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—Sosa, Ange 0. peo A sight is vested when the cight 40 enjoument, precent oc _ = —Prospective, has become the property af come particular person i efi setae denietsen ered Peace sot = ey I ae eadaniiesevucuisatnaan the Supreme. Court dedared rights that are purely accidental _ —Siremstances Aha coniennion.praceedings-were. braught- der lands of the. public domain cannot defeata right olrendy verted vefoe Tae conc-ic. firt-inelidate racing shen gedeiy——_ a FS hss alin ctcas Inne nericecigie. a a Z NO, Ane _RD_connot refuse regisication. = _______ The. Consiintion. Seory. proseribes: on eracmen which impairs eee Ot Sacrcohie. OYPicatioN aver AcqviCed vested right. __ ———Thvs_in this cose, 442 corporation Waving been acquired — ___Ovested_cignt aver the \and, the prohibition of the view ad wiill_oot_affec Hs right. The QD's dvty ic now mlatterial 40 issve 3 ee een sie Cny eee Nae ee ere noe es ciicnbcatenccas ect. reveny. cannot cipen inl private: ownership: Richer, A patsesced the landinshe, concep of alesse, ulna she tom Cequices is shat posession mist bein he. concep of an owner: 4. AqOG_y. CUS) f Faw: aie Sediner nial. a-qerranee © 0. parcel. of ond with an_atea af abou 250 hectares, was avtarded_ __herein petitioners, were aered 4o vacate she same. Yeon the __ STA. Monica DEVEL __Ioas: The execu. fon recede aegtomt 2 court 1S = bectee.¢ on cd og ek eet of tile Ruling: Bas eld ana’ ane ands: ore agricultural. Ac. No. 426 N eh 103 Dut TOOK effeck_on July 26, 1404, was she Law applicable 40 ee yen ie amon oe eo fa ek “That _o_petson_wlno ad ‘oeen in-apen, Canim, e@xclusnie. and. nchoriows —__\eosk 10 years prior to. dane. tly 24,x004 Could getttion for Ane. tes: ee eee teteactncpaena, occupied (i senna ah 5 ia es that forest Soni alt iv ae sparen aac are cedasified and ee ancaiar =, Olignaile.. Forest lands ore incapavle of regisratign_and their inclusion \aa __ o. Mae whereas laches tetak atuediihte he fe joes Recs is Soir ish sie rescription ic Wasedag Fed time: laches is not CSpguses Oventaventura v. CA dnd Monet Realty, Ato) ____Aeession_is the fruits of .cadditions 40, 0c inprovements vpon, Bes Ltn Hees ps Nive of which the owner of 4 : ‘ ecfonis —_ __receives_addition mate. by 4he Water to. which he land ic contagion, he ay ra setters Sands. iano peat eainiaprinn a to 4he area lost, However, the owners af the lands adjaicing the ald bed Shall have tne right 40 acquire. ean faving the value snereof, ___ aren. 2 rea Oceupied ty the \ ; ‘oat a _—_foreshare \and. ———— Alia focnation along “he seashore is yar of the pibic Hsterad_ainersof foreshase-land.conoet ___ gee ware nck oo ___imnpaired oe diminished mun be Tespecied. But, insofar as the. Goverament : _ yay the _ ____ Fores’ charges, 0c royalties, 40 the newouner, A Uayersty,. ot the some cate. os provides for in tne Agreemem [ sil \o. ae ___D_INTERNANONAL BARDWOOD and VENEER CO. v. UNIVERSITY Bee OLAS PMCIOINYS: — ee S Faas: The President Sees Pro: No TA withdrawing from sale.oc —__ —O_ parcel of land of tne public domain for its experiment station: The —___ ____feseruation is withia the area covered oy \AVC's A\mber Nicene, ____ ______Thereafier, 1NUC filed 0 sulk 40 declare ve ee ee __—Supaniise. Ane Cuifiing ond removal of timber and other forest products __ in Ane orea covered py its subsisting license agreement, and 40 collect __ Pe cnt crecaactntmae ee Sinica a ‘oy Ane, ee eo gated. RAton velng_o polic forest — 2), Se ae ee eee soe MINDANAO MEDICAL CENTER v. CA Fads: On sonvary 22,102) , Bagenio de Jesus, fainer of Algandro, applied. _with Abe avec of Lons Sr Soyes Poverh of qi B~hecrares land. The read Doc 85 tetbe: ed Ick open. 40 wo dau Det .1960,_windanar Media ogi foc she Toccens segs _-doiming “gee. singe” 4Me 40 the land on the strength of Pac. No. 350 a _resersing the-area for medical ste, quipoet de Sesus opposed ne registration on ne grand thot his _-fosner nd ocqucel_ ves\ed_cight_an the svbjech lot by steve cf the Order of Anat ued to hin by she Diredor of Lands. The CL ovaried sne_r2q\sicatton_of_ Wok +0 Wenlondo madi¢d. “he CA modifigd 4pe cFi’s decision. Ee ee ee ee Issue: é Whether or not Ane Mindanao. Nedical Caner nog cegisteraiote S Milerner Ate snnverh Nant 7 suet fri ofan we he ad ei, Bud pgeeeho enn ata. “Yee simple” ee ‘in Savor of 2 REPUBLIC V. DOLDOL Facas: ——_Pomtacan since \954. on 1492, ne fied an application foc ——soltworks purposes for the said area ui the Dice ctor of Forestry Selected jhe same. ee ——________0n 1905, the Provindal Board of Mamie Oneal ack ——O_KecoWwtion feserving Lot Aq22 os school site included the area __ —ocenpied oy Doldol. : Lon Nev. 2, 107, shen President Conca Aqvino i6sved Proclamation No: 120 cesersing the area, ‘nduding the portion in dig pte, for Opal National High School. “Ie school made Severa) demands agoiar Deldol 4a vacate said portion, but he refused. a eee aie Hed a. ech pion him foe accion Ane. appellate. court ruled nah | Doldo\_ wos eae 4o ‘he oe ce Ae Jime: of Ane filing of the complain io 144. s = wei ig! a, Se ee : ee ____ Whether or not Deldol has Ane better eight to goSes the ot) Th she land 3 dinate pidic land md Dis open. coninsous. esctsWve_and_moterios gossession an} __ occupation of Ane some muss either (oe Since. time immenacia) _ a ae grescriloed in the Public Land Ach er Storied arly in 450, much \cher “han June 12,1449. Doldol cannct, therefore, assert a_cight_cuperior +0 the school , given ‘het then Pres Aquino had ceseried she \ch for Ool National High Scop).

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