the tot foUgM 40 vereguiered isnobihe ated ___cubjed of comroversy ar opgosmon 2) Ane vaive of 4he tot contested does not exceed Piap,coo, _ Sod 0 sequicement be found lacking, the delegated _ ~ rodion can shih we. exercied provided that 1 qualifies to ether ___ one of the instances envmerated above. ha) Spare siles_are Royo! Grort, Te yy Purchase gecial Groct, Adjustment Tite . Legal Compromise and Ady possesson ofa land. va € acqviced througn Roya onces sion: ___Sponich Tile. Tilo Bopriedad No. AAG. “The second case —O Prayer +0 be dedaced_as administrator af the lands covered fay he Tilo. The same ended in 4he same manner os she ich cose. i. __Wheiner or_not, the. ‘Tuo, which a Sganich tile_con De_VWsed OS idence af land awnership. No. the Spanish tile can no longer te wed ar evidence of nd ownersnip. eee ___By_viewe of 2) 842 whidh took effed on Te Teno 14,106, the system of cegistichan under the Spanidn torigage Law was €_ac Grants should cave momhs fro 2 - Spann Ale can no lone ° Induitable evidence of land awnership

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